MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 205

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Zhang San Lianzi sat on the side and remained silent.

What are you most afraid of in the tomb?

The most fearful thing is that the people accompanying him suddenly take action, and the tomb will really become a tomb.


The boss asked in a stiff voice.

"Yulou should be fine."

Zhang San Chain opened his mouth to persuade him.

"It's okay, it's just a few clowns jumping on the beam. If Yulou wants to truly master Xieling, this is something that must be experienced. But who this person is, I don't have a clear answer in my heart."

"Old man, looking at Fifth Master's face, it shouldn't be that bad. The people who died should not be from the Nine Sects, or not many. Yulou should not be stupid enough to stand in front of him alone."

The old man's face did not soften, his son he knew.

This kind of thing is exactly what his son likes to do the most.

"Who would have done this?"

asked the old man.

Zhang Sanlian flipped through his clothes, smiling all over his face.

"Looking at Mr. Zhang's calm demeanor, Mr. Zhang must know who did it, but I don't know if he said it or not."

The old head looked at Zhang Sanchain suspiciously.

Zhang Sanchain could guess what the old boss was thinking without looking at it.

"Don't think about it, it's definitely not Mr. Zhang."

The old man was still staring at Zhang Sanchain.

"You don't think it was my old man who did it."

"It's not really certain."

The old man nodded and replied with a smile.

"By the way, Third Master Zhang, do you think this might be what Zhang Qiling did?"

"Zhang Qi Ling?"

Zhang Sanlian fell into deep thought.

This can also explain the past.

There is no doubt about the strength of the younger brother. People like Fifth Master have nothing to do, not to mention, Zhang Qiling, a character in Mr. Zhang's book, may not escape.

What's more, it was very strange when the tomb disappeared before.

"Probably not. This person, Mr. Zhang, has also said that he has always lost his memory, not to mention that he is a hundred-year-old monster. How big a beam can he forge with this association for the fourth time."

"Forget it, let's see what Mr. Zhang said."



Listening to everyone's discussion, Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

Whether the sentence just now was made by Mr. Zhang is really imaginative.

After a while, everyone in the hall turned to look at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen also got up and walked to the front of the stage.

People asked.

"Mr. Zhang, looking at your steady expression, do you know who the ambush person is?"

"That's right, who is this person, we can come out for revenge!"

The man just finished speaking.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen indignantly.

Zhang Chen said upon seeing this.

"Have you ever heard of the Wang family?".

Chapter 210 Comment on the Wang family, **** it!

"Wang family? Is there such a family?"

"Grandma's, isn't the Zhang family the most powerful in the tomb robbery world? There is already a nine-door Zhang family, and there is a northeast Zhang family. Could it be that this Wang family is very powerful?"

"I don't know if he is powerful or not, but Mr. Zhang's book mentioned a person surnamed Wang."

Saying so, everyone around suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"Wang Zanghai!"

"Is it Wang Zanghai, it must be, in Mr. Zhang's book - this is the one surnamed Wang."

"My Cao, is it possible that this Wang Zang-hai still has children?"

"Damn, where is this dog thing hidden? Does anyone know the address of Wang Zanghai's house? If I don't take his sow away, I won't come back."

"This Wang Zanghai is really unwilling to give up, there are still a group of heirs doing things like this."

This is one person who thought about it.

"Then the person who released Mr. Zhang with the unicorn tattoo in the capital before was not from the Wang family."

"Hey, you really have a possibility when you say that. It really looks like the Wang family's method."

"Cut, it's just a group of mice crossing the street. They don't even dare to reveal their real face. I don't know what the meaning of this Wang family's existence is."

"Well, the meaning of the Wang family's existence is to disgust people."

The man laughed twice after speaking.

The people around were also very happy after hearing it.

After all, the Wang family were the people who had passed them in Changbai Mountain. Although the number of dead in Changbai Mountain has not come back yet, everyone knows that death will definitely not be the death of one family.

Everyone is mentally prepared.

Even the possibility of annihilation is acceptable, after all, it has already happened.

"I want to know now, where is the Wang family. I just bought dozens of guns last month, and no one just happened to try their power."

"Damn, I bought tens of thousands of grenades. If I knew the address of Wang's house, I would hire hundreds of people to bomb the fuck."

