MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 888 Royal Wedding (6, two more one)

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In the time that Mo Tianji arranged, the outside world was full of the hustle and bustle of the whole space, and Mo Tianji did not hear it at all.

The ceremony has reached an important stage.

The dreamless voice is close to screaming.

"Below, there is a bridegroom officer who is pleased with us today, and you can say a few words to everyone."

In the midst of a thrilling cheer, suddenly the heavens and the earth were filled with flowers, and countless flowers fell from the sky. In the colorful rain, Chu Yang hits the black clothes and walks up the sky step by step.

Walking in the void, but like stepping on a solid staircase. Gradually step by step, the clothes are flying in the wind, just step by step, but like the heaven and earth emperor, inspecting their own star territory!

Below, countless people are cheering, but at this moment, suddenly it is silent. Every step in Chuyang is like stepping on everyone's heart.

The footsteps are silent, but full of shock.

The figure step by step to the sky, farther and farther away from everyone, should be smaller and smaller, but somehow, in the hearts of everyone, this figure is actually getting bigger and bigger, more and more heavy, and serious.

When I walked to the air and stood up, the whole person turned into the sun, shining and shining the world!

Chu Yang’s body today is still a black robe, but this black robe is the most gorgeous clothes he has ever worn, because there are gold threads inside, gold rims, neckline, and strips. Golden dark lines.

It symbolizes that Chu Yang, as the groom today, is completely different from the image of the previous rivers and lakes.

Chu Yang went up. Slowly turn around.

His eyes are very gentle and he looks at everyone. Just like the warm sunshine that naturally spills...

but. At this moment, everyone felt a sigh of heart, and then, suddenly, a burst of cheers broke out!

“Joan’s throne!”

"Chu Yu seat is overjoyed!"

"The throne!"


For a time, the sound of the mountains and the tsunami came one after another, and the sky burst into flames; everyone was warm and looked at the shadows in the air, full of a kind of pilgrimage, and finally saw the excitement of the gods!

Chu Yang smiled. Hands clasped with fists: "Dear friends! Brothers, Chu Yang's own private, but the labor everyone came thousands of miles, here, Chu Yang thank you! Everyone is a passion, Chu Yang keeps in mind! Thank you again!"

His voice is very peaceful, but in the midst of cheers. It was clearly passed out. It seems that in everyone's ear, he whispers softly with him.

"My Chu Yang is a pro-life today, it is a grand event of my life, only once. So, I hope to get everyone's blessing." Chu Yang warmly smiled: "This is the first thing."

Cheers below. Congratulations, the flash floods generally started, and it lasted for a quarter of an hour, but it was still louder and fierce.

"Speaking of getting married. I have to thank a lot of people." Chu Yang's voice is full of emotions: "The first person is my teacher Meng Chaoran. Today, the teacher did not come. But, I want to say, I Chu Yang To be able to go to today, all are cultivated by the teacher. The achievements of a lifetime are all derived from this."

"Thank you for your teacher!" Chu Yang worshipped in the air, three miles and nine miles.

Everyone looked at it quietly, and the heart suddenly filled with emotion.

As the throne, the world is the first. So unconstrained, without any pinch, public worship, it is obvious that Chu Yang’s gratitude to his teacher is already at the extreme!

All the masters who have been teachers, everyone is honored and excited. ‘

As a master, I can teach a disciple like Chu Yang in my life. It can be said that there is no regret for life. Also as a master, the greatest glory!

But it is the day of today, the most glorious day of Chu Yang’s master, but he does not come.

This makes all the masters of the rivers and lakes who are already teachers, everyone has some inexplicable feelings: If I am, will I come? Everyone’s answer is affirmative. But the master of Chu Yang is definitely negative.

For a time, everyone seems to understand what.

Although Meng Chaoran did not come, Chu Yang still gave his deepest gratitude to his own teacher.

First grateful!

