MTL - To My Dear Mr. Huo-v5 Chapter 64 : Let me hug for a while, just fine

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Biquge, the latest chapter for my dear Mr. Huo!

With a little force, she pushed Ling Yan away and turned to open the door, intending to leave from here.

Ling Ye stopped her waist and trapped her between himself and the door panel.

"Even if you think it's flattering. That's true. Su Peizhen, don't link all my behaviors into calculations, and make them purposeful. Can't you?"

"You have no purpose?" Su Pei smiled, her eyes were very gloomy: "If you have no purpose, what you have to do now is to roll back to China instead of appearing here."

"Yeah. I have a purpose. My purpose is to start with you again. Isn't it OK?"

"No." Su Peizhen shook his head, his expression indifferent: "I don't want you to start again. Because we never started."


"I said wrong?" Su Peizhen raised her eyebrows and looked slightly cold. "The two of us were wrong at the beginning. You were calculating, I was ignorant. Since both were wrong at the beginning. Where did they start?"

Ling Yan was angry, but there was no refutation.

Seeing Su Peizhen reach out to open the door, he still did not give up.

"How did it start, is it so important?" Grabbing her hand, his gaze was reluctant: "Even if it wasn't very good at the beginning, let's make the ending better, can we?

"Not important to you, but important to me."

When she broke free, opened the door, left, and stopped at the door when she closed it.

"Ling Ling, for you, you have become a habit of being superior. You take certain things for granted, but I want to tell you. Things in this world are not what you want."


The door opened and closed. Su Peizhen went back to his room without looking back.

When entering the door, Xiang Caiping just cleaned up and planned to take a bath.

"How do you say?"

"Alright." Su Peizhen squeezed a smile. Xiang Caiping is not Li Qianxue. She couldn't confuse the two with each other: "Tomorrow we'll go to Nara. The hot springs over there are good, and there are a few views."

"Okay." Xiang Caiping was very happy. "It's good to follow my daughter."

The thick pride in her words made Su Pei really want to say that she would go back to her country and swallowed back: "Mom, you can take a bath. I'm tired after playing for a day. Get early."

"it is good."

Xiang Caiping went to the bathroom. Su Peizhen was sitting on the sofa in the room, looking at the darkened sky outside the window.

Although she has made it clear today, Ling Yan will definitely follow tomorrow.

She didn't want Xiang Caiping to see it, and she didn't want Ling Ye to be proud. Just what to do now?


When Su Peizhen and Xiang Caiping got up in the morning to go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, they found Ling Ling was also there.

"Ama. You're early."

Xiang Caiping greeted him very warmly. Ling Yan was rejected by Su Peizhen yesterday, and now there is no abnormal color on his face.

"Auntie, you too early."

Xiang Caiping was going to sit down, and Ling Ye diligently pulled her a chair. When Su Peizhen was going to sit down, he walked behind her and pulled the chair behind her.

Su Peizhen stood there like that, instead of sitting down in a hurry, he looked at him coldly.

Her attitude was too direct, and even to Xiang Caiping saw that something was wrong.

"Pei Zhen?"

Su Pei really tickled her lips: "It's okay, Mom, I just feel embarrassed."

"Yeah. Grandma is very polite." Xiang Caiping smiled, obviously satisfied with Ling Mao: "I'm so embarrassed."

"How could that be?" Ling Ye smiled and came to the place opposite them and sat down. "One of the three great things in life is knowing one's hometown. It is a great fate to see a Chinese in a foreign country or a fellow. "

"Right." Xiang Caiping nodded, approving.

Su Pei didn't want to talk anymore. She felt that she would continue to develop this way, and when Xiang Caiping returned to Rongcheng, she was afraid Ling Ling would become her other son.

It seemed Ling Ling was not affected by Su Pei's cold face at all. After eating rice, I was quite polite waiting for Su Peizhen and Xiang Caiping to clean up. They are going to Nara next.

After Su Peizhen and Xiang Caiping packed their luggage and went downstairs, they found that Ling Ye had arranged the car.

"Pei Zhen said yesterday, I arranged the car." Ling Yan sat in the position of the co-pilot, turned his face and looked at Cai Ping: "Auntie, you can sleep for a while. Here is the point of Nara Time, you can rest in the car. "

"Okay. Grandma, you are so careful."

Su Pei really pulled the corner of her mouth and turned her eyes out of the window. She didn't want to answer this.

She said yesterday to Nara, not just casually. Instead, she had already arranged it, but now it was just two days ahead.

However, it was only after Nara found that Ling Ling had other arrangements. Take them directly to a hot spring hotel.

The environment of the hot spring hotel is very good, better than the one originally set by Su Peizhen. Su Peizhen wanted to refuse. But yesterday she told Xiang Caiping that she had arranged with Ling Yan.

