MTL - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”-Chapter 59 Severe situation

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As soon as this statement came out, Gu Bai’s conditional reflection immediately looked at the official.

= mouth = abnormal eyes are really red ah! very scary!

On the top of the official's head, there seemed to be a black gas, and the smile was gentle and sultry.

The black gas is getting bigger and bigger, it is going to turn into a thick black cloud!

Gu Bai ordered a candle for the princess in his heart.

It’s so quick to kiss you!

This is to die without dying... oh.

It’s a lot of pitfalls for the perverted protagonist to continue to blacken!

Seeing the strong anger of the protagonist's protagonist must overflow, Gu Bai took the initiative and seized the hand of Yan Guanrui!

Calm, dear! Calm speed!

If you accidentally reveal the labor, you will die with you!

The blackness of the singer's body was immersed in his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, I can't see it anymore.

His seemingly distorted alien space immediately returned to normal.

- The above is the second white brain supplement of Gu Bai.

The reality is that the look of Yan Guanrui is not so horrible, although he still smiles, but the smile is obviously a lot sincere.

He whispered: "Is my brother caring about me?"

Gu Bai looked at him blankly, and he was blessed to the soul at this time. He understood the metamorphosis and wanted him to continue to ask.

Then he asked: "Why are you angry?"

Yan Guanrui’s gaze is even softer: “This thing, I will talk to my brother some time. I just hope that my brother won’t dislike me when I arrive...just fine.”

Gu Bai is in a complicated mood.

Don't you really want to tell me?

Then he felt a little surprised.

Or is this metamorphosis prepared to tell labor and capital to test labor and capital will run again to accompany him?

This seems to be the catching foot of the scared bird...

Fortunately, at present, Yan Guanrui is not prepared to entangle with Gu Bai, he just looks at the still noble and dignified princess, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

The princess's gas field was so strong that everyone stared at her, so no one found the difference between the official and the sharp.

Gu Bai sighed.

He already understood that he hoped that the princess and his sister would save his hope... There is no more to read the full-length beauty of me.

but! There are countless sisters who can stand up!

Must be able to meet!

Although this time the massacre conference was also very grand, it was much worse than the original masters who tried to occupy a place.

Among the participants, even the main city of Xiangyang City did not show up, only sent a master of the Emperor Wudi to say hello, and the rest of the participants, the highest level is only the Emperor.

The result of the conference is that the giant python does not kill, let us catch it, and give it to Tianxiang Princess after it is caught.

And Tianxiang princess also promised a lot of benefits, if anyone gets the top spot, can still get a position in the court, in short, a lot of hand.

So in this atmosphere of enmity and enmity, the conference is over.

After the meeting, Gu Bai and others went back to the dormitory.

Although this time the conference has probably set aside the offensive guidelines, but the specific plans have not been discussed.

Then, when will you discuss it?

It doesn't matter to them these little shrimps.

Some of the Wudi-level and Wuwang-levels will perform several small meetings on behalf of their own forces or small gangs. After the results are obtained, the results will be released to the crowd below, and then the following people will do the same.

As for Gu Bai and other four people, it is obviously not qualified to participate in such meetings. It is Chen Yuanzhang, who can get a relationship with some of the core figures of the Wuwang class, and can get some sources.

Gu Baiyu (╯▽╰)╭

The plan has been perverted to know, are you still doing hair?

Sure enough, the world’s air transport, all in the hands of metamorphosis...

In the next few days, Gu Bai fully saw the metamorphosis of action.

The metamorphosis is like this:


Wake up at 8 o'clock and wake up Gu Bai;

Mandatory and careless for 1 hour;

Shoot Feiyun Xiaomei and wait for Gu Bai to have breakfast for another hour;

Listen to Chen Yuanzhang’s report for 1 hour;

Go out and take a circle to bring back a **** and clean for 1 hour.

【in the afternoon】

Then shoot Feiyun Xiaomei and wait for Gu Bai to have lunch for 1 hour;

Holding Gu Bai for 2 hours;

Exchange martial arts experience with Gu Bai for 1 hour;

Fist and kick for 1 hour;

Go out and take another round to bring back the bloodyness x2 and clean it for 1 hour.

【at night】

Continue to shoot Feiyun Xiaomei and wait for Gu Bai to eat dinner for 1 hour;

Listen to Chen Yuanzhang’s report today for 1 hour;

Waiting for a bath and taking a shower for 2 hours in the bathroom;

Put Gu Bai on the bed and stunned for 1 hour;

Night does not return to x hours;

Meditate digestive power x hours;

Finally, I cleaned myself and went to bed with Gu Bai to continue to sleep;

At 8 o'clock in the morning, you will win the latest chapter of Tianbao.

In short, go out three times a day, take a bath three times a day, and eat food three times a day.

The strength of the official officer is that the "嗖嗖嗖" is rising.

In just two and a half months, from the primary Wuwang, two levels have been promoted, and the achievement of the senior Wuwang has been achieved.

Gu Bai = dish =

envy, jealousy, hate! Even if it is written by employers and employees, they envy and hate!

