MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 184

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Jude Kao has left an inch of grass in the tomb robber world.

This is simply a swarm of locusts.

"Wait and see what Mr. Zhang has to say, and then look at it later."

the other side.

In the box, Wu Laogou looked contemplative.

"Could it be that there is still something in this burial mausoleum?"

The subordinate beside him shook his head and said cautiously.

"There should be none."

"Mr. Zhang has already said that there is nothing in this tomb. I think it should be impossible."

Wu Laogou did not speak and continued to listen.



Everyone was very interested in what was inside the mezzanine.

Zhang Chen on the high platform also rested almost.

The folding fan in his hand tapped.

"Let's pick up the book."

"at this time."

"All the flashlights are on, and the mezzanine is brightly illuminated."

"Everyone saw that the steep **** of the mezzanine was actually built into the shape of a terraced field, and there were cyan ancient corpses lined up on the bulge of the terraced fields. At first glance, the body was all cyan and purple, and it was obviously frozen to death. of."

"Monk Hua suddenly said: 'This **** is not the place where Luohantang sits.' At the same time, his legs were shaking. What is Luohantang to make this big man so scared."

"Just when everyone was puzzled. Chen Pi A Si stood up."

"These are just corpses, don't be afraid."

"Hearing that these are just corpses, everyone's faces seem to be much more stable."

"Wu Xie looked down and saw the corpse that just fell and was crushed under his feet. He looked abnormally infiltrated."

"But the fat man obviously didn't believe in evil, and asked in a bad tone: 'Then what was the thing that grabbed my foot just now? Could it be that I'm still deceiving people?'"

"Chen Pi A Si said lightly: 'These corpses have been frozen so hard that they will shatter with a single touch. It is impossible for the corpses to change. If it was an incident, your legs would have already disappeared.'"


"Hahaha, I'll just say, how could it be a zongzi that turned from a corpse? It's impossible."

Everyone continued to listen to Mr. Zhang.

"At this moment, Fatty Wang broke apart the teeth of one of the corpses, and there were actually two huge fangs inside. Fatty Wang smiled and said: 'This can't be a human, this must be a demon.'"


"This shocked the people next to me. This **** is a demon, and that person trembled when he heard it."

"Monk Hua on the side really can't stand it anymore."

"How is it possible for a demon. Impossible, impossible at all!"

"'Fart, what kind of monster is this? This is the habit of ancient shamanism, sharpening one's teeth. Later, because it was too troublesome, I simply put on a mask. It is obvious from the service of these people that they are not the Jurchens of that period. , you look at these clothes so primitive, and they are wrapped in sackcloth and cloth. At this time, the mummy formed by the ice burial.'”

"At this time, Wu Xie remembered the scene when he was camping in the Little Holy Valley before. The scene in front of him is very similar to this one. Could it be the remains of the ancestors dug up here when Wang Zanghai was repairing the tomb?"

"At this time, the fat man said cheaply: 'It's okay to dig it out and burn him directly, why should it be placed so neatly?'"

"Wu Xie hesitated for a while and then remembered that he had encountered the corpses of the Great United Nations in the tomb before. Those corpses were unreasonable and looked useless, but those corpses were hung in the air and could actually create a ghost attack. the wall thing."

"Thinking of this, Wu Xie suddenly panicked in his heart. Could it be that there is something like a ghost hitting a wall here? It's just incredible."


Zhang Chen stopped.

Looking at the people in the hall, they looked puzzled.

He knew that if he kept talking, more and more of these people would not understand.

If you don't solve your doubts in time, you will be listening to the scriptures later.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this shamanism, why doesn't it sound like a good person?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, you added an ancient word in front of it. Could it be that this shamanism is still in front of Dongxia Kingdom?"

"It shouldn't be, is it possible that this place has been inhabited before?"

"Did you hear what Mr. Zhang said just now, these ancient corpses may form evil things like ghosts hitting the wall."

"What do I say, Mr. Zhang said before that everyone couldn't get out of the hall above? Could it be because of the corpses below?"

"It is very likely that it is the corpse below."

"It's terrifying. The people in Changbai Mountain don't seem to know about it. So many weird corpses are terrifying."

"Yes, but when Mr. Zhang said it, maybe he won't be afraid. Don't forget that Mr. Zhang just said that these things are broken when touched."

"You're the same, maybe Jude gets there and brings all these corpses back."

"Hahaha! It's very possible, no grass will grow."

Zhang Chen listened to everyone's words and said.

"This shamanism is not completely shamanism. You can also understand it as a witchcraft. It is actually a primitive witchcraft, but this shamanism is the same as the Qimen Dunjia of the Dragon Kingdom."

"I have only seen this in ancient books. There are many rituals in ancient shamanic witchcraft that are very strange, and there are many things about curses and corpses."

As soon as Zhang Chen finished explaining, he continued.

"Let's keep listening."

"After this Fatty Wang heard Monk Hua's speculation, he felt resentful in his heart, and cursed: 'No wonder I felt a burning sensation under my feet when I entered the Spirit Palace, so that's how it is, old Wannu really has a great conscience. Bad.'"

"After everyone discussed it, they untied the rope buckle and prepared to explore around."

