MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 23 Ziyu Space

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When Fang Bo said this, Jin Muchen felt the same, so he was not hypocritical.

However, it was late outside, and it was just when the antique shop closed for get off work, but Jin Muchen insisted on taking Fang Bo and went out to have a big meal to celebrate.

After coming out of the hotel, Fang Bo still followed the old rules and went to his old friend to play cards, while Jin Muchen went back to the antique shop alone, but his head was wooden all the way, and the money came It's really too fast and too easy.

A few days ago, he was just a pauper who worked as a coolie in the distribution center during the day and delivered food at a Chinese restaurant at night, but now that more than ten days have passed, he has earned nearly 180,000 US dollars.

Such a speed of making money was something he could never imagine before.

It seems that even after graduating from pharmacology, it is not so easy to make so much money, right?

When he was in school, Jin Muchen was actually a little bit arrogant about his major.

Although Columbia University's pharmacology major is not as famous as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Washington University, it can still be ranked in the top ten in the United States.

Moreover, this major is not easy for everyone to be admitted to. Jin Muchen spent a lot of effort in order to be admitted to this department. The difficulty of entering the top ten well-known colleges and universities in 211.

After working in this major for a year and getting familiar with the course process of this major, although Jin Muchen is not a scholar, he is still confident that he can get a diploma from the major of pharmacology.

With this diploma, if you want to find a job in the United States, it is not a problem at all.

And the graduates of his major have a very high starting salary. They usually go to research institutes or large pharmaceutical companies, but as long as they work for three to five years and get an annual salary of 80,000 to 100,000 US dollars, it is not at all. what a big deal.

In the United States, although Congress has been saying recently that more and more job opportunities have been added, in fact, if you take a closer look, you can find that most of those jobs are in some minimum-wage service industries, and Unemployment is possible at any time.

Not to mention in China, there are millions of college graduates every year, and among these millions of college graduates, the probability of truly becoming a golden-collar or white-collar worker is no more than 20%. .

There are many college graduates who have been in the society for a few years, but when the annual salary is calculated at the end of the year, they may not be as good as the small workers who move bricks on the construction site.

So before, Jin Muchen was really a little arrogant about his major and his future prospects after graduation.

Although the pharmacology major is very difficult during school, it has to pass many exams, memorize a lot of cold words, and also face very boring chemical experiments, and learn many brain-enhancing mathematics subjects, but if When you get a diploma and go to the society to find a job, you will find that the hardships in the past are actually worth it.

Pharmaceutical R&D is one of the important pillar industries in the United States. The world's largest pharmaceutical company has almost all R&D bases in the United States.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of private research institutes in the United States. Some of these research institutes are formed by some doctors or pharmaceutical professionals themselves, or some of them are privately sponsored by some wealthy people and foundations.

Therefore, as long as his academic performance is not very bad, it is quite easy for a student of his major to find a job in a research institute of a pharmaceutical company or a private research institute after obtaining a diploma.

And as long as you can get in, you're in a middle-class safe, so to speak.

This is also one of the main reasons why Ma Ling was able to take a fancy to him back then. As long as he graduates and looks for a job, he will be very stable and have a promising future.

After working for a few years, you can become a real white-collar worker. If you can achieve some results, you will be able to become a golden-collar worker in the future.

Becoming a golden collar means that your annual salary starts from at least 150,000 yuan. There is no doubt about your future life and social status.

Now that there is a comparison, Jin Muchen is a little unsure. What is there to be proud of with the professional knowledge he has learned? It is true that it is noble to do the work of pharmaceutical research and development.

But what about the antique business? It doesn't seem to be cheap!

The most important thing is that this business of antiques seems to be quite profitable. I have only just entered the door, and in just ten days, I have earned nearly 180,000 US dollars.

This kind of income, as far as he knows, is not necessarily available to many middle-level people who have worked in small and medium-sized research institutes for nearly 20 years.

After such a comparison, the idea of ​​learning the knowledge of antique identification has become more firm in Jin Muchen's heart. After all, having more knowledge and skills is not a bad thing.

