MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 56

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Handmade candles and handmade soaps begin to be produced.

The first batch of production styles are simple, and it is necessary to test the skills of these boys and girls.

Complicated and delicate styles need to be inspected for skilled people, and their character must pass the test, so that they can make complex and delicate styles for them.

Zhou Qiu's elder brother, Zhou Yongtao, Wei Cheng, arranged for people to make transparent packaging boxes at the workshop. Plexiglas are all made by people who have bought the contract, and will not easily reveal the method.

After the start of work, those brothers and sisters went home with a scent, and the family members were curious to find out what kind of crafts the workshop was for. Wei Cheng asked people to tell the outside world about making candles and saponins.

People who make candles and soaps sign contracts and dare not disclose the details. It is right to tell the family to make candles and soap locusts.

As for the raw materials for making candles and soaps, they are prepared separately, the key processes are separated, and the names of each material are replaced by codes. Even if they know the process, they will not know what the raw materials are.

In this way, after the sale of candles and soaps, various forces will be prevented from secretly inquiring.

With Taifulou as the backstage, in the face of interests, it is impossible to stop the forces behind it from secretly inquiring.

It is necessary to eliminate the root of the disaster and prevent future troubles.

Candles and scented soaps are styles that these people have never seen before, and they are all amazed when they are made. These novel and expensive goods are made from their hands, and they think they are going to be sold to rich people. They make things for rich people. Selling, I feel honored in my heart.

Half a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the eldest aunt and Zhou Lanlan came to the door.

They didn't go to Wei Cheng's house, but went directly to the grocery store.

Ever since brothers and girls were recruited to work, everyone in the village knew that the workshop was run by Wei Cheng's family.

When the mother and daughter came, there were several guys working in the lobby of the grocery store, and when they entered the grocery store, they put on airs in front of the grocery store guys.

Aunt Zhou Yuan stood in the lobby of the grocery store, and shouted arrogantly to a clerk: "I am the eldest aunt of your boss, and I don't want to pass it on."

The mother and daughter put on makeup and makeup, dressed up beautifully, Zhou Lanlan raised her jaw, and looked at others with arrogance;

The guys working in the grocery store looked at each other in blank dismay.

Who are they, so arrogant!

Their boss is easy-going to the people below, and they have never been so arrogant!

"Please sit down for a while, and wait for the little one to pass."

Wei Shi of the grocery store was in charge of looking after the facade, arranged for the mother and daughter to sit on the seats in the lobby, and called for someone to pour tea for them.

According to the rules of Wei Cheng's family, anyone who comes is a guest, and he must be treated equally with courtesy, and no one should be underestimated, even a ragged beggar.

The mother and daughter misunderstood that Wei Shi treated each other with courtesy because of their identities, and their expressions were even more arrogant.

If there are distinguished guests in the grocery store, the reception will not arrange people to sit in the guest seats in the lobby, but arrange them in the side hall. The side hall is the place to receive the distinguished guests, and the private room upstairs of the grocery store is the place to receive important distinguished guests.

Reception is distinct.

The guests staying in the lobby are either unknown or ordinary guests.

Wei Shi reported the truth to the living room in the backyard.

When Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan heard that their aunt and Zhou Lanlan had arrived, they were obviously taken aback.

Look at each other.

What are these two people doing here?

Now that people are here, we still have to meet them.

Wei Cheng said: "Wei Shi, you arrange people in the side hall, the same rules as receiving guests in the lobby, no special treatment."

When Wei Shi heard that he was going to arrange people to the side hall, he thought he had made a mistake, but after listening to what his master said later, he knew that there was no mistake in judgment, and the mother and daughter were unpopular masters.

With such an arrogant attitude, if you put on a show as soon as you come, you will definitely not be welcomed!

Wei Shi retreated.

Zhou Yuan said: "Husband, what are the eldest aunts and the others doing here?" His cousin Zhou Lanlan also followed! Zhou Lanlan has always disliked him, how could this happen?

Wei Cheng shook his head, it's not that he couldn't guess, it's that it's hard to say, he came to the door for no reason, and he only planned on those few things, and he couldn't escape that range.

"We'll know if we go and meet."

Zhou Yuan said: "Husband, I will go."

I don't know why my aunt came here, but in case of any bad request, if my husband is afraid that it will be difficult to refuse, it will be more convenient for him to go to see my aunt.

