MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 49 (one)

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"Young master!"

Chu Ba on the roof saw this scene, flew off the roof and landed hurriedly, rushing down to catch the maid.

Jiang Jinyue suddenly sprinkled the powder, trying to stop Chu Ba, but Chu Ba was not wary of Jiang Jinyue's second move, and quickly dodged. Although he missed the move, he also lost the opportunity to catch the maid.

Obviously, including the maid, no one expected Jiang Jinyue to come out suddenly.

The servant girl threw her head straight and rushed down, she was about to bump into Jiang Lin and the other two.

Jiang Lin threw the wheelchair into the nearby woods, and dodged to hide behind Wei Yunzhao's back, but the masked man in black in front did not give Jiang Lin a chance, and flew towards him.

The maid's life and death were not considered at all, they only wanted Jiang Lin's life.

Wei Yunzhao said to Jiang Lin: "Let me go, they can't hurt me." Although he couldn't move his legs, he didn't lose his hands.

Jiang Lin wanted to, but he couldn't find a chance at all. The knife at the bottom of the steps was standing upright, waiting for them to hit him. The man in black who attacked Jiang Lin hit the vital point directly. A cut was made, and his whole face wrinkled in pain.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Yunzhao supported Jiang Lin's shoulders with his hands and flew to avoid the servant girl who was knocked down by her head. At the same time, he slipped him aside and threw him into the forest.

Seeing that they avoided the servant girl, several other men in black rushed forward and took their lives.

"Stop! If any of you dare to move again, I will kill this bitch!"

A rough male voice came from the top, and several men in black reflexively looked at it, only to find that it was a seductive beauty who had kidnapped Jiang Jinyue.

The men in black looked at each other, as if they felt that there was someone hiding nearby, and shouted at the woods: "Come out, what kind of a hero is pretending to be a ghost?"

"Here, your junior master is calling you. You are hired by this little girl, don't you want to kill her dog?" Chu Ba said loudly to justify himself.

The voice of the rough man in the beautiful body is a bit scary, and the eyes of the men in black are dull, and it is estimated that the covered faces must be covered with disbelief. There was another reaction that was even more intense. He didn't stand still and took two steps back, and accidentally fell into the woods.

It is also enough to prove the lethality of Chuba.

Even Jiang Jinyue didn't escape, " could you? Are you a man?"

Chu Ba snorted, "Do you think everyone is a **** like you?" Chu Ba moved his dagger closer to Jiang Jinyue's neck, "Back off, unless you want this little **** to die!"

No, I can't let these two people go, she must let them die here today.

Endless hatred burst out of Jiang Jinyue's eyes, and she ordered the man in black, "Kill them and leave me alone, this neither man nor woman dares to touch me."

The man in black got the order to besiege Shang Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao again, and Chu Ba's side was also angered by Jiang Jinyue. He hated people saying that he was not a man or a woman.

"What are you, I dare not touch you," Chu Ba slapped Jiang Jinyue as soon as he waved his hand, making Jiang Jinyue's head buzzing.

"I won't let you die, but I will make your life worse than death, little girl."

Chu Ba directly picked up Jiang Jinyue's clothes, and while taking them off, she disliked her for being too small, "You want to be a princess and seduce the sixth prince with your washboard body, where do you get your confidence? Even the monks look down on you."

With such a commotion outside, none of the monks in the temple showed up. Either someone tampered with it or they were ordered not to participate in this matter, but it was not a surprise.

Chu Ba **** the naked Jiang Jinyue, and asked her, "Little girl, how about I just throw you down like this?"

Jiang Jinyue started yelling and crying when she stripped her clothes on the eighth day of the eighth day, and struggled even harder when she heard the eighth day of the day, "I am the eldest lady of Uncle Anyang's mansion, if you dare to touch me, my father will not spare you of."

"You monster who is neither male nor female, let me go, or my people will definitely come to get rid of you after killing that **** Jiang Lin and your useless general!"

Chu Ba smiled, "You are still in the mood to curse, it seems that you are a woman who has no shame at all, but you can take a good look and see who gets rid of whom."

Chu Ba dragged him to the steps, and let her see how Tou Jianglin and Wei Yunzhao dealt with the people she was looking for.

