MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 47

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Jiang Jinyue never thought that she would fall into this situation, disfigured, and enter the palace to serve an inhumane old man. It was completely different from the system imagined for her to rule the world with the crown prince forever.

It's all because of Jiang Lin, this new character who came out of nowhere and ruined everything she should have.

Jiang Jinyue's chin rested on Uncle Anyang's shoulder, but quietly raised her eyes to stare at Jiang Lin, her eyes were cold like poisonous snakes, as if she could pounce on him and bite Jiang Lin's neck off at any time.

Uncle Anyang patted Jiang Jinyue twice to comfort her, "Yue'er, the emperor is the most honorable person in the world, and it is a blessing for you to serve him."

Jiang Jinyue was irritated when she heard this, she let go of Uncle Anyang and shook her head vigorously, "I don't want it, Dad, don't you love your daughter the most, you know that your daughter likes the prince, how can you let her enter the palace to serve the emperor. "

She stretched out her hand and clenched Uncle Anyang's sleeve, "Father, you believe in my daughter. My daughter has a way to make the prince ascend the throne. When the time comes, my daughter will be the queen. Uncle Anyang's mansion will definitely become a marquis' mansion again. Daddy, my daughter begs you!" You, don't let your daughter enter the palace, okay?"

She cried very sadly, tears rolled down her cheeks, and the undisfigured half of her face was still pear blossom with rain.

"Okay, there's no need to talk about it. Your elder brother is right. You have brought it on yourself. If you hadn't had your bad intentions at the beginning, there would be nothing later. The crown prince is no longer, so you can go to the palace honestly and take the emperor Serving well is also a way out."

"No, I don't want to enter the palace. Daddy, I am your daughter. I am only fifteen years old. Daddy, do you really have the heart?" Jiang Jinyue cried louder.

The words "fifteen years old" really stimulated Jiang Lin. He narrowed his eyes, stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Jinyue's collar, "Then do you know how old the two girls you sent into the palace are? They are only thirteen, and they are already Dead. Jiang Jinyue, is there anyone more vicious than you in this world?"

"What's more, isn't that what you want? It's all about marrying into the royal family. It's better to marry the emperor than a prince who will never turn over, isn't it?"

There was no expression on Jiang Lin's face, but Jiang Jinyue felt that he was more terrifying than a ghost, with panic in his eyes, struggling crazily, "I'm not, I didn't, I didn't kill them, I didn't want them to kill them at first. dead."

Jiang Lindao: "Of course you didn't want them to die, because you were targeting the Wei family. Unfortunately, you couldn't get what you wanted, and your retribution is coming."

"Jiang Jinyue, didn't you always want to deal with me and Wei Yunzhao? Entering the palace as a favorite concubine is your only chance to deal with us, otherwise you think no one else would marry you."

"If you don't enter the palace, I don't want to enter the palace..."

Before she finished speaking, she was thrown to the ground by Jiang Lin, "If you don't enter the palace, there is only one way left, death!"

Jiang Lin looked at Uncle Anyang, "If you want to bury her with the entire uncle's house, remember to tell me in advance so that I can completely sever ties with you. Of course, because you are my mother's man, I will I will collect your body, and only you will collect the body."

Uncle Anyang looked at Jiang Jinyue who was crying on the ground, and then looked at Zhao Qiuru who hurried over with his second son outside the door. Uncle Anyang said to Jiang Jinyue who fell on the ground: "The house can't stand the toss, and my father will take care of this uncle. For the sake of the lives of hundreds of people in the family, I can no longer indulge your willfulness."

Uncle Anyang ordered, "Come here, take the lady back to the room, and don't step out of the room without my order. No one is allowed to see her except the servant who delivers the food. If you violate it, get out of the uncle's residence."

Zhao Qiuru and Jiang Zhen, who were approaching, just heard this. They knew that Uncle Anyang's words were meant for them. Zhao Qiuru's legs softened, and he took a few steps back. on the ground.

Jiang Zhen also had a face full of disbelief, and he knelt down in front of Uncle Anyang as soon as he entered the door, "Father, my sister is still so young, you can't let her enter the palace."