Wei Cheng thought for a while, then nodded, "Let Xiao Liu be with you, don't be in a room alone with Auntie and the others."

Anyway, he is an elder, and he is not easy to get along with. He is afraid that his daughter-in-law will suffer, so he will feel relieved to let his daughter-in-law go to see the eldest aunt alone when Xiao Liu is around.

Zhou Yuan took his maid Xiao Liu to the side hall.

"Auntie, Lan Lan."

Aunt Zhou Yuan got up from her seat and shouted enthusiastically, "Brother Yuan!"

Cousin Zhou Lanlan was still sitting in her seat without moving a bit, and called casually: "Cousin."

Aunt Zhou Yuan looked behind Zhou Yuan, there was no one there, and asked, "Brother Yuan, why are you alone, nephew and son-in-law?" Her purpose was to find Wei Cheng, not Zhou Yuan.

"Auntie is here to find your husband?"

Zhou Yuan sat down, Xiao Liu prepared tea and put it at his side, and then stood behind Zhou Yuan without leaving, attracting Zhou Yuan's aunt to take a look, as if dissatisfied with Xiao Liu's presence, what she wanted to say was inconvenient mentioned.

Today I came here to ask for help, so I didn't ask for help.

"There are distinguished guests here, so it's inconvenient for my husband to come over." Zhou Yuan had no choice but to lie.

When the mother and daughter heard the honored guest, their eyes lit up instantly, and Zhou Lanlan's bored and perfunctory attitude changed, both joyful and excited.

"Brother Yuan, the honored guest that my nephew was entertaining, wasn't it... the noble young master who was sitting next to my nephew that night?"

Zhou Yuan didn't understand what the aunt said at first, but after being stunned for a while, he suddenly realized what time the night the aunt mentioned was referring to, and what young master Gui was talking about in her mouth should be Young Master Yun Chengfeng's house.

Zhou Yuan was not stupid. Seeing his cousin Zhou Lanlan's excited expression, her face blushing, and his aunt's amazingly bright eyes, she knew why the two of them were here today.

Could it be that his eldest aunt and cousin Zhou Lanlan are trying to trick Yun Shaodong's family? !


After Zhou Yuan finished speaking, the mother and daughter lost interest and didn't even bother to inquire.

"Brother Yuan, Auntie treats you well, right? Today I am here for Lan Lan's affairs. Lan Lan is your cousin. Only you can help with this matter. You can't shirk." Aunt Zhou Yuan entered directly. theme.

Zhou Yuan: "..."

When will the eldest aunt treat him better? !

If you want to say this to outsiders, since she still seems to be smiling kindly now, if you want to say this in Qinghe Village, everyone will not think that the aunt's head is broken!

"...Your cousin and wife said that he will definitely be admitted as a scholar next year. Next year my family will be a member of the scholar family, and Lan Lan will be the girl of a scholar. I think the noble young master from that night matches my Lan Lan very well."

"That noble young master is your guest, and he is so familiar with his nephew and son-in-law, so he must have a good relationship." Aunt Zhou Yuan said, "You ask your nephew and son-in-law to arrange for that noble young master to meet with my family Lan Lan. This noble young master will definitely like my family Lan Lan. It is a good thing that the man is unmarried and the woman is not married! The two of them met again by fate, this is a match made in heaven!"

From the beginning to the end, his aunt was talking, and Zhou Yuan only had: "..."

Fortunately, I didn't let my husband come, otherwise I don't know how to say no.

He is much simpler, he is a married brother, he can say that he can't make up his mind, and directly reject his aunt on this ground.

"Auntie, it's hard to say, I can't decide."

"You definitely can't make up your mind. I'm asking you to mention it with your nephew. I'll just wait for good news from your nephew." It has a long face."

The mother and daughter are happy to leave, happy as if things are done!

Zhou Yuan: "..."

Koyanagi: "..."

As soon as the person left, Wei Cheng went to the side hall of the lobby, and seeing the speechless expressions of his daughter-in-law and maidservant, Wei Cheng was immediately curious about what his wife's aunt said to make them show such expressions.

"Yuanyuan, what did your aunt say?"

Zhou Yuan: "Lan Lan has taken a fancy to Yun Shaodong's family..." It's hard to say!

Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows, not surprised.

