MTL - Transmigrated into the World of “Demon Lord Wu Zun”-Chapter 64 Fuyang City

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The group hurried back to the study room. After Gu Bai sat at the desk, Yan Guanrui stood beside him and listened to the report of the big butler.

The big housekeeper looked at the two silently and began to talk about things.

The news of Xiangyang City is not difficult to find out, because basically people all over the world know it.

It was also quite coincidental. On the second day after Gu Bai took away the official, the owner of the city of Xiangyang received the Princess Tianxiang. Later, somehow, the whole city closed the Emperor of Heaven.

After that, all the people can no longer leave the city and must be checked all over.

No way, the city owner spoke, and the following people can only obey, so for the next time, people in the city are undergoing careful investigation.

At the same time, the Optimus College was also lying, and the students inside were all asked again. Even the secret lineage was tested in a variety of ways.

This is simply a bully, but many families are not guilty, but they have to temporarily compromise because they consider that their own children are also threatened by giants.

In the process of investigation, the people who left before were also named to investigate.

According to the distance from the place of Xiangyang City, check whether those people have returned to their hometowns. If they have not returned to their hometowns, they are dead or hiding. If they return home, they must accept the same investigation process... and so on.

Gu Bai’s name is of course on the list, but Tiandu City is a bit far from Fuyang City, so at the beginning, he was not found.

Obviously, the city owner of Fuyang City is suspecting that the giant clam is artificial rather than an accident.

For example, who is the slave of the giant python, or who is the product of the bloodline transformation?

- Of course, the city owner still prefers the former, but the possibility of the latter cannot be completely ignored.

Gu Bai = mouth =

The main city of Fuyang City is a **** man! Even this can think of it! It is simply the truth!

But... he looked at the perversion and sighed silently.

Although the metamorphosis is the protagonist of the world, the air transport is invincible, but perhaps because it has always been with his side of Gu Bai, it is not awkward to repair! On the contrary, the story arrives in advance, this time does not make him unlucky to be against the Wusheng class peers?

In the setting, the average person can't see through the blood of the swallowing Xuanzang--they are not qualified, but the master of the city of Xiangyang is different. Although the giants of the Wusheng class can't see the perverted body, they can find metamorphosis. The sense of violation of the body.

In this way... Unless the abnormal force value is raised to the senior Wudi, otherwise, there is no way to cover it up.

Unless you suddenly come to a triple jump - can he jump so fast?

Even now, if you want to swallow the martial arts unscrupulously, you can’t do it.

Well, this dead metamorphosis is also the protagonist he wrote. So he also has been dead for so long. If he gets caught up, he will collapse... The world will not collapse!

Gu Bai wants to scratch the wall again.

The report of Qin Xubo’s butler is still going on.

Gu Bai did not expect that there would be a turning point in the report.

Qin Xubo: "After that, there have been people missing in the city of Fuyang, and the chaos of the giants has not stopped..."

Gu Bai: ...and so on! Is there something wrong?

He and his perverted little friends are shocked!

Yan Guanrui’s face also flashed a bit of surprise.

Gu Baizheng, if you say that the giants are doing things, then what is he brought back? What is the long strip of creatures that have been entangled in him for a long time?

This cliff is not scientific!

The big butler continued to read: "The main city of Fuyang City was furious, and together with the owner of the Qingtian Academy, they all searched for the Fangli Baili Mountains. Every bird and beast went through the investigation, but there are doubts, killing... ”

That is to say, the two brothers of the Wusheng brothers joined forces, and the beasts in the nearby mountains were unlucky. A little bit of force was shrinking around the neck and dare not speak out. A massacre cleaning began to raise a child from abuse. latest chapter!

Finally, under the joint efforts of the two Wusheng-level giants, another culprit was found in the disappearance.

That is actually the devil!

There are several devils who have secretly attacked the martial artists who have stayed in the city, and have eaten their flesh and blood cleanly, and the skeleton has been chewed and swallowed, so it will appear that the martial arts are missing, leaving no trace.

Later, these devils were imprisoned and severely tortured. After torture, they learned from the demons that the giant python was the thing they manipulated, deliberately annihilating the new forces among the martial artists, causing chaos, and the devils wanted to be in the midst of chaos. Leaving Xiangyang City, the main city of Fuyang City suddenly closed the city, and the demons were trapped in the city. The devils were fond of flesh and blood, and they took another risk to attack the warriors again. They finally lost a hand and were captured by the Wusheng class giant.

The result to date is:

First, there are still no devils dug out from the devil in the end, there are many devils lurking in Xiangyang City, but it is difficult to see when the devil is not demonized, unless it is close to the way to feel the other side of the force, it is difficult to check, In order not to cause panic among the city people, they can only search slowly in a small area;

Second, the demons refused to confess the whereabouts of the giant python, even if the two martial arts together, there is no clue.

At this time, the situation was in a stalemate. The demons believed that once the secret was revealed, they would inevitably be executed immediately, and at the same time they had to accept various kinds of torture, so that no more progress has been made so far.

