MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 32 poor guy

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Seeing the unknown man call out his real name directly, Gabriel smiled instead of being surprised. She muttered in a low voice, the golden-green light in her eyes shone purely. Yes, these hermits know that they exist for granted—they were the ones who tried to take their bodies away. And that man came for himself, and even prepared for it... and even longer, it would be too arrogant to say that they would know nothing about the victim of their own conspiracy.

Gabriel was just silent, watching the strange man who had never appeared in the database of the newborn daughter.

He was wearing a simple black shirt, and his lower body was quaint brown breeches and sneakers. His hair has not been carefully taken care of, and there are still some purple-blue epilepsy marks on the skin on his face.

He is holding a lady's microwave gun in his hand, a special weapon made more than two hundred years ago to fight Zerg, and it is extremely deadly to humans: just aim, after all, microwave weapons cannot Distinguish between friend and foe, and the resistance of Zerg to high temperature is much stronger than that of humans. As a result, follow-up research on microwave weapons was quickly cancelled.

The body structure of bionic people ensures that they have excellent resistance to this kind of attack. For them, the flesh is just a decoration, which belongs to the "skin" that can be changed at any time in order to maintain beauty, so that they can survive The key is the liquefied nanoscale chip. They remain in body fluids, and it is difficult to kill them even if they are irradiated with microwave weapons. Although Gabriel was ready for battle, almost no one died as a result. Even those bionics who were shattered and shattered on the ground just fell into a protective state and passed out. If Gabriel really wanted to kill them, she would at least make another stab at them and burn them...the bodies with psionic fire...or shatter them a little bit more because at that time, she still hoped that she was here to "talk".

But it's clearly different now. Gabriel, who has been trained in professional armaments knowledge, clearly knows what this means—that he can easily take out this banned weapon, and it doesn't look like an antique two centuries ago, but a newly manufactured weapon. Model weapon.

If he dared to use this weapon to reveal his identity in front of him, it meant that they were already fearless about it. Don't even think it's something to hide.

"What else do you have to say now?" Gabriel's voice was cold and distant.

Damn traitors...

They don't have any kinetic weapons in their hands, they are almost all stun guns, which makes perfect sense. The bullet pierced the head or the heart, such wounds are meaningless to the android. The electric shock gun is one of the very few weapons that can cause strong lethality and lethal effects on bionics, and it is normal to keep it in Yuelin City.

But the rest of the weapons... are not quite right either.

It is clearly seen that there are at least five or six microwave weapons of different models and sizes, and some electric shock guns specially used to subdue humans. And there was a man with a horn-like elongated weapon—it seemed to be some kind of sonic weapon that Gabriel hadn't even heard of. All of them are weapons used against ordinary humans.

Such clear hatred and hostility made Gabriel give up directly. Even though she was pointed at by these deadly weapons, she still stubbornly raised the gun in her hand. She once endured the pain of being eaten and chewed raw by the Zerg, and was half melted by strong acid. She installed a positioning device in the body of a giant Zerg; she also hacked sixteen bugs to death with a native official's decorative saber when her heart was pierced by poisonous nails, before finally swarming up and eating them all do. Gabriel never thought of himself as possessing any extraordinary talents. If she really had that kind of thing, she wouldn't have been eliminated by the AI ​​in the first place. She also won't be a little gangster and lose everything overnight.

The reason why she joined the army in the first place was not a lofty reason such as "for mankind", "for glory", or "to protect the homeland". She just wanted to die.

She wishes she could live a more exciting life.

She wants to live.

She wants to shine.

Her heart was burning so fiercely that it burned everything in her and turned into brilliance.

Gabriel has what talent to say. That is, she has never been afraid of death, but she has never been greedy for the ease of death. She is not afraid of death at all—on the contrary, she is the most vicious hellwalker. Since 2, if this life is worth a hundred thousand, she spoke slowly, sounding like she was begging for mercy. But the strong murderous intent in her words made the atmosphere cold and silent.

"Yes, I know you are stuck with you."

Even the man who had never appeared on the earth couldn't help but be overwhelmed by Gabriel's killing intent. He remained silent for a while, and even couldn't help but take half a step back.

His tone was a little weaker, and he took half a step back, but he still maintained his demeanor: "Do you want to know what we want to do, Kazhi? Do you really want to become this ridiculous look?" Just rebirth That's all! What else did they give you? If rebirth is just to work for others again, doesn't that mean that you can't ask for death? Our life should be free, people live for 3! You have been busy all your life, and you have paid for others in several lifetimes. What have you got?

Even if you voluntarily invest in the Astronomical Torch, you won't get any benefits from it, and you won't be thanked by others for it! Do you really take this for granted? You don't think such a society is as good as heard, Gabriel was stunned. Staring at him blankly, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Gabriel's face. The smile that bloomed on that radiant face, even the cold steel can't help but be distracted. But what she then slowly spit out were words that were almost pitiful.

You actually gathered for this reason?

"Your hatred is these things? What you want is to break these things?"

She replied calmly: Well, my answer is: Yes.

"We are fighting for the same goal, human beings are like family. There is no need to separate each other. Those who yearn for rest, throw themselves into the Astronomical Torch, not because they are forced to, nor because they want to sell themselves to get more The upside is that they know they feel sorry and guilty about not being able to be with their relatives, friends, and everyone else, and they intend to do their last bit to make it easier for those they loved.

"He once said that people live in order to suffer. And the meaning of their life is the suffering they have suffered."

"These great people suffered and sacrificed for the sake of future generations, not because they hoped that future generations would give them something in return. They knew very well in their hearts that people cannot be resurrected after death."

"They can give everything for others, not for profit, but for love. How much profit can buy the soul of a great man, so that he can give his life for the work he doesn't want to do? What they get is what they get. something you're after?"

"It is love! It is precisely because of their love for others, the people, and mankind that they will devote their entire souls to this! The sages of the past are like this, and we are also like this when we throw the Astronomical Torch."

That is not a pit of fire to hell, but a shortcut to heaven.

Bailie said so.

"They love the world so much, love humans. They want to give their all for such a beautiful world, rather than the world taking their souls. You've been..." Gabriel didn't because The other party's ignorant and ephemeral remarks, but there is no hostility or hatred towards him.

She just feels poor.