MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 253

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But Jiuye Xie, who has been silent all this time, is very clear that there must be something wrong.

Lord Zhang Dafa seems to know who this person is, and seeing this person being killed, the anger and hatred on his face will never be fake.

After this person was killed, Lord Zhang Dafo had hatred for Mr. Zhang, so the relationship between them would never be so simple.

Lord Zhang and Er Yuehong were talking, looking at the situation below, now this person is dead, and this map of the Seven Star Lu Palace seems to be about to become something of Jude's test...0

"Get ready. When Jude passes the test, find someone to solve him."

Lord Zhang Dafo temporarily put the matter just now behind him, looked at the direction where Jude Kao was, and said.

The adjutant on the side nodded lightly, and then quickly left the place with his subordinates.

"Chen Pi, go and help too."

Er Yuehong glanced at Chen Pi behind her and said softly.

Chen Pi glanced at Er Yuehong, nodded lightly, and then turned around and went out.


At this time, in the last room where the sky lantern was lit, several Wang family members were looking at Jude Kao's room.

"Wait a minute to go out and gather the people and kill Jude Kao."

A middle-aged man at the head said in a cold voice.

"But remember, let the people in the capital do it, and a few of us will make others alert."

The young man next to him nodded lightly, then turned his head and left.


On the other side, the person who bid with Jude Kao to the end was also staring at the direction where Jude Kao was.

After thinking for a while, he slowly walked downstairs, preparing to leave the place.


In the corner of the first floor, the people from the New Moon Hotel had already delivered the mouse that had just been auctioned to Zhang Sanlianzi.

On the other hand, Zhang San Chain took out a silver note and gave it to him.

The man took the bank note, and after identifying it carefully, he nodded directly, and then turned to leave.

"Okay, let's go too 0.9."

Zhang San Chain said softly.

The following things are no longer worth watching, and Zhang Sanlian has other things to do after getting the mouse.

The old head looked at Zhang Sanchain, nodded lightly, and then left the New Moon Hotel with Zhang Sanchain.

However, when he was at the door, Zhang San's chain was hit by someone, who almost knocked Zhang San's chain down.

This person is the one who competed with Jude Kao to the end.

Because he was in a hurry to leave, he bumped into Zhang Sanchain.

However, he didn't even apologize, and turned his head and left the New Moon Hotel.

Zhang Sanlianzi looked at this man and felt something in his heart, and immediately made a calculation.

Before long, Zhang Sanxian's body trembled violently, almost falling to the ground.

Chapter 272 Jin Chan Escapes the Shell

"Third Master, what's the matter with you?"

The old man was quick-witted, and immediately supported Zhang Sanzi.

After Zhang San Chain stabilized his body, he didn't even think about it, and immediately chased in the direction the man left.

The old man looked at Zhang San's chain like this, and was extremely puzzled, but he still followed.

However, the old man doesn't usually exercise much, and because he is old, he can't run after just two steps.

And although Zhang Sanxian is old, his kung fu has not been pulled down. At such an old age, he is still as light as a swallow. After a while, he throws his head away and burrows into the crowd. , disappeared.


At this moment, in the Crescent Hotel, Yin Xinyue also announced the final result.

"Congratulations to Mr. Jude Kao for taking the map of the Seven Star Lu Palace at a price of 2.6 million."

After Yin Xinyue finished speaking, Ting Nu, who was on the side, walked directly to the room where Jude Kao was.

When Jude Kao saw Tingnu coming up, he naturally knew what 30 meant.

And Jude Kao did not hesitate, and directly gave all the two chapters of silver notes to Ting Nu.

Ting Nu looked at Jude Kao's two silver notes, nodded lightly, and then walked down with the silver notes.

Ting Nu handed the silver note to Yin Xinyue, then picked up the map next to it and sent it to Jude Kao's room.

In this way, this transaction is completed.


At this moment, in Jude Kao's room, Jude Kao directly asked his subordinates to press this slave to the ground.

"Mr. Jude Coe, what do you want? This is the Crescent Hotel."

Tingnu was a little caught off guard, but he didn't panic. After all, this is the Crescent Moon Hotel, and Mr. Zhang will not allow people with bad rules to appear.

"Sir, don't worry, I won't hurt you, but I want to borrow your clothes for a while."

Jude Kao said with a chuckle.

This is something that Jude has long thought about. After taking this map, there must be many people who will take action against him.

And now, the best way for him is to play Escape the Shell directly.

Afterwards, many of Jude Kao's subordinates took off Ting Nu's clothes.

And Jude Kao immediately changed into these clothes, and at the same time, took out a gold coin and handed it to Ting Nu.

"Even if I bought this dress, the rest will be your reward."

