MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 7 007, when will we meet again?

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   Chapter 7 007, when will we meet again?

   "Ah, does Naoki-kun know Akina-san?" Seeing this scene, Yuanta Nakai couldn't help but ask.

   With the addition of Xiao Chuan Cai, all 5 pairs of eyes on the scene looked at Naoshu Yongshan, and suddenly there was a lot of pressure, and lightning flashed in my mind.

"Hey, it's a bit of an accident. I just watched RTV's "STAR! Birth" some time ago. I remember a player whose name is also Akina Nakamori~" Although I haven't seen it, it doesn't prevent Naoki Naoki from directly applying Xiao Chuan. Cai's debut experience, "Is it the same person?"

   The light in the dance hall was a little dim, but the round cheeks were obviously full of surprise mixed with shyness: "Hey, I did participate, but unfortunately I was eliminated."

   "Yeah, it's a pity, Seiko-san's "Season of Bare Feet" performed very well." Naoki Naoki echoed and comforted a few words.

   "Really? Does Naoki-san feel good? That's really good." Suddenly he looked very excited and happy.

   Does the little girl not know what is sophistication and what is mutual praise in the workplace

   At this time, Hoshino Suzumi joked: "Oh, no, Naoshu-san actually met his idol in a nightclub~ Hahaha"

  Nakai Yuanta also joined the group chat "The encounter between fan and idol is such a wonderful fate, so I have to have a drink~"

Sure enough, they are social experts. A few words heated up the atmosphere. The two chatted happily with their eldest sisters Nakamori Minghui and Akiko. juice

   "Ah, doesn't Naoshu-sang drink?" Xiaopang Cai seems to be very interested in this "fan" of his own.

   "I'm only 18 years old this year, so I can't drink it yet~" Naoki Naoki was actually a little troubled. He had drunk it many times before, but he still can't drink now.

   "ε=(ο`*))) Alas~, is Naoshu-san so young?" Akiho Nakamori, who was next to him, couldn't hold back, "I'm not afraid of facing those Yakuzas at all~"

   Isn't judging age a cowardice or not?

   By the way, the two sisters Nakamori Akie and Akiko are adults, can they drink? Looking at the two older sisters who are relatively mature

"Actually those guys are not Yakuza." Naoki Naoki directly changed the topic, and then took the characteristics of Yakuza in his memory and chatted with the two little ones. With the knowledge ahead of more than 30 years, he fooled the two little ones. I was stunned for a while, and in the end, even the few who were drinking were attracted.

   After a drink, everyone was very happy, and also got off the dance floor during the period. Xiaopangcai also volunteered to teach Naoki Yongshan to dance. With the music, the dance was tuned in a neat and uniform way. How could it feel like a square dance.

   It was just a dance movement, but Naoki Naoki was sweating again, and his body was so weak that even Chubby Cai's face was only flushed.

  Time always seems particularly short in joy.

  Although the dance hall was open until the early hours of the morning, the Nakamori family couldn't stay for long, and the time to say goodbye has come~

  "すみません, although I'm very happy, but we have to go back." The elder sister Nakamori Akie was blushing, but she still remained awake. In contrast, Akiko-san was almost drunk.

   "Ah~ Although I am very reluctant to give up, it is true that minors can't go back too late~ Then I can only say goodbye." Mrs. Nakai Yuan did not hold back too much. He had experienced a lot of friendship over a meal.

   Hoshino Suzumi also looked at them, "The four Miss Nakamori, we will meet again next time~"

   "Hi, thank you for taking care of me today." X4

   Before leaving, Xiao Mingcai specially greeted Yongshan Naoki: "Zhishu-sang, see you next time, practice dancing well~"

  Yongshan Naoki also responded with a smile: "Hey, hey, you must follow Mr. Mingcai's teaching~ Mr. Mingcai must continue to work hard and strive for debut~"

   "Hahaha, I borrowed Naoshu-san's auspicious words, bye~"

  The friendship we met by chance is both happy and short-lived,

   The next encounter will be an unknown and even a surprise,

  Worth looking forward to~

  The days go by day by day,

  The weather is also getting cooler day by day,

   A romantic affair was half a month ago in the blink of an eye.

