MTL - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure-Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Yang Yi looked at the man in front of him, his face was no different from the primitive savage, but he was a bit more keen and thinking than other primitive people with simple and straightforward personality.

He saw at a glance the key to staying here and developing smoothly.

No wonder he is revered and regarded as a leader with a clear mind.

The onlookers were totally confused about the situation, and their clear eyes blinked at Yang Yi, waiting for his answer.

"Of course God is very happy, God is sent to help us!"

He was small, and his voice was not small.

Black Hunt's gaze still falls on Yang Yi, and he does not intend to skip this topic.

Yang Yi smiled slowly and said slowly: "I'm very happy that you can join the Spark Tribe, as long as you can follow the rules of the tribe."

"Rules?" Black Hunt was puzzled.

In this world, there is not a specific word to summarize the meaning of ‘rules’. Codes of conduct are conventional, and Yang is easy to use Chinese.

"The simple explanation is to tell everyone clearly what can be done and what can't be done in the tribe, and there will be corresponding penalties for doing wrong things."

Rules are extremely important in the collective. They must be reasonable and not changed in order to constrain everyone's behavior well.

Let the collective power be more than simple numbers to reduce unnecessary friction and collisions.

Yang Yi's time here is too short, and no detailed rules have been put together. At most, there are some regulations, such as the need to go to the toilet to go to the toilet, and must be sprinkled with plant ash.

Before there were few people and too much to do, Yang Yi could only solve the survival problem first.

Now that there are so many people in one breath, Yang Yi visually inspects nearly a thousand people, many of them are very powerful soldiers who are not easy to mess with at first glance.

Their leader is this clever and excellent man. Yang Yi is currently not sure that he can control the group, and the situation has changed.

It is very important to set the rules at the beginning, otherwise it will be very difficult to correct later.

"Rules." The black hunter meditated on the term. "What are the rules?"

"The detailed rules have not been sorted out yet," Yang Yi said frankly. "At the moment, two points must be observed."

"First: you can't take the life of a tribe privately. If you make a mistake, you need to make a trial and make a decision. Second, you can't discriminate against anyone in your tribe. Everyone is equal."

The rules are simple but carry a lot of content, especially for those from the Blackrock Tribe.

In the Blackrock Tribe, these two situations are very common, and Yang Yi does not want this bad atmosphere to be brought to the Spark Tribe.

He didn't have the bottom of his heart, although he always heard that the man in front of him never despise life and anyone, but in the end he is the enjoyer of the interests, I do not know whether he is willing to follow such regulations.

However, Yang Yi believes that as long as the man agrees, he will take everyone to follow.

"it is good."

Heihe glanced at him and agreed very swiftly.

Yang Yi's heart fell loose, showing a bright smile: "So, welcome to join the Spark tribe."

The two groups soon merged, and those who would come here were led by black hunters, agreeing with his view of safeguarding the interests of ordinary people, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled. In the Blackrock tribe, the relationship was good.

Suddenly there were so many people, in addition to spending some time at the beginning to warm up, and soon began to work in an orderly manner.

It's too early, and the newcomers start working with the old people of the Spark tribe without a break.

Rather than resting, they want to be familiar with everything here.

This group of people does not have any discomfort in entering the new environment, and does not need to deliberately arrange who should do what, to know what they should do.

There are also cases of busy hands, but it can be adjusted quickly.

Yang Yi is very clear that this has a great relationship with that man.

Let everyone understand their abilities and quickly find their place, even in a completely new field.

Hei Liqian Qianli came here with such a large group of people, there were very few injuries and injuries along the way, and there was no sense of descent in the wild.

It can be seen that although they are a little tired and some have suffered minor injuries, their overall condition is still very good.

They also bring a lot of food, fur, weapons, salt, clay pots, etc., with abundant supplies, wherever they are, they can set up camps and start new lives.

This is not only because there are many soldiers and strong ordinary people in the team, but also because of the man's good arrangement.

He knows how to play everyone's role, so no one is holding back.

Yang Yi also saw that this group of people has a strong execution ability, and allowing them to go to the toilet can really change their previous habits immediately.

Because there is only one toilet, it is far from being able to meet the needs, but everyone still waits obediently.

They didn't line up, but everyone consciously waited for the slow turn.

Others studied the latrine for a while, and started digging with tools next to it, planning to build more latrines.

It doesn't require ear-piercing, it is very diligent and eye-catching.

"Are these all given by the god? Such a tool would be great if used for prey."

"The ground is for planting? Can it really be grown?"

"What does that transparent house do?"

"Oh my gosh, there is water under the ground ?!"


Everything here is so new to newcomers, and even more curious about the different gods.

"What kind of man is God? Is he really omnipotent?"

Hearing the questions about Yang Yi, the old members all answered very positively:

"The gods are very powerful. Jing was going to see the gods at first, but he was rescued by the **** using the magic medicine."

