MTL - To Raise a Soul-~ 62. Sleepy charm

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Yu Yu raised his hand and turned his head to look at his back. It was a pity that the angle of view was limited and he could only see the corner of his cotton-padded hat.

This branch grows well, how can it suddenly fall down.

He felt more and more inexplicable. He simply turned and unloaded his back. He bent over and picked up the peach branch lying on the dry wood. He looked up at the peach tree again and tried to find out which branch was broken. I saw only the bare branches.

The north wind blew through and brought a cool chill.

Yu Yu pinched the peach branch with flowers, standing under the bare peach tree, squinting and stupid.

Flowers, flowers?

He looked down at the flower branches in his hand and looked up at the bare peach tree. He noticed that a branch of the highest point of the tree was broken abruptly, and his heart shook, and all kinds of gods and monsters appeared in his mind. Guess, dry and swallowed, and then dare not leave more, pick up the back and ran towards the path down the mountain.

After a few days of Ann’s birthday, Yu Yu began to dream again.

The content of the dream can still be remembered, the brain is dim day by day, and even worse, the coldness of the limbs that disappeared for a while has also come back with the dream.

It was a sunny day. He sat on the high threshold of the door with his big dark circles. He took a sip of the pickles and chewed it a few times. His eyes unconsciously moved and moved to the ground. Blossoming on the splendid peach blossom branch, the throat is awkward and can't be eaten.

It’s been a week away. This strange peach blossom has always blossomed brightly. The flowers above are not thankful. The pink and tender flowers are very gratifying, and he is more like a deadwood.

too weird.

He put the steamed buns on the low stool behind the door, got up and picked up the flower branches, reached out and pulled a petal and licked it, and the abundant flower juice was full of hands.

How can normal petals get out of so much flower juice?

The mind turned slowly, the flowers filled, the sense of smell awakened the taste buds, and his ghosts put the hand with the flower juice in his mouth and licked it, then spread sweetly, and the chaotic brain suddenly cleared.


He froze, consciousness is like awakening from a dream, unsurely look at his own hands, and look at the peach blossoms that suddenly look very delicious at this moment, panic to throw away the flower branches, crazy hand rub.

what happened? He actually thought that the peach blossom juice was delicious, and even the strange illusion that the peach branch might be chocolate flavor.

Something is wrong, there must be something wrong.

[Oh, there are some things in this world that don't exist if you don't believe it. When the grandfather leaves, you will understand. 】

[This safe bead must be carried with you, don't lose it, understand? 】

When the brain suddenly flashed over the words that Grandpa had recited in his ear, his hand-washing action stopped and the heart beats slowly.

The symptoms of cold limbs, dizziness, insomnia and dreams seem to have appeared after he burned the peace beads. The phenomena of auditory hallucinations that have recently encountered cannot be explained by scientific theories.

The doctor said that the inspection report showed that his body was completely ok.

The squid on the ground was self-satisfied, and the sweetness on the tongue was still not scattered. He tightened his hands and felt the temperature of the cold fingertips slowly recovering with the spread of sweetness, and the forehead oozing cold sweat.

When he finished, he said to himself that he did not listen to the punishment of his grandfather.

A low-key black luxury car is driving on a less flat dirt road, and the speed is so slow that it is completely sorry for its performance.

"Uncle Weng, you slow down, your brother is still not good, can't stand the bumps."

Yin Le reminded me for the fifth time, and heard that Weng Xiping was helpless in the driver's seat.

"Little Master, it should be turned off after the slow train."

Yin Le took a look at the scene that was very slow and retired. He realized that he had made another stupid, smiled and smiled, and looked through the rearview mirror to the Yin Yan who was sitting alone in the back seat. He unmoved his ass. .

Originally, he should also sit in the back seat, but recently, the older brother is too silent, and he has become strange. He always feels that the big brother now has a "fairy" temperament that does not eat human fireworks. He feels that being close to him is an offense to Big Brother.

And I don't know if it's an illusion. The big brother who lost a big circle in a car accident has not only changed a lot of sex, but even looks like it looks different from before.

The five senses are still the five senses, but the color of the eyes and hair is darker every day. The lip color is also from the unhealthy dark red at the beginning, and slowly becomes a kind of pale color that makes people unconsciously look at it.

Perhaps because of the thinness, the facial features look more solid, the skin is getting better, and even the height seems to be slightly higher than before.

This is like a serious injury, but it seems like going abroad to make things worse.