"I am most grateful, except my mentor, and my parents." Chu Yang turned his head and looked at Yang Ruolan and Chu Feiling with deep affection: "My parents gave me life, they can even sacrifice for me." Everything, this is the grace of the heavens and the earth, and the great grace that will never be repaid for the Son of Man!"

Chu Yang slowly squats: "On the occasion of this big marriage, to parents and parents, a few rings."

Chu Yang, one head and one head down, loudly said: "Hey, mother, baby is married today! Baby grow up today... Thank you! After that, everything will be given to your son."

"You have suffered for half a lifetime for me, but from now on, the child will be a parent, repaying the laughter of life!"

Chu Yang looked awkward and said loudly.

Under the stage, Yang Ruolan has been crying.

Chu Feiling is grateful for nodding, but forcibly controls himself and prevents himself from tearing his eyes out.

This life is complete.

Chu Feiling said to himself.

Under the stage, the basic owners are already fathers and mothers; looking at this scene, they are silent.

As a parent, I can have today, I have such a good son, and I have no regrets. Just don't know, your child, whether or not, can make yourself so glorious!

If there is such a day, it is really dead and regrettable!

"I am also grateful, my wife." Chu Yang stood up: "My wife is a good girl with no one in the world. Everyone is a beautiful woman. Everyone is smart." Seven hearts and exquisite hearts! Everyone has the peaks and repairs, all have the power of the peak... But they still like me. Like it, I still have nothing at all!"

"From humble, I have been with me until today!"

"This is a world of male power. Of course, three wives and four wives are common in this world. Everyone is used to it, but here. I have to confess to everyone and have these four wives. It is my Chu Yang, dreaming. Don't dare to think about it!"

"In the face of each of them, I feel that I only have one, I am very satisfied. Everyone, I want to give her a lifetime, the only love. But I am sorry. I am not doing it. This is also my biggest apology to my wife, this apology, I will, with my life, to make up for them."

Chu Yang seriously said: "They are my baby, from the past. To the present, to the future, to permanent."

In four directions, four brides with red hijabs were filled with tears in their eyes.

Chu Yang, our life. Being able to marry you is also our most grateful thing!


Chu Yang said yes, this is a patriarchal society; three wives and four beggars, in the eyes of the world, should be reasonable. Of course. No one has ever included even all women. Have not said that this is not reasonable.

However, as the first person in the world, Chu Yang is here, in the face of his new marriage, facing the world, and frankly telling his own embarrassment.

It can be seen that it is willing to use its will and its heart.

"Light dance, Qianqian, fill the sky, love." Chu Yang said with deep affection: "You are irreplaceable in my heart! Each of you is my only one. Here, on the occasion of the wedding, I In the face of the vast land, facing the world, making promises. Let us live together forever, love forever and ever! I will love you and care for you until the end of time!"

"Thank you, willing to marry me!" Chu Yang firmly said: "I will make you happy, believe me."

"We believe in you!" A burst of screams, but all the female masters present, shouting together! In the eyes of everyone, they are all in tears.

Such a soulful man should have been blessed by everyone.

In the face of the guarantee of the vast land, we believe!

Believe, and envy! The wife of the throne is really blessed.

"Today is my wedding, this should not be mixed; but now the situation is grim, I am worried about day and night." Chu Yang voice is low, full of anxiety, gradually, full of embarrassing feeling, like a drum, in Slowly screaming: "The extraterrestrial magic is my heart, and it is always a sword hanging in our hearts! The devil is not dead, the sky is uneasy!"

Chu Yang’s voice became fierce: “Just today, in the name of Qiong’s throne, I announced to the world: From now on, declare war on the demon outside the country! We are in the midst of March, and will send troops at the same time. Purple Sky, extinct the demon, regain the purple eyes! Light my world, comfort my spirit!"

"Destroy the devil, regain the purple scorpion; light my world, comfort my spirit!"

Everyone is boiling at the same time, shaking his arms!

