MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 346 345.1, so sexy, it's a bit of a foul!

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  Chapter 346 345.1, so sexy, it's a bit of a foul!

  The days were busy, and Fangcun Dayou also called a few times in the middle, but after asking about daily things and feeling that there was no trouble, I was relieved and continued to expand in other cities.

  It is said that it is to expand and actually open up the relationship between cities. In fact, it is to invite people to eat and drink. What is the difference from public travel?

  In the past few days, Naoki Yongshan has seen the hospitality budget of Shuyou Films, and most of it has been spent on this this year~

   "This big friend Sang, don't be too happy!"

   He said so, but he still signed it quickly in his hand.

   "Riko-chan, these documents have been signed, please hand them over to the financial office."

  After taking the document, Riko Hayano went out twisting her waist, looking more and more like a female secretary.

  Alas. Otomo-san must not be able to stand such a test!

   Before Naoki Yongshan could fish for a long time, Shuichi Yitang quickly walked into the office: "Naoki-san, it's done!"

   "? What's okay?" Naoki Yongshan looked confused, "Can we go to eat?"

   "The filming of "The Three Sisters of Maoyan"! It's time to start!" Shuichi Ido was in a good mood, ignoring Naoki Naoki's teasing, "The venue and actors are all in place, and we can start shooting anytime!"

   So this is the matter, that’s right, Shuichi Ido has been busy with preparations these days,

"That's really great, but since Xiu Yisang is the main one, you can directly decide the shooting time!" Naoki Yongshan congratulated, and then looked like he didn't want to intervene, "During the opening ceremony, I must I'll be there to cheer."

   "Huh? Is it true that Naoki-san really doesn't intend to direct this time?"

  Although I also said before that Ido Shuichi wanted to shoot, but from the meaning of this sentence, I just want to be a guest this time.

  Actually, Naoki Naoyama has no choice. He really hasn’t watched the TV series "The Three Sisters of Maoyan" very much. There are thousands of news on the Internet. He only vaguely remembers the screenshots of the heroine circulating on the Internet.

   "Yes, it's all up to you!" Naoki Yongshan emphasized again, "By the way, don't forget the cat ear hair ornament, the symbol of the Wildcats."

Speaking of which, this hair accessory has taken root in Japanese jewelry stores, and various colors and styles have come out. Even the girls in nightclubs sometimes wear this hair accessory. Sure enough, you can’t underestimate the cat-ear girl. Charm!


  Ido Shuichi felt a bit awkward, because the heroine's costume was decided by Naoki Naoyama and him. For people in the Showa period, that kind of costume seemed too advanced.

   After all, the tight black leather jacket and the hot figure of the heroine, who can stand such a catwoman? !

   After finally waiting until the weekend, Naoki Naoyama, who had been busy for a week, had no time to rest.

  Take my younger sister Tsuruko to the shopping street to buy a bag, and then bring Tsuruko to Waseda's apartment again.

Looking at this apartment of more than 60 square meters, the living and other household items that have been bought by Hezi, the sofa has been replaced with the shape of small animals, the table is covered with cartoon tablecloths, the vases on the cabinet are filled with flowers, and the curtains have also been replaced. Lacey, totally dressed up like a girl's room, well, like a very young girl's room.

   "Hezi, I won't say anything else, but it's a bit too much to replace the wallpaper with cherry blossom pink."

   Naoki Naoyama couldn't help complaining when he saw that the original snow-white wall had turned into a pink wallpaper with cherry blossom petals in it.

   "What does Ni-chan know? This is so cute, okay?" Hezi didn't bother to explain too much, "I wanted to decorate like this in my hometown, but my mother always refused to let me. I can finally fulfill my dream in Tokyo!"

   After all, this is where Tsuruko lives, so Naoki Naoyama will not say much.

   "Hezi, have you lived here since today?"

   "Hey, all the luggage has been moved here, and the university has already reported." Yongshan Hezi nodded, "I tried it yesterday, and it only takes 20 minutes to get to the school from here."

   "That's very close." Naoki Naoyama was a little relieved, and then he started chattering like an old lady, "Did you make any friends in college?"

   "Ni-chan, why are you asking so many questions!" Hezi rolled his eyes, "Of course I handed it in! I plan to go see the cherry blossoms together tomorrow!"

   "That's good~" Naoki Yongshan nodded, "If that's the case, let's get used to living alone~"

   As he spoke, he took out an envelope and handed it to Hezi: "This is for emergency use! Normally, you are not allowed to spend it!"