Wei Yunzhao didn't let Jiang Lin make a move, and was only responsible for supporting him, as long as he was his foot.

Because Jiang Lin was injured, Wei Yunzhao became angry, and his body was full of murderous aura. The generals who survived the battlefield with thousands of troops are by no means comparable to a few killers. Just broke a man's neck just like that.

He snatched the knife from the man whose neck he had broken, and threw the knife directly into the chest of one of them.

With two strikes, two people were killed, which frightened others so that they did not dare to step forward.

But Wei Yun didn't want to let them go, his eyes were cold, and the person he stared at was the next desperate person, and it didn't take long before there were only two men in black left, pointing at them with a knife, but Back step by step.

Chu Ba on the top pressed Jiang Jinyue's head, "Did you see, your people are going to die, little girl, it will be your turn soon."

The two men in black never had a chance to escape, and Wei Yunzhao took their lives in the blink of an eye.

Wei Yunzhao ordered Chu Ba, "Bring him down."

"Here we come," Chu Bayi replied, and dragged Jiang Jinyue down. Unlike the maid who was pushed down by her, she rolled down sideways.

Jiang Jinyue didn't want to die, so she raised her head and screamed all the way to Jiang Lin's group, her white buttocks had been scratched a lot.

Jiang Lin averted her eyes with some disgust, "Chu Ba, at least you should leave her some shelter, I don't want to see her, it's too dirty."

Chuba laughed when he heard the words, "Hey, I didn't expect Madam to be shy, so Madam wait, Lao Chu goes up and grabs this little girl's clothes."

Jiang Jinyue was in pain all over when rolling down the steps, but even so, she still had the strength to scold Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin picked up Wei Yunzhao, "Let's find a wheelchair first, and check to see if the maid is dead. I don't want to see this woman now, for fear of dirtying my eyes."

Wei Yunzhao said: "Okay, go home as soon as possible, you are injured."

The wound was still a little deep and was bleeding.

This was also Jiang Lincong's first injury since crossing. Wei Yunzhao didn't mention it, but he felt pain. He wished he could slash Jiang Jinyue ten times.

"I said last time that if Jiang Jinyue dares to do these stupid things beyond her control again, I will make her never be able to convey her bad thoughts. This time, I will fulfill my promise."

He wanted to make Jiang Jinyue dumb, and even crippled her hands. Doesn't she like to call other people trash? Then let her become a trash herself.

"Well, but don't worry, wait until she enters the palace." After entering the palace, let those who hate her torture her with their own hands, let Jiang Jinyue live in despair, and slowly become a waste.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Jiang Lin and the others discovered that the sixth prince hadn't left. Not only did he not leave, but there were two people lying beside the carriage, one was the maid who was thrown down by Wei Yunzhao, and the other was the man in black who fell down by himself.

Seeing that everyone was there, Jiang Lin asked the sixth prince, "Did you see our wheelchair?"

The sixth prince: "... shouldn't you say something else."

Jiang Lin: "If you see it, can you trouble the Sixth Prince to get someone to move it out for us? It's inconvenient without a wheelchair."

The sixth prince was silent again. After the silence, he still ordered the guards to go to the woods to help find the wheelchair.

Jiang Lin put Wei Yunzhao in the carriage and continued to chat with the sixth prince, "His Highness knows that Jiang Jinyue has other plans?"

The sixth prince shook his head, "I didn't know it at first, but later I realized that there was someone hiding in the forest, and they didn't come for the main hall, so it can only be you two."

The sixth prince chuckled, "Young Master Jiang is right, the beginning is the beginning, and the real fun will be the end."

Jiang Lin: "..." He never thought that he would have to act in such a good show.

When Jiang Jinyue, who was wearing a little fig leaf, was dragged down on the eighth day of the lunar new year, the guards of the sixth prince also helped find Wei Yunzhao's wheelchair.

The wheelchair made at a high price is quite resistant to falling, so there is no major problem.

Jiang Lin carried Wei Yunzhao into a wheelchair and sat there, while the sixth prince was looking at the scars on Jiang Jinyue's body, and finally gave his evaluation, "Brothers and sisters are respectful, blood relatives."

