MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 200

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"Mr. Zhang's courtyard was originally invisible. Today, Lord Zhang Dafa and others came to visit. My friend saw such a scene with foreign glasses."


"Hey! Really? That tree would stretch out a vine as thick as an arm and throw people out?"

I saw the man nodded.

"That's it, the people who can be thrown out are the people of Master Zhang Dafo."

"This big Buddha won't provoke Mr. Zhang again."

"It's very possible, otherwise, why didn't you even let me walk out, and it was thrown out? It's a shame." Nong.

Chapter 204: Did Jude catch the scorpion?

In the crowd, there was a man with a quizzical eye and quietly took a pen and recorded it.

"Also, Miss Yin didn't come out either."

"Could it be that Miss Yin and Mr. Zhang are already doing that? It's impossible. Boss Yin doesn't care."

"How could it be in control, it's too late for Boss Yin to be happy."

"That's right, being able to marry Mr. Zhang is the blessing that Miss Yin has cultivated in her eight lifetimes."

At this time, a woman walked over, her tone was extremely sour.

"Look at your sour looks, it's just ugly, look at me, there are a lot of people chasing behind me, but I have a soft spot for Mr. Zhang, unfortunately, Mr. Zhang fell into the arms of the vixen and ignored me ."


Everyone retched for a while, and soon the square that had just been crowded became empty.

The crowd gathered in another square.

"How about it? This news is really exciting. Let me tell you, Mr. Zhang has already given his life to him, so don't think about it."

"Genting Tiangong has already appeared. I don't know what kind of conflict will happen next. I'm looking forward to it."

"I don't pay attention to these, I just want to know where my favorite 493 brother in Mr. Zhang's book is."

At this time, someone spoke.

"I have listened to the discussion with the group of people from the noble family. In Mr. Zhang's book, the younger brother should have gone to Genting Tiangong."

"Then why don't you bring Wu Xie and the others?"

"You are blind, because there are people from Chen Pi A Si around."


Day two.


Noisy early in the morning.

"Yesterday, the tomb raiding team from Changbai Mountain went in again. Guess what?"

Everyone hurriedly gathered together with large and small bowls of breakfast.

"Don't be mother-in-law or mother-in-law, hurry up and say something!"

I saw this man speak casually.

"The centipede scorpion, which everyone has been searching for for a long time after entering, actually appeared, and its eyes have already opened. This scorpion is as Mr. Zhang said, its eyes are black and very human."

"Like a pair of eyes, there are white and black eyeballs."

This **** is not alone!

Everyone didn't know the sound of the porcelain bowls in their hands falling to the ground.

"and then?"

The man continued.

(daaj) "At this time, the foreigner from Jude Kao actually picked up the worm incense jade and lit it, and the hundred-legged scorpion squatted obediently to the side and quietly absorbed the firework smell emanating from the worm incense jade."

"Finally, this foreigner's country, Jude, really took out a pair of iron chains to tie the centipede."

"It's strange to say that the hundred-legged cockroach actually didn't move at all, and the middle-aged man of the human group tied it up."

"It's over, Mr. Zhang now has a strong competitor, this is the centipede dragon."

The man said disdainfully.

"Even if this Jude test has that, it's not that it can't beat Mr. Zhang. According to what you said, I hope Mr. Zhang can compete with this hundred-legged cockroach."

"Hehe, wishful thinking, dream, Mr. Zhang's servants are so powerful, and there is a monster that can fly into the sky and spit fog."

"By the way, Mr. Zhang's book didn't mention a thing, what, about the corpse."

"Just the lonely old lady in the corpse, don't you like men, and now that so many old men have entered at once, it won't come out to be lively?"

This man's words aroused ridicule from the crowd.

"Who dares to enter the top three."

"Mr. Zhang's previous storytelling, as long as he said anything, he would be raided by Jude Kao. It's really a piece of shit."

"Yes, it is estimated that these lonely and unbearable corpses will also be poisoned by Jude Kao."

"Hey, don't tell me, when Jude took down the mural last time, Mr. Zhang's face was very ugly, as if to say how there is such a person."

"Hey, at this time, the foreigners have arrived in the Dragon Country."

"It's just this group of hairless roosters. I hope Mr. Zhang's ancient tomb can kill this person, so as not to cry and howl here."