   "Huh?!" Tsuruko took the envelope, knew that it contained at least 100,000 yen without opening it, immediately burst out laughing happily, and hugged Naoki Nagayama's arm, "You are the best ni-chan in the world!"

"Hmph~" Naoki Yongshan sighed at his younger sister's obsequious appearance, sure enough, if you have money, you are a mother, "Remember to be safe, and call me if you need something! You can also go directly to Yamazakura-in. "


   Naoki Naoyama came out alone, without a crane. This younger sister has settled down in Tokyo.

   "Anyway, let's call my mother at night~"

  On Monday morning, after Naoki Naoyama arrived at the studio, he followed Shuichi Itou to the shooting location of "Three Sisters with Cat's Eyes" - one of the branches of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

  Speaking of which, if I hadn’t asked Kadokawa Shoten for some connections, this art museum wouldn’t be able to borrow it if I wanted to.

  The staff of the filming team had already arrived, and had already adjusted the camera positions and lighting in the art gallery. Masataka Komori was busy shuttling back and forth, and he didn't even have time to say hello.

   "Naoki-san, all the collections in this art museum have been replaced with fakes!" Shuichi Itou patted the statue of Venus with a broken arm in the hall and said, "It cost a lot of money!"

  As a director who has always been on a tight budget, the cost of the first episode of "Maoyan Three Sisters" this time is almost more than 2 million, which is really distressing.

   Naoki Naoyama looked at the "World Famous Paintings" framed on the wall, and said with a smile, "Ah, it looks pretty good. Anyway, I, a layman, can't see anything."

   "Of course, I find people from the Academy of Fine Arts, and they study these famous paintings every day." Shuichi Yitang said, "It's a pity that this place can only be used once."

Today is the first episode, and it is also the first episode of the three Maoyan sisters. First, the police will set up their defenses here, and then at night, this art thief group composed of sisters from the next life will steal precious treasures under the watchful eyes of everyone. artwork.

   Naoki Naoyama has read the script, so he naturally knows how the filming will be done, but the actual filming still needs to be done by Shuichi Itou.

   While chatting, other people also arrived one after another, the three sisters of the Wildcats, Mikuna Ono, Hisa Akiyama, and Ayayuki Katagiri, as well as the leading actor Takayuki Takemoto.

   "Naoki-san, Xiuyi-san, good morning~" "Good morning~". There was a voice of greeting.

  Naoki Naoyama shook hands with the handsome and sunny Takemoto Takayuki in front of him: "Takemoto-san, this is the first time we have met since the selection meeting."

   "Hey, I am very grateful to Director Yongshan for giving this role, I will definitely work harder!"

Takayuki Takemoto has a high overlap with Masahiko Kondo's personality, so he has been severely suppressed by Johnny's in the past two years. In addition, his own Yasuda office is not a strong office, so there are not many resources and opportunities to provide. It can be said that it was a very pleasant surprise to be invited by Shuyou Yinghua this time.

   "Haha, Takemoto-san left a deep impression on people at the audition, I believe you can do it!"

   Naoki Naoyama praised Takemoto Takayuki so much that this young man was a little flattered. After all, Naoki Naoyama was already a well-known director and producer at this time.

"Thank you!"

  When all the staff arrived, Yi Tangxiu started the opening ceremony, and it turned out to be the witch!

  Starting from "Gas Station Robbery Incident", the fate between this witch and Shuyou Yinghua can be said to be getting deeper and deeper!

Tremblingly danced to the Great God, then made a gesture without knowing it, and finally poured a few glasses of wine into the sky. The witch was reporting to the gods between heaven and earth, and then signaled to Yitang Xiuyi to lead everyone Incense.

   Yitang Xiuyi stood at the front, bowed with the whole crew, and then inserted incense, a ceremony!

   "Maoyan Three Sisters" has officially started filming!

  After the opening ceremony was completed, the crew began to prepare for the shooting intensively. The scene manager began to confirm the camera position and props. The actors also went to change their costumes, and Naoki Naoyama was also preparing to go back.

   "Naoki-san, do you really not want to watch the filming of the first episode?" Shuichi Ido asked, "If you don't participate, you can still give opinions from the audience's point of view~"

  In short, he feels a little bottomless alone.

   "Stay tape, you can fix it!"