Jiang Lin nodded in agreement, just like his mother's kindness and son's filial piety.

And asked him, "Your Highness, did the monks in the temple say hello to His Highness?"

The sixth prince shook his head, "Maybe it's the master who knows how to pinch and count, and knows how to avoid blessings and misfortunes."

In short, it has nothing to do with him, and the people in the temple don't want to get involved in the struggle between their brothers and sisters.

"So that's the case, then I wonder if the sixth prince can help to prove it?"

The sixth prince's eyes lingered back and forth between Jiang Lin and Jiang Jinyue. This time Chuba thoughtfully blocked Jiang Jinyue's mouth. Jiang Jinyue could only shake his head to express his disapproval in various aspects.

"This hall can only go out of the palace twice a year, and this is the first time this year that we have encountered such a thing. The chances for this hall to testify are really rare and precious. Master Jiang or Lord Wei, you Why do you ask this hall to testify for you?"

This is negotiating conditions, Jiang Lin thought about it, walked up to the sixth prince's ear and whispered a few words, the sixth prince's eyes flashed coldly, staring at Jiang Lin coldly, he said: "It is much easier for this hall to kill you than Jiang Jinyue gone."

"I know, but don't be afraid, we can be on the same boat only after we have a common secret, right?"

Jiang Lin also said, "Your Highness, even in the current situation, it is not easy for His Highness to seek revenge. Wouldn't it be good to have two more helpers?"

Jiang Lin was waiting for the sixth prince's reply, and from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Jiang Jinyue with a ferocious face, and remembered something again, "Your Highness, she should know some of His Highness's secrets, but she likes the prince."

The sixth prince shifted his eyes to Jiang Jinyue, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Deal, what certificate do you want this palace to help you with?"

"It's very simple, just say that Jiang Jinyue hired someone to kidnap and ruin herself, and then tried to put all the charges on me. One is to frame me, and the other is not to enter the palace. We happened to meet the sixth prince when we passed by, so we rescued him. "

Jiang Lin went over and kicked the man in black who didn't die, "This is what we kept alive to prove that we didn't tell lies."

"Well, there's this servant girl," said the servant girl, whose face was scratched by a tree branch, and had already passed out.

Jiang Lin thought, from the moment Jiang Jinyue pushed this maid to her death, the maid only hated Jiang Jinyue in her heart.

"My hall agrees, but Jiang Lin, with a common secret, you can't be on the same boat. This hall wants your loyalty."

Jiang Lin looked at Wei Yunzhao, it didn't matter if he was loyal or not, Jiang Lin knew that the sixth prince had his eyes on Wei Yunzhao.

Wei Yunzhao only said, "Yunzhao owes His Highness a favor, and he will definitely repay it in the future."

The sixth prince looked at Wei Yunzhao for a while, "This hall remembered the favor you owed to the second emperor, and this hall is looking forward to it."

Today's court can be said to be dominated by the second prince's family, and it is a time of prosperity.

But the sixth prince himself has a lot of credit for this, it's just that this good deed does not leave his name, and few people know about it.

The deal was concluded, and the guards of the eighth and sixth princes went to bring back the bodies of the men in black, and prepared to transport them back to the city to report to the officials.

Jiang Lin woke up the maid, and the maid agreed to Jiang Lin's request almost without hesitation. She would definitely not be able to go back to Uncle Anyang's mansion. Jiang Jinyue would definitely get rid of her. Why not cooperate with the young master and find another way out .

He was not so polite to the undead man in black, Jiang Lin, who was not a dead man, and didn't want to die. After some coercion and temptation, Jiang Lin even fed him something and successfully made the man in black succumb.

As for Jiang Jinyue, Jiang Lin didn't care about her, so she definitely wouldn't admit it, but it didn't matter, they still had a prince as a witness.

Jiang Lin only said to her, "You will enter the palace, believe me, you will have a very good life in the palace, very good."

"Ummmm..." Jiang Jinyue struggled, her eyes widened with obvious fear.

The carriage quickly entered the city, and went straight to the Shengjing government office. The governor changed, and the second prince sent a new official to take office, and he just wanted to do something.