After speaking, Jude Kao shoved the map into his arms and left the place with the tray.

Before going out, Jude Kao also took out a human skin mask and stuck it to his face.

In this way, Jude Kao actually left the Crescent Hotel smoothly and sneaked away through the back door.


At this time, the people around who had been paying attention to Jude Kao's movements, after waiting for a long time, found that Jude Kao didn't intend to leave, and couldn't help feeling a little strange.

But now Jude Kao's room is sealed tightly, if you break in hard, you will definitely be shocked, so you can only wait.


On the top floor, Boss Yin frowned as he looked at Jude Kao who had not moved yet, thinking that Jude Kao would just stay at the Crescent Hotel and not leave.

So, Boss Yin looked back at Zhang Chen.

"Mr. Zhang, you said this Jude test, are you afraid to go out?"

Zhang Chen chuckled and shook his head.

"He has left the Crescent Hotel."

Hearing Zhang Chen's words, Boss Yin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhang Chen to say such a thing.

Because even he didn't notice when Jude Kao left.

"Isn't it right? I don't think he even came out. How did he leave the Crescent Hotel?"

Boss Yin did not believe it.

"Boss Yin didn't realize that Ting Nu just disappeared after leaving Jude Kao's room?"

"Also, when this slave came out, his movements looked similar to before, but it was much stiffer?"

Zhang Chen said softly.

Having said that, Boss Yin knew in his heart that Jude Kao had changed clothes with Ting Nu, and Jin Chan had escaped!

Although Boss Yin only cares about money, as a native of Longguo, he naturally does not want a foreigner to take the treasure of Longgong away.

At this time, Boss Yin felt that it was necessary to inform these people who were still waiting for Jude to take the test.

So, Boss Yin directly let Ting Shou on the side go down, and his breath revealed the wind.

"Where's the guy who just went to Mr. Jude Koo's room? Where did they go to be lazy?"

Below, a Ting slave asked another Ting slave, and the voice was not too loud or too small, just enough for some nearby guests to hear.

"He just said that the boss asked him to go out and buy something and went straight out the back door."

Another hearer said.

"Fart, the boss didn't let him go out to buy things at all, this guy must be lazy somewhere again!"

This sentence is very simple and seems to have no content at all, but after the surrounding guests heard it, they quickly reacted.

At the Crescent Hotel, how dare Tingnu run away secretly? The one who just sneaked out must be Jude Kao!

"Fuck, Jude Kao this guy ran from the back door!"

As soon as these words were said, the people around who were waiting for Jude Kao to leave were stunned for a moment, and then they all left the New Moon Hotel.

This kind of thing must be reported quickly, otherwise, Jude may really escape.


"If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

Zhang 537 Chen saw that Boss Yin was like this, and didn't say anything, but just got up and said goodbye.

"Mr. Zhang..."

Just as Boss Yin was about to speak to keep him, Zhang Chen quickly left here.

Seeing this, Boss Yin couldn't help but sighed, this time he didn't get an answer from Mr. Zhang, and it might be even more difficult next time.

Thinking of this, Boss Yin couldn't help but feel a little regretful. Whether Jude can escape or not has anything to do with him, it is still the most important thing to get Mr. Zhang's answer.

But now, because he forcibly intervened, Mr. Zhang just left. At this moment, Boss Yin thumped his chest and felt regretful.


At this time, outside the Crescent Hotel, new newspapers were printed, and on the front page, there were a few big characters - the auction ended, and the map of the Seven Star Lu Palace was determined.

It's just that as soon as these newspapers were printed, many people who couldn't wait to know the follow-up immediately snapped up the newspapers.

"I went, and in the end, 2.61 million gold coins were auctioned off. This is too scary. Mr. Zhang made so much this time, it's too cruel."

"Fortunately, it wasn't filmed by the foreign devil Jude Kao in the end. If Jude Kao was filmed, I couldn't help but prepare to block Jude's test."

"Don't worry, there are so many other bigwigs, even if Jude took this map, it is impossible to take the map out alive.".

Chapter 273 The Green Grave

At this moment, in an alley behind the Crescent Hotel, Jude Kao was running fast. He knew that what he had secretly escaped would be discovered soon.

Therefore, he does not dare to stop for a moment now.

In a corner of the capital, he had already arranged people, and when he got there, he took them directly out of the capital and went straight to the Seven Star Lu Palace.

It was his only option.

But the premise is that he can survive.

If he can't survive, all the preparations will be in vain.

At this time, there were already countless people rushing out from the back door of the Crescent Hotel, and then divided into two groups, one on the left and one on the right, to search for Jude Kao.

At the same time, on the other side, they also sent people to intercept them from various exits, and they sent a lot of manpower to prevent Jude from escaping.