MTL - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure-Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Black hunting-Yang Yi is no stranger to this name. In the Xinghuo tribe, you can always hear everyone talking about this man.

He has a high prestige in the hearts of the Spark tribe.

This man is a brave warrior and a respected leader. Many people have been blessed by him.

This group of old, weak, and disabled people could come here so far, and had a great relationship with this man.

Otherwise, no group of soldiers would dare to disobey the chief's order and **** them.

If this were not the case, few of them would be able to come here without food, clothing or weapons.

Now the hunting team can cooperate so tacitly, especially those ordinary people who joined later, can quickly adapt, which is also the result of the man who had trained before.

Otherwise, relying heavily on weapons and no tactics, it is difficult to catch so many prey in a short time.

From the words of everyone, Yang Yi also had some vague concepts about the man's image.

This man has a mind beyond the universal jungle law in this world, and believes and can play the role of the weak, which is a very valuable quality and ability.

Yang Yi can make everyone do their best, but it is only based on the predecessors, whether it is the consciousness that ‘natural talents must be useful’ or the various items and knowledge beyond the civilization here.

Yang Yi admires such a strong man, but also has his own worries and concerns.

There is no room for two tigers.

He is now the leader of the Spark tribe. What impact will the arrival of that man have on him?

What is the purpose of his coming?

Bringing this group of people back to the Blackrock Tribe, or is there another plan?

Either way, it is a challenge for Yang Yi.

Yang Yi had no idea at all, but now he can only face it positively.

"God, it's a black hunter! It's him!"

Mao rushed to Yang Yi's side, his face leaping with excitement.

Yang Yi touched his shaved round head: "Very happy?"

"Of course! Black Hunt is the greatest warrior in the world!"

Mao's eyes are full of worship, a yearning for the strong, not the same as looking at Yang Yi.

Jiao is also hard to hide his excitement, and his eyes are full of expectations: "He will be stronger in our tribe."

The days of the tribe have been pretty good because of Yang Yi's arrival, but everyone knows very well that they are still too weak and still in danger.

Jiao has been distressed that he uses precious fine salt every day, and would like to use it for more coarse salt, but he dare not have such an idea.

Because although they have good weapons, their strength is too poor and the number is too small. Holding such precious items will only become fat in the eyes of others.

It is possible that not only did he not get what he wanted, he also lost fine salt and even his life.

"What if he took you back to the former tribe?" Yang Yi asked.

Jiao froze.

"I don't want to go back to the Blackrock Tribe, we are the Starfire Tribe!" Mao Zhinen's voice was firm.

Jiao immediately responded: "Yes, yes, we are the Spark tribe, and we will never leave our tribe."

This is their home. Even the black hunters cannot let them leave this place.

They once dreamed that they would return to the Blackrock Tribe one day, but after so much experience, they were already disappointed in the place where they could not be accommodated.

Now it all starts again, this is their tribe and their home.

Yang Yi was relieved to hear this sentence.

This is also his tribe. No one wants the people in his tribe to abandon and leave.

On the other end, Black Hunt, the main force, rushed to the Black Forest, and found the trace of the abandoned people.

They followed, and the warriors with excellent eyes saw a human gathering place in the distance.

"What is that ?! It turns out to be transparent!" The thin monkey stunned incredulously.

The soldiers who saw them were all shocked. Is this really a human construction? Isn't it a miracle?

Black Hunt's eyesight can see the look of that weird house better than others. All the materials are not seen before.

There are also thatched houses built nearby, and the method of building is different from what they know, more spacious and more sheltered from wind and rain.

"Alert!" Black Hunt narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hand and ordered loudly.

This is by no means the group of Jing who can get it out. It is not known whether those people are friends or foes!

The ability to build such a miracle is absolutely not weak.

Everyone moved quickly, orderly and defensively.

A team of nearly a thousand people, including the old, the weak, and the disabled, were all uniform and full of momentum.

At this moment, they are not just individual figures, but a powerful team with much stronger combat power than the addition of individual soldiers.

"Black Hunt! It's me!"

A person came in the distance, moving quickly and briskly.

"How do I look at that portrait like Feng?" The thin monkey rubbed his eyes, and looked familiar.

Tooth immediately denied: "How is it possible that Feng broke a leg and it is impossible to run so fast."

Every time I think about it, everyone regrets it.

Feng is a very young secondary fighter who will soon break through, and everyone is very optimistic about him.

Unfortunately, he lost a leg during a hunt.

Although tenaciously survived like a dead man, he couldn't go hunting.