   Naoki Naoyama doesn’t want to stay here all day, not to mention that the first episode has a lot of scenes at night, and may have to stay until midnight, “Besides, there are still many things that I need to deal with in the studio!”

  There are ready-made excuses, everyone has heard, I am not going to do nothing!

  Naoki Naoyama was about to say some more **** words when the three sisters of the wild cat group changed their clothes and came out.

The smooth leather black tights fit tightly on the uneven body, and the sky-high high heels highlight the **** figure; the pointed cat ear decoration fixes the long hair behind the head, adding a touch of wild temptation; The big blindfolds fit together, hiding half of the face, but the exposed face is more mysterious, attracting people to explore.

  The entire production crew stopped for a moment, including Naoki Nagayama, staring at the three of them intently, making the youngest Ayuki Katagiri a little shy,

   "What's the matter with you!"

  Like a ringing bell, it woke up the people present, everyone continued to work as if nothing had happened, and the three Maoyan sisters also breathed a sigh of relief

  Speaking of which, these three sisters have really worked hard to shape their bodies in the past two months. It is a bit foul to be so **** after wearing catwoman costumes!

   "Naoki-san, I can be sure now, relying on the three sisters of the wild cat group, this TV series will definitely not fail!" After recovering from his senses, Yi Tangxiu said this sentence with confidence.

   "Yeah, it must be fine!"

   Naoki Naoyama agrees! He didn't expect that the clothes he made according to his own ideas would have such a good effect on real people.

   "Naoki-san, is the patent application for this outfit ready?"

   "Not yet, I will apply later!"

   "Well, after we finish filming, it will definitely become popular!"

   "Yeah yeah~"

   After a while, the first scene was about to start filming. Shuichi Yitang found that there was still a person next to him.

   "Naoki-san, why are you still here?"

   "Huh? Didn't Xiu Yisang ask me to give my opinion?"

   "Huh? Didn't you say that the company has something to do?"

   "Haha, there are so many things! I'd better check for you. I'm a little worried about you taking pictures alone." Naoki Yongshan said in a tone of caring for you, but his eyes drifted to the scene from time to time.

   Yi Tangxiu looked at the thick-skinned guy next to him, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, did you stay here just to check on me? Didn't you still say that there are many things to deal with in the company?


   "? Nani?"

   "Has anyone ever told you that you have a thick skin?"

   "There have been many"

  In the early hours of the morning, almost half of the scenes of the first episode were filmed, and then the scenes were filmed in other scenes.

   Naoki Naoyama, who had been in the art museum for almost a whole day, drove back to Yamazakura-in,

   This time, it was just Yingtaro and a dog that greeted him. As soon as Hezi left, the whole yard became empty and deserted.

   "Yoxi, yoxi, Euntaro will take a good look at the house today!" Naoki Naoyama walked into the house, patting the big dog's head.

   When I was thinking about going upstairs to wash and sleep, I found that the recording light of the telephone in the living room was blinking. Someone left a message~

   "Moshi Moshi, Naoki-san, this is Sugiura Taitai." The microphone was actually Sugiura Taitai from Fuji TV, "I'm sorry to call home, but the studio phone has not been connected."

   Teeth white! The whole day didn't pass and no one was in the office.

"That's right, the broadcast rate of the second episode of "Boys Over Flowers" is astonishing, it has reached 25%." Sugiura Taitai's voice began to get a little excited, "Minister Takano was also very happy to hear that, so our station plans to strike while the iron is hot. , Carry out a series of promotional exposures. Try to set off an epidemic in public opinion."

   "So, I hope to have further communication with Naoki-san about the publicity plan. If Naoki-san finds it convenient, you can contact me tomorrow, I will be here anytime, above!"

Naoki Yongshan only remembered after hearing it. Last Friday was indeed the airing time of the second episode of "Boys Over Flowers". It doesn't feel like it's broadcast on TV.

   "Publicity? TV show again?"

   Naoki Naoyama pondered for a moment, it seemed that it didn’t matter, anyway, he just went on stage and blew it~

  After making a decision, I put this matter behind me, let’s talk about it tomorrow, it’s so late, it’s not good for my health if I don’t sleep anymore.

   Clumsily went upstairs with the dog, washed up quickly, and then lay down on the big soft bed.

  But when I was about to sleep, I seemed to hear a lingering cat cry from the vicinity of Yamazakura-in,

   Sure enough, spring is here, everything is recovering, and it’s the season of animal mating~

  (end of this chapter)