"I don't know if Mr. Zhang knows."

"You should know. Since Mr. Zhang knows the Wang family, he must know where the Wang family is."

One of the crowd said.

"Brothers, do you think Mr. Zhang belongs to the Wang family?"

The words just came out.

Everyone looked at him coldly, as if they were looking at a fool.

"I said brother, did your head get caught by the door?"

"Who is Mr. Zhang? We are all victims of the Wang family now. If Mr. Zhang is a member of the Wang family, it's so possible to tell us this now, wouldn't it be alright to let us be a headless fly?"

The man clearly had an idea of ​​his own.

"What you think is simple. What if Mr. Zhang and his family have a conflict and run away from home?"

"Hehe, it's impossible. A person as powerful as Mr. Zhang would not use the tricks of these juniors to kill us useless people."

"That's it, there is no one in the Dragon Kingdom who can be compared with Mr. Zhang, at least not now. I don't know if there will be any in the future, and it was also in the past."

"Also, since Mr. Zhang told the story, have you ever seen what methods Mr. Zhang used in the tomb? Isn't everything voluntary?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang has never forced us to go to the tomb. In the end, we can't do it. Mr. Zhang has already said that the dog is so arrogant, but we still can't do anything."

Everyone looked at the person who just suspected that Mr. Zhang was a member of the Wang family.

"If you and I didn't know each other, I doubt whether you are from the Wang family here to sow discord."

"Damn, brother, when you say that, the more I look at him, the more I think he looks like a member of the Wang family."

The man's eyes were a little confused just now.


Box on the second floor.

The nine gates and the major forces all looked puzzled.

Maybe I haven't heard of the Wang family, or like Master Zhang Dafa, I have heard a little, but I don't know it.

"Buddha, what is this Wang family? Dare to take action against our Jiumen and noble families, is it because you feel that you are dying too slowly?"

"Eighth Master, why are you so irritable? The Wang family really doesn't know much about it, but it is certain that it has something to do with Wang Zanghai."

Qi Tiezui's eyes were a little dissatisfied.

Mouth pursed.

"I originally thought that Wang Zanghai was a great Feng Shui master, but this insidious and cunning image stuck in my heart, and I just didn't want to see him."

Zhang Dafo shook his head helplessly.

"Even if this Wang Zanghai has a lot of tricks, he has to call out his patriarch in front of the tomb robbers. If nothing else, this is a recognition of his strength."

"Strength is strength, character is character, and strength without character is hooliganism."


Zhangda Buddha simply closed his mouth and stopped squeaking.

He still admires Wang Zanghai very much in his heart. It is not just as simple as the patriarch. No matter what the purpose is, the hidden purpose can be guessed and guessed.

But whether this purpose is good or bad for them is unknown, at least it is bad for now.

the other side.

"Old man, do you think what Mr. Zhang said about Wang Zanghai's creation of the Wang family is true? If this is true, according to the authenticity of Mr. Zhang's story, it would be a bit terrifying. Family, it's hard to imagine not doing anything."

The old man shook his head.

"Indeed, if the Wang family of Wang Zanghai is here, it will be a heavy blow to our tomb robbery community."

"I think if Mr. Zhang reveals the address of Wang's house, it will definitely cause a commotion. What's more, the people in the lobby on the first floor just said that if Mr. Zhang leaks the address of Wang's house, he will take it immediately. Go up with a knife."

"Hehe, Third Master Zhang, you can believe what the group of people on this floor say. Anyway, I don't believe it. This group of people will only whisper in their ears. When they really do something, they kneel earlier than others."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang has already scared the courage of this noble family last time. In comparison, it's just letting go."


At this time.


The last of the crowd.

Three or four people were sitting in the corner with extremely low voices.

"The big threat, I didn't expect that Mr. Storyteller already knew about it."

"Er Gou, don't be nervous, you know what you know. After all, our Wang family has existed for a long time. Many old tomb robber families may know it."

"Zhang Chen doesn't necessarily know our specific location, so we don't have to worry about it."

"Hey, yes, we don't even know ourselves, let alone a storyteller who happened to be lucky enough to know our existence."


On the high platform, Zhang Chen listened to their conversation verbatim, and glanced slightly.
