MTL - Transmigrated as a Rich and Vicious Widow-Chapter 29 candid

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The more Lu Hua didn't want to show him, the more suspicious Chang Qing became, "Don't be deceived again, you are not once or twice."

Lu Hua said: "There are always more good people than bad people in this world, and do I look so stupid? Will I always be deceived? I am making friends normally, and they are all within the normal range. ,do not think too much."

Chang Qing said, "I will tell your brother about this."

Lu Hua was upset, "You will sue. Anyway, I am not afraid of shadows. If you want to say it, just say, I am not afraid of you."

Chang Qing looked at her confident face, and was a little shaken, "Is it really puppy love?"

Lu Hua said, "No, it's all said no! Why don't you believe me, I'm only thirteen years old, and puppy love will be laughed at."

"Who the **** are you talking to?"

"Just with friends!"

"But you just said clearly, teacher." Chang Qing's trembling dissipated immediately.

"..." Lu Hua said confidently: "It's the teacher."

Chang Qing: “…”

He couldn't help covering his face.

Talking to this child, he is tired.

Lu Hua urged him to give the money, "I counted, and you asked me four questions. You want to give me 4,000 yuan, and I can't default."

Chang Qing put down his hand and said, "I owe it first."

Lu Hua widened her eyes, "Do you want to default?"

Chang Qing looked at her oily mouth and said, "You didn't pay for your fried chicken. You can owe it, but I can't?"

Lu Hua: “…”

Lu Hua reluctantly accepted this reason, "I owe it first."

Chang Qing reached out and took out a wet wipe from his pocket, took one, and wiped her mouth.

Lu Hua was taken aback, "Why?"

Changqing held her head to prevent her from moving, her fingers used strength to wipe the oil stains on her lips, "What are you talking about? Eat a mouth full of oil, what does it look like. "

He said this in a soft, gentle and soft tone, making Lu Hua feel a little uncomfortable. Having said that, he also consciously raised his face slightly to make it easier for him to move.

Chang Qing wiped the corners of her mouth, grabbed her wrist, and wiped off the oil stains on her fingers one by one, not even letting go between her fingers.

Lu Hua struggled for a while and muttered: "My hand is not broken, I will wipe it myself."

Chang Qing lifted his eyelids and glanced at her, and said, "Eating fried food at night will make you gain weight and get angry and get acne."

Lu Hua: "...will it? How did you know?"

Chang Qing said: "This is common sense, don't eat it now, it will turn into fat if you can't digest it, and if you eat a little fat once, you don't want to be able to wear a beautiful skirt, right?"

Lu Hua was silent.

Chang Qing said, "I can't control you anyway. Be careful not to be deceived again, and don't let your brother worry."

Lu Hua said: "What does he care about, he wants me to make mistakes, and then he has an excuse to send me away."

Chang Qing stretched out his hand to squeeze her face, and his voice softened a little, "He is your brother, he must be worried about you. But you also know that if something happens again, your brother will really send You go, pay attention to yourself, don't be so careless and be coaxed into confusion, you don't even know who you are."

Lu Hua paused and said, "Would you be happy if I was sent away?"

Chang Qing looked down at her eyes, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Lu Hua hummed like a little pig: "Of course, listen to the truth."

Chang Qing said, "If it's true, I don't want you to be sent away."

Lu Hua looked away and muttered, "Liar."

Chang Qing said: "I didn't lie to you, although you are annoying and noisy, but without you, this house would be deserted, and it would not be considered a home."

Lu Hua was silent, and after a while, he said, "You will say something sweet."

Chang Qing raised her eyebrows and couldn't help laughing. This child was indeed a little bit shy. He clearly said that she was annoying before, but she focused on the back and felt that he was It's silly enough to say sweet words.

Seeing him laughing, Lu Hua was a little confused, so, "What are you laughing at?"

Chang Qing restrained his smile and became slightly serious: "I'm talking sweet words to you, is there any benefit for me?"

Lu Hua got stuck, she thought about it, it seemed that there was no benefit, the eldest brother was gone, he didn't need to please her.

Chang Qing looked at her face and said softly: "I just want to get along with you and live as a family, so I'm good to you, so I tell you these words, to be honest, I It bothers you a bit..."

Lu Hua immediately looked up at him, and Chang Qing continued, "But it's not to the point where I'll be happy when you leave, you understand?"

Lu Hua didn't speak, and after a while, she said, "Me too."

Chang Qing: "You too?"

Lu Hua lowered her eyes and said coyly, "I'm annoying you too, but if you leave my house, I don't think I'll be very happy either."

Chang Qing laughed, "Since we don't want each other to leave, let's get along well in the future, okay?"

Lu Hua didn't answer immediately. She raised her chin and said reservedly and arrogantly, "Then you have to be very nice to me. I still hate you now."

Chang Qing's lips curved, "How can I be nice to you? Tell me what you expect from me."

