MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 252

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But since I dare to look for my debts, I'm afraid I don't know how to write dead words!

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think~?"

Boss Yin said softly.

"This person is very powerful, it's better to be careful - it's better."

The meaning of Boss Yin's words is very clear, that is to let Zhang Chen just - forget it.

This thing pinched his nose to admit.

After all, there will be no good results in the struggle between the people and the army.

"Just tell him, no, I said it."

Zhang Chen also knew what Boss Yin meant, so he didn't plan to embarrass Boss Yin.

Take all the responsibility to one person.

Afterwards, Zhang Chen looked at Feng Shigu outside the door and gave him the note in his hand.

"Go down and tell him that it's impossible to owe a debt to me, Zhang Chen."

Feng Shigu walked up quickly, reached out to take the IOU, and nodded lightly.

"Yes, Master."

After that, Feng Shigu walked down the steps directly and came to Yin Xinyue's side.

Yin Xinyue saw that Feng Shigu was coming, and knew that it was under Zhang Chen's order, so she didn't say much, but just stepped aside gently.

Everyone in the audience saw Mr. Zhang's servant coming, and also knew that the ownership of the map of Qixing Lu Palace was to be decided.

"This gentleman, the master said that if you want to owe a debt, it is impossible!"

Feng Shigu's voice was cold, and the meaning was very clear.

"Haha, well, I don't even give Zhang Shuai's face, this New Moon Hotel is so cruel!"

Zhang Chen's decision was tantamount to rubbing his face against the ground.

After all, even if they don't agree, most of them will choose to tell them secretly. At this time, it is so public that it is obvious that they are not giving any face at all.

When they heard this, everyone in the audience laughed.

"Haha, it's so funny that someone really dares to owe Mr. Zhang money."

"Who is this handsome Zhang? After hearing this name, I know that he must be a role model. He even dared to mention his name in front of Mr. Zhang. I don't know if there is something wrong with his brain."

"Hey, wait... Zhang Shuai... Zhang... What the hell, this Zhang Shuai is not talking about the handsome man from the north!"

At this time, someone remembered who he was talking about, and immediately closed his mouth, daring not to talk nonsense any more.

Mr. Zhang is not afraid of this handsome, but it does not mean that they are not afraid.

At this time, dare to laugh at Zhang Dashuai, that is pure courting death.

Therefore, for a while, the crowd became quiet.

At this time, the others finally knew, where did this person have the courage to owe Mr. Zhang money, and if it was Zhang Shuai, then he really dared to owe Mr. Zhang money.

But thinking about it now, Mr. Zhang was too confident to press Zhang Shuai's face on the ground so directly.

After all, although the Yin soldiers in Mr. Zhang's hands are powerful, in Zhang Shuai's hands, he claims to have an army of one million and is well-equipped.

In this case, confession is a better outcome.

After all, even if Mr. Zhang is powerful, Zhang Shuai has a cannon in his hand. If he shoots a few rounds at Mr. Zhang, even if Mr. Zhang is a god, he can't stop such an attack.

At this time, Mr. Zhang refused so directly, without showing any sympathy at all.

"A district warlord, how dare he let his master sell his face? A joke!"

Listening to this man's voice, Feng Shigu's voice became even colder, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

In Feng Shigu's opinion, those who dare to disrespect Zhang Chen are damned!

And these words fell into the ears of everyone, but they were thunderous, making everyone in the audience unable to react for a while.

"This... this is human speech? What is a district warlord..."

"Mr. Zhang is really... so domineering!"

"Today really made me see what domineering is, a manly man should be like that!"

"If you think about it carefully, Mr. Zhang doesn't need to be afraid of Zhang Shuai at all. Even if Zhang Shuai has a cannon, what's the matter? As long as Mr. Zhang wants Zhang Shuai's life, he will directly let the Yin soldiers enter Zhang Shuai's house, wave his hand, and Zhang Shuai's life is gone. "

"Indeed, this Zhang Shuai, I am afraid that this time I can only recognize it. Even if you want to steal it, you have to choose a good target. People like Mr. Zhang are not something that can be solved by guns and guns."

"If you want to do something to Mr. Zhang, you have to think about whether you can save your life."

"I don't know about the rest, but this person shouldn't be able to get out of the Crescent Hotel today. If he dares to break Mr. Zhang's rules, he will die!"

people this time. Looking at the room on the second floor, his eyes were like looking at a dead person.


"Haha, a mere warlord? Dare to look down on Zhang Shuai so much, no one can save you, but I want to see if it's your tough mouth or my gun."

The middle-aged man on the second floor was extremely angry at this time, and immediately pulled out his pistol from his waist and pointed at Feng Shigu below.

When everyone saw this scene, they became more certain in their hearts. This guy is dead, and it's okay to violate the rules. If he apologized properly, Mr. Zhang might see Zhang Shuai's face and reluctantly spare his life.

And now he even dared to draw a gun, so naturally he didn't even have to think about it, and all that awaited him was death.