Uncle Anyang didn't wake him up either, he just asked, "The fourth prince doesn't want you anymore, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Jiang Zhen's complexion collapsed immediately, because he was implicated by his sister and sent back to the mansion by the fourth prince, Jiang Zhen was also resentful, but after all, Yue'er was his own sister, who grew up doting on her, and he couldn't just watch her fall into the fire pit.

Zhao Qiuru also cried and knelt down at Uncle Anyang's feet, "Master, Yue'er cannot enter the palace. Master, I beg you to think of a way. She is our daughter, and this is the only daughter we have."

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao became outsiders, so they were not in a hurry to leave, they just sat and drank tea and watched a play, just wanting to see how long and what kind of trouble they could have.

But Jiang Lin didn't expect that the fire would reach her. Uncle Anyang was firm in his opinion and insisted on sending Jiang Jinyue into the palace. After the mother and son begged to no avail, Zhao Qiuru knelt down in front of Jiang Lin, "Lin'er, young master, I beg Please, can you help Yue'er, you are brothers and sisters, blood relatives, as long as you help her this time, I will obey you in the future, you can tell me to do anything, even if it means killing me .”

Unexpectedly, there would be such a scene of mother-daughter love. Jiang Lin finished drinking the tea in his hand, looked at Zhao Qiuru with great interest, and asked her, "Then how do you want me to help her?"

Zhao Qiuru obviously had plans long ago, "I beg Eldest Young Master to reconcile with Lord Wei, so that this wrong marriage can return to normal."

Zhao Qiuru was still very considerate of Jiang Lin and said, "Young master is a man, the emperor is not good at masculinity, he will not let young master enter the palace instead of Yue'er, please help Yue'er."

Not to mention that the old pervert will not be the one who goes according to your idea, but on Wei Yunzhao's side, he must have a crush on Jiang Jinyue.

Jiang Lin kicked Wei Yunzhao, "You can talk about your business yourself."

Wei Yunzhao looked at his legs, and was quite surprised that he was still missed even though he was like this.

Wei Yunzhao smiled, "Ma'am, let's not mention the matter of Li Daitao's surrogate marriage at the time, but just say that I tried my best to let your daughter enter the palace. How would you react?"

Zhao Qiuru's eyes widened instantly.

"Looking at Madam's reaction, it should be because I remembered what your daughter has done. My two younger sisters are only thirteen years old, and they are two years younger than Miss Jiang. My Wei family will never let such a vicious person enter the door, Madam Let’s find another way.”

Zhao Qiuru hurriedly explained, "Yue'er was confused for a while, I promise she will never do such a thing in the future, Yue'er has already regretted it."

"You promise," Wei Yunzhao drew on the tone, thoughtfully, and then asked, "Do you guarantee it by stealing the dowry of your uncle's dead wife?"

Zhao Qiuru froze, Wei Yunzhao did not give face at all.

Wei Yunzhao ignored her, and bowed his hands to Uncle Anyang from a distance, "Uncle, the uncle's family dares to resist the order to bear the crime of deceiving the king, but I, Wei Yunzhao, a small fifth-rank official, dare not take hundreds of thousands of dollars from the whole family." I, Wei Yunzhao, dare not answer Madam Uncle’s request, let alone risk my life.”

Uncle Anyang didn't know what was going on, but it was just a fluke.

As for Zhao Qiuru's plan, I also know that it cannot be as simple as changing marriages. As soon as Jiang Lin returns to the mansion, it is time for her to start using tricks. If she can make up a story for him that she admires Wei Yunzhao and takes the initiative to marry him, it may not be so simple. He couldn't like the emperor, so he took the initiative to enter the palace to serve him.

If you kneel down to Jiang Lin today, you will definitely get it back ten times and a hundred times in the future. She has never been a kind person.

Uncle Anyang stepped forward and pulled Zhao Qiuru up, angrily saying, "Shame on me!" No stepmother would kneel down for a child.

Then he pushed Zhao Qiuru away, and told Zhao Qiuru's servant girl, "Take Madam back to rest, and don't make any wrong decisions."

Zhao Qiuru was naturally unwilling to leave, but Uncle Anyang didn't give her and Jiang Jinyue a chance, so they were taken away, leaving only Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen didn't want to deal with Jiang Lin, and he had a deep hatred. When he was a companion to the Fourth Prince, he used to laugh at Jiang Lin complacently. After going through this calamity, Jiang Zhen couldn't accept such a change.

