MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 132

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The old Taoist priest who laughed out loud is naturally Uncle Jin. Ever since he heard what Lin Tantan said that day, he has been thinking about how to deal with Lin Tantan, but he still can't see anyone, can't get in touch with him, and ordinary methods can't be used at all. , So he can only take the slant of the sword.

He didn't want to do this at first. The power of this formation in the records is huge, but it requires human sacrifice, and it requires a lot of people. But there was nothing he could do.

So the next question was how to get so many people who needed sacrifices, so he left the Zhengyang base and spent several days to find that brother Fei. The partner's resentment was still there, he only told the other party about his purpose and plan, and the other party immediately agreed.

Seeing the blood in the formation, Brother Fei, who was watching all this not far away, showed surprise and excitement, walked a few steps closer, and asked loudly: "Master, did you really succeed?"

Uncle Jin stroked his scruffy beard, nodded inscrutably, but seeing the **** light above the formation that was still unwilling to dissipate, he narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head and said: "The other party is still stubbornly resisting, so let us In this moment."

Brother Fei was overjoyed.

To be precise, he didn't have any hatred when he talked with Lin, and he didn't even meet her with his own eyes, but he was happy if he could cause trouble and bring losses to the group of people in Zhengyang base.

His homeland is gone, so why can that group of people get better and better?

Moreover, today is their wedding day, and this great gift will definitely be remembered by Ye Xiao for the rest of his life.

In this world, everyone should sink together. There is no need for a wise and powerful leader, and there is no need for a pure land to live and work. Wouldn’t it be good for everyone to be people who have no tomorrow?

At this time, the wedding scene was in chaos, the people injured by the self-explosion were still screaming, and the bride on the stage had collapsed without warning.

It even caused an exclamation.

"Talk!!" Ye Xiao was right next to Lin Tantan, hugging her immediately, but he still couldn't stop her from falling down.

Lin Tantan's whole body softened, as if his soul had been sucked out of him in an instant, with his eyes wide open, he couldn't feel anything around him.

Ye Xiao's entire brain was blank, he shouted to her in horror and immediately picked her up, hospital, yes, go to the hospital.

He was thinking in a panic, but he knew in his heart that it was useless to go to the hospital, so he rushed out of the wedding scene.

The bumps in her body brought back a little consciousness of Lin Tantan, she tried hard to gather the last consciousness and strength, raised her hand tremblingly, and grabbed Ye Xiao's clothes.

Ye Xiao suddenly stopped and looked down: "Talk, are you ready to talk?"

Lin Tantan's whole face was white and blue, it was hard to imagine a person changing from a rosy and healthy face to such an ugly face in just a short moment, her bloodless lips wriggled with difficulty: "Ye Xiao, I probably... have to go gone."

Ye Xiao froze all over, and after standing there for two seconds, he slowly put her on the lawn, hugged her with trembling hands, his breath was all unsteady: "How could it be... didn't you still..." and said to stay Here with him.

It must have been caused by the self-explosion just now, and she had to leave.

A low choked sob came out of his throat: "Talk about..."

Lin Tantan tried to smile, but she could no longer feel the facial muscles, and she could barely control her lips and vocal cords. She knew she was going to die, but she couldn't let him know that she was going to die.

She worried that he would not be able to accept the news.

She tried her best to seize this last moment, her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "Sorry, sorry... my family... there, I will, well... you, don't be sad... I will, I will go... in the history books, I'm looking for come to this step, it's not easy...don't give up..."

Ye Xiao was completely speechless, the eyes of a man who had always bleed were full of tears at the moment, he wanted her not to leave, but he also knew that it was not whether she wanted to leave, but that she had to.

He squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Don't worry about me, send my regards to my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and my brother-in-law."

Lin Tantan moved the corner of his mouth, trying to give him a smile, but he couldn't.

Her eyes were red, and there was nostalgia, reluctance, worry, and deep love in her eyes, and they all turned into emptiness in the end. She tried to turn her eyes away, and looked at the people who came around at no time, With difficulty, he found a familiar figure, his eyes moved slightly, and he shook his head almost imperceptibly, then leaned against Ye Xiao's chest, and slowly closed his eyes.

Died for the second time, there were too many regrets in her heart, but at least, she had done what she wanted to do, met Ye Xiao, and changed his fate, but she didn't expect that it was herself who made him suffer this time.

Listening to his rapid heartbeat, listening to his choked sobs, she regretted for the first time in her heart. If she had known this was the result, she must have stayed away from him from the beginning, only helping him from afar, only doing A friend, even, shouldn't let him know of his existence.

She shouldn't expect too much.

Otherwise, leaving at this time will only be complete, blessed, reassuring, and without regret.

In the end, the hand that was tightly gripping the dress on his chest loosened and fell on the snow-white dress.