Jing followed the logging and transportation team to cut down the trees, and everyone couldn't wait to see if he really did what he said.

Before that, they also saw the power of the magic medicine brought by the God.

Along the way, many beast poisons, many people were injured and sick.

After settling these people, Jiao took his medicine with Yang Yi and treated them one by one.

Their ability to treat the wounded is better than that of Yang Yi. Jiao himself has a foundation, but Xi is very intelligent.

"Well, will I really get better?"

A wound began to rot, and the severely wounded who had already had a high fever asked.

莛 Operate skillfully, not forgetting to comfort: "You can rest assured that the medicine made by God will not let you go to see God so early."

Everyone was shocked by the strange behavior, and after seeing the tangible results, they were left amazed.

"It's really a potion, just for a while, he's much better!"

In the past, everyone thought that there was only a beautiful puppet, but now she found that she could still be so powerful. When she rescued the wounded, she looked better than before!

Many people are eager to move, ready to show their hearts.

The newer the deeper and deeper, the more astounded the ‘God ’s’ is, the more shocking it is.

"Black hunting, is that man really a god?" The thin monkey asked, his eyes secretly glancing towards Yang Yi not far away.

Tu is also a bit worried: "He won't be the same as the West Caravan?"

When the Western Continental Caravan first appeared, everyone thought it was sent by God.

They are also like this divine messenger, carrying a lot of strange things that they have never seen before.

At first, people in the East Mainland thought these people were generous, but later everything came at a price.

They threw bait, and after the people in East China hooked, they exchanged a lot of items and people.

Many tribes cannot resist the temptation of the western caravan, just like the chief of the Blackrock tribe.

They started to enjoy it, and many ideas were affected.

Since the advent of the Western Continental Caravan, there have been more wars between the Eastern Continental tribes.

In the past, the picture and the thin monkey would not have so many worries, and would not think much.

With so much going on now, and especially knowing what the chiefs think, they are full of vigilance about the world.

"will not."

The black hunter played with the rake in his hand and studied with interest all Yang Yi brought.

"Then I will rest assured." Tu relieved.

That ambassador brought too many amazing things. The items of the Western Continental Caravan were much worse than those brought by this ambassador. They all exchanged so much food, rough and people.

This **** makes them more expensive if they have other purposes.

Heiyun looked at the man's direction: "Even if there is a bad possibility, I will not let him have this opportunity."

At night, all the people who went out came back. Jing saw the black hunter, and the tall man who lost his arm and held his breath turned red.

"You are finally here."

The black hunter smashed into his heart with a fist: "Let you wait long."

Ran carried two big axes and showed his new equipment with arrogance.

"I know that those two old things are uneasy. You are here to make a very wise choice. Our tribe is protected by a god."

"Yes, when my hands are ready, I will also have a body made of weapons."

Jing Shen was so happy that he didn't take his heart seriously about losing one arm.

Everyone has seen Feng's legs, and they all agree.

Black Hunt: "You are Jing, no matter what you become, you are the most brave warrior."

Jing smiled confidently: "When you come, our tribe has the best chiefs! Our tribe does not have a suitable chief until now."

Jing thought he couldn't be the chief, so he had previously rejected the proposal of the ambassador.

Not only because he lost an arm, but also because he now reacts, what happened to him.

If he had one more mind in the beginning, he would not have fallen into the situation he is today.

Before the black hunt left, he reminded him that he still couldn't handle everything.

Although they have a new beginning now, they can't hide the fact that he has not protected many people and put himself in trouble.

He is a good fighter, but he is not a good leader.

The original hunting captain Rock was simpler than his head and difficult to shoulder such a heavy task.

This makes it difficult for their tribe to be a true tribe without an official chief.

A tribe must have a strong, deterrent chief.

The arrival of the Black Hunt resolved everything.

When he was still in the Blackrock Tribe, everyone thought he would become the chief, and now he has the same expectations.

Along the way, Black Hunt's performance made the followers more loyal.

Heihe is also very confident that he has such ability. No matter it is force or brain, he is the best.

In the evening, the entire tribe began to carnival, and everyone celebrated this wonderful moment, and the whole tribe was filled with laughter and laughter.

Yang Yi once again took out the precious seasonings, and conquered the newly joined people, letting these primitive people see the real food.

"It's worth dying to eat such a good food!"

"Is this really the meat we brought? Why it tastes completely different than before!"

"Have you been here this time? Oh, it's too far from what we thought! Those who haven't followed must be very sorry."

Hei Xing was equally astonished by the food. He looked through the crowd and looked at the man who seemed to be shining.

His outstanding face was looming under the light of the campfire, and a gentle smile would be raised to anyone, softening his heart.

The black hunter stood up and walked towards Yang Yi, who was giving sugar to the children. 2k novel reading network