But Uncle Anyang refused to let Jiang Zhen go, obviously he had other plans, he talked to Wei Yunzhao for a while, and then began to talk about his request, he wanted Wei Yunzhao to help put Jiang Zhen in the barracks.

Although Wei Yunzhao is no longer a general, and he has not had any contact with the generals since the accident, Uncle Anyang knows that generals value friendship the most. As long as Wei Yunzhao thinks about it, he still has a very high weight among generals , It is not difficult for him to open his mouth and insert a person into the barracks.

Of course, what Uncle Anyang wants is not to enter the barracks as an ordinary soldier, but to be a personal guard of a general or a petty official who does not need to be rewarded by the court, so that he can suffer less.

Uncle Anyang's mansion was at the cusp of the storm, and it was difficult for him to arrange such a thing, so he could only ask Wei Yunzhao for help.

As soon as Uncle Anyang finished speaking, Jiang Lin stood up and said in surprise, "Wow, so Uncle Anyang's mansion can ask us for so many things. I was shocked."

Looking at Jiang Lin's exaggerated reaction from behind, Wei Yunzhao laughed softly. To be honest, he was also a little surprised.

He didn't expect that he could be so useful. It had been a long time since he was injured and poisoned.

Uncle Anyang glared at Jiang Lin angrily, "Don't disturb me, I'm talking business to Yun Zhao."

Jiang Lin came over and patted Uncle Anyang on the shoulder, "Don't worry, he won't agree, think about what your daughter is going to do to his two younger sisters, as long as Wei Yunzhao is not a fool, he can't agree."

Uncle Anyang scolded angrily, "Jiang Lin! I did this for the uncle's mansion and for the entire Jiang family. If the uncle Anyang's mansion is gone, how much better will you be?"

Jiang Lin: "But I can only think of my home when I use it. Wouldn't it be better if it didn't? I've already fallen into this state, how could it be worse, uncle, don't you think so?"

Uncle Anyang's chest heaved up and down, annoyed, "You blame me like that, would you rather lose the uncle's house than take care of the uncle's house?"

Jiang Lin spread his hands, "I thought I had expressed my attitude a long time ago, and I also thought that from the moment you let me marry instead of Jiang Jinyue, you no longer regarded me as a son. Now you are talking about father-son relationship, don't you think Is it hypocritical?"

Jiang Lin pushed Uncle Anyang to turn around, and let him face Jiang Zhen, "Look clearly, this is your son, the good son you and that woman Zhao Qiuru had born to the fourth prince in order to replace him , have you forgotten what you have done?"

The original body fell into the water when he was young, and after being rescued, he had a high fever for several days, and he almost couldn't survive it. Also because of this falling into the water, Jiang Zhen became the fourth prince's companion.

I didn't know about this until the original body recovered. Zhao Qiuru also said that the original body almost harmed the whole family, if Jiang Zhen hadn't entered the palace instead of the original body, the emperor and concubine Su Gui would have already blamed him.

The original body is not very old, but he clearly remembers that someone pushed him into the water. As for who arranged it and why he was pushed into the water, it is very obvious.

Moreover, when Jiang Zhen flaunted in front of the original body that he was the prince's companion, Zhao Qiuru learned in advance that Su Guifei intended to let Jiang Lin be the fourth prince's companion, so the original body fell into the water and Jiang Zhen replaced him. Anyang Bo may not know, or may know and pretend not to know. But no matter what, the enmity between Yuanshen and Zhao Qiuru and others was not so easy to resolve.

Since he took over the original body, he naturally wanted to settle the score for him.

The faces of the father and son face to face are not good. Jiang Zhen is obviously guilty, while Uncle Anyang is angry and guilty. He didn't know some things at the time, but it doesn't mean he didn't know later. He didn't care enough about Jiang Lin, the eldest son. It is also owed.

Jiang Lin saw the reaction of the two of them, and sneered, "I've always been amazed at your family's shamelessness, and then I found that you can surprise me every time, refreshing your shamelessness in my heart again and again."

Jiang Zhen snorted, "Don't forget, you are also from the Jiang family, and you keep saying that the uncle's house treats you badly, but now that the uncle's house is in trouble, you can help but you don't want to help, so how good are you? gone."

