MTL - True Martial World-Chapter 18 Cooked again

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Washing in the liquid, incomparable monks, even into the jade running the whole body to protect the body, but still hurts his teeth, but think that in the future can enter the Tai A Shen Guo, it is possible to practice "Tai A Sheng Law", become People, people, and even jade are forbearing!

I have to say that in order to become stronger, the willpower of Lianchengyu is not ordinary.

The person with a little willpower, the top of the tribe of the tribe, steals some good meat and good food in the small tribe, and engages in a little girl in the tribe. If you are a romantic villager, you can climb it. What is the current height of Lianchengyu?

"Lian Gongzi, good will!"

"Lian Gongzi is really an iron man!"

"This water-washing liquid wash is not something that most people can bear! Even the son is really the dragon!"

Seeing that Lian Chengyu was cooked in the liquid medicine and resembled a ripe prawns, several dog legs including Zhao Tiezhu began to flatter.

They usually talk like this, they are all swearing, but in order to flatter, they also learned a bit of adjectives on the tall.

"Add another fire!"

Lian Chengyu shouted his teeth and said that it was painful to cook in ninety degrees of water. At this time, the roots of the blue ribs on the forehead of the jade were stretched, the body curled up, and the skin became red.

In this state, if you really want to tie the connection between Lianchengyu and the "Dragon in the Man", you can only relate to the cooking of lobster.

He really can't bear it, but the effect of the liquid wash is much worse than his estimate! How could this be?

"Is it still angry?"

A few dog legs look at each other, and the admiration for Liancheng jade is like a river, and it is endless.

"Fuck! Even the son said that the fire, what are you doing? Why, do you doubt that even the son can not bear? Even the son's will and ability, you can speculate!"

Zhao Tiezhu still has a bit of status. He will train a few younger brothers.

After he reprimanded, he personally handed in a large pile of firewood with a large amount of arms, ignited without hesitation, and placed it around the iron bucket, "screaming".

Seeing that the Liancheng jade refining body seems to have reached a critical moment, Zhao Tiezhu also took a big Pu fan in order to show his diligence, and fanned the wind on the fire.

Seeing that the fire seedlings are going to burn into the hair of the jade.

"Lian Gongzi, cool!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and invited.

Lian Chengyu has been speechless, his teeth have to be broken, the fists are tightly held, the skin is cooked to crack, but the effect still fails to meet expectations.

"How is this going?"

Lian Chengyu’s heart was furious, and under the diligent service of Zhao Tiezhu, the flesh of his body really began to crack.

The human skin will curl and shrink in high heat, and it will be completely cracked. Now it has become a jade body, and this phenomenon has appeared!

However, even Cheng Yu did not care about this, because he realized a possibility that made him extremely scared, afraid to let him suffocate.

It is only a step away from the purple blood, and it is extremely sensitive to every progress of the body.

He knows that although he cooks in this pot of medicine, his heart rate has barely changed, and there is some sanding in the flesh, but the effect is not obvious.

This pot is a good medicine, I didn’t absorb much at all!

Lian Chengyu realized that he was afraid of the so-called "bottleneck"!

Lian Chengyu had heard from Master Yao Yuan that the military had repaired Wu, especially before breaking through the new realm, often encountering bottlenecks, and a bottleneck might even be impossible to break through for a lifetime!

The road of martial arts is endless, and the way to cultivate martial arts is constantly impacting the new realm. One day it will be stuck in the bottleneck. This is almost inevitable. However, Lian Chengyu did not expect that he would only attack the purple blood. The first bottleneck was reached.

He is not willing!

You are the pride of the sky, the golden dragon trapped in the shallow water bay, as long as you encounter a storm, you can fly into the sky!

How can it be a bottleneck in the purple blood of the district! !

He does not believe it!

"Plus the fire!"

Lian Chengyu seems to have tried his best and shouted violently.

"Also... still add fire?"

Zhao Tiezhu also felt that something was wrong at this time. He saw the flesh of the Liancheng jade arm and the thigh root near it. If it was particularly powerful, it would not be cooked like this.

"Public ... son, cook again ... cooked ..." a dog's leg hesitantly said.

"Let you add fire!"

Even the jade is bursting, and the sound is like an angry lion.

Zhao Tiezhu had to follow the fire, a group of younger brothers to fan the wind.

