MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 364 363, I was cheated by my sister back from abroad~

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  Chapter 364 Chapter 363, I was cheated by my sister back from abroad~

   In the end, Nakai Genta pulled him to drink. How could the joy in his heart be suppressed for a guy who just made a billionaire.

  Although it is a bit strange to go to a bar to drink during the day, New York is a big city, and there are all kinds of people. Just find a bar that is open during the day.

From morning to night, from beer to red wine to white wine and cocktails, in short, it seems that the wine in the mouth has never stopped, but fortunately everyone has a limit. Finally stopped.

   Naoki Naoyama was fine, drinking on and off, drinking while sobering up. Although he drank a lot, he was never too drunk, but Genta Nakai was completely unconscious, and he was still drinking the medicinal wine while giggling.

  This scene can make a movie called "The Hangover"~

  After carrying Genta Nakai into the apartment, he couldn't help but said: "I was hungover last night, continue to be hangover Yuanta-san today, your head will explode tomorrow!"

   Shaking his dizzy head, Naoki Naoyama didn't continue to resist drowsiness, and fell asleep in the guest room.

  Early the next morning, Naoki Naoyama woke up early,

   Looking at the guy in the master bedroom who was still lying on the bed like a dead pig, he shook his head helplessly.

  The air ticket has been booked, and I have to catch the plane now, it seems impossible to say goodbye.

   After taking his luggage and closing the door, Naoki Naoyama suddenly found that this scene was inexplicably familiar. He was also in the hotel in Los Angeles. He left a few drunken girls and left~

   "It's okay to leave the sleepy girl behind, but what's the point of leaving the drunk man behind? Huh~"

   It takes about 10 hours to fly from New York to Tokyo, and Tokyo is 14 hours faster than New York. It is now 9 o'clock in New York time, so when Naoki Nagayama arrives in Tokyo, it is expected to be at 5 o'clock in the morning?

   But in fact, due to the delay of the plane and other reasons, when Naoki Naoyama walked out of Tokyo International Airport, it was already 8:00 in the morning

   "waking up again"

  Looking at the morning sun in Tokyo, Naoki Naoyama, who slept intermittently for more than 20 hours, has fully recovered and turned into a strong young man again.

  Take the subway to Jimbocho Station in Chiyoda, and after walking for less than ten minutes, I saw my small gray-brown western-style building standing alone in the bamboo forest, quietly waiting for the return of my owner.

Naoki Yongshan opened the door with the key, maybe Tsuruko just came here, the empty room did not feel lack of popularity, the faint smell of curry in the kitchen let Naoki Yongshan know that his sister was here yesterday with his own storage ingredients to make a delicious beef curry

  Opened the refrigerator door, and sure enough, I saved a copy for myself. Naoki Yongshan put this curry beef and a few rice **** into the microwave oven, just in time for breakfast~

I inspected the Yamazakura Garden for a while, and the cherry blossoms in the yard have almost withered. The white petals have spread a thin layer under the tree, and the remaining few are barely hanging on the branches. In this summer season that is about to enter, It actually gives people a sad feeling of withering everything in autumn.

"A cherry blossom, can you not add drama to yourself?" Naoki Yongshan suddenly became obsessive-compulsive, stepped forward and shook off the remaining cherry blossoms, and smiled as he looked at the lonely branch. "Wouldn't it be nice to bloom cleanly and fall off refreshingly?"

   A gust of wind blows, and the cherry tree trembles miserably

  The rest of the house remained unchanged. Naoki Yongshan strolled around casually, like a lion king inspecting his territory, and then happily took a hot bath.

   After breakfast, Naoki Yongshan sat on the sofa contentedly, and began to think about the next itinerary.

I’m not in a hurry to go back to my hometown for the time being, and it’s not a big problem in the afternoon or evening. After returning to Tokyo, the first thing I need to do is to go to the studio to show my face. A face to face, after all, my boss is back~

  Naoki Naoki drove towards the studio in a hurry all the way, but unfortunately it is the morning rush hour, and the driving speed on the road is very slow, so when he arrived at the studio, it was almost 10 o'clock.

  When he first walked into the studio, his employees were full of surprises:

   "Naoki-san, are you back?" "Didn't Naoki-san travel abroad?" "Did something happen?"

   Naoki Naoyama nodded to the employees, and occasionally replied. Seeing that they didn't mention the scandal one by one, he knew that the international scandal had not spread to Tokyo.

