MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 191

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The subordinates on the side nodded quickly.

"Could it be?"

Jude Kaw continued.

"Have to figure out a way to drag that group of people until I get those two things."

"Why not let this group of people explore the secret passage first, so that all dangers are eliminated?"

Jude Kao looked angrily at the subordinates beside him, feeling a little bit uneducated and unworthy.

"Mr. Zhang said just now that the entrance of this thing is very narrow, and only one person will pass through each time. If they want to enter, they will go in one by one. There are so many people, whoever controls the entrance of the hole first will have the initiative, and whoever will come after. If you want to enter, isn't that what we said?"


The subordinates on the side felt tired all the time, how could the boss think so simply, and he also took the initiative to go to Genting Tiangong.

"Boss, I don't even know if this corridor leads to the Genting Heavenly Palace. At this time, if you are enmity with all the forces, isn't that looking for abuse?"

Jude Kao said with a look of indifference: "What are you afraid of, if you get the centipede, they are all side dishes, nothing to worry about."

"But it doesn't matter if you said this leads to the Genting Heavenly Palace. The blind Mr. Zhang said that everyone in the book can't retreat, so they can only follow this direction."

"But what I don't understand is why there is wind in this corridor. Is this the vent of the tomb, or the vent of another tomb?"

"Boss, is it possible that these two tombs are vents for each other? Is it possible that the tomb as big as Genting Tiangong is leaking?"

"Or this, his cloud top sky is really in the air?".

Chapter 193 Zhang Chen, you've all been tricked!

"That's really possible."

"Where did the wind come from, it is still so strong, the Genting Heavenly Palace may really be in the sky, or it may be on the top of the mountain."

In the last second, he was still talking slowly.

Jude Kao's face changed in the next second.

"Hurry up and copy the book. Each copy must be sent in time. It can't be delayed by a minute or a second. When will Mr. Zhang finish speaking?"


Box on the other side.

Zhang Sanlian suddenly realized.

"So that's the case. Mr. Zhang is really a man of great wisdom. He can come up with this kind of feng shui scam. It's really amazing. I'm ashamed of the old man!"

"Wang Zanghai is really a strange person. I didn't expect that the ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom still have such Feng Shui techniques, but they have not formed a complete inheritance."

The old head next to him heard the words.

"Third Master Zhang, you don't have to belittle yourself, this Wang Zanghai is a strange person, not to mention Mr. Zhang, even above him, but Third Master Zhang, you are able to create such things in this age of poor feng shui yin and yang techniques. The 16-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique is already amazing."

The old boss spared no effort in praising Zhang Sanlian.

But Zhang Sanchain was not carried away by the praise.

Feng Shui is not only about inheritance, but also about talent.

He can say it without humility.

"Before Mr. Zhang came out, my feng shui skills were the best in the Dragon Kingdom, and the second half of the yin and yang scroll was something that was created by heaven and earth."

"However, I really don't understand the Feng Shui Bureau of Changbai Mountain Yunding Tiangong. It can be seen that Mr. Zhang's strength is far from what we can imagine."

Zhang San's chain paused a little.

"But this Wang Zanghai still abides by the burial scriptures. If he doesn't obey the burial scriptures, then the matter will be a big deal. If he doesn't obey the burial scriptures, the burial mausoleum in Changbai Mountain can't be entered now."

The old man couldn't believe it.

Zhang Sanlian could actually say such a thing.

The third master Zhang Zhang once said that all the feng shui thought may be changed.

But now his confidence is not so strong.

Like this group of dragon seats and pseudo-dragon caves, it is a bit esoteric.

Zhang San did not shy away from facing one point.

If you had understood it long ago, aren't the Changbai Mountain Yunding Tiangong and the seabed tomb all in your hands?

"Third Master Zhang, why are you saying this? The passage to the burial mausoleum has not been opened. Why can't you enter."

The old man asked, now the people in Changbai Mountain already know what is in this mezzanine.

Definitely won't let it go.

As for when to go in, it depends on how the people there decide.

Zhang Sanlian looked at Zhang Chen with a smile.

"The burial scripture is an ancient burial specification, which is a rule that many feng shui masters will follow. If a feng shui master does not even abide by the burial script, it will be very scary. Without the constraints of the burial script, these feng shui masters can raise more Fierce creatures are not bad, not to mention this Wang Zanghai, if he doesn't obey the funeral scriptures, we people can't get out after 10,000 deaths"".