Xiaoliu added: "My in-laws said that Young Master Tang will be admitted as a scholar next year. Miss Lan Lan and Master Yun's family are very suitable. This marriage is a match made in heaven. Shaodong Yun will definitely like Miss Lan Lan. If the marriage between Master Yun and Miss Lan Lan is successful ..." Xiaoliu paused for a moment, and said with a smothered smile, "My lord already has a good face at her husband's house, and it's Miss Tolanlan's blessing."

Wei Cheng: "..."

Why should his daughter-in-law rely on outsiders for her face at home, this person thinks too highly of herself!

His daughter-in-law is at home, and he has to obey her!


An older aunt left and a younger aunt came.

However, when the daughter-in-law's aunt and mother-in-law came together, Wei Cheng had to personally receive them.

The mother-in-law will accompany the aunt, and it is the aunt's request. It is not so embarrassing to talk about things with the mother-in-law.

Zhou Xiaorui also likes Yun Chengfeng.

In the conversation between my aunt and mother-in-law, the owner of Yun Shao is his friend, and he can talk. If it weren't for Zhou Xiaorui making trouble at home, my aunt thought her daughter was not bad, and if she could marry that noble young master through this, the family situation would be different. The aunt went to his mother-in-law to let him act as an intermediary, and the aunt and mother-in-law came to the door.

When did Wei Cheng become a matchmaker!

"What do mother-in-law and auntie think of your young master's family background that day?"

The two were taken aback.

Aunt Zhou Yuan asked tentatively, "Young master of a rich family in the inner city?"

Wei Cheng really didn't know what to say about Yun Chengfeng's family background for a while, he knew only a little bit about Yun Chengfeng's family background. However, from his conversation, and the status of Taifulou in the entire county, his identity background definitely comes from a big family, a high-ranking official family.

Aunt Zhou Yuan said: "Xiaorui said, that Young Master Gui is your friend, and his family must be wealthy, so he is not worthy of having a nephew and son-in-law. It can be seen that the son-in-law and Young Master Gui have a good relationship and are friends. Xiaorui said Our two families are relatives, we have the relationship of nephew and son-in-law, if we get in touch with your young master more and get along more, if we are both interested, we will not be a problem because of family status."

Zhou Xiaorui's original words were more confident, saying that if she could get close to that noble young master, he would definitely like her!

Aunt Zhou Yuan also needs to be shameless, her daughter has no shame, she can't, she has to pick up the words.

Wei Cheng: "......"

People are quite good at making small calculations.

If it wasn't for his mother-in-law, Wei Cheng really didn't want to meddle in reminding her.

"East Yun Shao's family is not from Nanshan County, he is from the provincial capital, maybe even from the imperial city," Wei Cheng said bluntly: "Let's put it this way, auntie, in addition to my relationship with Yun Shao's family and the background of a noble family, we say It might not even be able to get involved with the film roles of the Young Masters."

If Yun Chengfeng has a crush on someone, it's a different matter, it's basically impossible!

Aunt Zhou Yuan instantly showed embarrassment.

What Wei Cheng said was blunt. Fortunately, it was all in front of his own family. If he was in front of outsiders, he would feel ashamed, saying that her family wanted to aspire to power.

She and her daughter were greedy and delusional.

My daughter can't forget it, and she is confident and fantasizing about marrying into a wealthy family... No matter what, let her dispel her thoughts.

Her family is still not worthy!

The mooncakes are out of the oven.

The first batch of mooncakes was baked and tried for sale at Xianmanlou.

Wei Cheng and his daughter-in-law were about to try freshly baked mooncakes in the private room of Xianmanlou when Yun Cheng heard the news.

"This is the mooncake you mentioned. It looks exquisite and smells full of fragrance. I don't know how it tastes." Yun Chengfeng sat down and picked up the uncut mooncake on the table to look at it.

"Wei Cheng, you are so mean, you don't even call me the young master when you have mooncakes."

Wei Cheng glanced at him, and moved the palm-sized six types of mooncakes placed on the table plate to his face, with a wooden knife and fork beside him, and cut them open with the knife and fork, dividing them into four small pieces.

When he and his wife are alone, they don't let anyone serve them, and they like to do it by themselves most of the time.

Wei Cheng took the cut mooncakes, put small pieces of mooncakes on a plate, and gave a portion to his daughter-in-law.

"Yuanyuan, try it if it's delicious."

Zhou Yuan looked at the mooncakes placed in front of him, and signaled with his eyes: Husband, you don't want to give the young master a piece, isn't that bad?

Wei Cheng gave his wife a reassured look and asked him to eat first.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan is used to it. Every time he eats with Yun Shaodong's family, he always eats first, and now there is no pressure to eat first.