After listening to Jiang Lin's story, the sixth prince testified, and the servant girl wept and cried about how Jiang Jinyue set fire to her own boudoir to escape in order to go out and frame Jiang Lin, which really shocked the new governor.

As for the man in black, he was directly imprisoned, and the governor will ask him separately later.

The Uncle Anyang's Mansion caught fire. Although it didn't burn too hard, many people saw the smoke coming out of the roof, but they didn't know why it caught fire. But I believe that by tomorrow, everyone will know what Jiang Jinyue did soon.

Marquis Anyang, who had been angry with Jiang Jinyue for a long time in the mansion, was also summoned to the mansion. Hearing the whole story from the governor, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

It was Jiang Lin who went over to help him, and then whispered two words to him, "It deserves it."

Uncle Anyang shook his hands in anger, and opened his mouth to scold Jiang Lin.

Fortunately, I knew the occasion was wrong, so I held back.

The governor asked Uncle Anyang to come here to confirm whether Jiang Jinyue did the fire in the uncle's mansion. After all, this matter hurt Jiang Jinyue's reputation, and it was also not good for the uncle's mansion. Uncle Anyang only said that he accidentally knocked over the candle, and did not set the fire on purpose. .

It's unrealistic to deny it all out. Uncle Anyang was afraid that other people would know about it, and if he mentioned it later, it would be a slap in the face to him. He didn't want to lose this person.

After all the questions were finished, Fu Yin asked Jiang Jinyue to speak, but Jiang Jinyue cried and shook her head in denial, saying that she had done nothing, everything was wronged by Jiang Lin, and Anyang Bo believed her.

"Since it is wronged, then why did you take the maid out of the city, and take the way of going out to the uncle's mansion by accidentally knocking over the candle while the servants are fighting the fire? You can invite it truthfully. I never listen to one-sided words. If You are really wronged, and this official will definitely uphold justice for you."

The biggest problem is that Jiang Jinyue can't say anything, she can't say that she is going to seduce the sixth prince, let alone that she arranged for a killer to kill Jiang Lin and the two of them.

If it was just ordinary incense, how could she go out in this way? Just from the point of going out, she has an ulterior motive.

She dared to do this at the beginning, thinking that Jiang Lin and the two would never survive. This was her last chance. As long as she succeeds, without these two stumbling blocks, everything would be different.

But now it failed, Jiang Jinyue couldn't say anything, she just cried and shook her head and said no, she didn't do anything, she was wronged.

Jiang Lin obviously also expected that she would not dare to reveal her real purpose, so she had an obvious motive to force her to admit that she directed and acted in a kidnapping scene to frame Jiang Lin.

Jiang Jinyue couldn't prove her innocence, and was ordered by the governor to be imprisoned, and Uncle Anyang couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

However, the case was not finalized so quickly, the governor still had to send someone to investigate, and the sixth prince also made it clear that if he was still required to testify in court, he would also report to the emperor to leave the palace.

After retreating, several people from Jiang Lin left the government office together, and the sixth prince returned to the palace, but Uncle Anyang stopped Jiang Lin and asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Lin: "What happened, didn't you tell me clearly just now?"

Uncle Anyang obviously didn't believe it, "I know your sister well, she would never do anything to hurt herself, not even if she wanted to frame you."

Jiang Lin praised, "Then you really know her, but you obviously forgot that you did the disfigurement yourself."

Uncle Anyang frowned, "Tell me the truth, what happened?"

"Why, do you want to help Jiang Jinyue overturn the case?" Jiang Lin pursed his lips, "Impossible, unless you can persuade the sixth prince to side with Jiang Jinyue."

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao past him, and left him a message, "I said earlier, Jiang Jinyue has the ability to let the entire Uncle Anyang's mansion be buried with him."

Jiang Lin carried Wei Yunzhao into the carriage, and the carriage drove away in front of Uncle Anyang.

Watching the horse leave, Uncle Anyang felt a little at a loss, as if something happened in the blink of an eye.

He obviously had someone lock Jiang Jinyue up, but he still let her run out.

At this moment, he agreed with Jiang Lin, this daughter is too good at making troubles, and step by step, she is about to drive this family to a dead end.

