MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 262

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"Sure enough, it's really not easy under the cliff."

"In this cliff, I don't know who has nailed countless iron chains with thick bowls, and the number is very dense. Looking at them from a distance, there are still iron chains hanging on the iron chains below. On the chain, it looks like something like a wind chime."

"Seeing this, everyone knew that there must be a cave below, so everyone continued to walk down the chain together."

"In this valley, the wind is very strong, and it is very difficult for everyone to walk, but fortunately there are many iron chains, so that everyone can climb down these iron chains.".

Chapter 287 Heavy casualties

"It feels like this should be where the Wannu King is. This old guy is really hiding deep enough."

"Why do I feel that this place is about to reach the depths of the ground. After walking like this, it has always been downward. It feels like I will dig through this world."

"This is also Wang Zanghai. Why do you care so much about helping others? You can just dig if you can't. Why do you dig so deep?"

"Are you stupid? Wang Zanghai is controlled by Dongxia Kingdom. If he was not serious, he would have been slapped by the people of Dongxia Kingdom. Do you still want him to cut corners?"

"I just don't know what Mr. Zhang said about the bronze door."

"Indeed, it only has the word "big". It's really hard to imagine how tall and wide this bronze door is. Besides, what is behind the bronze door? Mr. Zhang didn't say anything."

"Indeed, there is also what Wu Sanxing came here for. This Mr. Zhang still hasn't said it. He always feels that there are many doubts behind him. It seems that they are going to do something big, rather than simply coming here to seek longevity."

Everyone, with your words and my words, you have almost made the doubts about this matter clear.

"But to be honest, I thought Wang Zanghai was a powerful person before, but now it seems that Wang Zanghai is just a prisoner, a waste."

"I'm going, you are too dare to say it. You must know that there are still a lot of Wang family members hidden in this New Moon Hotel. You can easily attract revenge for saying this."

"What are you afraid of? Now there are more people who want to arrest the Wang family. If the Wang family dares to do it, they will be arrested directly on the spot."

The man said with disdain in his words.

And the surrounding Wang family members didn't react at all. It wasn't because they were incapable and didn't dare to kill this person. They just felt that it didn't matter if Wang Zanghai was scolded. Come out, the secret about longevity.

Moreover, if someone killed someone at the New Moon Hotel, others might not know who did it, but Zhang Chen definitely knew.

And if Zhang Chen knew, he would definitely die, and even their group would die.

So don't pay attention to this person now.

Can't ignore this man.

On the second floor, Lord Zhang Dafa was also looking at Zhang Chen, thinking about what Zhang Chen said just now.

In the Yunding Heavenly Palace, what is there, this Wannu King, and the bronze gate, and what is behind everything.

Also, does this place have anything that makes people live forever?

All of this seems to be hiding a huge secret.

This secret attracts everyone.

"Second Master, where are our people? One of us knows this kind of secret."

Lord Zhang Dafa spoke softly and asked a question.

"Father, because Mr. Zhang was interrupted in the middle of the story before, they only reached the coffin well and did not dare to go down. However, I don't know who touched the insect incense trap. These people who went there this time have suffered heavy casualties. There are a lot of scorpions in it, and every time you kill a scorpion, you will attract more scorpions."

"In the end, I used fire attack to reluctantly block these scorpions. These people who are going down now have suffered heavy casualties. I feel that if they go further, there may be problems."

The second master said softly, with a worried expression on his face.

Looking at what Mr. Zhang said, it seems that the jade corpses under the coffin well have some value now, and then there may be nothing valuable.

For an ethereal longevity technique, so many brothers died, in Er Yuehong's view, it was more than enough.

"Let them continue. When Mr. Zhang finishes talking about this book, he will send the news and let them go further."

Master Zhang completely ignored Er Yuehong's words.

Longevity is really important to him.

This thing has a great relationship with his future career and must be found.

Even if these people are all dead, as long as they can find out about longevity, they are all acceptable.

And Er Yue Hong Hua was helpless when she saw this, but she didn't say anything more.

On the other side, Huo Sanniang also asked her subordinates, what happened to the people she sent out to Genting Tiangong.

"Patriarch, this... the brother of Genting Tiangong is almost dead now, and there are probably about four or five people left."

The subordinate said.

He had already received the news about this matter before, but the loss this time was too great, he dared not tell Huo Sanniang, at this time, Huo Sanniang asked personally, and only then did he know that the person on the other side of Genting Tiangong. Happening.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

When Huo Sanniang heard this, the expression on her face was very ugly. She never expected that there would be only four or five of the brothers she had sent out.

"Why, what about other people's situation?"

Huo Sanniang snorted coldly and continued to ask.

"Other forces also suffered heavy casualties, but not as bad as us, because...because one person triggered the mechanism inside, attracting a lot of scorpions, our people were closest, so the casualties were the most serious."

The man quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing this, Huo Sanniang was silent for a while.

"When Mr. Zhang's storytelling is over, you can find another group of people and go to Genting Heavenly Palace with the content of this storytelling. You must find out what secrets are there under 547 Chu, Genting Heavenly Palace, and if If you have any treasure, you must try your best to grab it."

Hearing Huo Sanniang's words, his subordinate nodded silently.

Some other forces also thought the same way. After all, the sudden trigger of the organ made people's hearts unacceptable for a while. The forces of all parties, who suffered the least losses, also lost nearly half of their people.