Both sides are on the board (╯▽╰)╭

This time, the terrorist attack was also considered to be the devil's work, and the giant cicada was neglected.

In short, it is the fault of the devil, everything is the fault of the devil!

Gu Bai sighed.

... saved tat

He looked at the pervert, and this luck was really a bunker!

Obviously, minutes are to be debunked to avoid the rhythm of hiding, but now there is nothing wrong with him, nothing!

The devil had a **** pot.

The **** is a deeper look.


Unlike Gu Bai’s thoughts, he was wary of the devil.

This is not the first time he has met a demon person, whether it is a vengeance, whether it is in Huachaocheng or in Xiangyang City, the figure of the devil seems to be everywhere.

What purpose do they have?

Even the large Wucheng City like Xiangyang City has people who have placed them.

And what are they hiding from them? How many hidden people are there?

It seems that this seems to have nothing to do with them.

He can not wait until the incident comes to the reaction, he prefers to plan ahead.

He wants to keep everything in his hands in his hands, he doesn't allow any accidents -

Therefore, he may have to contact Qiu Tu.

Qin Xubo reported the report and waited for Gu Bai’s instructions.

Gu Bai: "Continue to pay attention to Tianshendu full-text reading."

Qin Xubo ordered: "Yes, the city owner."

Then he went on to collect information.

At present, because the whole city is closed, not only people in the city can't come out, but people outside the city can't go in.

People who leave early like Gu Bai can not resume their studies before the city is lifted.

Therefore, everything is the most important thing.

At night, after the official officer gave Gu Bai a good foot wash, a black line popped up at his fingertips.

Gu Bai: "..."

Because labor and capital see that you are a snake, you will not be obscured at all. Hey!

Yan Guanrui turned his head and smiled softly. In the moonlight, it seemed like the stream was flowing, and the peace was beautiful: "I believe my brother."

Gu Bai--

Do you think that you will let go of your labor and work hard? Don't dream, this is impossible!

The **** sighed and sighed: "Brother always doesn't believe me..."

Gu Bai again --

What is your original deception to deceive a world labor force to believe in you?

Yan Guanrui looked at Gu Bai's eyes more softly: "But in any case, I will not hurt my brother, I... I care about my brother. In my life, no one is more important than my brother."

Gu Bai is powerless to face.

Sugar, clothing, guns, bombs, three, even, hit.

but! He quickly stood up!

Abnormal words! No, can, believe!

Yan Guanrui seemed to feel Gu Bai's defense. He slowly walked over and pressed his hands on Gu Bai's shoulder.

He put his handsome face over and gently honed his face.

"From small to big... Only my brother is really good to my brother is different to me...and it’s different..."

His voice seems to be nothing, as if with an endless sadness, as if with a boundless heart.

He was so sincerely cut-off, and when he looked at Gu Bai seriously, it was like there was only one person left between heaven and earth.

I can't see other scenery anymore.

Gu Bai breathed deeply.

Nima, you think this opens up the "You are the only sunshine in my life" spur line! Do you think that you are a steadfast and reliable double-faced spy (→ 咦 where is not suitable) Professor Snape! Do you think……

Ma egg! If you have a little labor, you can trust it!

Abnormal skill, really deep...

Yan Guanrui’s face turned slightly, and he touched the white face with his lips.

He then slowly slipped his lips, slowly... kissing Gu Bai's lips.

Gu Bai feels that his scalp is numb.

It’s too foul to behave in a perverted way! Even if I don’t have the skill of the girl, it doesn’t weaken at all!

In the end, why is it that the hills will be abnormal, if not... if not...

If not, even if the base is stirred, Nima also recognizes the latest chapter of Jiuyin Evil!

Qi Guanrui did not speak any more. He just quietly leaned against Gu Bai’s relatives. Unconsciously, he had already taken Gu Bai into his arms.

At this time, he did not produce anything in the first place, but he seemed to feel that he was close to a point he wanted.

- It was not until this time that he slowly discovered that Zishu Baibai believed in Gushan, but did not believe in the official.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered what he had suspected at first.

Zhai Shubai has never seen the sturdy officer, but he is jealous of the eunuch.

Why it is like this?

He used to not get to the bottom, but now he feels that if he finds this reason, maybe he can break the barrier between the two.

There should be no barrier between Yu Guanrui and Zi Che Shu Bai. It is as if Gu Guanrui does not believe anyone, but he is finally willing to treat him with sincerity.

Then the car book white, should also return the same as the official.

There can be no accidents.

The author has something to say: Everyone seems to have asked me to update every day. If there is no accident, try to be more daily. If there is an update, it should be between 8:00 and 10:00 every night. If you find out that I didn’t reply If the comment has not been updated at 10 o'clock in the evening, it must be that something has dragged me out. The same day, the wood has been updated, above.

Then, thanks to all the messages and the baby of the thunder, group group mua!

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