In the rearview mirror, Yin Yan, who had been looking out the window, suddenly took back his sight and looked up.

The brothers looked in the line through the rearview mirror, and Yin Leyi hurriedly took back his sight.

"what happened?"

Yin Yan did not move her face, raised her hand and touched her face, and asked: "I am not too white to see, there is no blood on my face."

The pale, slender fingers fell on the face, the knots were distinct, and it was a very seductive picture. Yin Le suddenly felt a little sad.

"No, big brother is still so handsome."

He shook his head hard and felt that he was just a magical obstacle. Of course, people who lost their facial features would look more three-dimensional. The skin that was seriously ill was white in the hospital, and naturally it was darker and darker.

Eating nutritious meals every day, and forced to lie in bed all day, so rest, the skin is not good enough to be strange.

As for the height, the older brother likes to collapse his back, so it doesn't show up. Now, because the doctor's advice is always straight, it naturally looks higher than before.

What cosmetic surgery is not cosmetic, the pro-big brother of his own, handsome is carried in the gene, the whole thing.

Putting out the messy thoughts, the feeling of distance in Yin Le’s heart disappeared unconsciously. He simply turned around and grabbed the seat. He looked at his big brother and said, "I still have a good vision. This new The coats are so handsome, they look much better than the jackets you bought before."

Yin Yan got together and gathered the coat of dark long coat, did not speak.

Yin Le’s line of sight fell on his hand with his movements, and then moved up, set on his long hair, although he felt that it was more casual than the big brother’s previous style. The soft black hair looks better, but when I think of my brother's preference, I still like to say: "Brother, is your hair cut, wait for B city, how about going to cut hair?"

"The young master is sitting steady and going uphill."

Weng Xiping interrupted the friendly exchanges between the two brothers. Yin Yan did not meet the requirements of Yin Le, but only followed: "Sit well."


Yin Le responded with a sigh, turned back and sat down, and adjusted the seat belt, which was awkward.

The **** was not long, and it quickly went up smoothly. A dirt road narrower than before appeared in front of the eyes.

"Go straight."

Yin Yan opened his mouth and adjusted his posture slightly.

Yin Le feels that he may be awkward again. There is actually a big brother who is very nervous now. The big brother still has no expression on his face, and he is calm and calm.

There are some twists and turns in the dirt road. The denser the forest, the narrower the road.

When a broken area of ​​trees appeared on the roadside, Yin Le’s line of sight was set, and the joy on his face disappeared, tightening his lips.

Weng Xiping also looked over at the side and then stepped on the gas pedal to speed up the passage through the area.

The Taoist temple is close at hand, Yin Yan did not look at the scene of the accident, the line of sight always fell in front, the appearance of the Taoist temple reflected in the dark eyes, in addition, there is nothing else.

The car stopped at the side of the Taoist temple, and there was no politeness to block the door.

Yin Lechang has never seen such a broken door and such a broken house. His eyes swept over the aging gap on the courtyard door and the simple tile roof of the courtyard house. The small heart shook and suddenly became a little weak.

In his brain, the future of the big brother was saved. It is a beautiful girl with a simple warmth. Although the residence is simple, the flower field is in front of the house, the spring is behind the house, and it is not a matter of ordinary things. Breath.

He feels that only such a girl is worthy of a big brother, so that the big brother who has been hurt by Han Ya will be lost, and at first sight, understand the true meaning of love is warmth and redemption, not false deception and indefinite despair. wait.

"Little Master, brain supplement is sick, cured. The police did not say it? The person who saved the young master is a young man who lives in the Taoist temple. Also Qingquan and Huatian, usually watch idol dramas and read more books."

Weng Xiping ruthlessly broke the illusion of Yin Le and untied the seat belt.

Yin Le returned to God, only to find that he did not consciously say the shameful picture of the brain, the face was red, busy looking back to the back seat to explain, but found that the back seat is empty, his home after the car accident The older brother who became particularly calm had no figure.

Ok? What about people? Didn't the car just stop?

He was sideways, and then at the door of the Taoist Temple, he saw the figure of his own big brother who was so handsome.


Yu Yu sat in the old wooden table, tightened the cold fingers, rubbed the lips that were completely unaware, and looked down at the hot peach porridge in the porcelain bowl, taking a deep breath, raising his hand, touching The bowl is along.

No time and no energy to think about those weird things, and then so cold, he suspected that he would be frozen to death.


He touched the finger of the bowl and stopped. He was puzzled and shook his head.

How do you knock on the door and hear it?