This kind of loss is really too great, which also makes everyone secretly swear in their hearts that the person who triggered the mechanism must be found.

At this time, Zhang Chen had almost rested. Seeing that everyone was still discussing, he picked up the gavel and patted it on the table.

"The book was picked up last time, and Wu Xie and his party, at this time, followed the dense iron chain all the way down."

"Finally, they finally saw what those wind chimes hanging on the chains were."

"These wind chimes are actually dried corpses."

"It's just hanging on an iron chain, it's extremely dense."

"Seeing this thing, everyone's heart sank. They knew that those strange birds in the past had this hobby. They liked to hang their food on iron chains to dry for storage, and there were so many corpses in this place. That proves that there are definitely a lot of strange birds here!".

Chapter 288: The Return of Chen Yulou

When everyone heard this, they already knew in their hearts that when they got to this place, the danger was already very high.

These strange birds, from Mr. Zhang's previous storytelling, are very powerful, but now Mr. Zhang said that there are so many strange birds, these strange birds are very powerful, and in this place, these strange birds have infinite advantages. As long as you go down and encounter these strange birds, the only thing waiting for them is death.

Of course, most people still feel that it doesn't matter in their hearts, after all, they don't go, but these big guys on the second floor are very panic in their hearts.

At this moment, after hearing this, Master Zhang's face was extremely ugly.

But still didn't say anything, anyway, before Zhang Dafo let these people pass, he didn't care about the life and death of these people.

As long as it can bring out the secret of longevity.

At this time, Er Yuehong next to her spoke again.

"Father, do you really want to let them go to the tomb now? This place is too dangerous. If you let them go to the tomb, they may all die."

Hearing Er Yuehong's words, Master Zhang still had no idea of ​​changing his mind.

"I've already arrived at this place. When I come back at this time, I still have nothing to gain. It's better to fight. Maybe this place really has the secret of longevity."

Master Zhang said softly.

Jiuye Xie, who was on the side, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just patted Er Yuehong lightly, making Er Yuehong, who was planning to say something, stop.

"I think what the Buddha said is right. Since you have sacrificed so much and have already arrived at this place, if you don't go down, what is the difference between the final result and the one who has never been there?"

At this time, Chen Pi spoke up.

"Although these things are powerful, the Wu Xie in Mr. Zhang's book should have survived. Since they can survive this situation, all the masters of our nine sects will definitely survive."" "

Although Chen Pi is more impulsive in doing things on weekdays, there is still some truth in what he said.

It is also rare that Er Yuehong did not reprimand Chen Pi again, but just nodded slightly.

This kind of thing is indeed very difficult to say. If you say what you do is right, you feel wrong, and if you say what you do wrong, you can understand it.

After all, it is really not easy to enter this place. After all, it is just unwilling.

No matter how you will feel unwilling, so, it is better to do it directly, everything in this world is also worth it.

Moreover, what Chen Pi said does have some truth. The Wu Xie in Mr. Zhang's mouth is indeed very weak, and even if he is weak to this extent, he can go out, why can't they?

So at this time, Er Yuehong also accepted this matter.

On the other side, Wu Laogou was cuddling his puppy, watching the place where Zhang Chen was in silence.

Zhang Chen just said what these things represent, and he is very clear in his heart.

But he has already arrived at this place, and it is very difficult for him to make a choice.

After all, there may be secrets about longevity in this place. At this time, no one wants to give up at this time.

However, Wu Laogou didn't want his brothers who had worked hard with him for so long to die in Genting Tiangong.

While Wu Laogou was thinking about it, someone next to him spoke up.

"Patriarch, I just received the news that Chen Yulou, the head of Xieling, actually took people away from Genting Tiangong. They asked us if we wanted to leave as well, or continue."

Hearing this, Wu Laogou thought about it and nodded lightly.

"Send people out and let them all come back."

This news is very important news for Wu Laogou.

Everyone in the world knows that this Chen Yulou is a person who loves face. No one else has left at this time, but he left first, and he will definitely not be able to make it through in terms of face.

And if there is something that can make him lose face, then there is nothing to say, it must be something that can threaten life.

So at this time, it is impossible to let these subordinates continue.

Anyway, Mr. Zhang has always been in this place. As long as you come to listen to Mr. Zhang's story on time, there will always be new tombs and new treasures.

So at this time, it is better to ensure the lives of these brothers as much as possible. After all, this opportunity is lost, and Mr. Zhang will still mention a new tomb, but if there are no people, then it is really gone.

At this moment, the old head was also quite nervous. He heard this and knew that if he simply used his son's ability, he might not be able to come back. He just hoped that he could persuade his son to stop continuing. .

After all, the treasures that Mr. Zhang mentioned before are already a lot. It is not too much of a loss for so many brothers to go to Xieling and bring back some good things.

Thinking of this, the old head sighed deeply.

"々' Alas, I hope Yulou will listen to me and come back soon, this place is still too dangerous."

On the side, Zhang Sanchain smiled softly and comforted the old man.

"Don't worry, old man. I think Yulou is born with auspiciousness, and there will be no problems."

It's just this kind of comfort, the old man is naturally clear, Zhang Sanlian is just talking casually, and he can only nod helplessly.

The child Chen Yulou, at this time, still has to look at himself, whether it is life or death is in his mind.

However, before too long, someone walked in from outside the door.

This person is Chen Yulou.