Helpless, I had to live here.

After lunch, I took a break and said to Cai Ping that I was going to go to the hot spring.

There are only seven rooms here, all of which need to be booked in advance. The hot spring is introduced indoors. Koike was steaming.

Su Pei's face was steamed slightly red, but it was because of anger.

She glanced at Ling Ling who was going to have a hot spring with them, and stood in front of him while Xiang Caiping was changing clothes.

"Ling Ling, my patience is limited."


"Either, you leave now. Or, I tell my mom directly what you did."

Looking at Ling Ye's dull face, Su Peizhen moved her body slightly towards him, her voice was very soft.

"Ling Ling, my mother recognized me halfway through. I am very upholding you. If you let her know what you have said and done, she won't hit you with a broom?"


She knows, Ling Ye also knows.

Ling Yan gritted his teeth, his face gasped: "Su Peizhen, do you have to be like this?"

"Yes. I must do this." Su Pei really didn't want to see Ling Yan: "I endure you until now, it is the result of extreme control. If you continue this way, I can't promise, what I will say, do What. By the way, I forgot to tell you that it's not me who can't hear the three words of labor reform. It's my mother. "

Suddenly Ling Ye's face changed. He stepped back and looked at Su Peizhen like this.

"You must be so terrific?"

"I must learn from you."

Ling Yan's hand on the side clenched tightly into a fist, he stared at Su Pei's real face, and finally nodded heavily: "Okay, good, you are cruel. However, I can not follow it, but I will not Just leave. "

"You can try it." Su Pei straightened her back, her eyes did not fluctuate: "Can I be more fierce. After all, when it comes to fierceness, I can't beat you."

Still, she's learned hard from him now.


When Xiang Caiping came out again, he didn't see Ling Yan again. She was still a little puzzled. Su Peizhen stepped forward and took her hand to take her to the peace room.

"Mom, we are all women, he is a man, it is inconvenient. Let's go."

"Also." Xiang Caiping didn't think about it and followed Su Peizhen to the hot spring.

Su Peizhen raised her lips. Ling Ye, do you think my mother could please me?


Su Peizhen did not retreat, and Ling Ye was concerned.

The next journey remains the same. Regardless of how Su Peizhen put his face down, Ling Yan always followed.

The only difference was that he finally knew what it meant to be proper, and didn't take her any further or excessively.

In fact, Su Peizhen knew very well that with Ling Wu's unconcerned personality, he would really not harass himself further, because of his feelings for her.

If he doesn't care about it, if he is selfish in the end, it seems that she can't take him.

Su Pei really knows, Ling Ye also knows.

However, their current situation is unable to go further. The two were deadlocked with each other, only to see who would give up first.

On New Year's Day, Su Peizhen and Xiang Caiping passed by in Hokkaido. However, Xiang Caiping is too old to stay up at night. After tired from playing during the day, he went to bed very early.

At 11:30 in the evening, Su Pei really rang.

Afraid to wake up to Xiang Caiping, she quickly turned off the phone to mute.

The message was sent by Ling Ye. There are only two words on it. come out.

Neuropathy, who cares about you.

Su Pei really wanted to put the phone aside.

The phone vibrated twice and the text message came again.

"Come out, otherwise I'll knock on the door and wake up my aunt."


Su Peizhen gritted his teeth and didn't want to bother Ling Ling at all, but he was afraid he would come.

"If you don't come out, I'll knock on the door now. Do you believe it?"

Su Peizhen held the cell phone, and wished to turn it into a hammer and knock Ling Ling.

In the end it did not, but instead stood up lightly and walked out of the room door.

Outside, Ling Yan is already waiting. He looked at her and reached out to her.

"Let's go."

Su Peizhen stood still, and the lights above the hotel corridor shone on Ling Yan's face. A little softening of his features.

But she knew it was just a false appearance, and all the gentleness and kindness of this man were appearances. When he got tough, no one could.

"Ling Ling, what do you want?"

"Take you somewhere."

"Are you crazy? Do you know what time it is?"

"I know." Ling Ye nodded, not being affected by her cold eyes in the least: "11:45. Let's go."

He likes madness. Su Pei really didn't plan to go with him. He turned around and held the door card to continue to open the door. His wrist was tightened, Ling Ling took her hand and took her to the other side of the corridor.

"Ling Ling ..."

"You can call louder and call the guests."

Su Pei really thought, but she was not as shameless as Ling Ling. She can't do it.

Not to mention Xiang Caiping is still sleeping inside. ,

Fully aware of her scruples, Ling Ye buckled her waist: "Perhaps, you call louder and wake up your aunt, just to let him know our relationship."

Su Pei stared at him, the man in front of him was almost shameless. But she was so hesitant that Ling Ye was taken out of the room.