MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 115

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Lin Tantan's right hand was like a machine gun capable of emitting flames, one flame, one flame, another flame, the sky was burned red by her, and mutated mosquito swarms fell down.

While Ye Xiao enveloped each other with supernatural powers, he also released wind blades and wind nets to strangle the mosquito swarm. As the two of them walked, the mosquito swarms fell from the sky, and the mosquito swarms did not dare to approach them at all.

They walked down the hillside all the way and walked into the compound. Wherever they passed, the mosquitoes scattered in a hurry, but in the end they couldn't escape being swept by the wind and fire. There were not many left, and the dense black tide on the wall was fading rapidly.

The earth-type supernatural beings who were sealing the wall outside and the other supernatural beings escorting them found the two and shouted twice excitedly. Ye Xiao told them to continue to do their own things, and left the compound with Lin Tantan , and didn't go to the third district, because they knew that the protective measures must be well done there, so they went directly to the street and rushed to the most backward shanty town nearby.

The situation here is indeed quite tragic. Tents made of tattered rags and wooden sticks are difficult to resist the mutated mosquitoes. People try to hide in shelters and wrap themselves into balls, but the screams continue to resound. , Once a breakthrough is found somewhere, a swarm of mosquitoes will fly over immediately.

As soon as the two came, they happened to meet a person wrapped in various fabrics and was on top of the mosquitoes. He fled frantically with his head in his arms, was stumbled by the rags dragged by his feet, fell down, and was quickly overwhelmed by the mosquitos. , screamed terribly.

Ye Xiao immediately became a hurricane, and instantly dispersed the mosquito swarm on this person. Lin Tantan raised his hand and let out flames in a tacit understanding. The mosquito swarms were all wrapped up and burned.

Accompanied by the beeping sound of insect shells being burned, a strange burning smell permeated the air, and the fire mosquitoes fell down one by one. Lin Tantan also smelled blood. Obviously, many mosquitoes here have already sucked blood.

The man who fell on the ground, who thought he was going to die, raised his head in shock, looking at the two people who showed their supernatural powers in front of him, he couldn't recover for a while, until the man said in a deep voice, "Find a place to hide."

He nodded blankly. At this time, a mud house suddenly appeared from low to high in the open space on the roadside, leaving only a door that only allowed one person to enter and exit. The voice of the woman between the two was clear and clear: "Hide here for now. Just block the door."

Her voice was silent, but it was strange that amidst the buzzing and burning of mosquitoes all over the sky, as well as the screams for help from near and far, this person could hear clearly, and he subconsciously followed suit, and there were no one nearby. The people who could hide heard it, and rushed into the earthen house with cloth bags and quilts as if they had caught straws.

During this process, Ye Xiao and Lin Tantan didn't stop, they moved forward and wiped out the mosquitoes. Before passing a certain distance, or finding people whose houses and tents had been washed away by the mosquito swarms and had nowhere to hide, Lin Tantan turned back and made a Tsuchiya, let people hide in.

Each earthen hut is not big, only a dozen square meters, but if you squeeze it, you can hide dozens of people. You are worried that there will be suffocation. Lin Tantan also left ventilation holes, so it is not a problem to hide for a while of.

After passing through a shantytown so quickly, killing countless mosquitoes and leaving behind many earthen houses, the two went to the next shantytown without stopping.

Probably alarmed by the wind and fire, gradually some people came out to kill mosquitoes. Although the power was much worse than theirs, there were more and more such resistance, and some people recognized the two people.

After a while, Lu Jianping contacted Ye Xiao, and Ye Xiao said flatly, "It's just my private behavior, Chief Lu doesn't need to care about it."

It stands to reason that except for the three districts of the Zhengyang Brigade, other places are in Lu Jianping's domain. Ye Xiao is not good at doing anything, and even if he wants to do something, he should talk to Lu Jianping first, so Ye Xiao did not send people from the Zhengyang Brigade Pull out to do something, but just come out alone, a private behavior can also make Lu Jianping look better.

Otherwise, he didn't take any protective countermeasures for his territory and the people on his territory, but Ye Xiao showed his power here, as if he wanted to become a fan of his territory, which Ye Xiao still pays attention to. of. He also explained that Lin Tantan couldn't bear it, so he accompanied her out to kill mosquitoes.