   "Otomo-san, I'm back!" Pushing open the office door, I saw Otomo Fangcun sitting behind the desk, "Long time no see~"

  Dayou Fangcun was not too surprised: "You are back. When your sister asked us for a phone call yesterday, I knew you would definitely come back. Has there been a major change?"

   "It's not an accident, it's just that my elder brother is getting married, and I'm in a hurry." Naoki Yongshan replied unhurriedly, "But because I'm outside, my family is afraid that I won't be able to make it to the wedding time."

   "It's just marriage, why are you in such a hurry. Wait, is it because you are marrying a child?" Sure enough, he is an experienced guy, and he immediately understood the reason.

   "Ahem. Mmm"

   ". Anyway, I would like to congratulate your eldest brother on getting married and having a baby. Double happiness~" Fangcun Dayou still congratulated him. Pregnancy before marriage was still unacceptable in his era, but now

   "I thank you on behalf of my brother." Naoki Yongshan looked at the desk next to him, "Did Xiu Yisang not come today?"

"I handed over the second episode to TV Tokyo, and now I am in a hurry to shoot the third episode!" Fangmura Otomo said, "This kind of one-episode shooting method puts a lot of pressure on the crew, and we must ensure quality and quantity. If so, Xiu Yisang has been very busy this week."

Like "Boys Over Flowers", an entire TV series is released only after filming is completed. There is no deadline pressure. The main thing is to see if the funds can be sustained. However, "Maoyan Three Sisters" is shot one episode at a time, which will test the continuity of the crew. Creativity and efficient shooting ability.

   "Yes, it is under pressure that high-quality products can be produced~ We must trust Xiu Yi-san!"

   After filming "The Three Sisters with Cat's Eyes", it is estimated that Xiu Yisang will have to rest for a long time before filming the next work~

  After chatting with Otomo Yoshimura about the progress of the three idols, Naoki Nagayama walked into the financial room in the studio and found Mitsurei Kitamura:

   "Guang Lian-sang, a sum of money should be transferred to the account of the recent offshore company. Please transfer the money to my studio account at that time~"

"Hi, I understand!" Mitsurei Kitamura nodded, "The previous funds have come back. If I convert from US dollars to Japanese yen, I may need to go to the bank to apply for a quota in advance. Naoki-san, it is still 2 billion yen ?"

   "Ah, it is estimated that there may be 4 billion." Naoki Naoyama is not sure how much he has earned. The account is just a long number, but it is roughly doubled.

   "4 billion?!" Kitamura Mitsurei covered her mouth, and even Kakuda Momoki who was next to her opened her eyes wide.

   Naoki Yongshan looked a little amused at the expressions of a finance and an accountant, but he kept calm: "Hey, it's about this order of magnitude, and I'm sorry for the trouble."

   "Ah hi!!"

  Although I was very curious about how Naoki Naoyama made nearly double his income, but the financial principle is not to ask too many questions, Mitsurei Kitamura finally nodded seriously.

   When Naoki Yongshan came out, the two girls in the financial office began to whisper,

   "Mitsuki-san, 4 billion! Doubled!" Kakuda Momoki was so excited that she almost jumped up, "Did Naoki-san go to rob a bank in the United States?"

   "Don't talk nonsense!" Kitamura Mitsurei maintained a little rationality, "Naoki-san probably made a short-term investment."

   "What kind of investment profit is so big?!" Kakuda Momoki looked at Mitsurei Kitamura with hopeful eyes,

   "How do I know!" Kitamura Hikari was pissed, and tapped Kakuda Taoxi's head with one hand, "If I knew, wouldn't I go to make money?!"

   "Do you think it will be an illegal profiteering business such as smuggling? Naoki-san should not be involved in drugs, right?"

   "I've said it all, I don't know!"

   "I heard that Naoki-san has a gangster background."

  Momoki Kakuda chattered endlessly, that little mouth could hardly be closed.


  Walking around the company and chatting for a while, the noon came soon. Naoki Nagayama did not continue to go to the set to find Shuichi Itou and the others, but returned to Yamazakurain to pack his bags and prepare to go back to his hometown.

  By the way, I changed the car to my own Toyota Century. The convertible is still not dignified enough when using the car.

   Packed a change of clothes a little bit, and was about to leave,

  Suddenly thought of Tsuruko, isn't he still in Tokyo now? She was still studying, so she quickly called Waseda's apartment

   "Moses, this is Yongshan's house." It's good that the apartment is close to the school, and at noon, Hezi really ate in the apartment!