In the next few days, Jin Muchen quit his job delivering food, and the distribution center also reduced working hours as much as possible. Most of the time, he stayed in Fang Bo's store.

Taking all the time to learn the knowledge of antique identification with Fang Bo, he felt that his brain seemed to be much better than before. Not only did his memory greatly improve, but his comprehension ability was also greatly enhanced.

A lot of the knowledge about antiques that Fang Bo explained to him, he can remember after listening to it once, and the same is true for Fang Bo’s antique appraisal books. After flipping through it once, he can basically remember everything.

Fang Bolian praised him for his talent, and even took out some things he collected in the early years to hone him, and let him make judgments and appraisals based on the antique knowledge Fang Bo taught him.

And his performance also made Fang Bo extremely happy. Almost every day, he was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although he could not be regarded as a big expert, he soon had the quality of a junior antique appraiser, especially It is in the identification of Chinese antiques.

During this time, in addition to learning about antique identification with Fang Bo, Jin Muchen continued to study his own abilities.

Because of an accident after that transaction, he made another unexpected discovery about his ability.

That day, Fang Bo gave Wang Xueming all the $150,000 that he bought Yuan Datou. He originally wanted to deposit it in the bank the next day, but that night because he wanted to enjoy the feeling of cramping in his hands when he counted the money, he hugged him. I slept with the money, but I never thought that when I woke up the next morning, the money was gone.

At that time, Jin Muchen was so frightened that he thought it was a thief and would call the police immediately.

Just before calling the police, he decided to think carefully about whether he had put the money somewhere and then forgot it, but in that moment of holding his breath, he actually found out that the money was actually in one of his sea of ​​knowledge. in space.

It was a purple sea of ​​consciousness space, and the shape of the space turned out to be an enlarged gourd. As for how big this gourd was, Jin Muchen had not carefully measured it, but it was definitely not small.

This discovery brought him a burst of ecstasy, a portable space, which is so awesome. As a perennial Xiaobai reader of a domestic YY literature website, he accepted the portable space very smoothly.

Moreover, some unexplainable changes have already happened to him before, and now there is no more unacceptable space for him to carry.

He carefully scrutinized the origin of this portable space, and the final conclusion was that it must have something to do with the three jade gourd tattoos on his body. Those three tattoos seemed to have brought him three different changes.

Among them, the red jade gourd seemed to endow him with infinite power, while the orange gourd allowed him to see clearly, and the purple gourd should have brought him this portable space.

Although not sure, but that's how he judged.

And this purple portable space seems to be more than just a portable space, because when he took out those dollars from the space, he unexpectedly found that those dollars were all brand new, as if they had just been removed from the money printing machine. The prints are so-so, you can even smell the ink on the money. UU reading

You must know that when Boss Wang gave them this money before, the money was all half-new and not used banknotes, and they were all banknotes that had been circulating in the market for a long time.

But now it has been put in the space for one night, and after taking it out, it turned into a new banknote.

Could it be that this purple portable space has the ability to repair items?

For a period of time after that, Jin Muchen had been quietly experimenting, and the first thing he thought of was some of the antiques in Fangbo's antique shop that were not in perfect condition.

After repairing some damaged antiques several times, Jin Muchen can finally be sure that this purple portable space has a magical effect, that is, the ability to renovate and repair items.

For Jin Muchen, who is obsessed with antiques recently, this is like a big pie falling from the sky. You must know that there are many well-preserved antiques in the world, but those antiques are generally expensive, and some are even more valuable. With his current economic situation, let alone buying it, even if he wants to take a look, he is not qualified.

However, there seem to be a lot of broken antiques in this world, and even the number can be said to be much more than those that are well-preserved, and the price of such defective products does not seem to be very expensive in general.

If you collect a few pieces, repair them through this purple jade space, and then take them out, if the defective product becomes a complete product, doesn't this mean that you have opened a golden road to the sky for yourself?

Thinking of this, Jin Muchen's knowledge of antique identification has grown even more.