After finishing speaking, he gave Uncle Anyang a hand, "Father, you don't need to speak nicely to this kind of villain for me, he is not worthy! What's more, Wei Yunzhao is now a fifth-rank official, what arrangements can he make, please ask them I might as well go to the military camp by myself." Jiang Zhen looked at Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao with extremely disdainful eyes.

"Oh, then hurry up," Jiang Lin urged, pointing at the door.

Uncle Anyang gave Jiang Zhen a hard look, and looked at him warningly, "You bastard, get the **** out of here if you can't speak."

Jiang Zhen also had a temper, so he turned around and left.

Jiang Lin stood in front of Uncle Anyang and made a face at him, "Your son doesn't take your favor, look, none of the sons and daughters you like are successful, but the son you don't like turns out to be the person you want , Uncle, do you regret treating him like that?"

Uncle Anyang's face was not good-looking. He was angry that Jiang Lin wanted to speak clearly and refused to help, and he also blamed Zhao Qiuru, his stepwife, for not taking good care of Jiang Lin, so that he had such resentment. became an enemy.

Jiang Lin went over to push Wei Yunzhao, "Okay, all that needs to be said has been said, I am very happy to see you in trouble, especially Jiang Jinyue, I hope she will get worse and worse, blessings are delivered, we should go back."

Passing Uncle Anyang, Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao out the door.


But after walking a few steps, Uncle Anyang stopped him again. Jiang Lin turned around and heard Uncle Anyang say, "Lin'er, Dad wants to talk to you alone."

"Okay, no problem." Jiang Lin was very straightforward, put Wei Yunzhao outside the door, then went in and closed the door, and said to Uncle Anyang, "Let's talk."

"Lin'er, if the family survives this catastrophe this time, father will present you to please make you the eldest son. When father gets old, sooner or later the Jiang family will be handed over to you to inherit."

Uncle Anyang's face was full of fatigue, and his eyes were filled with vicissitudes, but Jiang Lin was not moved. He asked, "So your condition is to help Uncle Anyang's mansion survive this calamity?"

Jiang Lin opened the door, turned around and left, "I'm sorry, it's not rare."

After going out, he pushed Wei Yunzhao away quickly, fearing that Uncle Anyang would stop him again.

Uncle Anyang looked at his back that couldn't wait to leave, he didn't regain his senses for a long time, and for a moment he couldn't understand how the good family became like this.

Although Jiang Lin used to like to mess around, but after all, he listened to his father and cared about his father, but now he doesn't even want to call out his father.

Uncle Anyang was disappointed, but no one cared.

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao got into the carriage and went home, while Jiang Jinyue was also planning a new way out for herself in Uncle Anyang's mansion.

Jiang Jinyue: "System, what should I do now, I don't want to enter the palace, I don't want to serve the emperor, he's so old and inhumane, I don't want it." Jiang Jinyue covered her head and shook wildly, determined not to accept such an ending.

The system voice is as emotionless as ever: [The system has reminded the host not to change the candidate for the palace. The host did not listen to the advice and the situation has changed drastically. The host has to bear the consequences of his own will. ]

Jiang Jinyue retorted: "I didn't refuse to listen. I will deal with Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao according to what you said, and tried my best to get rid of them. That is obviously a very good opportunity. They will never let the two Wei family Girls who enter the palace, as long as they dare to resist the order, they will die, how can there be so many changes, how can it become like this."

She hugged her knees and squatted on the ground crying, very miserable.

System: [The ending has been achieved. If there is no great opportunity, the person selected by the host to assist has no possibility of ascending the throne and becoming a Mingjun. The system now provides two solutions. One is to untie the system from the host, and the system will select another person to complete the task, leaving the host to fend for itself. The second is that the host can win the favor of key people in a short time. Change the status quo of having to enter the palace. ]

"The second one, I'll choose the second one," Jiang Jinyue made the choice without hesitation, she absolutely didn't want to fend for herself.