Uncle Anyang also really thought about it, and decided not to keep his daughter anymore, he couldn't keep it.

Jiang Lin completely separated himself from Uncle Anyang's mansion, and didn't bother to care what Uncle Anyang thought.

They didn't go back home, but went to a medical clinic to bandage Jiang Lin's wound.

The doctor said that the wound was poisonous, but Jiang Lin's body was strong, so the effect would not be too great, and he would recover after taking the medicine.

The fact that the poison didn't break out was entirely due to the Lingquan water. Jiang Lin only drank a little to suppress the poison. His injury couldn't heal so quickly, after all, it was evidence.

On the way back, Wei Yunzhao was still telling Jiang Lin, "If you encounter such a thing in the future, don't worry about me. I can protect myself. Even if I get hurt, I won't be afraid of pain. Madam just needs to protect herself."

Jiang Lin glanced at him, "You really can't speak, this kind of thing happens once is enough, you want to do it again, are you out of your mind?"

Wei Yunzhao raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I said something wrong, there will never be another time, if anyone dares to hurt us again, we will curse him."

"That's about the same," Jiang Lin leaned against Wei Yunzhao, resting his head on his shoulder, calling Jiang Jinyue an idiot in his heart.

Now that there was no danger, Jiang Lin was discouraged, and his whole body was listless.

Wei Yunzhao whispered to him, "Madam is so kind."

Jiang Lin blinked in agreement, needless to say, isn't it an obvious fact?

Wei Yunzhao asked Jiang Lin to change his position, put his head on his lap, and put his hands on his abdomen, "Madam, can I take advantage of you?"

Jiang Lin blinked again, thought for a while and handed Wei Yunzhao his own hand, which meant he agreed.

But Wei Yunzhao wanted more than that. He grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, but lowered his head and kissed the center of his brow. The rosin covered Jiang Lin's nose. Jiang Lin thought, it smells really good.

"Madam, do you like it?" Wei Yunzhao asked in a low voice.

Your wife didn't taste it, Jiang Lin replied in his heart.

He pointed to his lips, "Try here."

Wei Yunzhao was obviously shocked. He felt that the leap was a bit big, but he was happy. It wasn't just his body that his wife was greedy for.

Wei Yunzhao fulfilled Jiang Lin's wish, and kissed his lips lightly. Mr. Wei was inexperienced, and he didn't know how to kiss him for a longer time. The last thing Jiang Lin tasted was that his mouth was a little numb.

Jiang Lin: "..." This is different from what I imagined.

Wei Yunzhao: Madam's mouth is so soft, I want to kiss again.

When he was about to take action, Chu Ba's loud voice sounded outside, "Master, Young Madam, we have arrived at the door."

The eighth day of the eighth day really has the potential to spoil all the atmosphere, Wei Yunzhao frowned and wanted to hit someone.

Jiang Lin was amused by his reaction. He got up from Wei Yunzhao's lap, got out of the carriage first, and then carried Wei Yunzhao down. He said to Wei Yunzhao, "I've tasted it."

Then push people through the door.

The butler has been waiting at the door, obviously waiting for them to come back, before asking, the butler said first, "Eldest son, young lady, Xun Qi and the others are back."

"Injured, a little heavy."

Jiang Lin quickened his pace and pushed Wei Yunzhao back to Zhaoyun Garden.

Wei Yunzhao asked the housekeeper, "I have invited the doctor, is he awake?"

Butler: "Please, the doctor has bandaged the medicine. Chang An is awake, but Xun Qi is still in a coma. The doctor said he was poisoned. Fortunately, it is not a strong poison and it can be cured."

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "Understood, you have to watch over the boiling of the medicine yourself, and no mistakes are allowed."

"Yes," the butler led and left.

Before, I only sent these two people to the casino to have a look. I didn't expect to go there for so long and come back with injuries, which is enough to infer that the gambling workshop is not simple.

Or maybe the Second Prince's conspiracy was far beyond their imagination.

Chang'an was drinking medicine when he entered the room, and Baiji Baiwei was watching.

Chang An happily called Jiang Lin, "Master."

But soon he showed a pitiful expression about to cry, "Chang An almost thought that he would never see the young master again."