At the same time, the horror of the rumors that started to madly outside:

It is said that the giant clam eats a person, and one can swallow a hundred people → this is true, but the current official can not do it;

It is said that the giant scorpion is extremely wicked, and the body such as the mountain eye, such as the tail of the water tank, can sweep off the mountain peaks → this is also true, but the official sergeant still can't do it temporarily;

It is said that the giant copper-copper iron-knife gun does not enter the shape like electricity to go like the wind → this is more appropriate.

In short, the masses have said that the giants are very smart. In the past half of the month, they have already lost more than 500 people. The masters of the Wujun class are scared to run back to their hometowns.

The most frightening thing is that there are still a lot of Wu Wang in the conference room, the headshot bones are gone! And completely wood has found the existence of giant python!

Therefore, the original savage and overcrowded squad, and soon there are only the masters of the Wu King class, as well as the Emperor Wu and Tianxiang Princess.

The atmosphere is getting more and more frightening...

Later, the strong men of the Wuwang class began to disappear one by one, and the same was not seen in the body.

The weaker the strength of the same level, the faster it disappears, even if it only stays in its own room, it will disappear the next day.

I don't know what happened. They negotiated that the giants that were going to be slaughtered were like ghosts, and their people's hands were constantly broken, constantly destroying their original full confidence... These are above everyone else. The high-ranking martial artists are even more embarrassed every day.

At this time, they didn't even dare to leave easily - because they left before they were confirmed, they were not able to return to their original territory.

Specially, it has also been eaten, ah!

For a time, people are very upset. These masters are always high. Now, some of the minds are not so determined to be the ones that have been piled up by drugs. They are already shaking with a group of people every day.

This is simply a panic that permeates the city of Xiangyang.

When the horror attack has spread to some of the family members who came to join in the fun and were easily cultivated by the family, in the main city of Fuyang City, Princess Tianxiang summoned some people.

All the masters of the Wudi class, except for the three or four sons who protect the princes of the martial arts, all others came.

As for the strongman of the Wuwang class, only the ones with the most valuable status and friendship with the princess have the same qualifications - they are protected by the Emperor of the Emperor.

In this room where many people gathered, Tianxiang Princess sat on a large chair, and she was very charming.

The rest of the people are also very solemn.

There is a Wudi-level master who said: "Princess, how should I act then?"

Tianxiang princess gently pressed the table and slightly raised her eyebrows: "I have never thought about this palace, there will be such an accident... I have such power, but it is to let the palace really want to accept it. Rogue swordsman."

The princess came to Fuyang City, really not for what enchanting.

In fact, she only heard about what kind of conference was held in Xiangyang City, thinking that the city owner had any distracting thoughts before he came here and wanted to do an inquisition.

Although the imperial powers are large, they have always been prepared for the super-strong city owners who have occupied huge resources. In particular, Xiangyang City is a big city with first-class and one-of-a-kind, and there are such great names as the Qingtian Academy, which makes the court uneasy. Although some people do not know, but the core of the royal family knows that the city owner of the Xiangyang City and the owner of the Qingtian Academy are a pair of very good-hearted brothers, all of them are the super-powers of the Wusheng class. !

There are several brothers and sisters in the Princess of Heavenly Xiangxiang, all of whom are competing for the favor of the father. If the owner of the city of Fuyang is really calculating what, she can get the message to the father to know, no doubt it is also a credit.

Therefore, she took a lot of confidants and deliberately came here.

At the Tuyu Conference, Tianxiang Princess started to make an attitude of wanting to collect pets, which was originally a cover.

But now she finds that this thing is far more difficult than she thinks.

The Wudi masters heard the words of Tianxiang princess, they were all frowning.

Some people advised: "The princess thinks twice, this is too strange, and I am afraid that it will not be alive..."

Some people said: "Yes, the body of the princess, can not be in danger, or return to the court as soon as possible."

Others said: "But a giant python, why should the princess care? This situation is not good now, the princess still saves strength, need to know the middle, and..."

Many of these people have rumored that they think Tianqing Princess should leave as soon as possible, and the enchanting in Fuyang City is so weird, it is wonderful to avoid this thing.

Although some people were swallowed when they left, they have many martial arts masters to escort, and they should not be afraid.

Tianxiang princess indulged for a moment and suddenly smiled: "I think this is a lot of work? The Tuyu Conference was run by the owner of the city of Xiangyang. Many of the family's children and heroes also made trouble in Fuyang City. This is just the news. I want to come to collect the pet, and the rest can be irrelevant to the palace." She gave a slight meal and then smiled warmly. "But the giants have killed many of these lives, and the heart of the palace is unbearable. The city owner who has been retiring for a long time should also come out to conclude this matter."

Many of the subordinates heard the songs and knew the elegance, and they all went out to arrange.

The city owner should of course show up.

The author has something to say: After this article, there is probably no statutory time in a short period of time, but the basic is still more =v=

Thanks to all the treasures of Lei Lei and the message, group group mua!

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