   Mrs. Makino is still busy in Tiantian's apartment, and there are endless worries everywhere;

  Nakai Yuanta is also constantly interviewing for new companies, but the days of all-night carnivals seem to have decreased a lot. It seems that the heroic rescue of beauty last time touched Hoshino Suzumi, and the relationship between the two began to change from good friends to lovers.

  Yongshan Naoki, he started exercising. After he became rich, he gave Mrs. Makino three meals a day. In her spare time, she had to take care of her thin body. By the way, she thought about how to continue to become rich in the future.

   After paying the rent and some other expenses, Naoki Yongshan still has 10.02 million in total assets. Where to use this money is what he has been worrying about these days.

In 1980, although the housing prices in Tokyo were on the rise, they have not yet skyrocketed. The same is true of the stock market. It is expected that it will not really enter the bubble era until 1985. Before that, it is necessary to accumulate original capital as much as possible. The dividends of the times.

  More than 10 million, it is possible to buy a good commercial house in Jiangdong District, but it will take more than 10 years to bring the maximum return.

   In these ten years, is it still going to be a part-time job?

  Da meh! Part-time work is absolutely amazing!

   Going to sell songs again? But most of the music in my head that is suitable for now is either Matsuda Seiko or Nakamori Fat Cai, one has already harvested a wave, and the other leek has not grown up yet.

Wait, that's not right~ The song sold to Seiko Matsuda is sure to explode. If you don't release the song during the first month of the new year, it will definitely be on the top of the Oricon chart in February, so the royalties after February will not be rushing. Has it come?

   In other words, after 3 months, we will not be short of money~

   Then take advantage of this time to buy a house first!

  In 1980, the housing price in Tokyo was about 1 million yen/ping. Of course, depending on the price of the location, there is no upper limit for luxury houses.

  Nagayama Naoki has enough assets to buy a house of about 10 pings in full. Do you want to take out a loan to buy a bigger and better one? In the current state of Yongshan Zhishu's unemployed vagabond, it is natural that he cannot borrow much.

   But when that song becomes popular, and the copyright share is used as collateral, there will be a lot of room for manipulation, and then it will snowball.

To buy a house, of course, you have to go through the real estate club. Naoki Naoki directly found the intermediary company when he rented the house. Although this company is not big, it is aimed at people who come to live in Tokyo. It has branches in various districts of Tokyo. In the memory of the original owner, the service is still very good.

   As soon as I entered the door, I met a familiar person, a young receptionist named Keiko Fujita, who also helped find the Makino family at the beginning of the year.

   "Good morning, Fujita-san!" Naoki Naoki greeted directly, while Keiko Fujita looked a little uncertain: "Simi Marseille, are you Naoyama-kun?"

   "Hi, yes, Fujita-san, I'm Naoki Naoyama. Haha, can't you recognize it with a different hairstyle?"

   "Ah, Nagayama-kun has changed so much, I can't recognize him at all!" Fujita Keiko also smiled, "Now Nagayama-kun is walking on the street, even if you say that he is a star, some people will believe it~"

   "Hahaha, Fujita-san can talk. It will make people embarrassed~"

   Looking at Naoki Naoki's handsome and cheerful image, Fujita Keiko's face was a little red, and he hurriedly invited him into the reception room to sit down, and then went to prepare tea.

   After a while, Keiko Fujita brought in a cup of oolong tea, and then began to ask Naoki Naoki's purpose.

  Well~~~ I also took the opportunity to spray perfume and touch up my makeup!

   "This is Fujita-san, I recently made a little money and want to change a house, so I came to ask you again."

   "That's it, it's really amazing, Nagayama-kun, the salary increase so soon~" Fujita Keiko was a little surprised, "So, where do you want to rent this time? How much do you want?"

   "No, Fujita-san, I want to buy a house, not continue renting," Naoki Naoki reminded.

  Fujita Keiko was surprised: "Nani? Buying real estate? It's only been less than a year. Is Yongshan-kun so powerful?"

   After communicating the budget and basic requirements for the house, for example, I hope that there are no tenants, the transaction can be done as soon as possible, not limited to Nakano District, etc., Fujita Keiko said that it may take two days to contact the headquarters to list suitable properties.

  When the time comes, I will contact Naoki Naoki Naoyama to see the property together.

When    sent out the door, Fujita Keiko's eyes were about to emerge from Naoki Naoki's eyes.

   (end of this chapter)