Lu Jianping sighed, said some words of thanks, thought about it after hanging up the phone, and sent several teams to some shanty towns to kill mosquitoes.

One of his adjutants frowned when he heard this order: "Brothers really can't do anything."

With such a large base, their military strength is only one-tenth of the total population, and the places they can take care of are really limited. There is no time to manage those shantytowns in the fringe areas. Things have priorities, and there are people who are rich or poor, high or low. Generally speaking, when a danger occurs, they can't save everyone. Naturally, they can only give priority to saving people with higher value.

Obviously those in the shanty towns are at the bottom and the most likely to be abandoned.

Lu Jianping said: "Send some people there, Ye Xiao has already expressed it, it's inappropriate for us to do nothing."

The adjutant was still dissatisfied, a bit complaining that Ye Xiao was meddling in other people's business. The waste in the shantytowns was saved in vain. Who can blame them for not living up to their expectations? It is not worth the loss to waste manpower and energy on those people. If it's really the father's heart attack, then the whole Zhengyang brigade will be pulled out to kill the mosquitoes, but isn't it also not?

Although he complained so much in his heart, the adjutant did as he did.

Naturally, Lin Tantan didn't know this. She was a little tired from setting the fire, so she released the water polo. The water polo suddenly dispersed into a mist, and the mist diffused under her control to surround a group of mosquitoes, and then the mist suddenly condensed It formed a water film, like a huge plastic belt that covered the mosquitoes inside and kept tightening, and was finally thrown by Lin Tantan at his feet.

She released another huge soil trough, and pressed a tightly-fitting soil cake on top of it to press it inside.

But the mosquito was really hard, it couldn't be flattened with just such a clay cake, and it was still scurrying around trying to escape.

Lin Tantan beckoned to a few people who were watching the battle with their heads in the air: "Squash the mosquitoes down below, can you?"

"Okay!" At this time, I didn't want to hide, and the people watching the battle were not completely ordinary people. They either had supernatural powers or good skills. On that clay cake, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he jumped up and down, squishing the mosquitoes below.

I only heard the weird sound of the worms being crushed and the slurry splashing out. The soil cake sank, and a black-red juice mixed with red blood slowly overflowed from the side of the soil trough, and the fishy smell of mosquitoes being squashed It also spread.

The corners of Ye Xiao's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but think of when Indians built a house, a group of people stepped on the horizontal slabs of the piles, kicking down while singing a very rhythmic tune, abruptly The scene where the pile is kicked down.

Lin Tantan thinks this is a good way. When setting fire, one must be careful not to burn the house or anything. In this way, only the mosquitoes need to be caught and handed over to other people to crush them.

It saves her a lot of effort, and she doesn't have to smell the unpleasant smell of burnt mosquitoes, which is more environmentally friendly.

So she started to catch mosquitoes, sprayed out mist, turned into a water film, and then pulled the mosquitoes back like a fish, and then released a soil trough, threw the mosquitoes in and covered it with a soil cake, and then handed it over to others. up.

As for the other people... There are not many differences between the shanty towns, except that there are so many people, and they hate mosquitoes. Lin Tantan can rush out a group of people to crush the mosquitoes.

Of course, this is also because people feel that it is safe to stay with them, and after the two pass by, these people still hide obediently.

But there are also courageous or capable people who want to kill mosquitoes with the two of them. Lin Tantan doesn't care about this, just output by himself. Ye Xiao looked at these people and didn't say anything, acquiescing to them to follow, but he From half output to no output at all, just do a good job of shielding, and always pay attention to not letting these people be bitten by mosquitoes.

So the anti-mosquito team somehow became larger and larger.

Two hours later, they passed the seventh shanty town, and the sky in the east began to brighten. Lin Tantan found that there were fewer and fewer mosquitoes, and finally she couldn't catch a few with a net. She said: "It's dawn , the mosquitoes have retreated."

Ye Xiao looked at her and said nothing, but someone said, "Doctor Lin, it's not that he retired, but they were all beaten to death."

Lin Tantan subconsciously turned his head to look, startled, why are there so many people behind him? There could be hundreds of them in the dark, and they all looked at her with bright eyes.