"Kill it."


On the top floor, Zhang Chen looked at the middle-aged man and said softly.

After saying that, he turned around and returned to the room.

When Feng Shigu heard these words, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

The reason why I didn't do it just now was because the master didn't give an order, but now that the master's order has been issued, this person will surely die!

"Whoever disrespects the master, die!"

Feng Shigu said fiercely, with a deep chill in his tone.

This chill made everyone tremble in their hearts.

At the same time, they all thought silently in their hearts.

No one can provoke Mr. Zhang in the future.

If you provoke others, as long as you run early, you may still survive, but if you provoke Mr. Zhang, there is really only a dead end.

And after Feng Shigu finished saying these words, he jumped directly from the storytelling desk in the middle of the lobby to the middle-aged man's room.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw this scene, but he also knew that he was very dangerous right now, so he pulled the trigger continuously in the direction of Feng Shigu.

However, Feng Shigu's speed was even faster, and in just one breath, Feng Shigu disappeared in place.

But before the middle-aged man could react, he felt that his right arm lost induction for a moment.

At this moment, Feng Shigu was grabbing on his right shoulder and pinching it fiercely.

His shoulder blades shattered in an instant.

The extreme pain caused him to let out a scream.

"Ah!!!" Nine.

Chapter 271 The auction ended

At this moment, a sharp wailing sound spread throughout the entire Crescent Hotel.

Even passers-by walking outside heard the mourning in the Crescent Hotel.

However, it is not surprising that these people heard this voice.

After all, there are always people who want to provoke Mr. Zhang in the Crescent Hotel, and this is the price of provoking Mr. Zhang.

However, in the Crescent Hotel, those who witnessed this scene with their own eyes were trembling.

Is this what Mr. Zhang did? Simple and direct, no mercy!

This kind of person is absolutely not to be an enemy of.

Otherwise, death may be a trivial matter, but this kind of pain, not everyone can bear.

As for Feng Shigu, he didn't stop at this moment, but the index finger and **** of his right hand were slightly bent, and he punched the man directly in the chest.

After the man was hit by this punch, for a moment, the old "537" stared at him, and then his body softened and fell directly to the ground.

Feng Shigu's punch directly exploded his heart, and he also died at this moment.

From the outside, it seemed that nothing had happened to him, but at this time, his body was already a mess.

At this moment, Feng Shigu looked at the corpse on the ground, stretched out his hand to grab the corpse's collar, and slowly dragged the corpse down from the second floor.

At this moment, everyone looked at Feng Shigu and the corpse behind him, and consciously made way out of the way.


At this moment, Huo Sanniang on the second floor looked at the situation below and fell silent at this time.

Before, she wanted to help Zhang Chen, but after Zhang Chen killed Zhang Dashuai's people, she was cowardly.

If this is to help Zhang Chen, she may end up dying first.

Moreover, at this time, she finally realized that Zhang Chen didn't need her own help.

This time Zhang Chen killed Dashuai Zhang's man, and Dashuai Zhang would definitely take revenge. When the two immortals fight, if they dare to show their heads, they will surely die.

"Go, take back all the people in the capital."

Huo Sanniang looked at the subordinate beside her and said.

Hearing this sentence, his subordinates were stunned. Obviously, it has only been an hour or two since the order was given.


Although his subordinates were scornful, they nodded, took the order, and turned to leave.

"Hey, this Seven Star Lu Palace, it seems that it has nothing to do with me."

Huo Sanniang sighed and said to herself.

Before, I was thinking of getting in touch with Mr. Zhang to see if I could get the map of the Seven Star Lu Palace from Mr. Zhang.

But now, it is clearly impossible.

And not only is it impossible, even if it is a real scripture auction, the money she has now is not enough. Jude Kao has 2.6 million, and she is full of money, but it is only in the early 1 million.

Can't compete with Jude test at all.


At this time, Master Zhang Dafa watched Feng Shigu kill this man directly, the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Er Yuehong, who was on the side, looked at Master Zhang like this, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled. They had never met this person before, and he broke Mr. Zhang's rules.

But Master Zhang's expression seems to be very wrong.

"It's alright, I just thought, so-called ignorant is not to blame, this is the first time for this person to come to the New Moon Hotel, I don't know if the rules here are normal, but Mr. Zhang killed this person directly at this time, right? Some are too domineering."

"And if this person is really Zhang Shuai's, then Mr. Zhang may be in trouble."

Master Zhang also knew that he had lost his temper, and quickly put away his mood.

Then, just looking for a reason to prevaricate the past.

"In this way, it is indeed the case. However, Mr. Zhang's rules, it is reasonable to say that since he is here, it is impossible not to know. When he did this, what he thought in his heart was only the Zhang Dashuai behind him."

"Actually, if you think about it this way, this guy is nothing more than worthless."

Er Yuehong said softly.

Mr. Zhang, as the girl's savior, in Er Yuehong's view, what Mr. Zhang does is right.