In the sky, countless big clouds and red clouds are generally screaming, and there is no end to it.

"This war is dangerous, beautiful, I don't say much; I hope everyone is ready; the devil is not destroyed, I will not return! Chu Yang, here vowed, will fight with everyone, breathe together; with glory, coexistence !"

"With glory! Coexistence and death!"

Everyone is screaming at the neck, even the snow and tears, purple promise and other heavenly emperors, but also can not help but scream!

"The Purple Seat Wedding, start now! Have four beautiful brides!"

The dream is boundless and loud, in all directions, the horn sounds powerful and the festive music is also filled with the world!

"The first bride, Mo light dance; the sister of the Heavenly Emperor Mo Tianji, peerless red makeup, the world of beauty, today's flowers, let us wish, the bride and groom will be united, happy and happy..."

The dreamless endless voice, in the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami, turned out to be weak.

At this moment, there are too many people cheering.

In the east, a red color of the general color, the goddess of the emperor sent the pro team, the emergence of mighty. In the red dress, Mo light dance, at this moment, even if the red head is covered with a head, but the unique beauty that overflows with the ocean is still dumping the world.

She walked step by step with her brother. I only felt a heart, and I almost jumped out of my throat.

Today, I am the little wife of Chu Yang’s brother... Mo has a shame in his heart, but more is happiness and satisfaction. This life, no need to ask for it...

Thank you heaven!

"The second bride is our hero, the daughter of the Purple Emperor, the purple evil!" The sound of the dreamlessness shocked the world: "Da Luo Tian Zi Promise Heavenly Emperor, is the uncle of our bride. Come in person. , send the Princess Zi Zi to marry. With Qiong Yu Yu Chu Chu, Yongjie Tongxin!"

Cheers, once again.

Then, Gu is alone to marry Tie Butian, Xie Danqiong sent Wu Qianqian; four emperors sent four brides, this lineup, so that all the people who are watching the ceremony are shocked and can't speak.

This time. It was the request of Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian, so that the purple evil spirits and Mo Qing dance ranked in front. For such a decision, Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian were willing and willing.

One-time wedding of four brides, regardless of size. Enter the door together. This is everyone knows, but the purple evil feelings are special after the end, nine heavens, after the need for a hero, you need the purple princess!

And Mo light dance. It is Chu Yang's favorite. Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian understand this very well, although they know that they are not in each other's hearts, but this is before and after the public eye. Still have to. After all, four names cannot appear at the same time...

The persistence of Wu Qianqian and Tie Butian, Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu purple evil are grateful.

Mo light dance and purple evil feelings feel embarrassed. However, it is not enough to make up the sky, so I have to.

Four brides appeared at the same time.

In the sky, the entire Wanli Mountain River suddenly became the ocean of flowers.

When the four brides walked into the air, the sea of ​​flowers was also born to the extreme. Under the feet of the bride and groom standing in the air, countless flowers grow wildly, and there is a pile of flowers in the middle of nothing, high in the sky, holding up five new people.

"Wedding ceremony, officially started!" The dream is full of excitement and trembling: "A world!"

A thunderous cheer, Chu Yang and four newlyweds, at the same time Yingying fell.

At this moment, I have been paying attention to all the movements of Chu Leer. Although I have not found any abnormalities, I have tried my best to do my best, and sprinkled the antidote of the poisonless poison.

At the same time as Chu Leer's movements, in a crowd of people, there was also a silent, silent, colorless and odorless poisonous mist that slowly floated out.

With the screaming wind, I drifted toward the middle.

Mo Tianji guessed well, the Holy King and the Holy Ghost, really will not miss this opportunity.

Finally, at the most critical moment!

The shadowless poison, from the hands of two people, is like opening the door of hell, spit out swiftly and intensely...

St. Xue Xianer; her body has been destroyed, but at the moment, two avatars, shot together.

Beside her, the smile with a sincere blessing on the front, the person who looks at the newlyweds on the high platform, is a generation of holy princes, the cloud!