Then another said.

"I hope they can find the secrets of Emperor Wannu and Changsheng mentioned in Mr. Zhang's book."

"I always feel that I am getting closer and closer to Mr. Zhang's purpose."

Another said disdainfully.

"Purpose? Mr. Zhang is now an idol in the capital and a benchmark in the wealthy circle. How could he have a purpose?"

"Besides, Mr. Zhang has already said it last time, and he is just a storyteller."

"Hey! It's just that Mr. Zhang's storytelling is too short. Every time I feel like I just got up and it disappears. I really feel aggrieved and panic. It's like, like picking up a gun and going into battle, taking over the insurance that found the gun. dead."

"That's right, it's not too good to persecute Mr. Zhang every time."

"Forcing Mr. Zhang, if Mr. Zhang slaps you in a fit of anger, you will be finished."

The man said dejectedly.

"That's what I mean, eh, why did you say that the Genting Temple was built on this crater?"

"I don't know, Mr. Zhang didn't say anything about it, he just thought it felt very different."

"A huge black stone city, there is still a huge forest inside, I don't know how to get out next?"

"If ah, if Mr. Zhang is among them, it is estimated that he will fly over with a six-winged centipede."

"By the way, there is one more thing, have you noticed that the crater in Mr. Zhang's book, how can such a large space appear underground? It can't be!"

"How did this space form? It's impossible to form for such a long time without collapsing. It's amazing."

"I don't believe that there will be a dome with a radius of three kilometers in this mountain. It can't support it at all. Even your house can't stand up to a few beams and columns, and it collapsed in an instant."

"This is a full three kilometers, absolutely impossible."

"Why, you are doubting Mr. Zhang's personal experience. Mr. Zhang has seen a lot of things, isn't it just a simple dome, or a radius of three kilometers..."

The man's voice subconsciously dropped when he said this.

gradually disappeared.

"Haha, I don't believe it myself, and I have to make excuses."

"But what Mr. Zhang said must be true. If there is no accident, there are also mysterious secrets in it."

Mysterious secret?

The two of them glanced at the man and saw that the man had sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, but the heaven was full and abnormal.

The man was really embarrassed to be seen, so he said.

"Actually, Mr. Zhang said before that the Dongxia Kingdom is full of weirdness. Everyone remember the ancient corpse mentioned in the previous book, just the fussy corpse. There, I remember Mr. Zhang said that there are A mysterious power.".

Chapter 205 Zhang Chen has a unicorn tattoo!

"Yes, you're talking about Fatty Wang. I feel like my feet are burning."

Time soon came to noon.

People come and go on the street, standing in piles of three or five.


There was a roar from the crowd.

"Mr. Zhang has a unicorn tattoo!"

"Mr. Zhang must be from the Zhang family in the northeast."

After a brief silence in the crowd, a violent uproar broke out.

"What? Mr. Zhang turned out to be from the Zhang family in the northeast."

"Impossible. Before, the people of the Zhang family in the northeast have confirmed that Mr. Zhang is not from the Zhang family in the northeast, - why is it now again."

"How did you know?"

said the man.

"That day, I happened to be listening to Mr. Zhang's story behind a group of people in black, and then the group of people said that Mr. Zhang was not from the Zhang family in the northeast."

This man doesn't understand.

"Could it be that the Zhang family in the northeast couldn't wait to get involved with Mr. Zhang after seeing how powerful Mr. Zhang was?"

"There is a possibility, this northeastern Zhang family is so dark, so be it."

At this time, there was a dismayed expression on his face.

"The Zhang family in the northeast popped out of that corner again, and dared to bark at the next time!"

The voice just fell.

The man's voice stopped abruptly.

Then lie straight on the ground.

The surrounding crowd froze in place.



Just finished talking about the Zhang family in the northeast, and the fart!

Zhang family is so powerful?

Is the surname Zhang so arrogant?

Everyone looked at the person lying on the ground, and their hearts trembled for a while.

After a while, there was no movement around.

Everyone spoke slowly.

"It's the feeling that the Zhang family in the northeast took action? Why haven't I seen anyone?"

"Really or not, the people of the Zhang family in the northeast are so strong? They died like this?"

A bold man stepped forward and took a look.