Hei Xun opened his eyes wide, seeing someone coming from a distance, with an incredible look: "It's Feng! It's that guy."

"How is this possible?" Everyone was shocked and all rushed over.

Really Feng!

How could he run without missing a leg?

Wait, his legs ... what's that?

"Black hunter, you finally came! I knew you would come!"

Feng rushed to Heihun in excitement, and fisted up to the position above Heihun's heart.

This is the way to greet men, and Black Hunt also goes back to the past: "Let you wait long."

"Feng, do you have new legs? Oh, my God, what is this?" The thin monkey squatted down to observe, and touched it with his hands.

Everyone stared at Feng's new legs, revealing incredible eyes.

Is this metal? Looks very strong and sharp metal!

Feng grinned, proudly showing his new metal legs: "This is my new leg, I am no longer a **** residual leg, and still a terrible warrior!"

A group of people who voluntarily separated from the Blackrock Tribe always thought that the former deportees had now passed miserably, and even prepared them all to die.

Some people even deliberately leave their rations, thinking that if they see them then, they can give them some.

I never expected that when they met, it would be completely different than imagined!

They all have smiles on their faces, and there is no sign of starvation in good health. A disability like Feng also rejuvenates.

Leaving the Blackrock Tribe, they did not have a miserable life, even better than before.

Especially when I saw the residence they built, I felt this deeply.

Everything looks so organized, and houses that have never been seen also seem to be sheltered from the wind and rain. The surrounding ground was turned over and separated into a square shape.

Although I don't understand why they did this, it looks full of human flavor, which makes people dare not belittle them.

The soldiers noticed the tall house. Although they saw the building for the first time, they quickly saw what it was doing.

In such a plain, you can see far away with such a high tower! Be aware of the onslaught of beasts and enemies.

The most important thing is that all kinds of tools in their hands are all very hard metal.

Such precious metals are they used to turn the ground? !!

The soldiers really didn't know what to say, they felt like they were in a dream.

A group of people who were supposed to be barren was wealthy and jealous.

Everyone was shocked. They made the worst plan and never expected to see this scene.

And all of this comes from one person.

"This is God's messenger! He was sent by God to help us!" Feng excitedly brought the Black Hunt and his party to Yang Yi.

Heihun saw a man who had been touted by Feng et al. As a ambassador from a long distance. He stood in the crowd so that he could be seen at a glance.

His dress and looks are very different.

Unlike the luxurious and cumbersome clothes of the leader of the Western Continental Caravan, the man in front of him, although the cloth is complex and precious, can be extremely simple and practical, which is very suitable for wild survival.

The look is more delicate than that of a woman, and her body is not strong enough, but it is full of mystery, which makes people not underestimate.

He doesn't belong here.

This is Black Hunt's first impression of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi felt like he was being stared at by a ferocious beast, his eyes were sharp and cold, as if he would pounce on his neck and bit his neck at any time.

The man who has heard for a long time really is like everyone said, strong and sturdy and very keen, step by step like a **** of war.

He is not tall and burly, but his momentum is crushing everyone, his deterrent is very strong, and he brings an invisible sense of oppression.

This man is not easy to mess with.

This is Yang Yi's first impression of black hunting.

"Thank you for everything you do." Black Hunt took the initiative.

The man's voice was low and gentle, not as aggressive as the whole body.

Yang Yi suppressed various emotions in his heart: "You don't need to be polite, I also do it for myself."

The two eyes stared at each other, trying to see what each other saw.

"Black hunting, black hunting! Are you here to take us away, or not here?"

Mao An could not help but came to ask, breaking the solidified atmosphere.

Jiao also looked over: "What does Blackrock Chief mean?"

She has seen something wrong with the Black Hunt team, but still wants to know the exact answer.

"Our group of people have been separated from the Blackrock Tribe." Heihe's tone was calm, as if it was not something to be concerned about.

"From now on, all of us will be the same, and we have nothing to do with the Blackrock Tribe."

The people of the Starfire Tribe all cheered. They did not want to return to the Blackrock Tribe. Even if there were many dangers, they still did not want to return to the place where they wanted to sell them as meat.

Mao asked excitedly, "Will you guys be with us in the future? We now have a new tribe! Called the Starfire Tribe, is it a great name!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the Black Hunt. Although they were a tribe in the past, they came here to find the people of the Starfire Tribe.

But now that the Spark Tribe has been established and become an independent existence, things are not so simple.

Heihun did not rush to answer, but looked at Yang Yi.

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