MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 48 flower of hope

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Even so, the queen is still alive.

Even if the physical body is annihilated. Her own will alone is enough to keep her alive.

The scarlet spiritual energy is like raging fire and a boiling ocean, spreading endlessly throughout the entire universe. The whole month is lit with a blazing fire. Cities made of steel are like flimsy plastic in flames. Continuously twisting and collapsing, fragmented and melted into ashes. On the contrary, the underground city is composed of the vines of the newborn daughter, reflecting the light of powerful spiritual energy and blocking the flames. Let the fire spread downwards unsustainably. All the substances ignited by her are decomposed and reorganized by her, turning them into the cornerstone of her own rebirth. The surrounding bugs reacted and began to move closer to the queen's remnant soul. They can completely donate the substances that make up the body, supply the queen, and make her regenerate. Zheng Fu quickly realized the current predicament. He raised his hand, wanting to connect his soul directly with the Queen, and use that infinite kindness and hope to overwhelm the other party's will. But just when he raised his hand, Zheng Fu suddenly paused. The sky-high white giant suddenly shattered and dissipated, and a cloudy iridescent light welled up in his eyes. The skin belonging to Gabriel also instantly became transparent, revealing the iridescent internal organs and bones inside. Looking at the end of the universe that turned into nothingness, Zheng Fu only felt a strong emptiness and exhaustion flooding his heart. For the first time in his life, he actually felt such a strong "tiredness". It didn't come from the fatigue of the body at all, or the emptiness when the spiritual energy was exhausted. But mental exhaustion.

It wasn't that Zheng Fu's strength was exhausted in the previous blow.

Rather, it is quite the opposite. Just at the moment before the pause, Zheng Fu seemed to have experienced thousands of different lives, watching different worlds reach the end thousands of times. That is so true thousands of different lives. He embraced hope every time, but each time he only ushered in an irreversible and different end.

Even so, his hope did not fall into despair in thousands of reincarnations. On the contrary, it is stronger, like a fortress made of steel, unmoved by other people's will and external reality.

But also because of this, when his consciousness came back here. Only then did he suddenly realize that those thousands of reincarnations were nothing but dreams, and he was not experiencing the despair of reincarnation. His world is full of hope, and all the pain he has personally experienced exists here. This is the holy land of those 100 million different civilizations. The future he hoped for and longed for, he had already achieved it long ago, and he has always held it in his hands. The cold wind did not break his soul, the hunger and thirst did not break his will, and the darkness could not confuse his mind even for a moment. But after all the sufferings came to an end, this beautiful world made him doubtful.

Zheng Fu even had an illusion for a moment, unable to confirm whether he had come to another dream again.

Is such a beautiful world really mine? This was originally a wonderful thing. But now that the battle situation is tight, Xu Fu is unable to move his body, let alone prevent the Queen's rebirth. At this moment, the fanatics moved. At the moment Zheng Fu hesitated, the warriors who were waiting under the surface of the moon had already read Zheng Fu's heart. Without any delay or misunderstanding, they immediately understood their mission and what they needed to do at this moment. On the burning moon, which is constantly disintegrating and collapsing inward, golden meteors pass through the ground that has long been burned and decayed, heading towards the sea of ​​insects formed from up, down, left, and right. Fearless launched a charge. They did not shout any slogans, and did not hold any ceremony.

Because they don't need to be emboldened, and they don't need to boost their morale.

They live for it. It just silently ignited the brilliant golden flame, sending out a desperate and desperate charge towards the almost endless number of enemies. Every zealot ignited his own body, stirring up the golden flames. Even in the vast universe, with the sea of ​​insects as the background, their bodies look very small.

even so.

They just returned one of them to Zheng Fu. They want to give more if they can. It's a pity that Zheng Fu's love for them made him only accept this one and only sacrifice. Acid weapons flooded the sky and covered the sky. Unlike the weak counterattack of the Zerg on Pluto, this is a terrifying weapon that can corrode the moon into holes that can be seen in the universe only by its aftermath. The red psionic energy is constantly burning the psionic energy they use to protect their bodies. As long as they are exposed to the barrage for a moment, their strong and sacred bodies will melt and crack. Countless zealots have been killed by precise point shots in the air, or burned to death by the raging fire that filled the air before reaching the target of their charge.

Yet they were still charging forward, charging. Even if nothing is done, even if they all know. I will fall on the way to charge. They are not suffering, not even joy - because they are all aware. One's own combat power and destructive power are not meaningless things. The enemy is afraid of them, and it is precisely because they have the meaning of existence that they will receive such a terrifying cover blow.

A few seconds later, the Angels of Dawn followed suit.

As the pale golden light gradually rose from the flames, the burning flames on the moon gradually extinguished. They touched their hands, and the golden light formed a spherical shield, which protected the moon, or Gabriel, who was in possession of Zheng Fu's spiritual body. After completing this step, they left from the ground, stood on the surface and stretched out their hands, sending a bright beam of light towards the crimson spirit body of the Zerg queen. The light beams drawn by everyone are ten meters thick.

But again, it's so tiny against the backdrop of the universe that it's not even noticeable.

But that's just the power of one person.

Tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the calling beam rushed out of the mountain and even exceeded 100,000 meters. The extremely painful soul roared, and the spirit body was struggling to heal, but there was a golden light stuck on the two halves of the body. Grind out the fragments of the spirit body. The pain and sacrifice of the zealots were not meaningless - just after the angels of Dawn made a successful blow and broke the previous stagnant situation, some zealots finally rushed to the front of the sea of ​​insects that came together .

Then, his body was suddenly covered with golden cracks, and golden fire gushed out.

In an instant, like a supernova explosion, an extremely bright golden nova spread out, sweeping out a large gap in the sea of ​​insects. And the other fanatics rushed to a similar distance. The safety switch has already been turned on. After being irradiated by other zealots, their bodies also began to be covered with cracks, and it didn't take long to rush forward and turned into a golden circle, sweeping away the surrounding Zerg. Blossoming flames of life bloomed in space, forcefully pushing back the endless sea of ​​insects that had gathered.

That was an extremely bright, brilliant victory!

That is the pride of meeting an angel with a mortal body!

This offensive at any cost lasted less than twenty minutes, and the fire of life that was constantly blooming like fireworks began to become sparse. But that's enough. Because of Zheng Fu, he finally woke up.