"These corpses are very closely arranged, and there is almost no place for pedestrians to walk in the middle, which makes Fatty Wang stumped. Almost one step will turn a corpse into powder."

"These corpses are old and young, and some people still have magic tools in their hands. These bronze magic tools have been covered with patina. And the scary thing is that the lower bodies of these corpses are actually fused with the rocks below!"

"After being reminded, everyone was very careful and didn't dare to say that these corpses would be broken up again. If something extraordinary came up, it would be over."

"This time!"


"Pan Zi shouted: 'Fatty, what are you doing?'"

"As soon as everyone turned around, they saw Fatty squatting in front of the corpse wretchedly locked. Wu Xie seemed to have thought of something and shouted: 'What is Fatty doing? Don't touch the things on the corpse.'"

"But it seems that I can't hear Wu Xie's voice here. I just lowered my head and didn't respond."

"Wu Xie couldn't help but feel anger in his heart when he saw this."

"When everyone saw this, they all followed. I saw that several flashlights were shining on Fatty Wang, and Fatty Wang was quietly squatting on the ground, his face was purple and blue, and his mouth was open to everyone. At first glance, this expression actually resembles the ancient corpse beside him."


Under the high platform, everyone was shocked when they heard it.

"Wocao, is this Fatty Wang making trouble again? It must be squatting on the ground to play. Fatty Wang likes to joke in ancient tombs."

"Yes, that is, this guy will joke around in the tomb."

"Mr. Zhang is so weird. What are you talking about?"

"You forgot, Mr. Zhang said before, this is called Zhongxie."

"Zhongxie? This Fatty Wang is probably not frozen like this."

"Impossible, impossible! This is how a team of people could freeze to death. This is absolutely impossible."

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Zhang didn't say, but this fat man has fangs, which is very suspicious."

Someone said quickly.

"Remember what Mr. Zhang said in his book, this is a sacrificial method of ancient shamanism, and it has a very strange ability."

"Yeah, I remember it, it's too weird, could it be this weird energy that entered Fatty Wang's body?"

"Wocao, will this Fatty Wang bite his own people now?"

"Probably not, but what Mr. Zhang said in his book is simply too scary. He squatted on the ground and grinned sadly." Jiu.

Chapter 186: Fatty Wang with green face and fangs

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like death. It shouldn't be. This is how the iron triangle in Mr. Zhang's book can die so easily."

"That's right! This is how the protagonist in the protagonist book in Mr. Zhang's book can die."

"Is there no way to solve this?"

One person nodded seriously.

"I feel that there is no way to break it. Mr. Zhang has already said it. This is broken at the touch of a button."

"Yes, and Fatty Wang's face has turned purple from the cold. It can be seen that it is no different from those corpses."

"Hey, there is also the ancient shamanism. I didn't expect that there is such a teaching. It's just refreshing my cognition."

"That's right, I thought that Mr. Zhang was already very good at robbing tombs, but I didn't expect Mr. Zhang's historical knowledge to be so profound."

At this time.

Suddenly someone exclaimed.

"I remembered. Just now, Mr. Zhang said that he got it from an ancient book. This ancient book should only be possible in a big family."

"It's confirmed, Mr. Zhang must belong to a big family. "480" is a big family of hermits surnamed Zhang. Isn't this surname the name of the Jade Emperor?"

"Is it possible that Mr. Zhang is the godson of the Jade Emperor?"

"Damn it, I feel that Mr. Zhang is really an immortal, and it's not impossible for this family to be the heir of the Jade Emperor. It's just that strange tree that covers the sky, why did it come out overnight? Only immortals can do this. Do it."

"Yes, when you mentioned it here, I thought, Mr. Zhang's various medicinal herbs are not the things that the Taishang Laojun in the myth has practiced?"

Everyone was discussing with great interest, but they did not expect this result.

It has something to do with mythology.

As a party, Zhang Chen sat on the stage with a lot of thoughts.

The imagination of this group of guests is so rich, I don't know what else to imagine him as.

"Let's not talk about the things in the sky for the time being. As for the things on the earth, and the strange tree, Mr. Zhang is probably the existence that is comparable to Daxian Zhenyuan."

"Hey, maybe it's a delicious ginseng fruit tree."

Everyone's heart trembled, this **** is really possible.

"Ai! I originally thought that I could go in and pick a leaf, but I didn't expect to go in to find ginseng fruit now. Don't blame Mr. Zhang."

The man said with a godly presence, and actually knelt on the ground.

"Brother, you don't really want to enter Mr. Zhang's courtyard, right?"

"I rub it, looking at my brother's appearance, it seems that he is really going to enter Mr. Zhang's other courtyard. It's really scary."

"Pray, there will be another corpse in the capital tomorrow."

"Brother, look at what you said, how could Mr. Zhang be so cruel?"

"That is, Mr. Zhang is a person who has revenge for revenge, and who has grievances to hold grievances, and his grievances are clear."

"Come on, who else in the Dragon Kingdom can show kindness to Mr. Zhang now?"

"Hey hey hey! Where are you guys talking about. It seems that the mezzanine mentioned in Mr. Zhang's book, Ai."

"This fat man is unlucky enough. First, he was hooked by the corpse, and then he turned into this corpse. The next time he didn't know what he was going to become, it was terrifying."