MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 002 I have never seen such a brazen person!

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Wei Muran was too lazy to explain her relationship with Qi Youxuan and did not say anything.

"Wang team." Is walking, Wei Fanran suddenly heard the white foam called, the original voice is slightly higher when talking to her, the change is not big, but still can detect the gentleness and surprise.

Wei Muran raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at the white foam. She saw her smile and entered the heart. The whole person was trying to exude charm.

Wei Muran looked at the foam in amazement and looked at the Chiang team. He felt like he had found something.

However, unlike the enthusiasm of the foam, Jiang Yuecheng just nodded indifferently. The attitude of alienation is no different from that of others. "White forensic doctor."

The white foam looked at the front standing, handsome and restrained man, walked to her side without a trace, and separated Wei Weiran by the way.

Jiang Yuecheng is very famous in the bureau, not because he is handsome, good temperament, but also because of his family. Everyone knows that he is down to exercise and will rise in a few years.

"The Jiang team, we have been a colleague who has been doing this for a long time, but still told me that the white forensic doctor is so unfamiliar." The white foam chuckled, with a delicate but not annoying.

However, Wei Muran couldn’t stay a little longer. He felt like a light bulb. He was planning to leave, but he heard the white foam said: "Mu, when will you officially introduce our boyfriend to us? Lest he not find an excuse all day, throwing a mobile phone to report the case, this matter is not under our control."

Wei Muran did not understand, and the white foam had to chase the Chiang team to chase it. What did she do not pull her in? This is one of the reasons why she does not like white foam.

The fate of the people is very wonderful. When Wei Muran came to report on the first day, he was introduced by the predecessors. When he first saw the foam, he had not spoken to her. Wei Muran knew that he did not like her.

This feeling is related to the eye and is related to intuition.

"He is not my boyfriend." Wei Muran said only faintly, but he said that he felt uncomfortable and was not willing to admit it.

She blinked and said, "I will tell him, don't always mess up."

Jiang Yuecheng glanced at her and didn't say anything more.

When the white foam returned to her forensic room, Wei Muran followed Jiang Yuecheng into the office. When he came in, it was the taste of pancake fruit and tofu brain. Zhang Ming was eating in the west.

Wei Muran did not expect that Zhang Mingming, who had a very good relationship with Qi Youxuan from an early age, would also come to the police. When he was a child, he called Zhang Mingming, but when he grew up, he felt that the name was too childish and simply went to remove a name from his name. This is so, Zhang Ming still feels that his name is too ordinary.

Zhang Ming said that now the primary school English textbooks are embarrassed to name this name, and when his aunt gave him a name, he was too uncomfortable.

Zhang Ming is actually a father-in-law. His father used to be the director of this bureau. Later he went to the country. The defense department went. According to Zhang’s mother, he did not want Zhang Mingming to do this, and gave him money to let him Going out of business, don't ask him how much money to make, and he will be safe and secure. Who knows that Zhang Mingming is still admitted to the police.

He came in later than Jiang Yuecheng, the background of the two is comparable, Zhang Ming lost in the qualifications, so now is the vice team. Because of the name relationship, and he is not allowed to call his name, he is called the vice team.

Only Qi Youxuan, who has always called him Zhang Mingming, is also called a loud voice. Now he knows the whole situation. It turned out that he used to call Zhang Mingming, and Zhang Ming, who was angry, went out to find Qi You’s account.

When they saw them, Zhang Ming quickly put the last bit of pancake fruit into his mouth, and Xi Li snorted and drank a few mouthfuls of tofu brain.

His eyes crossed over Jiang Yuecheng and Wei Muran, excuses to throw garbage, and sneaked out to call outside. "You Xuan, Jiang Yuecheng and Mu Ran are together in the office this morning."

If Wei Muran heard it, I will know that it is no wonder that since she entered the team, Qi Youxuan knows everything about her whereabouts.


Zhang Ming hung up the phone and went back to the office to open the window and ventilate the smell.