Lu Hua is the virtue of opening a dyeing room if you give some color, she counted with her fingers: "If you want to give me money, don't scold me, train me, don't sue me, my second brother said I You have to speak for me, if he dares to beat me, you have to help me stop him, if he doesn't like me and still wants to take me to the mountains, you have to help me too, don't let him take me away... "

She talked a lot, and finally she was happy, looking at Chang Qing's eyes sparkling, "If you can do this, I will like you very much."

Chang Qing's smile disappeared, "This is for the ancestors."

Lu Hua said: "Can't you do it?"

Chang Qing said: "It can't be done."

Lu Hua muttered: "I can't do it so easily, then I can't like you."

Chang Qing said: "After you have said what you expect from me, I will also tell you what I expect from you. If you can do it, it is not impossible for me to meet your requirements."

Lu Hua said: "Tell me about it."

Chang Qing said: "Don't make trouble, don't spend money—"

Lu Hua interrupted him and said, "I don't have any money now, how can I spend it indiscriminately?"

Chang Qing said: "Listen first, you don't have it now, and there will be in the future."

Lu Hua felt a little gratified by his statement, "Then go ahead."

Chang Qing said: "Every time you make a decision, think carefully about the consequences, don't do it impulsively, if your brother finds out if he will be angry, what will he do to you when he is angry? Think about it. Also, don't cause trouble, like the last time you were deceived by five million, don't appear again. "

Lu Hua frowned, "It's easy for you to say, how could I know that others would lie to me."

Chang Qing said: "Then you have to think about it carefully, what if he deceives you, five million money, so easy to give away, if you get caught, what will happen to your brother's anger ...In short, just doubt first, don't just do it, you know?"

Lu Hua made a thoughtful expression and did not speak.

Chang Qing said: "There is one more request. If you have anything in the future, you can discuss it with your brother."

Lu Hua immediately said: "No, he will only scold me, and call me a pig, really, if I am a pig, isn't he a pig too? What's the point of coming out of a litter? you me him."

Chang Qing: "...then if you have anything in the future, you can discuss it with me, okay?"

Lu Hua reluctantly said: "It's not impossible, but you are not allowed to talk about me and scold me."

Chang Qing said, "Have I ever scolded you?"

Lu Hua said: "You scolded me! You called me a repeater."

Chang Qing said: "Then you also call me a vixen."

Lu Hua was speechless, and after a while, she said, "I don't scold you now." After a pause, she glanced at him quickly and said, "I won't call you a vixen in the future. already."


"Of course it's true, it's no good for me to lie to you." Lu Hua was questioned, and her tone was a little indignant, she didn't know what to think, and said: "What you said I will do my best to do this, and you should do it too.”

"I will, okay, here comes the question, who did you chat with just now?" Chang Qing brought the topic back again.

Lu Hua didn't turn the corner, "With a brother..." Before she finished speaking, she immediately reached out and covered her mouth.

Chang Qing: "Who? Brother?"

Lu Hua loosened her mouth, glared at Changqing, and said, "Okay, you actually lied to me."

Chang Qing said: "I just think it's very strange, if you think about it carefully, don't you think you are very different now than before? People who have never eaten such junk food suddenly ate it today, I've been silly all the time, what friends did you make that made you so happy."

Lu Hua refused to admit it and said, "Where am I being silly? Even if it is junk food, it is normal to want to eat it occasionally."

"First of all, wonder what purpose other people have when they spend so much time talking and chatting with you to make you happy." Chang Qing said in a persuasive manner.

Lu Hua thought about it and said, "I'm cute."


Looking at his indescribable expression, Lu Hua immediately became unhappy, "Why is this expression, am I not cute?" He also has a delicate and beautiful face, and pouted his mouth and puffed out his cheeks, "Look carefully, am I not cute?"

"...cute, so cute." Chang Qing said.

Lu Hua returned angrily and said, "Not sincere at all."

Though she said that, Lu Hua also thought about it seriously, "I don't have any money to be cheated by him now, not because I'm cute, but what else?"

Chang Qing said half-threateningly: "Although it is in the urban area, there are also human traffickers. It is more exaggerated. If a rich girl like you can be kidnapped once, she will not be able to eat or drink in the future. Worry, some people take risks."

Lu Hua's eyes widened, and after a while, he said, "No, I don't think he is short of money, and he is covered in famous brands."

Chang Qing said: "You can't see a good person, my eldest lady, be good, tell me, who is he? Make friends at least know the details of each other, right?"

Lu Hua hesitated for a while, and handed the phone to Chang Qing, "Anyway, I think he's fine."

Seeing that she was finally relaxed, Chang Qing also felt that it was not easy. He sighed and said, "You think it is useless. The most unreliable thing is the feeling you think."

He said, turned on his phone and looked at her chat history.

He turned from beginning to end, frowning.

The author has something to say:There are two updates today, and the time for the next update will be stable at 12:00 noon! ! Then, in the second watch, I will find time to stabilize. After the second watch is more stable, I will find a good time. The third watch, my goal is to be a diligent author (eyes closed)