MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 40 Reporting complaints

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Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾Is it not so proper?

I looked at the gauze hat worn by the other person, and I couldn’t see the appearance faintly, but it was more fascinating. She was too lazy to control the Changde government office, and ultimately did not speak much.

"It’s my sister," Qufusu’s voice was as sweet as ever, and even a little more soft. She scorned her knees slightly. “I didn’t want to meet my sister here.”

Originally, I also called myself Wang Shuo, and I exported a three-girl sister. I changed my name to the convenience. I was dissatisfied with the swearing between the song and the Changde government office. It seems that the song is just like her sister. .

"After such a festive season, I will go out and walk," Qu Quyi did not have the heart to say in front of the two princes and an unfamiliar woman, faintly opened this mouth, they stopped talking.

Qujou saw that she didn't want to say more, and she did not want to speak at random. She would no longer speak. It was obviously a woman who knew how to advance and retreat. This move made Qu Wei feel that Liang could raise such a daughter and pour it. It is also a miracle.

The four people suddenly quieted down, and no one spoke. Suddenly, the sky exploded a gorgeous fireworks. Qu Fu looked up and saw only the dazzling fireworks, and many people cheered.

Qujou also followed the look up, but only saw the bleakness of the disappearance of the fireworks. She was unwilling to look at it and looked down at the Rui Wang around her. The beautiful appearance of the other side made her slightly red cheeks.

"My brother has a painting on the riverside. It is better to go to the painting to enjoy the river lantern with the second brother and the second brother." He Yuan calmly said, "I heard that the fireworks that will burn up half an hour tonight will not be too noisy on the painting." Second brother, don't dismiss the younger brother's paintings." After that, there was a ribbon of arrogant smile on the face.

Hearing the other person’s mention of the painting, He Wei knows that this painting was made by the father’s special work department to the third child. Although he did not go up, he also heard others say that this painting is very beautiful. . Since the other party intends to show off, he is not good to refuse directly.

"So very good, the second brother can still have no chance to watch the younger brother's paintings. It is rare to encounter it tonight, but you have to disturb it." After that, he turned and took the hand of the frivolous hand and smiled: "On the river Lights, but also have a flavor."

Qu Shihao's index finger scratched his palm and nodded lightly.

He Yuan took advantage of the two people's love, and some greasy hands were behind him, and they looked away.

There is some emotion in the side of Qujou, and the big-sister, such a dull person, actually got the friendship of the king. Even the temper is stronger than in the past. It can be seen how much influence Duan Wang has on her. There is a feeling of envy in the heart, some acid and bitter.

Changde’s government office is not as good as one day, so I want her to enter the Swiss royal palace. Even if she can’t do it right now, she can at least be a emperor after she re-enters the king. If she gives birth to a son, she may have a bigger Blessing is behind.

Obviously, she has already accepted this path, but she is still uncomfortable when she sees that her eldest sister can walk with her.

Which woman in the world does not want to marry when Feng Guanxia, ​​why should wear the green waist skirt to become the servant of other men, and the man himself can not call him a husband.

The guards on both sides quickly squeezed the crowd around them, leaving enough space for the master to walk. The scorn and the sorrow walked in front, quite a big man traveling, and the feeling of avoiding others.

There are people selling snacks on both sides of the road. What Yuanxiao, Ma Wan, and hemp sugar have attracted many people to buy. She even saw a chubby child holding a bowl of hot sesame paste and eating it with relish.

Such a lively scene made her smile, pointing to a stall selling glutinous rice cakes. He said to him: "Wang Ye, it is smashed with sesame and peanuts on it, and it is very interesting."

He Wei looked at the inconspicuous stall. The seller was an ordinary couple. The two were over 60 years old, but they were very spirited.

"The things outside are not very clean, you can't eat more," he said, telling Qian Changxin to buy.

Qian Changxin was busy walking to the stall and gave a piece of copper to the stall owner. Even the bowl of spoons was bought. He carefully took the cake and walked to the front of He Wei. "Wang, the slaves made them add more peanuts." ”

He Wei nodded and took a bite after taking the bowl. The taste was average, but it was really a bit more interesting. He handed the bowl to the song, "Hey, don't blame me at night."

"It's not so delicate," Qu 裾 裾 接 接 接 接 接 , , , , , 反 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲 曲

Qian Changxin saw that the two masters went slower and slower, and silently bowed their heads. He did not see the way Wang Ye was in it.

A few pieces of glutinous rice cakes, the slaps of the spoon, put out the handkerchief and wiped the corner of the mouth: "The taste is not bad, I only saw someone selling tofu brain, but unfortunately walking on the road is really indecent."

"Let the chefs in the house do it for you," He said, throwing the bowl to Qian Changxin and rubbing the hand. "These gadgets are just a taste, but they should be fine."

Qufu nodded, a pair of princes, you are right, I will listen to you.

He Yuan, who was behind the two, was silent all the time. When he saw He Wei’s giving the Qu’s bowl, he had some accidents. They had been waiting for the dragons and grandsons. This Qu's has the ability to do the same thing for the second brother to wait for the waiter.

It is no wonder that the mother-in-law will say that she is fascinating, and she can make the second child confessed to five fascination.

