MTL - Transmigrated To Be The Mother Of The Villain-Chapter 40

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"Because the show will be broadcast in advance!"

Broadcast in advance?

Xia An suddenly felt a little dumbfounded listening to this sentence.

Although she has never been a star, she has also watched TV.

According to common sense, it seems that this program has only been filmed for a long time. Will it be broadcast soon?

Although there were a lot of doubts, listening to the anxious voice of China and South Korea on the phone, Xia An quickly jumped off the bed and began to pack her and Xia Xingchen's luggage.

When I got downstairs and got on the Han-Yue car heading for the airport, in the explanation of Han-Yue, Xia An understood that the original program would be broadcast in advance and it had some relations with her.

"Well, I did want to air it earlier, but now it's too early."

Now, when talking about this matter, Han Yue felt a little headache because the show was about to be broadcast soon. The pressure on his side was really bad.

Originally he was the kind of person who likes to work slowly, but now it is clear that time is no longer allowing him to come slowly.

"Now Lao Xu is the production and supervisor of the variety show at the post studio. I hope that our first post production will be smoother ..."

Seeing that Han Yue had no sense of security, Xia An suddenly felt a little funny.

"Okay, Han, there must be a road to the front of the mountain. The boat will be straight to the bridge. Since things have happened, it doesn't make sense to think too much."

Xia An has always been a person who can only look forward, so she came into the world so suddenly, and did not regret worrying about her sister again.

After all, she repented and worried, and she couldn't go back.

Besides, her sister, she believes, that person will take good care of her.

"You girl said lightly, this is the first show I made. It is also my first debut ..."

Han Yue sighed lightly, and his heart was heavy.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that I just posted a Weibo. So much happened."

Xia An blinked and muttered.

"You haven't just posted a Weibo! The power of your Weibo has caught up with the bomb, that power ..."

Shaking his head, Han Yue looked at Xia An silently. The more he looked, the more he felt that the power of this vase was too great.

"Everyone is talking about you all over the web."

It's not who a certain lady is, or who is discussing the child's father.

This incident is a street, and young and old are almost aware that there is such a person as Xia An.

Fortunately, Xia An's method is very straightforward and the Weibo sent is also very sincere, so there is no bad public opinion.

"By the way, Han, have I arranged the lawyers you're looking for?"

Seeing Han Yue mentioned this matter, Xia An suddenly thought of the matter of lawyers.

When she tweeted, she did not hire a lawyer. After all, she had just arrived here, she was unfamiliar with her life, and was hacked by the Internet.

So when looking for a lawyer, Xia An asked Han Yue who was on a boat with her.

"I'll make arrangements for you right now, rest assured, this lawyer is my nephew. Although not very old, he is very professional."

When Han Yue said this, Xia An was relieved.

She doesn't have any feelings about age, as long as she is professional enough and her background is okay.

After talking about Han Yue's relatives, she might have to pay a discount!

"Xia An, wait for you to finish the second issue and think about these things. Annoyed, my nephew is professional and will definitely give those who collect money to rumors get the punishment they deserve. By that time, you Those black materials will naturally be completely eliminated ... "

However, at this time, where did Han Yue know that Xia An would not have to wait for his professional nephew to use legal means to help Xia An to wash out those black materials that haunt her ~

Of course, even Xia An herself didn't know that her own future direction would be so ... make her dumbfounded.

The car quickly reached the airport in a conversation between the two.

After boarding the plane, some staff of Xia An and Han Yue took a few hours on the plane and a few hours on the bus, and finally arrived at the filming location of the second phase of their show, and started their three-week period. Day of shooting.

"Welcome all challengers to return to our" Come! Challenger! "Again! This time, I believe that all challengers will look forward to it very much! The theme and rules of our second episode will follow the first The first issue is completely different.

If the first phase is purely based on everyone's physical fitness and physical fitness. Then in the second issue, our show will rely on everyone to start your brain to win this issue!

and so! The theme of this issue is-'Golden Robbery'! Evil and righteous police officers, the famous people in the Republic of China, made a lot of money ...

In this issue, your identities will all have an additional attribute.

Note that while trying to steal gold, you must also be careful not to be caught by the pirates ... "

That's it, "Come! Challenger! "The second episode of the program officially started recording.

And the same, Xu Lin, who is far away in B city, is also busy editing and making the first issue of "Come!" Challenger! 》 Finished product.

The more I started to make the first video of the theme of the Zombie Siege, the more Xu Lin found out that Xia An's face really fits the big screen!

Although Xia An's face is too beautiful to win the title, such a face is really a movie face that every star wants, but it is also very rare.

If such a face is paired with good acting skills and a good script, then whether it is an actor or a movie, it will win all the highest awards ...

"It's really a pity not to film ..."

Xu Lin murmured uncontrollably, his eyes were full of regrets.

After all, after the last inquiry, he also saw that Xia An had no idea or interest in filming.

However, the staff doing the editing aside said with a smile after hearing Xu Lin's murmur.

"Guide Xu, let me tell you, just for Xia'an, there is no need for any cool special effects in the later period."

Bian said, the staff is still very emotional.

"If I didn't know that our video hasn't started doing special effects yet, I think all of these actions by Xia An are fake!"

Looking at Xia An's delicate and soft body, he was able to make such agile and handsome difficult movements, he was stunned!

Where is this female star? It is clearly a female agent who has been so explosive!

"No, it is because of Xia An that he is so powerful that he needs to refine it later."

Xu Lin squinted his eyes and stared tightly at Xia'an's beautifully speechless face in the video, as well as his handsome skill, at this moment his mind was full Various color and composition of Xia An video clips.

Although he is a director, he is also a student graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts, and has a strong sense of color and composition.

Looking at the video, Xia An slowed down every frame, and he felt that he had a clear direction for the first post-production!

"Xiao Jia, edit as quickly as I said. Then first deliver the edited finished product to the post-production team ..."

On the production side, they are in a hurry to finish the production of "Come!" Challenger! "The first issue will be broadcast on TV.

"come on! Challenger! "The propaganda department is also busy making the first stage posters for the six guests of the program group, preparing for the official announcement of the show to prepare for the premiere of the show.

"Wow! Xu Yingdi is so handsome!"

"Xia'an's posters don't need p at all! It's more refined than refined."

"I thought He Xiaoxiao was pretty pretty at first, but now she is set off by Xia An. I think she is so ordinary."


That's it, in "Come! Challenger! "All departments and staff under emergency overtime," Come! Challenger! "Soon, we will meet all the audience ...