"Captain, deputy team, something went wrong." Zhao Yiyang walked in, endured thirst, finished in one breath, "just received a report, found a body in the western suburbs. (Marshmallow novel network)"

After I finished, I poured a glass of water on myself. "The specifics are still unclear. I only know that it is an old man. The male, the informant is a nearby villager, and has been frightened."

"Notifiers are gathered, all over." Jiang Yuecheng picked up the phone and car keys and went out first.

Wei Muran and others quickly followed.


The white foam is checking the deceased, and Wei Muran did not take long to come to the police. I didn't expect to encounter the case for the first time. It was so bloody.

The body was originally buried at the foot of the mountain, probably because of the heavy rain that began to fall from the day before yesterday, until last night, the soil at the foot of the mountain was washed away and the body was exposed.

"The Jiang team, the person who found the body called Zhao Zhengguo, is a person near Zhaojia Village, 41 years old. Today is coming to the mountain to catch a little bit of knowing to go to the market to sell, because the storm scoured, found a leg of the body exposed to the ground He found that the time of the body was 7:00 in the morning, when he was scared, he ran back and said this thing. After reminding him, he thought of it and called the police." Zhao Yiyang said.

Fool wearing a mask and gloves, kneeling beside the body, and then getting up, took off the mask and said: "Between the 70-75 years old, the death time is estimated to be between 23 and 1 o'clock. The specific time needs to go back and do it in detail. The inspection can only be known. The chest of the deceased has been smashed a few times. At present, four knives can be seen, but because the wounds have been smashed, the specifics have to be analyzed. But the deadly is the knife in the middle. But now I can see that this is not the first case."

The white foam frowned and said: "Only because of the heavy rain, many clues have been destroyed."

Jiang Yuecheng nodded and let people bring the body back first.

"Jiang team." Xing Jiadong went to the village to finish the question and said, "I have already asked, people in the village do not know the deceased, the deceased is not the people nearby."

Bai Mo said that this is not the first case. Jiang Yuecheng did not report much hope. He can find the identity of the deceased here. "Go back and compare it in the system."


When everyone rushed back to the police station, they saw the technician Yang Shaozhan standing at the door of the office with a strange expression.

"Muran, that person came to report the case again." Yang Shaozhan saw Wei Moran, just like seeing a savior.

Wei Muran: "..."

"Hey, what was lost this time?" Zhang Ming’s eyebrows were all about watching the movie.

"..." Yang Shaozhan said silently, "said it is a wallet."

"Oh, this torture investigation team can't manage it." Zhang Mingyang made a high voice and passed into the office.

"..." Wei Mu went into the office silently, and saw Qi Youxuan sitting inside, just as comfortable as sitting in his own home.

Also, he changed his mind every day and he has already gotten familiar with it.

The day before yesterday, I lost my credit card. I lost my mobile phone yesterday. I lost my wallet today. Anyway, I have to throw away one thing every day.

Every time he said to him, he still came to "report the case" every day.

Now Qi Youxuan can't see the chubby look of a child, vaguely the former five senses, but when he doesn't talk, he looks even more embarrassed. Of course, it is limited to not talking.

"Mu, you come out." Jiang Yuecheng suddenly said at the door.

Wei Muran looked at Qi Youxuan and bowed his head.

"Muran, no matter what relationship you have with Qi Youxuan, I hope that the police will still focus on work. Because he is your friend, he does not stop when he comes over every day, but he does not want to affect the work." Especially now it is the case that is taking the case, when it is busy.” Jiang Yuecheng’s tone did not have many ups and downs, and he said it was very dull, but he was still very shy.

"Captain, sorry, it will cause trouble for everyone, and will not be in the future." Wei Muran said, did not dare to look at Jiang Yuecheng's face, turned and rushed into the office, directly grabbed Qi Youxuan and went outside.

Qi Youxuan was licked by her tie, feeling like a puppy, especially speechless.

"Mu Mu..." Qi Youxuan was stunned by her, calling behind.

"Don't you make trouble?" Wei Muran pulled him into the corner. "I told you, I won't be messed up again. I am very busy recently. Today, a big case happened. I really have no time to accompany you. play."