The veil and hair were blown by the wind, and the sun seemed to lose all its warmth at this moment, including all the colors in the world, and became dim.

Ye Xiao's body was as stiff as a sculpture, and the next moment there was a strong wind blowing all around, and the roads were like knives. He hugged the body tightly in his arms and buried it in the soft and warm neck, tears rolled down one by one, as What comes to mind along with the sound of the wind is the low mournful cry of a lonely beast that has lost its mate.

Somewhere in the formation, the persistent red light finally dissipated bit by bit, leaving behind a formation rune that lost its power and a place of corpses, including all blood, which had been completely absorbed by the rune.

Uncle Jin couldn't hold back his excitement: "It's a success, it's a complete success."

Brother Fei also laughed, and immediately ordered people to clean up all the corpses and destroy the runes on the ground.

Revenge is one thing, he didn't intend to pay himself for it, of course he had to destroy the corpse.

It took these people all afternoon to clean up all the traces. The corpse was afraid that it would make too much noise when it was burned, so they dug a pit and buried it.

It was getting dark at this time, Brother Fei decided to leave Liangshi after much deliberation, there would be opportunities after causing damage, at this time Lin Tantan died, who knows if Ye Xiao will go crazy, although he is confident that he will not be found , but it is better to avoid the limelight.

But who knew, he and his brothers had just started working, and before they had time to escape, the secret base was discovered.

A group of murderous people and mutant beasts surrounded the surroundings. Several people walked in. As soon as Fei Ge saw the people coming, he knew that everything was over.

All the people who came had dark and murderous looks on their faces, and they looked at him as if they were looking at a dead person, a private person who should be hacked into pieces.

Phineas knew them all.

The one in the middle is Bai Cheng from the Zhengyang Base, who is said to be Ye Xiao's first deputy and the manager of the actual affairs of the base. He is not a combatant, and he actually dispatched it himself.

The one on Bai Cheng's left with a man-eating face should be Mei Bosheng, whose ability is very special and powerful.

The one on the right with a **** sword in his hand is Xu Li. He has no supernatural powers, but he is stronger than ordinary supernatural beings.

He also saw a tall and strong man in the distance, holding a big cat in his hand, that was obviously Zhong Xiong holding the beast group.

These four people were dispatched together, Brother Fei smiled: "I didn't expect that I would be able to work for four masters, it's really my honor haha..."

Halfway through, he seemed to be choked by someone, staring at the last person who walked in slowly, his face was gradually turning pale.

Facing the four people in front of him, he could still act very indifferent and treat death like home, but facing this person, for some reason, he couldn't even treat death like home.

This person was intimidating when he was in full swing before. He had never faced the opponent head-on, but he had seen him deal with zombies.

That strength is indeed the top of the top, the kind that makes people completely unable to parry, crushing, and even the power of resistance cannot be raised.

But at this time, the man who seemed to have completely lost his restraint was even more terrifying. There was no trace of vitality in his eyes, only bottomless blackness, which seemed to condense the meaning of the destruction of the whole world.

Fei Ge took a step back uncontrollably.

Ye Xiao looked at the person in front of him without any emotion, as if looking at a cloud of air.


Whoosh whoosh.

what sound? Brother Fei was terrified, subconsciously put on a defensive posture, but found that nothing happened, he put down his hands blankly, suddenly felt something wrong with his legs, looked down stiffly, his trousers suddenly turned into a ball of powder and fell down, Two bare legs were exposed, and then, the blood slowly penetrated the skin that was not full of fine hair.

When Fei Ge still didn't know where the wound was, suddenly, his legs exploded, and the meat paste exploded like watermelon flesh. He fell down and sat in the blood paste, dumbfounded and didn't react. , The next moment, the severe pain that could not be expressed in words was transmitted to his mind, and he howled horribly, almost toppling the roof and alarming the whole city.

His subordinate brothers who were restrained were all frightened and wanted to run away, but Uncle Jin, who was grabbed and brought back, collapsed completely, his face twitched and he couldn't speak a word.

The few people in front of him still looked indifferent, Ye Xiao just watched Fei Ge howling and writhing miserably with his eyes, he wiped all the flesh and blood on the ground, leaving only the half of his body above the legs, which looked ridiculous Ridiculous again.

He turned his eyes lightly, and looked at Uncle Jin who was limp on the ground.

Uncle Jin's expression paled instantly, his teeth chattered, and he yelled sternly: "What do you want to do? Are you strong enough to trample on other people's lives like this?"

At this time, Zhong Xiong walked in and said to Ye Xiao: "The group of mutant dogs dug a death pit, and buried at least 700 people in it. They all died today, and the way of death was to have their necks cut open, which is consistent with the confession. Got it."

After he finished speaking, Bai Cheng said: "If you tell others not to trample on other people's lives, you can trample on them yourself?"