System: [The key person in this article will appear in Hanshan Temple outside the city tomorrow. The host is asked to go to Hanshan Temple to attack the key person. The system will assist the host with two key words in the strategy. Bloody feud, weak and sick, please don’t disappoint the last chance given by the system . ]

Jiang Jinyue nodded her head heavily, with strong hope bursting out in her eyes, "I won't, I must not enter the palace, I want to be a princess, and in the future I will be a queen mother who will honor the world," it is absolutely impossible to enter the palace to serve an old man.

Jiang Jinyue also asked the system to provide a more detailed identity of the other party, but the system did not agree. The system has certain limitations and can only provide information that is beneficial or partially harmful to the bound host. The system requires the wholehearted trust of the host, who can complete the tasks assigned by the system without hesitation, so that the information provided by the system will be more detailed and accurate.

The last time Jiang Jinyue did not follow the system's requirements to choose candidates for the palace, Jiang Jinyue also lost the opportunity to obtain some key information during the incident to reverse the situation, resulting in the current result.

If she still can't reverse the ending of entering the palace as Emperor Changde's concubine this time, she will lose the help of the system from now on, and she can only rely on herself.

Jiang Jinyue was full of confidence, but when she turned around and saw the scars on her face that had never healed in the mirror, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar and felt cold all over.

She hasn't gone out for a long time and hasn't seen outsiders. The servants in the house dare not mention her disfigurement in front of her. Jiang Jinyue herself is also deliberately forgetting the fact of her disfigurement, and she almost really wants to forget it, but at this moment, she is ruined. at once.

Her reputation is rotten, and her talent is not outstanding, at least this talented woman who is well-known in Shengjing does not have her name, the most visible thing is this face, and now this face is also ruined.

Jiang Jinyue caressed her face with trembling hands, she asked the system softly, "Can I really make that person like me like this?"

System: [It's all about human effort, the host needs to attack key people who are not superficial and only look at the appearance, the host needs to impress him with sincerity. ]

"I will!" Jiang Jinyue was encouraged by the system, and quickly regained her confidence, but in her heart she hated Jiang Lin who disfigured her face and ruined her reputation.

Resentment flashed in her eyes, she would definitely not make Jiang Lin feel better, even if she died, she would definitely drag Jiang Lin with her.

Jiang Lin didn't know that someone wanted to take him to be buried with him, so he and Wei Yunzhao went to pick up something on the way back home.

That set of queens added Gu and sent them back to their heads. Because it was burned in the fire, some places were blackened and burned. Wei Yunzhao sent it to a master for repairs a long time ago. Just to pick it up.

The master's workmanship is not bad, and the repaired head looks no different from the original one. Jiang Lin held it up for a while and looked at it for a while, then asked Wei Yunzhao, "There were bugs in this thing, why do you have to keep it?"

Wei Yunzhao said: "Tomorrow is the queen's birthday. If nothing happened, I originally planned to give the queen a gift."

Jiang Lin pointed, "Send this back to her?"

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "The empress should have been suspicious a long time ago. She planted blood bone worms in this head, but we have nothing to do. I originally planned to ask someone to bring this head into the palace on her birthday. Tell her that we already know what she has done, and we have a handle on her, which makes her feel jealous. Now it seems that we can't deliver it."

"Oh," Jiang Lin felt a little regretful. Sending this face back to the queen's phone would definitely scare her. Now that the queen is grounded, her birthday will definitely not pass.

"It's okay," Wei Yunzhao touched his head, "There is still a chance."

The reason he caught the queen was not only to restrain her, but also to ask her something. Wei Yunzhao hoped that the queen would live well until the day when he could ask her face to face.

Jiang Lin nodded, "Then go back and put it away carefully, and deliver it next time."

But when it came to the queen's birthday, Jiang Lin also thought of someone. He scratched his chin, "Wei Yunzhao, let's go to the temple outside the city to burn incense tomorrow. Thank God for blessing us to survive this calamity safely."

Wei Yunzhao obviously didn't believe this statement, he asked, "Which temple outside the city should I go to burn incense?"

Jiang Lin replied, "Hanshan Temple."

The sixth prince is Yueheng!

The name popped up in Wei Yunzhao's mind instantly. He remembered that every year on the queen's birthday, the sixth prince would go out of the palace to Hanshan Temple to pray for the queen.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-29 20:42:27~2020-10-30 20:45:13~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: 2 old irons were clasped together;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Lao Tie; 4 bottles of you like the wind;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!