Jiang Lin went over and patted his head, "No, you've come back, you're fine."

Chang An nodded, handed the bowl to Baiji after drinking the medicine, and still cried while hugging the quilt, sad and frightened, apparently having experienced a lot.

Chang An has been by Jiang Lin's side since he was very young. Jiang Lin is a dude, but he won't do anything that puts his life in danger. Naturally, Chang An, a young boy, has never experienced big storms. But this time, I just thought I was going to the casino to recognize people, but I didn't expect it to take so long, and I almost lost my life.

After Chang An had cried enough, Bai Ji brought him soup again, and then he began to tell Jiang Lin what happened.

Chang An: "I've seen all those men who have done flesh and blood business with Nuan Xin in the gambling house. Only a few people were not found at the beginning. We found out that these people were recommended by Nuan Xin to come to this gambling house. Yes, Nuan Xin said that there is a way to make them earn a lot of money. At the beginning, they made a lot of money. In the first two days, they won steadily without losing, then they won more and lost less, and then they started losing all the time. Some people couldn’t stop They have gambled, but they often meet people asking them to gamble, even if they are at home and do not go out, they will be approached."

Later on, when the gambling addiction developed, there was no need for anyone to shout at all. If you don’t gamble a few times a day, you will feel uncomfortable. Even if you lose, you will go bankrupt and sell your children and daughters.

"We originally confirmed that everyone was in the gambling house and wanted to come back, but when we came out of the gambling house that day, we happened to bump into a man who had just lost his property and came home in a daze. Xun Qi said follow up and have a look. We were quick, knocked the man out and put him in a sack as soon as we entered the alley. Xun Qi and I followed, and found out that they had arrested many people in this way!"

Chang An's tone was surprised, but he was also surprised by the scene he saw. These people were locked in a room, **** with hemp rope, gagged and not allowed to speak, even if he didn't see them in the gambling house. The few remaining people who had done skin and meat business with Nuan Xin were also there.

Xun Qi originally asked Chang An to come back to report the letter, but there were masters in the courtyard, and Chang An didn't know kung fu, so he was arrested before he even went out, and then he was **** in the room together.

Chang An was arrested, but Xun Qi didn't leave, and kept guarding nearby for three days. The people in that house were almost starved to death, and they were sent outside the city.

There is a quarry not far from Shengjing. These people are sent to work as hard labor quarrying. They work as coolies during the day and are trained as soldiers at night. There are thousands of people in the whole quarry. so it is.

I suffered a lot in the quarry, but Chang An also heard a lot of news. All the people in the quarry were kidnapped because of prostitution or gambling, and lost their money. There are also those from Beijing and other places. It has been almost a year since the first one came in.

The supervisors guarding them would take a group of people away after a while, and those who left never came back. No one knew where they went, but someone quietly revealed that they were spotted by some superior and entered I went to the barracks, and after entering the barracks, I didn't have to do hard work like quarrying. Many people wanted to be taken away.

There are also people who can't bear the hardship and want to escape, but they will be caught back soon. The end result is to chop off their heads in front of everyone, so as to deter the rest and prevent them from escaping again.

After hearing what he wanted, Xun Qi wanted to take Chang An away, but he knew how to kung fu. Chang An was easy to be discovered. There were several masters watching near the quarry, so he couldn't find a chance easily.

Because the time dragged on for too long, Xun Qi was afraid that the general would be worried, so he wanted to give it a go. In the end, he was discovered. Xun Qi led Chang An all the way to flee in the opposite direction from Shengjing, fearing that his identity would cause trouble to the Wei family. .

Perhaps the secret of the quarry is too important, the people who intercepted them came one after another, Xun Qi was injured several times, and almost lost his life in the last time, someone suddenly appeared to help them, In the end, they were sent to the vicinity of Shengjing, so that they could find a chance to come back.

Chang An rolled up his sleeves and showed Jiang Lin that there were many whip marks on it. He cried out, "Master, they beat me, those people are so vicious, they beat people to death before."

Not only was there injury on his body, but he also lost a lot of weight. Obviously, he didn't eat well during this period of time.

Jiang Lin patted his head, "It's all right, take good care of your wounds, tell Baiji Baiwei what you want to eat, and I'll make it for you."

