MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 14 go to the moon

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This is the "Star Torch".

It also has an ancient name. That's right, it is the direct product of the "Artificial Heaven Project" arranged by Forty-two back then. The "Little Forty-Two" all over the world, the clones of Forty-Two.

After they matured, they were taken to various places to be used as base stations, forming a psionic network covering the whole world, which was used as the starting point of Zheng Fu's psionic "human will".

, it can be regarded as that with permission, Zheng Fu can extract the psionic energy of anyone within the scope of the psionic energy, and can also transfer it to another person-this "person" can not only be a real person, even if it is a machine or The same goes for warehouses. In other words, the essence of Zheng Fu's psychic energy is to "distribute and redistribute" all psychic energy under his control, just like the human government participates in the direct form of national income distribution and redistribution. Coordinating the power of the whole person to achieve miracles—this is the "Artificial Heaven Project".

Within the radiation range of the giant tower of the mind, people can carry out spiritual peace without delay. This means that if the "limitation of learning" restricts human civilization, it will also come to an end.

As mankind finds more truths and accumulates more knowledge, the time spent in the "learning stage" will also be extended. Start from the ground. Gradually learn the energy and price on the shoulders of giants. Human beings have been aware of all this since very early.

That's why the "discipline" was born. The refinement and simplification of knowledge has greatly reduced the cost of learning, but it can still only curb the increase in learning costs, not completely end him. The memory knowledge at the beginning can be transferred to the brain through the learning device. Students can memorize all text content without textbooks. And the gradual development of psychic power has also allowed people to rapidly improve their understanding ability.

It was indeed an unprecedented good time. But it is not the end.

In that era, there was no hunger or famine, but there were still poor people; there was no war and slavery, but there was still discrimination. Brewing in that beautiful era, besides dreams and hopes, there are also steel teeth that seem to be involved in illegal activities.

It's like Dr. Norbert, who's been picked up from the dump, physically disabled. Like the scientists of "Brahma", like the group of witches, like the warriors fighting against the Zerg, like the mercenaries wandering on the verge of death for survival and wealth.

Forty-two said, not enough. This era is already very beautiful, but it is not enough. It does not mean that everyone's life will be better when the era is better. Some people will always be forgotten by the times, abandoned by the times.

And based on the blood of the dawn, based on the flesh of the angel, that era finally came to an end. There is an understanding between people. The thinking of all scholars and researchers is connected and synchronized. The energy of researchers will no longer be conflicted and wasted. Whenever someone discovers something new, everyone will immediately get this knowledge. No time will be wasted for listening, learning, mastering, and comprehending . In the first ten years when the tower of the mind was just ignited, human beings easily created more brilliant achievements than the sum of the past two hundred years.

Although understanding itself does not weaken the war, the giant tower of the mind can connect the wills of all people, and the "angels" gather the spiritual energy of all human beings... thus realizing perpetual motion. The development of infinite energy and the development of the boundless sea of ​​stars - this is the real thing, ending the root of differences and wars.

Understanding is nothing to eat. Nothing can be done by understanding alone. In a sense, this new golden age was not pioneered by Forty-Two One.

One is because of everyone's trust in Forty-Two.

"That's the foundation of this era, Carl."

Zheng Fu stared at the huge portrait, and said softly: "This is a proof of trust between people. Everyone gives their spiritual energy to the "Astronomical Torch" for free, and the Astronomical Torch stores a part of the energy and a part of it. Energy is fed back into the city. Whether it is power generation, mining, or food production, it all depends on the rationing of the Astrotorch.

And it has an even more important purpose—

Not long ago, Zheng Fu just realized that psychic energy does not "move within the range covered by the astronomical torch". Even if the areas of the two "human wills" are not connected, they can still transmit spiritual energy to each other. The nature of this hyperspace is undoubtedly the safest guarantee for human beings to step into the cosmic era.

Psychic energy can be transferred between the coverage areas of these two nodes without hindrance... This means that if the psionic energy is written into information, then even if human beings explore the farthest end of the universe, they will not lose contact with the earth; And if spiritual energy can be used to form matter, it means that human beings can build a defense platform in any fringe place in an instant.

Although these two abilities are still being studied by psionic scholars. But people still found a feature.

Psychic teleportation platform.

It is not material transmission, but consciousness transmission. In this era, human beings are no longer restricted by their physical bodies. If human beings choose to travel to the developed areas, they can choose a new way of travel "Consciousness Roaming". In simple terms, it is to scan their own body data and send it to the destination. It is made in advance by the destination, or directly rented. Then, through the teleportation ability of the Astro Torch, they will be "resurrected" on that body. The body they are using now will be frozen and fall into a deep sleep, waiting for the return of consciousness.

Those big men, if the psionic energy is not enough to achieve the hip-planet-level leap—of course, there are only a handful of demon gods who can do this now except Zheng Fu—then they have to make their own bodies on that planet in advance, Transfer your consciousness when you need it, and sleep when you don't. This can greatly reduce the time cost of interstellar travel.

And this also means that human beings' ability to deploy on the battlefield has reached the extreme. Just like the crystal tower of the Protoss—even in the most remote and lonely depths of the galaxy, as long as the scientific research ship has an astronomical torch and a manufacturing mechanism for synthetic human soldiers. The most elite psionic warriors may be teleported to them by the Astro Torch at any time.

"I need you to go to the moon through the astronomical torch."

Zheng Fu said: "I mean... use the body I provide you."