MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 16 I'm Abaddon

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As the ice-breaking sound gradually sounded, the azure blue "coffin" suddenly slammed into and out of a large white crack. The clear and translucent water cube became blurry in an instant, and the turbid white mist floated up like a spring, and gradually solidified slowly.

There were two more bumping sounds, and thicker and thicker white cracks spread across the thin ice before it was finally smashed from the inside. The moment the opening opened, a hand quickly stretched out from the ice surface, grabbing the rapidly melting ice surface. Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the edge and slowly dragged his weak upper body out.


Carl coughed and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

The moon's ice cap is too strong! He could barely move the hammer.

Of course, he also knew that this was impossible—after all, his consciousness had already entered this body. The ice layer had already begun to dissolve itself at a high speed since then. If he really doesn't have the strength to hammer the ice water layer, it will open up by itself sooner or later. Then, his body would be pushed up by the solidified glue, and he would float up to the surface of the water. This layer of ice is so strong that it is necessary to prevent the resurrection unit from being damaged in an unexpected situation.

The clear azure blue liquid is a torso preservation liquid with an extremely low temperature that can stagnate most of the body's functional activities, and there is still a sufficient amount of nutrient liquid in it that can be used for twenty years.

Until the correct wave of psionic energy enters the body, it will unblock the bodily functions and awaken the human being from hibernation. Let the person start breathing again, the heartbeat gradually returns to the normal frequency, and then the person gains strength, and will struggle subconsciously—this is to prevent misjudgment of the psionic energy waveform. For example, if the main body uses psionic energy not far away, it will also activate the password device. If the body is unblocked for this reason, it will easily happen that the unsealed torso will die in the pool for no reason.

After all, the torso used by the resurrection has no self-awareness. In this era, the organ used by human beings to store memory is no longer the brain but the crystal on the forehead. This makes the memory no longer restricted by the zone body, and everyone can freely replace the memory into the allowed container.

Once this liquid is stirred, the powerful hypnotic anesthetic ingredients in it will quickly stagnate. The external manifestation is the white turbid thick fog that rises up. But if it's just a little waste in the process of transportation, it will turn into azure blue again after they are re-settled. Until it comes into contact with the outside air, the dormant seedlings in the preservation solution will quickly inactivate, and in turn become a kind of colloid that can adapt the skin to the local air humidity conditions.

After all, the body used for his resurrection may appear anywhere. It is not ruled out that after working on the earth for 20 years, and then moving to work on Mars, and then moving their resurrection body to Mars, even if they are on the same planet, resurrection in the tropics or Antarctica is different. Because of the diverse possibility of resurrection points, scientists have developed a new kind of psionic flora, which can be regarded as a bionic structure of Zerg. Just like what the Zerg eat as food, they will evolve efficient organs for collecting this food. These psychic flora use the incorporeal dormancy and resurrection as the host to continuously optimize immunity and improve environmental adaptability. Like the adaptation of the gut chisel colony, this is a special skin-based colony. The difference is that they are completely artificial. This almost allows humans to avoid most diseases. It can even quickly repair some superficial injuries and decompose toxic and harmful substances in the body. And the procedure for transplanting it to the body is also very simple, that is, when it is born or just resurrected, just soak it in the bread. You don't need to soak your whole body. You only need to soak more than half of it, and it will be able to cover the epidermis of your whole body within a week after resurrection. He slowly lifted his body up from the pool. The clear and cold liquid of the experiencer gradually becomes warmer, and the touch feels more and more like broken jelly. Breathing gradually calmed down. At this time, Carl realized something was wrong.

- He seemed to be thrust into a woman's body.

It is like the body of Karl who has just been resurrected, and there is no hair on his body. Its skin is fresh and milky white, its limbs are slender, and there are not many muscles on its body. The chest is tall and soft, and there is no trace of fat on the abdomen.

"Damn it."

Carl muttered to himself.

In the past several times in his life, it is not that he has not entered a woman's body. He didn't have any opinion on this matter itself, but he was a little surprised to be reborn into such a body without warning, what was his mission? To use such a body to be able to easily hit the same point with three punches when eyes are closed-this is actually not a very simple thing. You know, the head alignment is different when the eyes are open and when the eyes are closed. In other words, this body should not be used for fighting. Its specialized ability should be "precision".

What are you going to do?

Zheng Fu didn't make it clear to him. Of course, I didn't dislike this weak body too much. According to Karl's experience. Although women are weaker than men in muscle, their senses are much sharper. When Karl was in the third life, in order to go to Mars to take part in some temporary work, he was reincarnated into the body of a female soldier designated by the religion. That keen feeling is still unforgettable to him. Not only is the pain under the same wound much lighter than that of a male body, but her skin is even another receptor, her nerves are sharp, and her desire to hit is strong. With the blessing of Karl's psychic power, she could keenly feel the flow of air. It was like seeing a bug jumping with her eyes. It is rare to be able to give birth in an atmospheric environment... and at this time, the monthly menstrual period of the female body will make his combat effectiveness drop sharply.

You have to get used to it.

Carl came to this conclusion.

She clenched her fist slightly, but found that she still couldn't hold it tightly. So she continued to slump in the "bathtub", staring blankly at the ceiling, waiting for the body to gradually recover its strength. Even in the power-off period, you can easily walk and clench your fists. This is a strong, trustworthy body.

"Are you the helper that father said?"

A young voice sounded behind her.

Carl didn't bother to cover his body, but turned his head slightly. She saw a young man in a simple and thick black robe, holding a black scepter, walking towards her like an ancient priest. That was Carl's first thought. Hey, this look is kinda cool.

Carl thought again.

The young man has bright golden vertical pupils, and the black robe on his body is also covered with dark red runes - that is some kind of ancient writing, generally speaking, it is some words of praise for King Solomon . He held out his hand to Carl, showing a standard perfect smile.

"Introduce yourself, ma'am."