He did not move, but he controlled the shadowless poison that Xue Xianer sprinkled out, and rushed to the family of Chuyang on the high platform...

Wherever passed, many people swayed and the flowers wilted...

Everyone’s eyes are on the high platform, no one pays attention to this. Everyone is cheering, they are all jumping... The sound is rising from the sky, almost tearing the white clouds.

But I don't know, a huge crisis has already happened around.

Chu Leer sprinkled the antidote, spread, carefully paying attention to the surrounding movements; when the dream screamed out "two worship Gaotang", Chu Leer suddenly frowned.

Then turn around.

Staring at death, over there, the crowd that is cheering. Chu Leer can feel the viciousness of a strong death, from there... pervading, overwhelming!

How much poison is this?

Chu Leer couldn’t imagine it because the antidote he had prepared was not enough.

Obviously, after the holy monarch, all the poisons collected in the past millions of years are all used today, without reservation, just to destroy the wedding of Chuyang!

Chu Leer took a deep breath.

Do your best and run poison! Then, she opened her mouth quietly and took a sigh of relief.

In that direction, all the poisonous fog that the normal person could not see at all was sucked up by her and inhaled into her body.

I don't know, my poison function can't swallow so many shadowless poisons, but I would rather die, and don't let these two **** destroy the big brother's wedding!

Chu Leer looked determined.

However, when she was mad at the poisonous mist, she suddenly felt that her palm was hot, and a sword appeared inexplicably in the palm of her hand.

Chu Yang's nine robbery sword!

Chu Leer sucked the poisonous mist and sucked it into his body. Then, the nine robber swords from her body, swallowed up these poisonous mists and entered the nine-robbery space!

Gu alone, Dong Wushou and others are cheering and jumping, but at this same time, the two cheered, but the sharp eyes have found something wrong.

In the innermost congratulations, the snow and tears and the demon heart, at this moment, quietly retired.

Mo Tianji suddenly caught the hand of the secret in his sleeve and issued the most severe order in the history of the Ministry of Information.

Puff puff……

In which direction, someone finally fell into poison, and fell down, it was a big piece...

The eyes of Saint Jun, staring in the direction of the poisonous fog, looked at the parents of Chuyang, and looked forward to the viciousness in the heart: Fall down! Let's die! The more you die, the better!

He can feel that the smog has entered a critical position.

Just need to move a little further and you can hurt the person he really wants to hurt.

However, at this moment, he suddenly stopped.

Then, it is like an ice cave!

Because, that is, the poison that will soon be built without merit, after suddenly reaching a certain position, suddenly disappeared mysteriously...

The other party is ready!

Moreover, the toxic masters are waiting in the air, I am afraid there is more than one, otherwise, absolutely can not do this......

This wedding, for myself, turned out to be a trap!

The face of Shengjun changed, and the snow fairy was shaken. The two snow fairy's avatars were also alert. One of them, of course, is the soul of Xue Xianer, who relies on the true sacred rebirth of the sacred body, and the behavior of the sage, the heart, and suddenly realized that something happened.

"Go!" Shengjun hated and looked at the high platform, Shen Sheng said.

But this look, but he regretted it.

Because, on the high platform, two people have already witnessed lightning, and the volley flew toward this side!

East Emperor!

After the demon!

On the high stage, there is a happy ending with a dream: "The husband and wife are worshipping! Send to the cave!~~~~~"


<Sorry, the update is so late. After I finished the treatment yesterday... I was so sad that I really couldn’t write, I kept groaning, and it was still hurting at 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

I slept in the past, was awakened, and had passed the zero point. I bitten my teeth and wrote five thousand words intermittently...

Also, yesterday was the birthday of the innocent brothers, I promised the blessing, but... I really didn't do it, I can't write an update... Please understand the innocent brothers, let me make up one sentence: Brother, I wish you a birthday. happy! >