Yun Chengfeng stared: "What about mine? You only take care of your wife, why don't I?" He came here to eat mooncakes, not to see others eat them.

He is used to seeing Mr. Wei Cheng as the first to take care of his daughter-in-law.

Between friends, get along with each other casually.

He was dissatisfied with Wei Cheng, why didn't he have a share.

After Wei Cheng waited on his wife, he got one for himself. Yun Chengfeng just smiled, thinking that Wei Cheng was for him, but Wei Cheng put a small plate of mooncakes in front of him, and ate them with a fork .

Yun Chengfeng was dumbfounded!

After thinking about it, he didn't offend Wei Cheng with such a difference in treatment, right? He got the salted eggs for the mooncakes, and he deserves credit for his hard work.

Wei Cheng said leisurely, "If you want to eat, do it yourself."

Yun Chengfeng: "..."

Zhou Yuan ate the lotus paste-flavored mooncake: "Husband, this lotus paste mooncake is delicious. It is served with salted egg yolk. The lotus paste is fragrant and the egg yolk is salty. Unexpectedly, the taste is not only not weird, but also delicious."

His family has bought mooncakes sold in the market before. They are oblate, red bean flavored, and the outside is puff pastry, which is red bean shortcake.

The moon cakes in front of me are round and flower-shaped, with the word "Fu" printed on them.

There are six flavors, egg yolk lotus paste, egg yolk rose bean paste, winter rong, barbecued pork with five kernels, walnut sesame, osmanthus and lotus root.

The moon cakes are burnt yellow on the outside, but the osmanthus and lotus root are white.

The mooncakes are the best mooncakes he has ever eaten, no wonder my husband insists on making salted egg yolks.

Wei Cheng said softly: "This is sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus root flavor. You like sweet-scented osmanthus. I specially arranged to make it. You can try it." He took a wooden fork and put it on the wife's plate.

Zhou Yuan took a sip and his eyes lit up: "It smells so sweet, even more fragrant than osmanthus cake."

Wei Cheng: "Do you like it?"

Zhou Yuan smiled softly: "I like it, thank you husband!"

Wei Cheng said gently: "Eat more if you like it! Try other flavors, they are also delicious."

"it is good!"

Yun Chengfeng: "..."

If there is no one on both sides of the husband and wife, he has no choice but to do it himself, and put a piece of each style. As soon as the mooncake was in his mouth, Yun Chengfeng thought it was the best mooncake he had ever eaten.

Wei Cheng finally looked at Yun Chengfeng this time, and said slowly: "In the past two days at the grocery store, Aunt Yuan Yuan and Aunt Yuan Yuan came to visit one after another, disturbing my wife."

Yun Chengfeng ate a piece of barbecued pork and five-nut mooncake, rolled his eyes, and thought: What does it have to do with your husband's aunt and aunt coming to visit, what to tell me!

Wei Cheng continued to speak slowly: "Both the aunt and the aunt have a daughter, and these two cousins ​​really have the same goal and fell in love with the same person, and they came to ask us to be the middleman."

Yun Chengfeng was about to eat a piece, but he gave it a big punch. This is really strange. The two cousins ​​fell in love with one person, and said casually, "Which son is so lucky to be seen by your husband and two cousins ​​at the same time?" superior."

Two cousins ​​of relatives fall in love with a man at the same time, and if they fall in love with one another, they fall in love with another, this is a good show!

"Master Yun's family must be very lucky." Wei Cheng smiled, "Congratulations to Master Yun, my husband and two cousins ​​seem to be you."


Yun Chengfeng choked on this mouthful!

After taking a big sip of tea, he swallowed the mooncake that was choking in his throat.

Dare to make such a big detour is for him to step on, to see his jokes!

Come on, he really has no luck!

No wonder people are treated differently today, it turns out that’s what happened! Find a place for his wife!

Wei Cheng continued jokingly: "Young master, which one do you want to choose, so that I can reply to someone."

Zhou Yuan covered his mouth and snickered.

Yun Chengfeng smiled bluntly: "...Thanks, I have a fiancee!"

Husband and wife: "????"

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-01 21:56:11~2022-06-02 22:13:29~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Aqiu;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 charcoal;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of wild apple, Gusu Tianzixiao; 5 bottles of Wu; 339467702 bottles; 59984704, 1 bottle of green peas;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!