Uncle Jin gritted his teeth and shouted: "What do you know? Lin Tantan should have died a long time ago. She is a ghost who takes away other people's bodies. As a cultivator, it is my duty to eradicate this kind of ghost. Those people are For those who can’t live longer, it’s their blessing that they can play a role before they die, this is a matter of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, and they can also have a good life in the next life.”

Bai Cheng sneered: "Oh? Did Taoism also practice afterlife?"

Uncle Jin's face twitched and he was speechless.

Ye Xiao walked towards him, he seemed to shrink back in a hurry, but the two restraining him held him firmly, making him unable to move.

Ye Xiao finally said his first sentence, his voice was hoarse and emotionless: "What method did you use against her?"

Although what she said before she left was to return to the original world, that is, more than three hundred years later, Ye Xiao had no way of verifying it. He was worried, and he couldn't let it go.

It is not difficult to find out this matter. Starting from the person who blew himself up, who he is and who he has been in contact with, it is easy to know that he has been in contact with Master Jin and others. How many of those old Taoist priests are left behind? In the base, by catching them and interrogating them, you can learn a lot about the cause and effect.

They were unwilling to participate in Master Jin's plan to talk to Lin, they just wanted to stay in the base for the elderly, but from their information, Ye Xiao also noticed Brother Fei's line.

Combined with the fact that some survivors have been missing recently, and this morning someone saw a **** place.

All kinds of clues, following the vines, is the easiest thing to do. If you catch a few people and interrogate them, you will know about the formation.

It's just that those people only know one thing but don't know the other, and they still have to ask Uncle Jin if they want to understand thoroughly.

Uncle Jin is so old, he is dedicated to his morality, and he is more determined than Lu Xin at the beginning. After all, he resisted the pressure and only smiled contemptuously: "Everyone is already dead, so it is useful to ask this?"

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

Qin Han came out: "Leader, let me try."

Finally, Mei Bosheng couldn't help but rushed forward, shouting with red eyes: "Let me kill him!"

"No need." Unexpectedly, Ye Xiao was not angry, but raised his hand slightly, the wind tightened, Master Jin's mouth was suddenly stretched open, and the gust of wind rushed into his air like a spirit snake, all the way down his throat.

In an instant, his esophagus and stomach were stretched open, and then he continued to inflate his intestines. His whole body was like chaff, his eyes could not be opened, and he could only make a vague ahh sound, and at the same time, his stomach swelled like a balloon. Get up and make him look like a cockroach.

"Ah! Ahhh!" Uncle Jin struggled frantically, puff puff puff, something exploded in his stomach, it was the sound of his intestines being burst by air.

Uncle Jin screamed frantically: "I say, I say everything!"

Qin Han's face was covered with cold sweat, the leader is really fierce, and he was terrified by this method.

Mei Bosheng looked happy.

Bai Cheng frowned, looked at Ye Xiao who had no expression on his face, his eyes were filled with deep worry, ever since...he has always been like this, even if he hugged the corpse and cried bitterly, even if he was furious and decadent, Ye Xiao was too silent at this moment, like the silence before destruction.

Very disturbing.

But when he thought of Lin Tantan, his heart was full of sadness, and he couldn't say any words of persuasion.

Ye Xiao finally stopped, Master Jin was dying, and said weakly: "I don't know what that formation is called, I only know that it was handed down by the ancestors to drive away evil spirits, and human sacrifice is needed. The more people, the greater the power, and I will also It’s just a fluke.” He wanted to laugh but quickly suppressed it, panting with sweat and said, “This shows that Lin Tantan is indeed an evil spirit, I’m not wrong, even if you torture me and kill me Can not change."

He suddenly raised his voice: "I'm not wrong!" He opened his mouth and was about to press his tongue to kill himself, but he didn't bite down, a force stopped him, Ye Xiao's face still didn't have any fluctuations, he said: "So, if the formation is successful, the target of the formation will be expelled?"

Unable to commit suicide, Uncle Jin became depressed, knowing that he would never have another chance, and fearing Ye Xiao's ruthlessness, he groaned for a long while, not daring to say that the formation would most likely kill him directly. What the evil spirits tore into shreds was just to expel them. Naturally, we had to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

Unless there is a flaw in the formation, there will only be an expulsion effect.

But the formation was obviously very successful.

It's just that he didn't dare to talk about turning into a corpse at this moment, he only said in a rough voice: "That's right, I don't know where it was expelled."

Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao's expression relaxed, and he closed his eyes, hiding the sudden sparkle in his eyes.

That's fine.

He felt a dull pain in his heart, but there was some comfort under the pain.

It's good to be alive, no matter where you are, it's good to be alive.

He opened his eyes, his expression became calm and cold again, and he asked again: "How do you know her identity?"

"It was just a guess at first, but it was really confirmed by Lin Tantan who told me."

Ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and the others were also surprised. Uncle Jin continued: "It's that Lin Tantan, the original owner of the body."

Ye Xiao's face darkened: "Is she still there?"

Zhengyang base.

Today's atmosphere is particularly different. If the morning is full of celebration and joy, the afternoon will be bleak and sad, full of panic.

In a heavily guarded room, two women guarded the dead body on the bier. The original gowns had been taken off and put on soft and decent clothes. The makeup on their faces was also removed. The **** the bed was lying quietly with her eyes closed. Looking at it, if the body is stiffer and colder, and the face is ashen, there is no difference from when he was alive.

The two middle-aged women sighed, Dr. Lin is so powerful, I didn't expect to say that he would be gone.

"I heard it was attacked at the wedding, the leader is here, so many masters are there, why..." A woman wiped her tears, "Doctor Lin is a good man, he saved so many people, why didn't there be a good result .”

Another woman also had red eyes: "Yes, she is about to get married. I heard that the leader hugged her for a long time, and she cried. In front of so many people, she refused to let go, until she was completely cold."

"But after I heard that he was cold, he didn't take another look at it, and he never came here."

"Don't talk nonsense, it seems to have found the mastermind behind it and went out to arrest people. Many leaders have been dispatched."

"Oh, what's the use of catching it, people are gone."

At this time, the forest garden was as quiet as a dead garden in the night, and all the mutant beasts were dispatched to find the person behind the scenes, including those swan mice raised by Lin Tantan. It stands to reason that there should be no one here at this time. .

But there was a figure passing through the winding path in the night, traversing the forest garden, as if looking for something.

Finally, he stopped by the lake and looked up at the tall tree beside the lake.

As if he knew that something had happened to the owner of the forest garden, the tree that was brought down from the mountain by the other party and planted here was exceptionally silent tonight. There also seemed to be a sense of sadness.

The man looked at it silently for a while, then sighed slightly: "So it's here."

He was about to step forward when a light came from a distance: "Who is there?"

The man stopped and turned his head to look over. When the person approached, he said sobbingly, "Mr. Xu, Minister Xu, I, I miss Dr. Lin, so I'll come over and have a look."

Xu Qin saw clearly that this person was Xu Tianjin. He didn't know what the relationship with Lin was, but they were friends anyway.

His expression softened a little, looking at the big tree with luxuriant branches, his expression was also heavy and sad, who knew that such a thing would happen suddenly, a good person, just disappeared, but it seemed that she had another origin, not dead...

Xu Qin suddenly looked at Xu Tianjin, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "It's late at night, don't stay here anymore, by the way, have you visited and talked?"

Xu Tianjin was taken aback: "Isn't it that the mourning hall has not been set up yet, and worship is not allowed?"

"You are her friend, and she is also happy to see her for the last time."

Xu Tianjin nodded with sobs, and wiped away tears like a child: "Okay, thank you, Minister Xu."

Just like that, Xu Qin took Xu Tianjin to that room. When he saw the person on the bed, Xu Tianjin couldn't stop crying. He sat on the ground beside the bed and cried. The two women stood aside and wiped their tears. Xu Qin silently Standing at the door, he closed his eyes and sighed softly. He looked at Xu Tianjin, but couldn't see anything. At this moment, he suddenly heard Xu Tianjin choked up and said, "Doctor Lin, how could you do this? It's not enough to send you once, but I need to send you a second time."

The voice was too low, at least the two women didn't hear it, but Xu Qin heard it. His eyes changed, and he suspected that he had heard it wrong. What does this mean?

He waited for a while, but Xu Tianjin didn't say anything, and cried for a while, wiped away his tears and stood up, walked over to thank Xu Qin: "More Minister Xu."

I'm leaving now.

Xu Qin wanted to ask something, but worried that it would be inappropriate for him to ask, so he didn't stop him.

Xu Tianjin walked out for a while, turned his head in the night, his eyes were clear and calm, he was completely different from Xu Tianjin just now. He looked at Xu Qin's blurred figure and murmured: "Grass snake gray line, stretching for thousands of miles, that's all I can do for you. As for whether they can catch this clue, and whether they are willing to catch it, that's not right." I can decide."

"To change your fate against the sky, you have to take the initiative. I won a chance for you, but you see, it still turned out like this in the end."

"You **** girl, you are afraid of hurting your sweetheart, so you dare not tell him the truth. Before you die, you shake your head at me and tell me not to say anything. It makes me pretend to be crazy, but it's also unintentional. It’s useless to say it on your own initiative. The so-called fate is to make people step into that ending step by step through countless coincidences, accidents, and inadvertently, isn’t it? There can’t be any deliberate factors!”

He muttered to himself, with a faint ironic smile on his face, and looked up at the dark sky above his head, as if he wanted to see something through the night sky. My own Xu Tianjin.