MTL - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”-Chapter 58 Tianxiang Princess

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The fragrant flowers bloomed out, but after the fragrant flowers landed, they immediately turned into nothingness.

There are light smoke hazes, and a few women in colorful clothes are flying in the air.

There are eight girls with a graceful look and a soft sedan. The soft sedan is wrapped in a layer of white gauze, but it reveals the figure of the inside. It is so affectionate and seemingly uncertain.

During the time, some people exclaimed:

"Awesome skill! Look at the fragrant flower, it is clearly condensed with martial arts!"

"Who are they? Good and good!"

"I know! It is Tianxiang Princess!"

"It turned out that Tianxiang Princess is here!"

There is a big smash in the field, even if it is a master above the Wuwang level, when you see this group of women coming, there are also many obsessive colors.

Look at the people in the soft car.

Gu Bai: Second Olympics! Where do the aliens come to install [哔——]?

The next moment, he thought about it.

It turned out to be Tianxiang Princess!

Isn't she the right house of the protagonist?

The positive palace of the abnormal protagonist...

The palace...


Gu Bai silently looked at the sky and touched his nose.

This Tianxiang princess is just like her name. She is really a princess.

And it happens to be the princess of the country where the city of Xiangyang, where the Qingtian Academy is located, is highly respected by the king.

The value of force is... When the original encounter with the protagonist is already Wudi, but now, it should be a senior Wuwang.

It is also the most powerful of all the harem, the one who suppresses all the sisters.

This Tianxiang princess Tianzi national color, her beauty and identity are among the best in all the harem, and my character is the inner pride of the arrogant, can not suppress her man, do not want to be her husband. But once she is suppressed, she will become the most noble wife.

At the beginning, Gu Bai thought of such a character when he thought that the protagonist must push down the beauty of three thousand.

- Each silk has a princess dream;

- Every silk wants his wife to be jealous;

- Every silk wants to push down all the beauty in the world and still not in the backyard;

- Every silk hopes that you will always be able to hunt without any worries.

Tianxiang Princess exists for this.

She is the most powerful princess of the armed kingdom. Her military power is only higher than the protagonist. She is generous and does not mind the protagonist. There are countless women. She can settle all the battles between women so that they do not influence the protagonist. She Gentle and sorrowful, she got the kitchen under the hall, and she was graceful and noble, and she dedicated her dedication to the protagonist...

In short, she is simply the most perfect woman + wife, but also the indispensable person of the protagonist (in order to surrender the harem).

I think that when the woman came out, the horses were stunned and brushed out. There were countless long comments, and the Chinese thoughts were like a lot of flowers. All of them were topped and refined, so that the scenes of the field of doctors and urban doctors were so prosperous. Thoroughly rescued the commentary area that was not technical at the time.

Now the real person has appeared.

When it appeared, the gorgeous scene was also a drop.

Gu Bai silently glanced at the chain on his hand and felt that he was being compared.

Nima talked about the noble and cold, he actually lost!

Is this the difference between the city owner and the princess?

At this time, Tianxiang princess got off the bus.

It was a slender and slender figure, dressed in a red palace dress, with a very delicate and luxurious crown on the head. At least nine hundred and eighty-one round beads and nine large beads were placed on it. The radiance of the glory is dazzling.

It is reasonable to say that in such a gorgeous dress, people often overlook the people under the set.

However, these lines have become the foil of Tianxiang Princess, which can only bring out her unique beauty, but can not hide her position.

- Although she still has a half veil.

The force is almost the same, there is already the sound of swallowing saliva.

Even if some of the masters of the Wudi class saw it, they couldn’t help but flash a glimpse in their eyes.

This is the peak of the beauty of Lingwu mainland, not only the appearance, but also the temperament of Gaohua, which is called the genius of the world, rare in the world.

Gu Bai: ... a group of pig brothers.

He looked at the official officer's side, and he saw that the official officer also looked at Tianxiang Princess.

Then he remembered that the perverted protagonist in the original book, when he saw the Tianxiang princess, also had an impulsive impulse.

Now decisive is no exception?

Is this finally a sister to save labor?

Then, Yan Guanrui turned his head and leaned in Gu Bai's ear: "What is your brother thinking, so happy?" He whispered. "This Tianxiang princess is very good looking, isn't it?"

Gu Bai nodded, it must be.

I want to see the original outline of the car in the same year, the appearance of the car is the best of men, the only confidant of the scent princess as the protagonist is the best of the women. However, just like the syllabus and the change of the car book white became the first stepping stone, Tianxiang princess also became the protagonist who is not so jealous.

The beauty value is unbeatable!

But in the next moment, Gu Bai suffered.

Nima, the earlobe was bitten! Death metamorphosis, pay attention to the occasion!

亓官锐 and his tongue licked, softly said: "Brother don't say anything that makes me angry."

Gu Bai: "..."