Qi Youxuan opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was not playing. Who knows that Wei Muran turned his head and did not give him a chance to speak.

Qi Youxuan squinted and watched Wei Muran rush back to the back of the office.

The case?


"The Chiang Kai-shek, the identity of the deceased was confirmed." Yang Shaozhan handed over the information of the deceased to Jiang Yuecheng. "The deceased was named Zheng Wentao, 72 years old. He lives at No. 52 Xiangyang Road, Nancheng District. There are two children, one grandson and one granddaughter. The two granddaughters did not live with him. Only he lived with his wife at home. He was missing a week ago, and the police station received the report, but he never found it. I have informed his family to come and claim it."

Jiang Yuecheng nodded and said: "Gadong, you go to see the white forensic doctor, and the results are not.

"The Chiang team directly called me." The white foam was still wearing a white coat, and walked in with a smile, holding a document in his hand.

"The result is out?" Jiang Yuecheng looked awkward.

The foam nodded and handed the file to him. "The death of the deceased was between 11 and 12 o'clock last night. He had been abused for a long time before he died. There is not much food in his stomach. I haven't eaten for a while. There are whiplashes and bruises on my body. Some whiplashes were left yesterday. The fatal wound is the knife in the chest. His chest was smashed by six knives, and the knife was messy. Was stunned by the other side, the first two knives were slightly biased, and there was no fatal blow. The fatal wound was on the third knife. Later, the three knives may be too flustered. I don’t know if the dead died. Three more knives were added."

"This kind of death, he must be very painful before he dies." Wei Muran frowned.

The 72-year-old man, how much hatred he wants to suffer from such a big torture.

"Muran, I think it is going to handle the case now, we are still doing business, how do you let me finish the words? Your sympathy can be used after work." The foam is unhappy with being interrupted. In a special professional tone, the defending Wei Muran is very unprofessional, with a private feeling to handle the case.

"Oh, it’s just a few months since I graduated. Everyone has this time." Zhao Yiyang hit the round. "White forensic you continue."

The white foam only shook his head as if he was disappointed. He only looked at Jiang Yuecheng and saw that he did not react much. This said: "The dead have no trace of struggle except these wounds. Because of the heavy rain. Many of the clues that may be in his body have been washed away. I have already taken his clothes to test it, hoping to find something."

The white foam voice just fell, and there was a cry of tears from the outside.

"Old man! Old man!"

When everyone went out, they saw an old lady being supported by two women, and a pair of postures that were always fainting.

When Jiang Yuecheng came out, they immediately opened the hands of two daughters and seized him. "Comrade comrades, you must seize the murderer and avenge my wife! Police comrade!"

Wei Muran went to the tea, and it was hard to see that the old lady’s mood had stabilized, but she was still crying.

"We have some questions to ask you now, please tell us as much as possible in order to help us find the murderer." Jiang Yuecheng said.

The old lady nodded and cried and said, "You ask, I know what I know."

"When did Mr. Zheng Lao disappear?"

"Just a week ago, not much more, just today is a week ago." The old lady cried. "He always went to the morning market in the morning. Our family's dishes are bought by him, but who knows that he went out that morning. In the future, I never came back. I knew... I knew it would be like this, I definitely wouldn’t let him go."

“Is there any unusual performance of Mr. Zheng Lao?” Jiang Yuecheng asked.

"No." The old lady shook her head, and she was a bit stunned. "It’s the same as before."

"Is there any grievances with Mr. Zheng Lao?" Jiang Yuecheng asked again.

"No." The old lady paused. It seems to be a bit stunned. "My old man has the best temper. He usually doesn't even have a squabble, and he will end up with such grievances."

Jiang Yuecheng asked some questions and did not ask anything. He knew that Xing Jiadong had come over and said something in Jiang’s ear.

When Jiang Yuecheng’s eyes were condensed, he looked at the old lady again. “There is no problem for the time being. If there is a problem, we will go to you again.”

"We...when can we take my old man away?" the old lady cried.

"If the case is over, there may be clues on the deceased that we have not found." Jiang Yuecheng said.