Chang An nodded, "Thank you, Master."

The two came out of Chang'an's room and went to see Xun Qi again. Chu Ba was guarding here, looking very angry, "You bastard, how dare you do this to my old brother, Lao Chu must beat him to death **** thing."

If you speak in a rough voice, you have a sense of loyalty in the world.

Wei Yunzhao glanced at him, "Keep your voice down, don't wake Xun Qi up, let him have a good rest."

Chu Ba covered her mouth delicately with a handkerchief, seductive and good-looking, if she didn't speak.

Jiang Lin roughly understood why Wei Yunzhao was still used to the contrast between his speech and his appearance on the eighth day of the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, because it was really a pity, and it spoiled the atmosphere too much.

Wei Yunzhao went up to check Xun Qi's wound, and felt relieved when he saw that although it was heavy, he didn't hurt his muscles or bones. Jiang Lin poured a glass of water for Wei Yunzhao to feed it to Xun Qi. There was something in the water. Guessing it, he thanked Jiang Lin silently, without asking anything, and fed the water to Xun Qi.

Wei Yunzhao asked Chu Ba to guard Xun Qi carefully and call them when they woke up.

Chu Ba slapped his chest loudly, agreed, and stood at the door with his legs spread apart, as if he was in charge of everything, but he couldn't say anything.

The two returned to the room and sat down facing each other, their expressions a little dignified.

Jiang Linxian said, "I know that the second prince is not simple, he is a ruthless person, but he is scarier than I thought."

Not only money but also people are needed, and it is very thorough to catch a sheep.

And these people have a lot in common, their wives are separated or their families are broken up, even if they disappear, no one will look for them.

There are also people who will go to the police to find someone, but as long as they can't find it, and it's not a large number, no one will notice that something is wrong.

This kind of method is not only used in Shengjing, I am afraid that more people will be lost in other places, and if some pressure is put on the officials of small places, it is estimated that the people will be hollowed out, and the local officials will not look for them.

The second prince is afraid that he will get a lot of people with this method, and if he is given some time, it will be enough to form an army that can intimidate the imperial court.

Yes, the second prince's way of doing this, Jiang Lin's first thought was that he was raising private soldiers.

Then he quickly thought of another point, "Wei Yunzhao, did the second prince have his eye on the Wei family and on you a long time ago, and he wanted to pull you into the gang and let you help him train the private soldiers?"

Wei Yunzhao is a general who has been on the battlefield and has been in the barracks all year round. He has his own method of training soldiers, and the soldiers he trains are probably incomparable to ordinary people.

The most important thing is that Wei Yunzhao is good at commanding. If the Second Prince really wanted to rebel, he would need a strategic general with one man under his command.

Wei Yunzhao shook his head, "It's not clear, maybe the second prince had the idea of ​​rebellion before, but now he might want to replace the prince, and he has a chance."

If it was known at this time that he was training private soldiers with the intention of rebelling, the second prince's fate would be much worse for the prince.

In fact, the most dangerous thing now is not to let people discover that Xun Qi and Chang An are members of the Wei family, otherwise the second prince will definitely kill them.

Instead of using some Gu worms like the queen, the second prince's methods will be more direct.

Wei Yunzhao said: "When Xun Qi gets better, let him take Chang An to leave Shengjing first, and stay elsewhere for a while, and come back after the turmoil in Shengjing passes."

This turmoil will pass, and it will probably not pass until someone else sits on the dragon chair or the second emperor dies.

Jiang Lin nodded and had no objection, "But Chang An said that they were able to come back alive because of someone's help. Who else is investigating the second prince besides us?"

After Jiang Lin asked, the name of the sixth prince subconsciously flashed through his mind, but he was not sure. This person's hatred was mainly concentrated on the empress and the prince. He hated Emperor Changde more than the second prince, so there was no reason to investigate him.

Unless, "Are you saying that the sixth prince belongs to the throne?"

The answer Wei Yunzhao gave was, "Some things can only be done after becoming the most powerful person in the world, and he is a prince, so it is normal for him to belong to the throne."

What Jiang Lin thought was that the sixth prince wanted to justify his birth mother's name and return her innocence, so he wanted to be emperor.