Where does the labor and capital poke to your slender nerves? You tell me again, you can’t bear it!

The official officer moved backwards and moved, and the light in his eyes darkened: "My brother only needs to praise me. Others, my brother, don't look at it."

Gu Baijun: "... don't you think she looks good?"

The **** was nodded to the point of course: "It's OK." He looked at Gu Bai and seemed to be puzzled. He smiled. "Do you want a child?"

Gu Bai is even more embarrassed. What does this mean?

It is reasonable to say that he should find a woman to pass on to the city of Tiandu, but it is not long before he is turned off. The protagonist is going to die. Is there still a descendant?

Of course he shook his head and the latest chapter of the school flower story.

Yan Guanrui was a bit disappointed, but he seemed to be relieved.

Gu Bai’s heart suddenly had a shocking conjecture.

Is it true that this guy does not want Tianxiang princess but wants to give him a baby? Waiting for metamorphosis to be so considerate? It doesn't seem to fit the metamorphosis nature!

And he really doesn't want to breed for the sake of future generations. He doesn't love three yuan to feed!

Yan Guanrui did not know Gu Bai’s thoughts, but he obviously did not want Gu Bai to have children with other women.

He refused to let others look at Bai, and he was willing to let Tianxiang Princess and Gu Bai become close to each other.

He was just thinking, would you like to let Tianxiang Princess give birth to a child with him and his son, so that the car book will follow him?

- The thinking of the male owner is always so wonderful.

In the memory of Yan Guanrui's inheritance, because Xuantian Xuanzang is too strong, it is not easy to leave the descendants. Even if you stay, you will have to pay the maternal life sacrifice to succeed. But for the sake of race is not extinct, so swallowing Xuanzang often does not need to have their own lover to have children, but to find a woman with good qualifications and **** to borrow a child - of course, the woman is just a container, it will bring the lover and The combination of his own blood is put into the woman's abdomen, and the offspring are born.

The Xuan Xuan in the memory of this method has only been used by female clergy, but no one can say that men can't use it?

Therefore, Yan Guanrui suddenly had this idea.

After Gu Bai refused, he was relieved and relaxed.

In fact, he does not want to leave even the children who have the same book and white blood. Everything in the car book should be his. If it is not necessary to have the blood of the car, it will be the two people. Hey, he doesn't even want to use the blood of the book.

However, since the child car book does not like children, then... he should think about other methods.

Gu Bai sees that there is no following in the official, he feels that he may be a self-inflicted false alarm, so he turned back and continued to watch the fun.

At this time, the silence brought by the appearance of Princess Tianxiang was broken.

The audience was full of cool air, but Tianxiang Princess and her maids seemed to be accustomed to it, and did not care.

The host is also full of stunning faces. He has also heard the celestial name of Tianxiang Princess, and he has seen it with his own eyes.

After he returned to God, he quickly took the place to arrange the Princess Tianxiang.

Of course, the princess's seat can't be with the stinky man, and decisively set aside a quiet place to arrange the women of other warriors around.

Tianxiang princess walked over with great restraint. The maids immediately laid the mats for the cushions, sprinkled the perfume with the perfume, and hung the colored yarn for hanging the yarn. In just a few minutes, they were clean and scented.

Then Tianxiang princess sat down very restrained, and suddenly maintained a beautiful posture and did not move.

When there is a peerless beauty town, men will always become very bloody.

So it is conceivable that there was still a point of order in the slaughtering conference, and after the arrival of Tianxiang Princess, it became awkward.

Every pig brother wants to show that they are the strongest;

Every pig brother wants to show that they have the strongest force;

Every pig brother talks about it and wants to let the beauty stare at himself;

Every pig brother has a red ear and a red mouth, regardless of whether there is a constructive "new truth".

The host was very happy with the atmosphere. He controlled the atmosphere and recorded the opinions at the meeting. He was very diligent in his duties. As the owner of the city of Xiangyang, he had to record the minutes of the meeting and hand it to the master.

For example, how do you attack the giant clams, how to attack them, how to arrange tactics...

For example, who is a pioneer, who is inquiring, and who is the main wing?

For example, what kind of means is the most appropriate, what kind of slaughter is the most powerful, and what kind of impact can cause damage to the giant python...

After the death of the giant cockroach, the benefits are divided.

At this time, Tianxiang princess gently said: "You."

In an instant, the silence was full.

All the pig brothers’ eyes immediately earned the Tianxiang princess.

Gu Bai, who was praised by the surrounding princesses and the "heroes" of the "heroes", was also very grateful to see the past.

Just listen to Tianxiang princess Mansheng opening: "This palace heard this scene is a enchanting, intended to be a slave, do not know the heroes, can you achieve the wish of the palace?"

The author has something to say: I finally finished writing... What are you? Oh, I still can’t be punctual tomorrow, but there will still be it, again?

Thanks to all the messages and the baby of the thunder, group group mua!

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