MTL - True Martial World-Chapter 19 Gas length

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this day.

The Lian’s tribe’s sun-baked field was set up with a high-rise Ding, which was filled with water from the fire.

This water from the fire is also bought from the big tribe, the water from the fire itself contains the flame power, and the water temperature can be burned to four or five Baidu is not boiling, specifically used to cook the bones.

The firewood piled up under the big tripod is not ordinary. This is purple fire wood, and the appearance looks like a smashed, like a dry old snake.

Although it looks inconspicuous, but the purple fire wood is quite expensive, the purple fire wood contains the same flame power, ignite a half-length long purple fire wood can burn all day, boil a few pots of water.

The Lien clan has been prepared for this day for a long time, but even so, this purple firewood is not much used, only one can be used every day.

In this way, the fire is burning up.

Purple fire wood spits out a purple flame, burning very quiet, but the flame temperature is very high, you can burn the rock!

Under the burning of the purple fire, the water from the fire quickly burned hot!

The host of the refining bones is the patriarch of the Lien clan and the grandfather of Lianchengyu. This matter is of great importance, and the old patriarch decided to go into battle personally.

"Under the bones!"

The old patriarch saw the water temperature almost the same and issued an order.

Several sturdy villagers carried the big wooden box and lifted the waste bones into the Dading!

The old patriarch looked at the bubbles in the big trip, and his face was a little dignified.

Normally, refining the bones is not the work that these mortals can do.

In this world, there is a special kind of person to refine the bones, they are called the Absurd!

The ridiculous master, the status is extremely respectful!

Their ability is to purify the essence of the bones, and to refine it into a crystal that is fascinating and even crazy for many warriors.

The skeleton of the wild animal is about tens of thousands of pounds. Although it is known that the bones contain amazing energy, it is impossible for human beings to eat thousands of pounds of bones. Even if it is hard to eat, it is difficult to digest. !

The power in the bones is so absorbed, and the next bone is lost. The ultimate absorption is not even one tenth.

However, after the refinement of the ridiculous teacher, there is only the longan, even the size of the soybeans. If the wealth is enough, it is not a problem to eat seven or eight a day.

Moreover, after the refining of these energetic essences, it is very easy to absorb them. As long as the realm of the warrior is sufficient, and there is no situation in which the body can not withstand the energy and explode, then the bones will be refining and refining sooner or later.

A savage sorcerer who can refine and refine high-level wild animals, it is definitely the object that all major forces are vying for!

It is said that the national teacher of the Tai's Kingdom is a ridiculous master. His position and glory are beyond the imagination of mortals.

In this world, there are many levels of wild animals. Some wild animals can smash the river and tear the mountains and rivers. The wild bones of these wild animals are more difficult to refine, and most people don’t even think about it!

It is rumored that there is a ridiculous cultivator who has become unimaginable in the realm. He once laid a great squad, refining the skeleton of the ancient wild animal purple gold unicorn, and refining for 12 years!

In the past 12 years, refining and chemicalization has been derelict, and the people who have shot have mysterious identity. This kind of legend is naturally fascinating.

It is said that that refining and refining, the vast squall of a thousand miles into a desert, and finally, even the ridiculous master paid a certain price, and then refining the bones.

As for the use of the purple gold unicorn house that he refines and used to do, there are many different opinions. Some people say that it is used to save people.

As for who the salvation is, they have been compiled into more than a dozen versions. Each version is said to have nothing to do with it, what is the daughter of the ridiculous master, the lover of the ridiculous master, the lover of the ridiculous master, and so on.

Such legends also prove that the ridiculous position of the ridicule in the hearts of people, so they will add their words to the story, word of mouth.

This is also a matter of reason. People living in the wilderness have extremely difficult living conditions. They worship the strong and worship the legendary characters, even if they know that they cannot become such people, but listen to their legends. It can also make them excited.

As for the Lien clan, a small tribe like an ant, naturally, can't afford the ridicule, even the lowest-level sorcerer, it is also difficult for them to look up.

Therefore, they can only use the soil method to refine the bones.

Fortunately, the refinement of their relegation is also low. With the soil method, they can barely refine the essence of the 50% or 60% of the bones.

This is enough for Lian Chengyu.

Regardless of day and night, the Lian’s tribe did not stop to refine the bones.

Especially in the evening, in a place where the sight of the village is unobstructed, you can see the dazzling purple light, which is the burning of purple fire wood.