Ye Xiao said: "The remaining mosquitoes are not too harmful, let's all go away, we have to go back."

These people were a little bit reluctant, but they all let them go back, and the people hiding in the house also came out one after another, saying thank you, and watched the two leave.

Lin Tantan was a little embarrassed to be stared at and thanked by so many people, but as a doctor, she was used to being thanked, so she let go after a moment of strangeness, and waved to these people with a smile.

Some people wanted to stuff gifts into her hands, but she refused them all.

In order to avoid meeting more people, after leaving the shanty town, she and Ye Xiao walked along the normal streets outside the shanty town. On the contrary, there were more mosquitoes here than the other side of the shanty town, but the number was limited. Talk about not going to kill again, occasionally a few that are not afraid of death are wiped out by Ye Xiao before they get close.

Lin Tantan supported the back of his neck and turned his head. Ye Xiao asked, "Neck hurts?"

"I keep my head up, it's a little sore." Ye Xiao stretched out his hand to massage her, the warm big hand massaged moderately, and was very comfortable. Lin Tantan, who was about to use his supernatural power to relieve fatigue, gave up using it decisively Ability, humming and enjoying his service.

At this time, people were still hiding in their homes, and it was dark everywhere. There were not many people on the street, and only the footsteps of two people could be heard echoing on the street. As Lin Tantan was walking, he suddenly said, "Don't we feel like we're back from an all-night date?"

Ye Xiaoxin said, whose date is to fight mosquitoes?

The little girl in his family will always lead things that are hard and difficult in the eyes of others to a relaxed and happy direction.

Lin Tantan asked again: "What do you call walking on the road together? I remember a noun."

Ye Xiao thought for a while, and a word popped up in his mind, he was not sure: "Press the road?"

"Yes, yes, that's the word." Lin Tantan grabbed his hand, clasped his fingers, and swayed back and forth exaggeratedly, "It's pressing the road." She looked at the road under her feet, bouncing around, "I used to I saw the video of people pressing the road with their girlfriends and boyfriends, so I wanted to try it myself, it felt really weird."

Ye Xiao looked at her indulgently.

The two first went to the third district to have a look, and there were no mosquitos here. People came out one after another, and the earth walls sealed outside some buildings slowly peeled off and turned into sand, and the people inside were released.

During this mosquito attack, the response here was timely and there were no casualties.

Afterwards, the two returned to the compound. There were more burnt mosquito corpses than they left. The logistics team in charge of cleaning began to clean up. Some people talked about the mosquito swarm. They greeted the two when they came back, and some people Said: "Captain, we saw that the light of the fire kept getting cold, so we knew it was you, why didn't the light turn on later."

Some people asked if their combat team should be dispatched if this kind of thing happened again in the future. It would be boring to just sit around like this.

Ye Xiao is approachable, and he doesn't have much of the cold and solemn temperament of a leader during the non-combat period. These people are usually not afraid of him, and on the contrary, they are less afraid to make trouble in front of Lin Tantan.

The mosquito attack on the Ning city base did not cause too many casualties, but the mosquito swarms were not limited to the Ning city base.

Today is July, which is the hottest time. In previous years, this time is also the time when a large number of mosquitoes appear. The mutated mosquitoes have obviously followed the habits of their predecessors. After the hot weather, they multiply in large numbers, especially in places with poor sanitation. Large numbers of.

Either they did not thoroughly study the habits and characteristics of mutated mosquitoes, or they were not prepared. In short, some bases and human gathering areas were completely unbearable and suffered heavy losses during the night when mosquitoes were infested wantonly. Often, in one night, countless lives would disappear, leaving behind a mummy-like corpse covered in large bags.

The capital base was also deeply affected by it, and the bosses had to hold one meeting after another for this. The theme was how to prevent and eliminate mosquitoes. After receiving the report and asking for help from the base below, they knew that mosquito swarms were everywhere in the country. At that time, the bosses felt very heavy.

The threat of zombies has not stopped for a day, and mutated animals and plants are also eyeing humans. Food, water resources, energy crises, etc., all kinds of threats are everywhere and become more serious. Now there is another mutated mosquito, let alone look at this posture Summer does not pass, mosquitoes do not disappear, they are very headache.

