MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 21 dribble

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Yastaru was slightly taken aback when he heard that. Did the adults do anything special to the moon?

But if Zheng Fu did anything special, she should have heard of it. After all, Zheng Fu would never hide anything from her... No, Zheng Fu did not hide anything from her. But there was also one thing that was ignored by her because she was too wild and unconstrained. Yastaru never thought that it could have something to do with beheading tactics.

Yastaru raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Zheng Fu, who was lying in front of the astronomical telescope and concentrating on fiddling with the machine: "My lord, you mean... the main battery of the God Realm?"

If the moon has any notable abilities besides the satellite-level automatic defense platform controlled by the newborn daughter, and Abaddon who is on standby on the moon, then it is only the fort. The main turret that was taken out of the God Realm was as large as a quarter of the moon in volume alone. With such a large volume and mass, no matter where it is placed, it is not very convenient, and it may cause some unpredictable disasters. But if you just put it in the God Realm, it won't be able to complete the charge. It was before, like its subject, stuck in the gap between the Material Plane and the Mountain. Here, Ruan Fa in the entire God Realm is charged, not to mention that it is a mere main runner.

So Zheng Fu could only take it out...and put it inside the moon.

In order to accommodate this main cannon, Zheng Fu even dispatched Abaddon. And it's not the Abaddon in the angelic state, but its body. He forced his silly son to eat him for three hundred days, and a huge crater was gnawed out on the surface of the moon. And after a big hole was dug out in the moon, Zheng Fu stuffed the main cannon into the moon. Pure biological excavator, green and environmentally friendly.

While feeding the silly son, it can also effectively avoid the problem of space junk, and at the same time avoid garbage sorting-if someone manages the garbage sorting of space junk. Just eighty years ago, Zheng Fu had considered whether to transfer the stupid son's body back. After all, the essence of this matter was still to take out the garbage directly from upstairs to downstairs. That is to say, there is no one downstairs now, so no one will jump out to express any dissatisfaction. But it is also uncertain where the garbage will go. It is not certain that some foreign guests will jump to the solar system in the future and be covered with space garbage on the spot, which would be a shame.

Bionic Shanghainese don't even dream about space junk.

It was thirty years ago that Zheng Fu canceled this idea. Its current name is Matter Unit Decompressor. Its specific function is to soak and assimilate small-sized substances by the concentrated solution of psionic energy through the infusion and assimilation of psionic energy. That is to say, to transform matter into spiritual energy. The garbage must first be compressed and crushed multiple times, and then passed through the processing pool of the psionic concentrate. The part of them that is difficult to be impregnated but polluted by psionic energy is essentially equivalent to the impurities in the soul.

It can be gathered and launched to the curtain, and after filtering, part of it will be fed back to the mountain, while the impurities will fall into the gray mist; the purer part will be crystallized and collected as an energy reserve. Here I see Ruo turning back the money. Although it is still far from making up the shortfall.

One and you have to pick it up from the trash yourself. "yes."

Zheng Fu just smiled and didn't speak. He just focused on playing with Ruoluke's astronomical telescope, slowly adjusting the data, and locked the observation position from the moon to Jupiter. The functionality of this astronomical telescope is very powerful. It is about 3 feet high, and near the ground is an operation table with many knobs, and there are several small knobs on the side. Also consciously plugged into F. After all, it was invented around Qianxi. It was already equipped with weak artificial intelligence, fully automatic assisted focus and thought control system. It was around two thousand years ago. The "Space Watchtower" that started to be produced is a hyperspace observatory that uses psionic technology as the core, uses apocalypse and dream spells, and observes the environment in extreme distances across distances and saves its records.

"Do you want to look at the stars, my lord?"

Yastaru realized something. She paused, and said: I can take you to the universe to see. Although I have already lost my body, but with my jumping speed, breaking away from the gravity of the earth is also softly rejected by Zheng Fu. For Zheng Fu, if he really wants to see the stars, it can be said that there are ways to do it. There is no need to use this old model of astronomical telescope.

He just looked at the picture in the astronomical telescope, and said in a low voice: "In the world I used to live in... the stars in the sky can only be seen with this thing. At least for me, this is the case. Nothing to do.

After all, you have known from the very beginning that the earth is just one of countless planets... The five adults may have shown you pictures of other planets from the very beginning. Maybe you can still experience it, or touch it yourself.

"But it is impossible for me to touch the stars. This is not an ideal or a dream—it is a fantasy. Contacting the stars is a feat that mortals cannot accomplish. Zheng Fu murmured in a low voice: " So, after coming to this world, I have already made up my mind.

"Four thousand years from now, I want to fly to the sky and touch the stars with my hands. This is my true desire... just as I want to eradicate conflict, eradicate famine and plague, and make people live forever.

"This is my sincere wish. From the bottom of my heart." Yastaru said softly. She stood docilely behind Zheng Fu, standing there like a shadow.

Now, as long as the Zerg is defeated, there is nothing I can do. My children are so competitive. I don't know what else I can expect from them... I can only take them to space, and I want to go deeper. Show them a newer, farther world.

...But how to accompany the Zerg Queen across such a long distance? Yastaru blinked blankly, and couldn't help asking: Zergs are beasts side by side, they are very cautious, and the core of the population will never enter any physical strike range.

"That's why we beheaded."

Zheng Fu replied: My current plan is that we will take it and behead it when the time comes. Yastaru was at a loss for a moment, and then immediately understood what Zheng Fu meant.

He wants to take the main running platform to behead? ?

"But, but is it such a freshman?!"

These words beyond the common sense of a demon **** deeply shocked Yastaru, causing her to cry out like a small animal.

"Yes," Zheng Fu added, "to be precise, we are going to take the entire moon to participate in the beheading operation.

"We will bring the moon into the mountains, forget about using the planet as a boat, this line is not very auspicious. In short, we are going to hit people with the ball."