   "Hezi, you are really in the apartment~"

   "Ni-chan?" Hezi's tone was very surprised, "Has Ni-chan returned already?"

   "Yeah, didn't you say you would come back early?"

  Hezi was at a loss for words for a moment. What she said was to come back sooner rather than immediately. There is still half a month before the eldest brother gets married! Is my second brother a little too anxious? Could it be that the tone of my previous phone call was wrong, too anxious?

   "Eh, I want to come back early!" He Zi pretended to be calm.

   "Then will Crane come home before getting married, or will he go back with me?" Naoki Yongshan didn't think too much, but asked about his sister's plan.

   "I'll go back three days before the wedding~" Hezi whispered, "It won't be of much help anyway."

Naoki Naoyama has no impression of marriages in small cities. Perhaps his predecessor was lonely when he was a child and didn't like to participate in these activities. Now he only has a vague memory, thinking that there are a lot of things to do, unlike in cities, where there are wedding companies. Can provide one-stop service,

  That's why I hurriedly booked a plane ticket back from New York.

   "Don't you need relatives at home to help you prepare in advance?"

   "For that kind of thing, it's almost enough to have a big brother, a sister-in-law and both parents." Hezi curled his lips, "What can we do when we go."

   "From what you said, it seems that I don't need to go back?" Yongshan Naoki was stunned, "Is it a waste of time to come back in such a hurry?"

"I didn't say that!" Hezi said quickly, she didn't want Naoki Yongshan to blame herself for calling back in a hurry, "If you want to help, of course there is a place! Ni-chan can ask mother first !"

   "So many things, there must be a shortage of manpower! Ni-chan is rich and free. Barbara!"

   Naoki Naoki, who was confused, hung up the phone. He felt as if he had been tricked by his own sister once, but he still called back to his hometown in Shizuoka.

   "Moshi Moxi, this is Yongshan's house." The same words, this time it was her mother Nanako on the other end of the phone.

   "Mother, I am Naoki."

   "Ah, Naoki, are you still abroad? Did you hear the news?" The mother's voice sounded a little happy, "Your elder brother is getting married!"

   "Hi, I already found out, I'm back in Tokyo now~"

   Naoki Naoyama continued to ask, "About getting married, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Huh? About marriage." Nanako Nagayama heard that her second son wanted to help, and she seemed to be thinking about how not to dampen her son's enthusiasm. "Since Naoki-san has returned, help me buy some beautiful invitations in Tokyo." Tie, and some wedding decorations~"

   Sure enough, they are all chores!

  Yongshan Naoki smiled wryly, this time he was cheated by the crane and came back!

  The eldest son is married, and his parents are still alive. Naturally, he will help prepare everything. What’s wrong with having a younger brother like himself? When the time comes, just come to the wedding neatly!

  But Naoki Yongshan thought of what he can do to help his elder brother. He wants to help his elder brother hold a bachelor party before getting married!

  Although it is a Western-style custom, it is very popular in Tokyo now!

  The wedding was 10 days later. In the middle of May, Naoki Yongshan and his mother continued to talk for a while, and they made an appointment to go back three days before the wedding, and took the crane with them, so Naoki Yongshan hung up the phone.

  Looking at the packed luggage next to him, Naoki Naoyama only felt it was funny,

   Relaxed body, lying on the copy of the sofa,

   "However, since you don't need to go back these few days, what are you going to do these two days?"

  A gust of wind blew in through the glass partition leading to the courtyard, rolling up a few cherry blossom petals on the ground,

   Fluttering, it just hit Naoki Naoki's face on the sofa.

  Looking at the broken pink and white petals, Naoki Naoyama sighed, the cherry blossom season is coming soon~

  I’m busy filming TV dramas this year, so I haven’t watched Sakura properly yet.

  Last year, the year before last. I seem to have seen them all.

  By the way, it seems that I watched it with others,

   And the people who watched seem to have Mingcai in them!

  This year, why don't you invite Akina alone to see the cherry blossoms?

   But it seems like the season is almost over

  By the way, I just said before that we will go to Disney together when we get back!

   Why don’t we go to Disneyland instead? There should be cherry blossoms in Disneyland in Tokyo, right?

  Looking at the phone at hand, Naoki Naoyama was a little ready to move,

  Akina should not be back home by this time, right?

   Top idols are very busy~

  (end of this chapter)