Then, among the many reports, they found that the loss of the Ning City base was very small. After careful questioning, they found out that it was because of two talented people who ran out and drove away the mosquitoes.

In other places, humans lost to the mosquito swarm and were sucked hard by blood. Many people died, but the mosquito swarm got nutrients and multiplied even more. However, at the Ning City base, the mosquito swarm suffered heavy losses, but humans had almost no loss. At the beginning of the day, the mosquito swarm did not take advantage of it, and as it ebbed and flowed, it became less and less human's opponent.

Sure enough, mosquito swarms would still appear in the next period of night, but as soon as Lin Tantan appeared, he took Ye Xiao to kill the mosquitoes. More and more people in the whole base took the initiative to participate in the mosquito kill, and the mosquito kill was enthusiastic. Gao Gao, after such a period of time, the mosquito swarm completely gave up this big piece of fat, and the few remaining swarms moved away from the vicinity of the Ningshi base.

So it just entered mid-July, and the mosquitoes in other places became more and more serious, but the base in Ning City was very peaceful.

Simply enviable.

After inquiring, the big bosses in the capital knew that one of the two great men who took the lead in killing mosquitoes was Ye Xiao, and the other was also Ye Xiao's person. A big boss who was out of state sighed: "This person is not bad, I remember it was us Soldiers, why not transfer back to the capital?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other people present were a little strange.

Commander Fan of the first seat said indifferently: "Ye Xiao has already retired."

"What? Retired!" The person who asked the question was surprised and regretful, "How can such a talent let him retire." The person who asked the question obviously didn't pay much attention to some news. In their military system, seven people including Ye Xiao retired The news hung up for many days, and many people knew about it.

The name Ye Xiao is still very famous. There are many people who know him. The older generation knows him because of his background, and the younger generation knows him because of his excessively fast promotion speed. Although it is very strange why he retired at this time, people who know something inside speculate whether the conflict between him and the military has intensified, but it can be seen that they all retired after upgrading their ranks, which can be considered a glorious retirement. This kind of speculation is also quieter.

As soon as he heard Ye Xiao's name, Min Yande's face turned dark.

His life has not been going well recently, Chen Xing is inexplicably treating him with no nose or eyes, all kinds of cynicism, and when he should cooperate, he does not cooperate. Whenever there are any decisions among them, Chen Xing disagrees with him if he agrees, and sings against him everywhere. Well, Min Yande was bored to the core, and it also made people in their camp fluctuate.

He didn't expect to have anything to do with Cai Chengliang, he just thought that a magic trick made Chen Xing dazzled.

In the final analysis, it was Ye Xiao's fault!

At this time, the guy who asked the question sighed and said, although he has retired, since the current situation of the Ningshi base is related to Ye Xiao, it is better for him to share some experience with other base organizations. Everyone agrees that Min Yande's face Even darker.

After the meeting, he called his subordinates to find out how the Ning City base fought against the mosquito swarm. The details are not clear, but Ye Xiao is sure to be the leader.

Lu Jianping didn't move at all, but this person living in other people's land was very active. If he said that he didn't have any plans, who would believe it?

Lu Jianping, an idiot, does he know what it means to keep tigers as a threat?

Min Yande smiled coldly and whispered something to his subordinates. After the subordinates left, he sat leisurely on the leather chair. Suddenly someone reported that Chen Xianyi had come, and he had a headache.

Before, he and Chen Xianyi were very close, because everyone could see that Chen Xianyi was the heir cultivated by Chen Xing, but now the situation is complicated, Chen Xing seems to value Cai Chengliang more, and has the intention of suppressing Chen Xianyi, Chen Xianyi has Worse than him.

And Cai Chengliang seems to be hostile to Min Yande.

He must have suffered from Ye Xiao and bear the grudge on himself!

So it was still Ye Xiao's fault!

Min Yande hesitated for a moment, and a stern look flashed in his eyes. If Chen Xianyi could completely take over Chen Xing's position, it would do him no harm, so he said, "Let him in!"

At the base in Ning City, Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly after receiving the latest information: "Min Yande and Chen Xianyi are going to attack Chen Xing."

Bai Cheng smiled and said, "I really can't hold my breath."