When the Lien clan was refining the bones day and night, Yi Yun also practiced day and night.

The back mountain of the Lien clan, there is no one to come, and it has become the best place for Yi Yun to practice.

As of today, Yi Yunlian has been practicing "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" for five days.




Yi Yun punches out with a fist and punches. After each punch is thrown out, the sound of the bowstrings is heard in his body, just like the pulse of life.

One plant of another tree was cut off by Yi Yun. Yi Yun’s blood flow accelerated, the mouth was breathing, and the blood vessels on the arm fists were slightly raised.


Yi Yun shouted, facing the rock in front of a boxing out,


The big stone is broken, and the collapse of the tendons in Yiyun has reached its limit!


In the middle of the forest, a group of early-earning birds were stunned and flew up, fluttering their wings and flying into the sky.

Because of the urgency of flying, some of the leaves were knocked down by the birds, and they swayed down and fell on the face of Yi Yun.

At this moment, Yi Yun has a feeling of hearty, it seems that all the power in his body will melt through in an instant, and can't tell the comfort!

Longji Tiger Bone Boxing 18, although he did not reach the point where the bow and the geese were scared, but they could alarm the birds in the forest and let them think that there are hunters to hunt, which is a long-term progress.

You must know that Yiyun’s strength is not enough now, and it’s only five or six hundred kilograms. If Yiyun can reach the strength of the digital power in the future, and even the strength of thousands of pounds, it’s not impossible to really surprise the lonely geese in the sky. !

Although there are only five or six hundred kilograms of strength, but Yi Yun used the tiger to go down the mountain, the power of his attack is actually more than five or six hundred pounds!

The tigers go down the mountain, with the tendons as the bowstrings, the key is in the power and the power, this boxing out, with the power of skills, can fully play a thousand and a few hundred kilograms of strength, can break the tiger's head.

Yi Yun satisfies his eyes and feels the power he just got. The feeling of this kind of strength makes him feel comfortable.

Unconsciously, Yi Yun's breathing became long and smooth, and his blood flow rate also changed.

Well, this is...

Yi Yun looked at his hands and found that the blood vessels on the original arm had disappeared, his breathing became more and more calm, and the heartbeat was slower.

Yi Yun suddenly realized what he was doing. He stepped on the ground with his feet and took a deep breath and spit it forward.

"call out!"

A white air flew forward like an arrow, and it had been shot five or six meters away. The leaves that had just fallen because of the birds were actually pierced by this tone and flew out.

"The longevity! I finally stepped into the longevity of the blood!"

The long warrior has a long breath and a slow and powerful heartbeat. The biggest difference with the ordinary brave warrior is that the long-term warrior has strong endurance and can fight for a long time and can attack long distances.

For example, an army composed entirely of long-term warriors can travel hundreds of miles on the battlefield to complete a thousand miles.

Yi Yun broke through the long-term environment, and it can be said that it is a matter of course. When his body is refining to such a degree, it naturally breaks through.

"When I came to this world, I really practiced Wushu for five days. In five days, I broke through the second floor of the blood. This is the blood stage, but it is only the stage for laying the foundation for the martial arts. In the future, I don’t know what else. What level are the masters of the Taishen Kingdom?"

Yi Yun has a purple card in his body, there is no problem in the energy required for cultivation, and the problem lies in the cultivation of the mind.

If you don't have the heart to guide yourself to practice, it's like a chef has a bunch of good ingredients, but he doesn't know how to cook, or can't make a table of food.

"Since I have entered a long-term climate, I can also try the third form of ‘龙筋虎骨拳’.”

Yi Yun said to himself, seeing the eastern sky, the white belly has already appeared, and his rabbit has fallen and swept away to the mountain.

Midway, when Yi Yun passed the Sun Valley, he slowed down.

Under the tens of thousands of pounds, the purple fire was burning, and a high wooden fence was erected around the 20-meter range.

Because of the blockage of the wooden fence, Yi Yun did not see the inside, but he could feel the heat of the flame under the big trip.

However, I do not know why, in this layer of heat waves, Yi Yun vaguely felt a chill.

Although this chill is extremely inconspicuous, it is thoroughly boring...

(In the morning, the update time will be changed to 10 o'clock, the 8 o'clock update challenge will be great, and if you sleep late, you won't be able to get up +_+)