Hey, hey.

The scent of peach porridge floated up and the frozen mind began to turn.

He groaned for a few seconds and finally realized that the knocking of the door came from the courtyard door. It was not an illusion. He quickly got up and grabbed the hair that he had not taken care of after the morning, and pulled the bloated cotton jacket. Turn around and walk towards the gate.

It’s strange that there are no people who have come to the door for a few years. Today, someone knocked at the door and the sun came out to the west.

"Come here, wait a moment."

He raised his voice to avoid a hurry, and his hand had touched the bronze bracelet on the door.

A hint of cool taste passed through the door to the nose, and the action of his sliding door was stimulated by this strange taste, suddenly thinking of a possibility.

There are so many strange things that have happened recently. It’s easy to get into the mountains and forests. Now it’s not people who knock on the door, but...


A light click was heard again on the slightly opened door panel, and then a slender hand came in from the door seam, and the door panel was fastened, and the door was gently pushed open.

The other party's strength is not great, but Yu Yu has no resistance, or he has no rebellious mind at this time.

He looked at the pale hand on the door. The memory of the murder was quickly returned to the accident that night. He stepped back unconsciously, his eyes widened, his teeth began to tremble, and he looked at the involunted door with fear.

"Ah? Oh, yes."

Yu Yu faintly felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, Wen Yan immediately got up, his eyes swept in Han Ya and Wu Xuan, and Yin Yan’s legs signaled him to make way.

Yin Yan took his hand and stopped him from going out. He said, "Wait a minute."

Qiu Feiqian saw his eyebrows and hated the iron and looked at him.

Yin Le in the back seat also stood up with his eyebrows, stinking and looking at Han Ya, a look of sullen expression.


Wu Xuan took a step forward and took Hanya’s shoulders. He looked at Yin Yan with a superb expression of possessiveness and implied victors. He said softly to Han Ya: “It’s not good to block the aisle, sit first. under."

Han Ya did not move. It was hard to break away from his palms in the first step. In his eyes, he had tears in minutes. He looked at Yin Yan with pity and said: "Inflammation, I have already known the car accident, I am sorry, but one person. If you want to retaliate, if you want to retaliate, you will only come to me. My parents are innocent. They have always appreciated and grateful to you. Last time you..."

In this case, Qiu Feiqian simply heard that his hair was burning.

What is it for you? It’s really finished when you go there!

"Han Ya, it’s me who is trouble finding Han, you are less provoked by me-"

"Is it cold?"

Yin Yan suddenly spoke and interrupted the public outbreak of Qiu Feiqian’s forthcoming export. The words he said were confusing: "Cold me."

Yu Yu, who was asked by his hand, said: "???"

The heating on the plane is so full, how can it be cold, Yin Yan, what is it? and……

He pumped his hand held by Yin Yan, did not pull it out, and glanced at Han Ya, who was ignored by Yin Yan, and Qiu Feiqian, who was obviously slamming in the front row, and had some drums in his heart.

Now this scene is not right at first glance, Yin Yan is now like this, in the end it is because of the lack of the memory of the original Lord, so completely outside, do not know how to deal with it, or what kind of pre-existence, deliberately only speak to him, ignoring other people?

If it is missing memory, how can he help round the field; if it is intentional, what should he do and ignore the other party?

But the girl is crying very poorly.

The hand was suddenly squeezed by force. He returned to God and took back the subconscious to look at Hanya’s eyes. He looked down at Yin Yan and just prepared to ask him why he squeezed him so hard that the heart suddenly sinks and then squats. The body is like being thrown from the constant temperature room into the snow below the temperature. The body temperature fades like a tide. A familiar coldness spreads fiercely toward the limbs, and the mind freezes instantly.

"Yin, Yin Yan..."

He tried to hold back Yin Yin’s hand that was extremely warm at this moment. His eyes were irritated and panicked. The dull brain made him not react to him for a while.

[The gift of the mountain **** disappeared. 】

The familiar cool sound sounded in my mind, but the Yin Yan in front did not speak.

"Let's go to the front row."

Yin Yan got up and took Yu Yu in his arms. He finally squinted and gave his gaze to Han Ya, who had been pitiful for a long time. He calmly said: "By borrowing, you are blocking the way."

The tears that Han Ya had to lose in her eyes were stuck in her eyes, her expression was funny and stiff, and her subconsciousness fell on Yu Yu, who was half in Yin Yan’s arms, and asked with a slight incredulousness: “Inflammation, What are you talking about? You, you..."