"What if Mr. Zhang?"

The old man asked abruptly.

Zhang Sanlian was obviously not ready to answer.

"Mr. Zhang can create such a big feng shui treasure hole on this flat ground. I can't look at it with ordinary eyes. I have never seen it in a place that is not the land of dragon veins."

"Or, only Wang Zanghai in Mr. Zhang's book can do these things."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief,

"This funeral scripture is really good. It seems that this Genting Temple is also alive."

Zhang San Chain chuckled.

"You really can't say it, old man. There is not one in history. Wherever Genghis Khan went, he was buried there."

Genghis Khan, who does not know this, the people of Longguo know it.

Just find a place and dig a hole and bury it, but no one can find it.


The old man seemed to be thinking of something funny.

"The news that Yulou brought back to me last time said that Huo Sanniang from Jiumen heard that the team of Zhang Dafo and others had withdrawn, so she followed them out of the tomb and headed towards Sansheng Mountain. ."

"Hehe, what do you care about all day long."

"You didn't notice that the faces of the people from Jiumen were a bit wrong today. It's a little late to return now. Jude Kao has already taken the lead. If he makes a small move at the front, the people behind him can't bear it."

Zhang San Chain laughed.

"In the same way, he has to go first, and he faces the same dangers, and even the whole army is not necessarily destroyed. But the behavior of Jude's test is a bit ruthless. I can't wait to dig this ancient tomb three feet into the ground. Mr. Zhang spoke out about the mezzanine, and finally fulfilled this guy's wish to dig three feet into the ground."

The two were talking about Huo Sanniang.

Huo Sanniang's eyes floated over.

Lao Datou and Zhang Sanxian smiled and signaled.

Huo Sanniang also lost her manners.

"These two old guys seem to be discussing us."

"Patriarch, do you need to beat them?"

After Huo Sanniang heard this, she froze for a while and beat the old head of Xieling.

And that third master?


Huo Sanniang snorted coldly.

"The previous deployment has been completely disrupted. It seems that Master Zhang and their abilities are not good either."

There was silence for a while.

Huo Sanniang said again.

"Then follow Jude to test them, but it can't be too close. Jude is a little unreliable."

The subordinate on the side asked.

Does Xieling always think about it?

"Always keep your head up?"

"This person is a bit reckless, and he will die faster."

"There is also the mezzanine passage below this spiritual palace. You must be careful. That monster, Mr. Zhang also said that it is a corpse. If someone else can do it, we will try not to do it."

Huo Sanniang turned her head and stared at her subordinates closely.

"Remember that our goal is the bright artifact in Genting Tiangong. As for longevity, the fool will let them find it."

The puzzled look on the subordinate's face, it is clear that Changsheng is even more tempting.

Why are those bright weapons more tempting than longevity?

What followed was a cold hum.

"A group of idiots, living people go to private tombs to seek longevity, I don't know what this group of people thinks."

Makes sense.

The subordinates on the side are like titans.

It's so **** reasonable.

Even if you are dead, you still go to the grave of the dead to find longevity. Isn't this a joke?

"々' The owner of the house is right!"


Northeast Zhangjia.




"Ehhh! What's the big elder angry about, isn't it just such a trivial matter?"

"Small thing? Zhang Chen is getting more and more outrageous. How could there be such a passage under the tomb? Why don't we know."

"Hmph, it's just nonsense."

Someone on the side said worriedly.

"Then what if this passage really leads to Genting Tiangong?"

The elder snorted coldly, and slapped his palm heavily on the table.

"Don't let them get close to the bronze gate. What happened to the old patriarch, I can't understand it. Could it be that something happened in the Genting Heavenly Palace?"

"Probably not. With the bronze door so high, my Zhang family has guarded it for so long, and nothing strange has appeared."

The other person sat down slowly and said.

"The important thing is not this. What I don't understand is how this Zhang Chen was not confused by the fake bronze door built by my Zhang family, and actually found Yunding Tiangong directly."

"I met an expert!"

Everyone was quiet for a moment (Qian Zhao).

The elder said again.

"Something must have happened when the old patriarch was guarding the bronze gate. It should be something inside the bronze gate."

At this point, someone didn't understand.

"Elder, why do we guard this bronze gate? Could it be that the secret inside this bronze gate is related to us?"