MTL - Treasure Hunt Tycoon-Chapter 1553 Buy Your Dog (2/5)

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Ameow knew that he had bullied Abai to take advantage, so he did not fight back after taking a pinecone. The pinecone did not hit the body very well, and it did not move.

Seeing this, Abai was even more angry.

A Meow's performance made him feel insulted. The other party not only teased himself, but did not take himself seriously, which looked down on the monkey too much.

So he kept on working hard, picked pine nuts and continued to hit A Meow.

A Meow has never been a good-tempered child. After being beaten, he got angry and got up and issued a ‘meow’.

Abai was not afraid of it, and looked around. When he found a bird's nest on the tree, he quickly climbed up, picked up a bird's egg from the bird's nest, and smashed it on Ah Meow.

The bird's egg was broken, and the egg whites and yolks were mixed and hung on the top of A Meow.

Ah Meow was so angry that he jumped at Ah Bai.

Seeing that his eyes were flashing with fierce light, he also knew that he was in trouble, and quickly turned around and jumped, and flew between the branches and fled quickly.

They quickly disappeared in Li Du's vision. Li Du was worried about the two bear children's problems, and said to the wolf brother, "Catch them up and bring them back."

The wolf brother nodded and ran, leaving Li Du alone on the rugged mountain road with Ah Yi on his back.

He released space-time flying insects to shuttle on both sides, looking for veins hidden in mountains and stones. Jade ore is difficult to find. Unless by accident, the existence of jade stones was discovered, they could not see their true colors.

Unlucky, Li Du looked for a while, but found nothing, but found a mass grave post, which made him feel bad.

He was walking on the road, and the sound of a high-horsepower motorcycle climbing behind him sounded. Two young men riding a motorcycle did not know how to come to the mountain.

The other person accelerated past him, then suddenly braked and looked at the grandma behind him, saying something in Hong language.

Li Du is also learning Hong Yu these days, and he is ready for basic conversation.

The words of the two youths were simple. He understood: "The dog is yours? How much is it for sale?"

Li Du answered in jerky Hong: "Sorry, this is my partner, I will not sell."

After listening to his words, the two youths knew that he was a foreigner. The yellow-haired young man riding a motorcycle taunted him by learning his accent. The young man behind said scornfully, "Partner? Are you a dog too?"

Li Du laughed. The two little brothers were very domineering. He just came to the town the next day and encountered a challenge?

There was no one around him, he didn't want to take risks, and he said politely, "Don't swear, sir, I don't sell dogs, it doesn't cost much."

The yellow-haired young man laughed and said, "No, it's no problem. We don't give money, or we're not buying or selling? Right?"

Li Du also laughed, this product really has a brain full of wisdom, that is, people are a little mentally retarded.

The young man in the back pretended to pick up his clothes inadvertently, and exposed the dagger hanging from his belt. He said arrogantly, "Hey, there is no one on this mountain. Do you want to keep the dog's life or to keep the dog?"

The Golden Retriever thought that he was smart and added: "The two are not in conflict, the dog's life is your life, not the dog ..."

He later spoke two more words in the Hong language, which may be complicated by local sayings, which Li Du did not understand.

Seeing his expression of doubt, the two youths laughed and looked very happy to tease him.

At this time, the wolf brother came all the way, and saw two young boys who were angry with him blocking Li Du. His face changed and he threw A Bai, who was struggling in his arms, to the ground, and came over with a somber face.

The two youths heard the sound of footsteps and turned their heads. They saw a burly and sharp-eyed wolf brother. They shrank their necks subconsciously, knowing that the man was not easy to mess with.

Li Du didn't want to have general knowledge with these ignorant children, so he waved his hand and said, "I'm here with a bodyguard. Please leave quickly."

The young people felt that they had been insulted, and Huang Faqing laughed, "Ah, that's a laugh, and bodyguards haha, when we rural people haven't seen the world?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with your bodyguard? Not two people? I can call over twenty people in one sentence, believe it or not? Give us the dog, otherwise it won't be as simple as a dog for you." The youth threatened.

Li Du laughed and said, "Cry over twenty people."

He winked at Wolf Brother. Wolf Brother took out the intercom to report the coordinates and let everyone all come.

Huang Faqing does not understand English, but knows that the situation is not right. He patted the front of the motorcycle and shouted, "Hey, do you want to cause trouble? You are going to be unlucky!"

Wolf brother was very dissatisfied with his attitude, and spoke to him with a word on his chest: "Speak well, don't speak, just shut up!"

Feeling insulted, Huang Faqing slaps his wolf's arm and shouts, "Dog eggs, it's great to speak foreign languages? It's a foreigner ..."

Li Du felt unbearable, and said, "Clean him up."

Hearing the order ~ ~ Wolf brother immediately started, grabbed the shoulder of the yellow-haired young man and dragged him off the motorcycle like a sack, and then a thunderous throbbing shoulder fell!

Huang Faqing screamed, he got up and shouted, "Call Boss Sowen! Fuck these dog eggs and ghosts!"

The Marklov brothers rushed over, firecrackers and vampires rushed over, and others rushed in. More than a dozen tall and muscular men came from both sides of the mountain road to see the two young people silly.

When the god-like Godzilla appeared, the two youths were finally afraid, stuttering to Li Du, "What do you want to do? We, I tell you, we don't, it's not easy to mess with ..."

Li Du pointed at Huang Faqing and said, "Where are you from?"

Huang Faqing lost his previous arrogance and spit on his mouth, "I am a local, you, where are you from who you are? We locals are not easy to mess with ..."

Little Marklov took out a sharp dagger and threw it in his hand. The dagger fell, he grabbed the handle, and then threw it out abruptly.

‘唰’, the dagger went straight into the motorcycle ’s fuel tank!

The faces of the two youths turned pale instantly. For the first time, they saw iron-cut weapons.

"What did our boss ask, what did you say, otherwise, haha." Mark Lov smiled sternly. "In addition, we are mercenaries. We have played with government forces and guerrillas here. It ’s hard to mess with your locals! "

The Huangfa youth was desperate. He almost knelt on his knees and said with a sad face, "Okay, you ask, you can answer as long as we know."

Li Du asked: "Why do you ride up the mountain?"

The young Huang Fa was about to answer, and the youth in the back seat said in a panic, "Can't say, we can't say, otherwise our old assembly killed us!"