The more the flame burns, the more the bubble in the liquid turns, and the pot is boiled!

Even if it is even jade, it is difficult to stick in boiling water, and his body does not absorb too much medicine at all. He finally screams out because of anger, and his whole body is erupting.


The medicine barrel was broken and the hot liquid was scattered!


A group of dog legs around, immediately cried and shouted.

Fortunately, they all wore clothes, and the liquid splashed on the clothes. Although they were still hot, but the temperature dropped a lot, and they were all thick and thick, so they could bear it.

Too **** hot.

However, these dog legs are proficient in the way of horses. You must know that Lian Chengyu is a person who wants to become a warrior of the Kingdom of God. In the future, he may even be smashed in the Tai’s Kingdom, and he will be able to take a picture of Li Yu’s flattering. get up.

Therefore, including Zhao Tiezhu, several dog legs can not care about the scald on the body, directly on the ground, high-pitched: "Congratulations to even the son of great achievements!"

Seeing that Lian Chengyu suddenly blows up the medicine bucket, the momentum is huge, Zhao Tiezhu and others think that Lianchengyu is a breakthrough. At this time, it is not flattering, but when!

However, in the envisioned Lian Chengyu laughed, the scene of the Daxie award did not happen. On the contrary, the jade body became red and bloody, because some of the flesh of the body had cracked, making him look extremely embarrassed at this time.


Lian Chengyu was in a hurry and kicked out without any warning. He directly kicked Zhao Tiezhu and other doglegs into a gourd.

Zhao Tiezhu was kicked dumbfounded, but his **** hurts, but he did not dare to scream, but did not know what happened.

"Take me all!"

Lian Chengyu screamed, and several dog legs were so scared that they were going to get out of the way.

Suddenly I became a jade, "Come back!"

Lian Chengyu looks cold, "Give me the dregs!"

"Yes Yes!"

A few dog legs did not dare to ask a word. They even left with a roll of climbing. After a while, they took the dregs and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Lian Chengyu turned over the medicine residue and asked about the passing of the medicine. His face became more and more ugly.

There is no problem with the dregs. It is true that all kinds of good medicines are used in it. In fact, even if the doctors of the big tribes look at it, they can’t see why they come. Who can think that someone will have the ability to cook without secrets? Can you directly absorb the potency of the medicine?

After seeing the dregs, Lian Chengyu has already confirmed that he is experiencing bottlenecks!

"Damn!" Lian Chengyu punched the wall!

When he was young, he showed his martial arts talent. According to Yao Yuan, even in the big tribe, it is a first-class one.

The problem is not on oneself, that is, the Lien clan is harming!

"The tribe gave me the medicine too bad! Those big family, young heroes in the big forces, when they were born, they used the best liquid to wash the body. The bones can be eaten. I compare with them, how can I compare? !"

Lian Chengyu clenched his fists. He hated and hated why he was not born in a rich family, but he was born in such a place where a bird does not pull.

"This poor Lien clan has delayed me for 17 years! If I was born in the royal family of Tai A, I have already reached the extreme of purple blood, and may even hit a higher level, even... even to participate. The battle for the throne of the Tai God Kingdom!"

Thinking of this, even the unsuccessful in the heart of Liancheng Yu, he hates the Liberal tribe, even if the Liberal tribe has exhausted all the resources to train him and what is the use!

Why can't I live in the Emperor's House!

Why can't I enjoy everything!

Their starting point, standing where I can't even look up! And I, like a dog, climbed up hard! I hate!

"Come on!"

Lian Chengyu shouted, Zhao Tiezhu dare to scorn, ran his head back and ran back, the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

"Through my orders, I will put on the big squares, call the villagers, and start to refine the bones!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart jumped and finally started. I thought it would take a few more days. "The medicinal thing..."

"Continue to pick!"

Lianchengyu’s voice is indifferent, and Lianshi Yaoshan was originally the most precious place of the Lian’s tribe. The collection of medicinal materials was planned in an all-round way to avoid breaking the drug due to over-collection.

But now, Lian Chengyu will leave the Lien clan in a few months. Lianshi Yaoshan has no value for him. It is better to let it play a little heat.

During the bottleneck period, the medicinal materials are not effective for themselves, but they are better than none.

As for the bones... now only the bones can help him break through the bottleneck!