MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 39

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"Your son! Hahaha! If you love him so much, why did you throw it at me! And also! Since he is not a wild seed, tell me! Who is the" good son "you gave birth to!"

As soon as Fu Xian's words fell, a slap slapped on his cheek.

Hearing the sound of "pop!", Fu Xian's cheeks instantly became red and swollen.


Feeling the burning sensation on his cheek, Fu Xian looked at Xia An in disbelief. Obviously, he had no idea that Xia An would hit him!

"You what you! I said, you are saying the word" wild species ", I want you to look good."

Xia An looked at Fu Xian coldly, with no expression on his face.

"Also, those questions you asked me just now, I think, you can go back and ask your dear wife well. Ask her who my son was born to."

In this sentence, it's really not that Xia An is talking nonsense, but that she doesn't know who her beloved son really is.

After all, this question should not even be clear to the original owner himself.

However, even so, Xia An can be sure that the hostess's mother must know the truth of this matter, right?

All these things were originally framed by the hostess's mother.

"What nonsense!"

When Fu Xian listened to Xia An's words, he was immediately shocked. He just wanted to say something, but soon, he was interrupted by Xia An again.

"Okay, I'm not here to discuss with you the true purpose of your wife. I came to you for one purpose. My son wants to go to City B International School. You helped me solve it."

After speaking, Xia An stood up from the sofa without looking at the man who hated her so much.

"Fu Xian, this is what you owe me. It is also your good wife that owes me and my son."

Even if the couple had raised her good son for more than five years, what happened?

They have no love for him and have not fulfilled their parental responsibilities.

He eventually turned into a villain.

The heroine Xia Jing is good, and it is the source of the tragedy of Xia Xingchen's life.

Without Xia Jing's good calculations, how could the end of the original owner and Xia Xingchen be so miserable?

She just came to them to ask for a little bit of interest. It's nothing!

After all, she and Xia Xingchen were eventually killed by the family, the family was ruined, and eventually they were killed in the hands of the family.

"Xia An, you ... have changed."

Fu Xian looked at the expressionless face and turned away from the decisive back. In his heart, if he didn't know why, he felt as if something had disappeared.

The whole heart became empty.

"Oh, because the Xia An you knew in the past has been forced to death by your good wife."

Turning his head, Xia An looked at the painful expression in Fu Xian's eyes, but felt that the whole person was a little sick.

She had put the one in her pocket before in the future, and the suicide note left by the original owner was taken out, and then thrown to the ground beside Fu Xian.

"When my so-called black materials were uploaded on the Internet, and when you threw your child into the orphanage, the Xia An you knew in the past, she died and was forced to commit suicide by your wife."

After seeing Fu Xian blankly picking up the piece of paper on the ground that read the will written before the death of the original owner, Xia An said coldly.

"So, this is what your couple owes me."

In fact, this testament is a tactic of Xia An, and she also wants to achieve her wish for the original owner.

So, when he came to Fu Xian, Xia An brought out the last book left by the original owner.

After speaking, Xia An stopped no longer, leaving the room in stride, leaving Fu Xian alone.

Looking at the back of Xia An's departure, Fu Xian bowed his head and looked at the suicide note in his hand.

Especially when I saw that Xia An finally wrote her tired words, it made him feel uncomfortable in his heart.

After quietly facing the testament for a while, Fu Xian took out his mobile phone.

"Help me investigate my wife, by the way, help me investigate what happened to Xia An five years ago."

"Wait, and also, please contact the principal of City B International School ..."


Xia An didn't know that everything she did today was more successful than she expected.

When she returned home, she did not really take the matter related to Fu Xian to heart.

It's all about putting all your thoughts on making money.

After all, after experiencing the matter of finding a school for her beloved son, she had never raised a child. At this time, she realized that raising a child now is so expensive.

Think of her dear son who spent more than 200,000 years in elementary school. Then there are junior high school and high school ...

Think about it, it's pretty big, so! She really should work hard to make money!

When Xia An was thinking about how she should make money, she suddenly thought about the photo Ellen told her last time.

"Right! Why did I forget him!"

Xia An murmured, took out her phone and turned to the text message that Allen had sent her a while ago to find her to take a picture.

It was unfortunate that Allen was texting at the time and she was recording a show.

When the program was finished recording, Xia An didn't pay much attention to seeing the text messages, and there were so many trivial things, so she forgot to return to Allen's text message.

Now, Xia An, who is short of money, decisively sent a text message to Allen.

[Alan, wait for me to finish the second issue of "Come!" Challenger! 》 Go and take a picture for you. 】

After Xia An responded, he threw the phone aside and was ready to wash and go to sleep.

A few days, "Come! Challenger! 》 The recording will start again.

Recently, Xia An has begun to develop energy.

When the planning assistant of the program team informed me what to do in the second period, Xia An felt speechless for a while.

Don't even think about it, she knows that this topic in the second issue must have been directed at her by Han Yue.

However, Xia An was not afraid of the second phase of mental competition.

After taking a shower, Xia An put on comfortable pajamas and returned to the bedroom, only to find out that the little guy who should have been sleeping obediently did not sleep.

In addition, the little guy picked off the jade pendant she had been sleeping with and put it on her pillow.

"Xiaoxing, why haven't you slept yet?"

Xia An went to the bed, sat down, and asked softly to the little guy who hadn't slept.

"Mom, I don't want to wear this recently. Can I not wear it recently?"

The little boy blinked, got up from the bed, and whispered, pointing at the jade pendant on his pillow.

"Don't wear it? Why?"

In fact, now the little guy's body is already raised and very strong, but Xia An thinks that good things should be worn more, so he keeps the little guys on.

"I've been wearing it recently ... I always have nightmares."

The little man hesitated, then murmured.

Listening to the little guy talking about nightmares, Xia An suddenly thought of the dragon she had dreamed of wearing a jade pendant for the first time.

So Xia An didn't care too much about the nightmare in the little guy's mouth. It was only when the little guy finally dreamed of a dream similar to her, so he was scared.


"After that you wear it during the day, and your mother wears it to sleep at night."

Xia An rubbed the little guy's head and said, while hanging the jade pendant on her pillow around her neck.

"But my mother would have nightmares in case?"

"Mom is an adult, and an adult cannot have nightmares."


At night, the moonlight shone through the curtains into the bedroom.

I put on Xia An, who has not worn Shuanglong Opera Pearls and Jade Drops for a long time, and that night, I dreamed of the long-lost white mist.

However, this time, she was surprised to find that the mist in the dream had dissipated a lot, and soon ... the white mist would disappear completely ...

Strange ... what does this mean?

What happened to the white fog?

Looking at the fading mist, Xia An always felt that something was about to happen ...


"Xia An, the recording of the show is ahead of schedule. Pack up your luggage quickly. I'll pick you up right away!"

"What? Record in advance? Why?"

"Because the show will be broadcast in advance!"