"You... are you going to cut him down?" The old lady thought of the picture, and the crying was fierce. "He died so painfully. He couldn't live in peace after death, not even a whole body." ”

"Sorry, we will try our best to ensure the integrity of the body. But this is compared with finding the murderer. I believe that you want us to find the murderer as soon as possible." Jiang Yuecheng's attitude of being a public official did not show much comfort.

"Yeah, Mom, anyway, it is most important to find a murderer. Otherwise, Dad's body is complete again. He is not willing to go." The daughter comforted her.

The old lady no longer insisted, crying and being helped away.

"Which university is the granddaughter of the deceased?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

Xing Jiadong was about to answer, but he saw that Qi Youxuan came in again.

"How come you are here again?" Xing Jiadong was a little anxious. Now that Qi Youxuan is back, he is not happy. "We have a case and have no time to accompany you."

Before that, there was nothing big, and I looked at Wei Muran’s face. When Qi Youxuan came over, he came over and saw him as a colleague’s family.

But when he came over at this time, it was a bit different. Even with it, Xing Jiadong also had a little opinion on Wei Muran, and he was very unhappy to see Wei Muran.

Zhang Ming quickly went over and stared at him and said, "This time we have a big case. Everyone is anxious to get angry. Just now Jiadong is not intentional. Don't go to your heart, are you not very busy? I ran to the side all day."

Wei Muran felt bungee, and came over with a hard scalp, his face burning and burning, and he was about to talk. The director later went in.

"Hey, what are you blocking at the door?" The director looked at Zhang Ming and Wei Fanran, and his expression was particularly harmonious. Then he looked at Qi Youxuan and his expression was more harmonious.

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is Qi Youxuan, I specially invited to help you handle the case." The Secretary said, "I heard about the case today. It happened that I was free and I pulled it down. Ask yourself this old face and ask him to come and help."

"Secretary, we handle the case, it is not good to find outsiders." Xing Jiadong frowned, obviously repelled.

"Oh, the name of Qi Youxuan, you don't know it is normal. But the Huaicheng big case a year ago, you always know." The director looked at Qi Youxuan, "Hyun, is it so low-key?"

"It’s been so low-key." Qi You Xuan’s smile is particularly gentle, but he can feel itchy when he smiles.

"A year ago, the Huaicheng big case was said to have an expert to help, but no one knows what he called, and it is not a famous expert at home and abroad. The Secretary, is it --" Zhao Yiyang suddenly widened his eyes, no I dare to look at Qi Youxuan.

This young person is more than twenty this year, almost the same age as them.

"I just came to help, low-key, low-key, and don't tell others, what's famous, the pressure is too big." Qi Youxuan "hehe" smiled twice. "In fact, I have been reporting for the past two days, just to Test your ability to investigate."

Lying in the trough!

I have never seen such a brazen man!

At this time, all the people in the office were so arrogant in their hearts.

You either have lost your phone or lost your wallet. Can you check the ability to check the case?

It’s just like saying that there’s such awkwardness, just like real, it’s really a shame!

"Well, the more honest, you said the case with You Xuan." The Secretary said, he left.

Jiang Yuecheng frowned slightly, Zhang Ming said the clues they now know. At the end, they couldn’t help but add a sentence. "You are not enough. The case of Huaicheng is solved by you. I didn’t even tell me. ""

"You don't even know Mu Mu, what are you not?" Qi You Xuan gave him a look.

So close to the intimate name of Wei Muran, people are looking at each other.

Wei Muran blushes and his head bangs.

From small to large, only he will call himself Mu Mu, but this is work now, what is he screaming!

Jiang Yuecheng’s gaze quickly swept over Qi Youxuan’s face and said: “The results of the appraisal department just now showed that the blood sample of the deceased contained the blood of the deceased granddaughter Zheng Xiaorui.”

Xing Jiadong heard the words and said quickly, "Zheng Xiaorui, 19 years old, was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of Jiaotong University last year. Although he is a native of the city of B, he has been living in the school and will only go home on weekends."

"Muran, you go with me to go to Jiaotong University." Jiang Yuecheng said, mentioning Qidu Xuan.

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