MTL - Twilight Kiss-Chapter 19 like you

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  Chapter 19 I Like You

  The little girl nodded, she was holding a cup, her face was white.

  The air suddenly became silent.

  Luo Ci twisted her fingers, struggled for a while, and then asked, "Mr. Shi Shu, can I exchange this gift for a wish?"

  She added weakly: "It won't be an excessive request."

  The girl looked up at him.

   There was no unnecessary expression on Shi Shu's face, he was naturally handsome. It's just that there seems to be a layer of ice in the eyes, which makes people daunting.

   It was the first time she saw the tip of his coldest iceberg.

  At this moment, he was staring at Luo Ci with such deep, cold eyes. Luo Ci's heart skipped a beat.


  She really wanted to cry, Luo Ci just wanted to change a condition. But now Luo Ci, who has a criminal record, must be in the eyes of Shi Shu, and this wish can be extended to many...

   "I...I really mean nothing else, can you trust me..."

   In the middle of speaking, he was interrupted by the sudden vibrating sound of the mobile phone. Shi Shu glanced at the call from his assistant.

  He cut it off and sent back a message.

  Luo Ci looked up at him, falling into those drooping eyes. She seemed to want to struggle again, but the man lowered his eyelashes to look at the watch again, and the eyelashes were dormant on the eyelids. When the light was turned on, a shadow fell on the cold white skin.

   "It's very late, Luo Ci, it's time for you to rest."

   Clear eviction order.

  Luo Ci lowered her head, wishing she could bury herself in the sand like an ostrich. Dallying and not wanting to leave.

   For the first time, Shishu felt a helpless sense of powerlessness.

  “A wish is void if it is divorced from reality.”

  The little girl was like a bald little rabbit, but now her eyes sparkled, and she promised softly, "Okay!"

   "Let's go and have a good rest."

   As soon as the man finished speaking, Zhang Zhang suddenly became excited when he was lying at Luo Ci's feet. For a moment, Luo Ci didn't know how to put her feet down.

  At the same time, Zhang Zhang stretched his front paws forward, raised his hips high, twisted and stretched. Then circle around her, wagging its tail cutely. Especially cute.

  It lay on her ankle again, licked it, and expressed its liking. It lay at the door again, watching Luo Ci leave. That pose was so cute that Luo Ci's heart melted.

  She suddenly felt that dogs were not so uncute.

  At that time, Zhang Zhang was like a refined dog Goujing, so cute.

   "It likes you very much."

  The man calmly stated the facts, but it fell into Luo Ci's ears. Shi Zhangzhang liked her very much, very much.

  In the end, Luo Ci heard the words "I like you".

  Even when Luo Ci walked back to the room later, it was with the same hands and feet.

  Luo Ci saw the salad on the small dining car. At this point in time, she knew that she was going to be hungry. Her stomach is not very good. If she eats at this point, she will definitely have an upset stomach the next day.

  Although she was hungry, her heart was as bright as fireworks.

  Not only did she get a request, but now she also got the "I like you" that Shi Shu himself said, which is so sweet!

  Luo Ci hugged the pillow with a silly smile on her face. She was rolling around on the bed, her face flushed. He almost lost his momentum and rolled off the edge of the bed, and finally grabbed the sheet tightly to stabilize himself.

  After such a roll, she suddenly became sober. Just think about it! She has a game tomorrow! And it's an individual all-around event!

  Luo Ci is the tenth contestant, and she has to adjust her condition.

  She closed her eyes, still in her head, the water drops from the broken hair of that man slipped on the delicate collarbone, and rolled into the collar little by little...


  She was a little excited, and when she turned on her phone, a message from that person popped up——I will be present at the game tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)