"My brother let you let go, Miss Han, do you have a public morality, have you been blocking the road for fun?" Yin Le finally couldn't help but open his mouth and flipped his eyes.

In the past, Yin Le dared to face Hanya in such a face. Before Han Ya made a sad appearance, Yin Yan would first train his younger brother, but today Yin Yan did not, he looked at Han Ya’s eyes. Calm, calm to indifference.

"Miss Han, I think I have made the statement very clear last time. In addition, please don't call me so much, my family and loved ones will be upset."

He implicitly reminded me that after looking at Wu Xuan, he asked politely: "Can you please lift your girlfriend? Thank you."

In the past, Yin Yan never gave Han Ya the title of "Wu Xuan girlfriend", even if it was in the circle that Han Ya and Wu Xuan could be close to this rumor.

But now he used it, and it was used naturally, usually, and frankly.


Wu Xuan’s superiority and impatience in the eyes closed, and finally looked at the Yin Yu and Yin Yan’s Yu Yu, the line of sight fell on the gold ring worn by Yin Yan, reaching out and taking the stiff Han Ya back, tempted to say: "I wish you and your lover a good match for a hundred years."

"Thank you."

Yin Yan responded politely and took Yu Yu’s path straight through Han Ya’s side. He stopped in front of Qiu Feiqian and Yin Hexiang’s seat and called: “Mother.”

"Hey son."

Qiu Feiqian took a look at his shoulder with admiration. The efficiency gave them a place. When they passed Hanya, they stopped, but they didn’t look at Han Ya. Instead, they fell on Wu Xuan’s body and hung a polite smile. "Wu Shaoye, I am very cheeky and say you two words today. This picks my wife, I have to pick the good character, and it is practical and reliable. Don’t just look at the wind and stir the rain back, it’s a bad day. Small, accidentally folded your family’s reputation for generations."

Han Ya heard a white face, and the eyes that were hurt and embarrassed stuck to Yin Yan, who was already seated in the front row.

It’s a pity that people who care about her from time to time have only left her with a completely strange back.

Wu Xuan took her back with a hard grip and hangs a polite smile. She said: "The enemy said that the nephew was taught."

Wu Jia and Yin Jia still have business dealings. Everyone will not tear their faces. Qiu Feiqian will not say more, turn around and sit comfortably, and feel very happy.

She is very satisfied with her son's performance today. It is the most correct way to ignore Hanya, who is abusing herself. Moreover, she can see clearly that Wu Xuan is not the same as her dead-hearted son. She is very proud and undecided. This Hanya can finally enter the door of the house, which is hard to say.

After Yu Yu was seated, he immediately shrank into Yin Yan's arms. It wasn't that he didn't hold it, but it was really cold. It felt like the coldness of the mountain god's gift was released all at once, and he almost fainted.

"have eaten."

Yin Yan hugged him and took a brown pill and fed it to his mouth.

Yu Yu quickly opened his mouth and ate it, then he arched his head and stuffed it into his arms. He unconsciously used his forehead to lick his chest and wanted to warm his brain that was about to stop.

"Close your eyes and slow your breath."

Yin Yan raised his hand and held his head, and he also fed a ball of his own, looked down at him and observed his situation.

"The feelings of Yin Yan and his lover seem to be good." Wu Xuan sat down after the seat, with a casual tone.

Although he and Yin Yan were rivals before, but they were never enemies, now Yin Yan found the other half, no longer entangled his girlfriend, he is naturally willing to sell a face of Yin family, the current situation has turned the wind, everyone will meet later Still a friend.

As a winner, he didn't like to beat the dog's play, and it was too cheap.

"Yes, yes, that's good." Han Ya reluctantly answered, because sitting in the back position, so I can't see the situation on Yinyan, whispered: "So many years, he finally found The person who let him stay, the guilt in my heart is also a little less... I don’t know when he made it. He seems to be still in front of the car accident..."

Wu Xuan heard a word, tilted his legs, held his elbows on the armrests, and glanced at the side of the channel that was covered by Yin Yan. He said: "Maybe the car accident made him recognize the current lover, no. All said that it is difficult to see the truth, Yin Yan has a big trouble this time."

Han Ya can't tell him that he is free to mention this sentence, or to mean something, reason tells her that she should not continue to talk about Yin Yan now, and her inexplicable sourness makes her unable to speak. "How can you be in trouble, the orientation of one person will not change, the mother of Yan is so strong, maybe the inflammation is forced..."