It's only been a long time since Cai Chengliang went back, and it's been a long time since Chen Xing has targeted these two people, so they couldn't stand it anymore.

But if they want to attack Chen Xing, they must be very busy, but even in such a busy schedule, it is really persistent for Min Yande to make some small moves here.

"How to deal with the rumors?" Bai Cheng asked.

"Let everyone keep a low profile recently, and I'll talk to Lu Jianping again." Ye Xiao said lightly.

"That's the only way to go." Bai Cheng said, "The food in the new area is about to mature, so let's transfer a batch to Lu Jianping."

Ye Xiao thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

On that very day, there was a rumor from the base in Ning City that Ye Xiao stepped forward in the face of the mosquito swarm and saved countless people. In contrast, Lu Jianping's team only protected such a small and powerful Some people, Ye Xiao is more qualified to lead the entire base than Lu Jianping.

At the same time, someone revealed the high-efficiency response and extremely low casualty rate of the Zhengyang Brigade when facing the tide of corpses before, and the fact that in less than half a year, the third district of the Zhengyang Brigade has been well established. Lu Jianping But the team has not made many positive changes in the base so far. Lin Tantan of the Zhengyang Brigade has been treating the shantytown people for free from the very beginning, while Lu Jianping's team is indifferent to their lives.

To sum up, there is one meaning, Ye Xiao is stronger than Lu Jianping, Zhengyang Brigade is stronger than Lu Jianping's team, and they are more humane, more benevolent and so on.

All of a sudden, the Zhengyang Brigade was praised to the sky, and the names of Ye Xiao and Lin Tantan were the most mentioned.

Lin Tantan didn't think much of it when he heard it at first, but felt that the exaggeration was too much, but the more he heard it, the more it didn't feel right, as if someone was deliberately praising the Zhengyang Brigade.

This is not a good omen, after all, Lu Jianping is still in charge of the Ningshi base.

Lin Tantan frowned, and asked Ye Xiao that night if someone was fanning the flames behind his back.

Ye Xiao was a little surprised: "You can see it?"

Lin Tantan gave him a white look: "I'm not a fool, it's obviously abnormal now."

Ye Xiao said: "It's okay, let them talk, as long as the person concerned ignores it, it won't work."

Lin Tantan was still worried: "Can Lu Jianping be so open-minded?" These remarks are equivalent to slapping Lu Jianping in the face, and everyone feels a little uncomfortable, right?

"So we have to keep a low profile recently." Ye Xiao talked about the batch of food for Lu Jianping again. Although the quantity is not much, fresh food is still very rare and precious. This is bribery and flattery. If Lu Jianping still If you can't see it, there's nothing you can do about it.

Facts have proved that this bribery is still very useful. Lu Jianping is really uncomfortable with the rumors outside. He can still restrain himself. His nephew Luther also persuaded him to relax. Anyway, the Zhengyang Brigade will leave sooner or later. There's no need to be unhappy, and they also cooperated in the production of magic machines.

It's just that the people under Lu Jianping's subordinates were furious, and they all held up their anger to find fault with the Zhengyang brigade.

At this time, they learned that the Zhengyang Brigade was going to give them a batch of food, and they lived a lot in peace.

They also glanced at the plantation in the new district of Zhengyang Brigade. It was a lush area, with corn, soybeans, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, because the planting-type superhumans spared no effort to invest, as well as sufficient irrigation and chemical fertilizers. Get enough, grow fast and well.

They also plant on their own side, but they are not as good as others, and the output is very limited.

In this world, one bite is very important, and it is even more rare to want to eat well, so this bribery really hits people's hearts.

The people who estimated that they could get this batch of food with their own status were appeased, and they were not so angry. They waited for the day when the food arrived, and they were still thinking about whether corn is delicious or sweet potatoes are more satisfying , it’s best to get some juicy vegetables too.

And as long as these people don't make trouble, the rumors don't matter.

However, Ye Xiao didn't expect that Min Yande was going to make big troubles himself, and he really never forgot about this side, and he was determined to make him unhappy. Soon the second wave of rumors spread in the base again, saying that Lin Tantan was a five-line supernatural being, able to play and milk, and proficient in everything. It was because of her that the Zhengyang brigade could develop so well and get She is half the battle, and she is indispensable if you want to become king.