Anyway, no one in this family is a good stubble.

After the two discussed it, Jiang Lin ordered all the people in the courtyard to keep their mouths shut, and no news about Chang An and Xun Qi was allowed to leak out.

The biggest problem is that the people on the side of the second prince recognized Xun Qi and Chang An, and by then it would be useless for them to quibble.

Before that, I could only try my best to cover it up and take a step forward.

Xun Qi has a good background, the effect of the medicine and Jianglin's spiritual spring water, he woke up early the next morning. Xun Qi knew about the same things as Chang An, but he also found out that the second prince was very close to two of the generals. The people who were taken away from the stone field were sent to the two generals and became soldiers raised by the imperial court.

After Jiang Lin heard this, he really wanted to lament that he was smart. The court helped him raise soldiers and generals, and finally used these people to kill his own father, but he was too scheming.

His own father will probably die of anger when he finds out.

Wei Yunzhao told Xun Qi that he would leave Shengjing after he recovered from his injury, Xun Qi naturally had no objection, if he was not afraid of implicating the Wei family, he would not have led those people away from Shengjing.

The other party knew that Xun Qi was seriously injured and was poisoned. Even if they wanted to investigate at the gates of the various cities, they would go to the injured. good speed.

Not only did he drink spiritual spring water for Xun Qi and Chang'an, but he also cooked a lot of delicious food for them, which made Xun Qi very regretful about agreeing to leave Shengjing, and seeing Wei Yunzhao's eyes was very resentful.

Wei Yunzhao: "..."

It is enough to have the eighth day of the eighth day who can't let him eat normally, and Xun Qi who looks at him like an abandoned woman anytime and anywhere, these days are simply impossible.

And Jiang Lin is a highly respected young lady, and her treatment is completely different from that of Wei Yunzhao, which makes Wei Yunzhao even more uncomfortable.

Compared with the cheerful atmosphere of Wei's house, Anyang Bo's mansion is covered by dark clouds.

Yesterday morning, Jiang Jinyue burned the boudoir and ran out of the mansion, annoyed Uncle Anyang and Zhao Qiuru. In the evening, Jiang Jinyue directed and played the kidnapping and blamed it on Jiang Lin. There was also trouble in the yamen. The sixth prince testified, Zhao Qiuru knew that something was going to happen as soon as he heard it, and fainted on the spot.

The news couldn't be stopped at all, and they dispersed early this morning. When Uncle Anyang went to the court, he was greeted by many people, and some of them knew that the emperor intended to let Jiang Jinyue enter the palace. It is really brave to come and laugh at Uncle Anyang's mansion. , but also resist the purpose.

Uncle Anyang couldn't express his suffering, and his whole body was full of frustration.

At the end of the morning court, he was left to speak by Emperor Changde. Ever since he was diagnosed by the imperial physician and could no longer have sex, Emperor Changde became more gloomy and easily angry. Uncle Anyang was scolded all over his face. Emperor Changde asked him It's not that I want to be punished by the nine clans.

Uncle Anyang's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he quickly said he didn't dare, and he also assured that his daughter was perfect and that nothing happened.

Emperor Changde then gave Uncle Anyang a word that Jiang Jinyue must be sent to the palace within three days, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

Emperor Changde learned about this from the mouth of the sixth prince, who reported it to Emperor Changde as soon as he returned to the palace. Emperor Changde was originally angry and wanted to directly order Jiang Jinyue, a shameless woman.

But after the sixth prince told the whole story, he said something with emotion. He said that he didn't expect that such a delicate young lady like Jiang Jinyue would like to play such tricks.

Unable to satisfy women on the bed, Emperor Changde was full of anger, and this anger was not easy to vent. The words of the sixth prince happened to hit a certain point in Emperor Changde's heart. A lowly and shameless woman like Jiang Jinyue should Teach her a good lesson, she likes to play tricks, then he will play with her enough.

Just such a sentence strengthened Emperor Changde's determination to let Jiang Jinyue into the palace, and he even couldn't wait.

Uncle Anyang naturally did not dare to resist the order, so he told Zhao Qiuru and Jiang Zhen when he returned to the mansion.