MTL - Treasure Hunt Tycoon-Chapter 1554 Secret (3/5)

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Li Du pointed to the motorcycle's fuel tank, and Abai climbed up with his hands and feet, reached out and pulled out the dagger, and whimpered and pointed at the yellow-haired young man.

The youth was frightened and threatened by a monkey. They felt humiliated, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and they were helpless.

Li Dudao: "Don't say, I'll kill you now, and it's a monkey killer. The law can't hold me accountable!"

If it hadn't been for the fact that the white monkey pulled the dagger to scare people, the two young people would still laugh at Li Du's nonsense. Now, as a personal experience, they dare not doubt the truth of this statement.

Huang Faqing heartlessly said, "We have a casino on the mountain, and we come to work in the casino."

The young man in the back seat added two sentences, Li Du didn't understand what it meant.

Little Marklov laughed: "Cockfighting and dog fighting. They are playing cockfighting and dog fighting. They are worried that we are here to smash the field, so they dare not say."

Li Du suddenly realized that it was no wonder that when these two mixed **** saw Imam, they wanted to buy it. At a glance, it can be seen that Imam's toughness must also be an expert.

He is not interested in these gambling games, but has another purpose: "Do you know any rumors about the jade veins of Mount Denai? You are locals, and you must know these rumors?"

After listening to his question, the two youths looked blank:

"There are emerald veins in Denaishan? No?" "It seems to have heard a legend, but it's just a legend, hey, right, didn't anyone come here in the past few years looking for emeralds? All died."

Li Duben wanted to ask for answers that were not available in the town from the two populations, but looking at the two bears, his purpose was about to be defeated, so he sank.

The two youths were startled after seeing his expression change, and quickly said, "Don't get angry, don't get angry. We don't know very well, but one of our friends must be very clear. We let him speak."

"Yes, yes, he is the most informed person in Wu Cave Town. He is very good. He knows everything. Last month, Qin Dewei's sister-in-law was pregnant by his father-in-law. He knew that ..."

Li Du waved impatiently: "Speak less nonsense, hurry up and call me over."

Huangfa Youth pulled out a PHS. This kind of phone is very popular in the rural areas of Honshavadi because it is cheap and the signal is good.

He made a phone call. About twenty minutes later, a motorcycle drove down the mountain. The other man turned up the mountain and turned around to see a group of sturdy men. He was so frightened that his face changed and he was about to run.

Seeing this, the Huangfa Youth was anxious and shouted, "Lao Tuo Lao Tuo, you come back to Lao Tzu, oh your dog egg, we will get your daughter if you run away!"

After hearing his shout, the middle-aged man on the motorcycle was reluctant to drive over and said in a daunting voice: "Hey, Danavin, what would you dare do to my daughter, I'll make your mother!"

Huang Faqing said impatiently: "Don't threaten me with my mother, Lao Tuo, I'll ask you to do something serious, help me, some bosses want to ask you something."

Lao Tuo muttered, "What's the matter to ask me? I don't know anything."

Li Du asked: "Don't worry, sir, what we want to know is very simple. What do you know about Denai Mountain and the Emerald Veins?"

After hearing what he said, Laotuo changed his face and said, "Hey, how do you ask this?"

Li Du hasn't said anything yet, Huang Faqing was anxious: "What do you care about so much? The boss wants to know what you say, otherwise I'll make your daughter."

Lao Tuo angered: "I **** your mother, don't talk nonsense!"

He looked at Li Du again and groaned, "Boss, there are some things that cannot be said, especially now on Mount Denai. There are some things you still don't want to understand."

Li Du smiled: "Well, do we talk to offend the mountain god?"

Lao Tuo nodded solemnly: "Yes, what we want to talk about will offend the mountain god. The emerald veins you want to know are the lifeblood of Denai Mountain God!"

Li Dudao: "We are just talking, but we don't want to come to mine."

Lao Tuo looked at him suspiciously, "Is it? Excavators and engineering teams are coming up from the town, aren't they yours?"

Li Du Yiyi, this person is indeed a Bai Xiaosheng, all the news know that he hired a group of miners through the Zhong Cannon, this has just entered the town, and it is a low-key move-in, the other party will know.

He said: "Those people are indeed hired by me, but I am not sure to mine Mount Denai. Besides, how can there be emerald veins in the local area? If so, don't say it is the lifeblood of the mountain god, even if it is the mountain **** itself or your country The leader's lifeblood has also been mined! "

Lao Tuo retorted: "This is what it says, but the legend we have been circulating for hundreds of years will not be false. Denaishan does have veins, but this is the root of the mountain god. Digging it will destroy the mountain god. Who dares? Touch it and the mountain **** will kill anyone! "

"The mountain **** is so powerful?" Little Marklov said in disdain ~ ~ Lao Tuo was irritated by his attitude: "The mountain **** is so powerful! Are you Ukrainian? I respect you, you have saved a lot People, but don't insult our mountain gods. "

Little Marklov said: "I am not insulting it. If it is a mountain god, it protects you, then your townspeople were detained on the mountain at that time. Why didn't it release you? Instead, we rescued people by surprise? "

Lao Tuo was silent, and he said weakly for a long time, "It is the mountain **** who arranged you to save them."

"Fack!" Mark Lov cursed.

Lao Tuo insisted: "Anyway, the mountain **** is very powerful. Before, some people were interested in the legend of the veins here, and wanted to mine it to make a lot of money, but all died!"

"Speaking far away, there were several towns around Denai Mountain hundreds of years ago. In addition to Wulu Town, Barang Town and Nierkan Town, why did the two towns disappear? Because they learned that With emeralds, bad thoughts were made, and the mountain **** punished them and swallowed two towns. "

Hearing this, little Marklov was shocked, thinking that three townships were indeed shown on the jade carving, so he wanted to ask something.

Li Du also thought of this, and he winked and gestured to Mark Lowe not to talk, and listened to Lao Tuo quietly.

Lao Tuo continued: "Say closer, say closer. Just eight years ago, I remember very clearly that a Chinese boss wanted to find jade here 11 years ago and was killed by the army. , All killed! "

"Going further, just eight and a half years ago, Pagan came with a surname named Suo, the sixteenth son of King Pagan. He also wanted to mine new mines. What happened? He and his people were inexplicable. It's dead! "

"Really, I just don't know how to die. I went there when I packed up the body. It was very miserable. The whole body was swollen and blue and black. It was really miserable!"