People say that they are wives and wives, and that the second child has married such a wife, I am afraid that I can’t worry too much. Thinking of this, he looked up at the backs of the two, and it was good for such a woman to be a beautiful woman.

When they walked for less than a quarter of an hour, they walked to the side of the painting. The pier only stayed in He Yuan’s paintings, and even the guards guarded them. The other paintings stopped far away. Obviously they did not dare to have a collision.

He Yuan ignored the guards who gave him a salute, and led the couple to go on board. He walked with the people and said: "The painting has two layers, let's go."

Qu 裾 裾 found that even the handrails of the stairs are also engraved with a landscape painting, the stairs stepped on the foot is made of good red wood, stepping on it is as smooth as stepping on the flat.

He Wei walked in front, carefully pulling the frivolous hand up, and stayed upstairs before releasing her hand.

The window in the painting was open, and a set of tables and chairs was placed in the window. He Yuan took the two to sit down, and he sat on the side, and he was still standing on the track. "Mr. He knows the idea of ​​Changdehoufu. He doesn't have much interest in the three Misses. But if he is the sister of Wang Shuo, why don't he know the face of the second child?

His good second brother is not a deep affection for Wang Hao, and he will not be angered by her.

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 , , , , , , , , , 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着Alternative beauty.

"Cold night come to tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling red." He Yuan picked up the teacup, "two brothers, you might as well taste the tea on board?"

When Qu Weihao heard this, he felt that the husband and wife of Rui Wang had a hobby of tasting tea. Like her, who had no research on the tea ceremony, the most impatient is to listen to this problem. Pick up the veil, revealing the white chin, sneering and sipping a sip, then put the yarn underneath, and put the cup back on the table in an elegant posture.

“It’s quiet and elegant, and the lips and teeth are fragrant,” He Xi put down the teacup and smiled. “The days of the three brothers are so beautiful, I can’t find such a good thing for the second brother.”

"In the past, I didn't have to go to the DPRK. Naturally, I spent a lot of thought on these things." He Yuan smiled and laughed. "The second brother is busy, and there are people who are thinking about these things."

When he saw the other party mentioning the Chaotang, He Wei looked out of the window and looked back at He Yuandao. "The three brothers laughed, and the father was just on the air. After the four brothers found out the truth, the third brother was afraid. I have to be busy with the church."

"I hope that the four younger brothers can return to Beijing earlier and wash my brother's grievances." He Yuan looked like a helpless sigh, and turned to the side of the silent Qu Xuan Su, "I heard that Miss San is very good at art, I don't know Xiao Wang can have Honored?"

The face under the veil of Qujou was a stiff, slightly paused, put down the teacup in his hand, and smiled and said: "Twist a song, I hope you don't laugh." Then he got up and walked to the piano. Next, a string of bangs will be heard.

The smile on the face of He Wei is unchanged, and the heart is even more inconspicuous to the people in Changde’s government. Today, the scorn is the end of the king, and Qu Xuan as her sister is actually a song for the king, a grandfather’s house. The prostitute on the scene was actually rushing to be a servant. I really didn’t know whether it was scornful face or the facade of Changde’s government.

Qujou’s piano is really good. He listened to his ears and listened to him. He had a deeper understanding of He Yuan’s arrogance. He could play the role of his own two faces and let Qu Xusu play the piano for him. He did not see He Wei and his two eyes in his eyes.

The arrogant people often die early, scorn and sneer, and this means still want to be an emperor, it is a dream. And this Changde government office is really not enough to face, but fortunately, all the capitals of the city know that this end of the king is not close to the Changde government, otherwise they can afford to lose people, she can not afford to lose.

Qujou played a very famous song. Some people think that this is the first song of the ancient injury, but some people think that this is just a song depicting the landscape. In any case, this song is very strict on the piano. If there is something wrong with it, you can't pop up the connotation.

For the Guqin song, it is not a master, but she used to be a dancer. She is somewhat sensitive to the song. At least she can hear that when Qu Xuan played this song, the mood was not as good as expected.

"The music of Miss San is really extraordinary." He Yuan listened for a while and continued to drink tea. Suddenly, "I must have two pianos."

This was overstepped. Qu 裾 裾 裾 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不

This statement is extremely rude, and even did not leave a half-face to He Yuan. He Wei, who is sitting next to her, did not say anything. Obviously, I don’t think there is anything wrong with this.

He Yuan’s face showed a faint emotion. In fact, he was already aware of it when he spoke, but he used to be arrogant. He did not expect the second person to be so rude.

The heart took a sigh of relief. He looked at his eyes and saw that the other person didn't look very good. He had to raise the cup. "It is the younger brother who passed, please forgive me."

Qu 裾 裾 lazy end of the end of the cup, "three uncles." However, this tea is not drinking.

He smiled a little on his face and lifted the cup to He Yuandao: "The third brother, this tea is not wine, but don't drink alcohol and be drunk." Hehe's woman should have such a temperament. If this kind of thing has to endure, what is the reason for him to be a husband?

He Yuan Qiang squeezed out a smile and took a sip, but he felt that the tea in his mouth was unbearable, and he couldn’t keep up with his anger.

The author has something to say: Good afternoon, what? 2k novel reading network