MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 001 two can only live one

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In the dark room, the damp and cold cement wall exudes the smell of moldy cockroaches. The corners of the ceiling have been dripping down continuously, forming a small otter on the dirty concrete floor. Falling, the sound of "嗒!嗒!嗒!" in the leeches sounds particularly infiltrating at this moment. [Marshmallow novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]

At this time, an old man and a girl were sitting on both sides of the room. The old man looked weak and had no strength. The girl also refused to look dirty on the wall and leaned against the wall.

The old man and the girl are covered with tape on their mouths. The old man’s eyes are turbid and there is not much anger. The girl's eyes are full of fear, the pupils are shaking, and the breathing of the nose is thick and heavy.

She seems to be counting on something.


"Give you a choice, live on your own, or live on the other side." On the ceiling, there is no way to tell which direction the horn is, and there is a voice that has passed through the tuners, rough and unpleasant, in the eyes of the girl, It is like a reminder.

"Tonight is the deadline for one of you." The voice paused and brought a little triumph. It sounded very pleasant. "In the middle of the two of you, there is a dagger, who first grabs the dagger and kills the other. Who can live."

"I counted dozens, counted to 1, and began to rob the dagger." The voice paused and began to count, "10...9...8...7...6...5..."

Just after counting to 5, the girl couldn’t wait to go forward, and the tied hands quickly picked up the dagger on the ground.

The old man still sat in the same place, but the gaze of the girl was already desperate.

The girl quickly rushed to the old man with a dagger and looked at the familiar face in front of her. The girl trembled so badly that her tears flowed down.

The old man did not know what to think, his expression was soft, even with encouragement, forgiveness...

sorry Sorry……

The girl raised her knife and stabbed it hard.


Wei Muran was woken up by the alarm bell, blinking fiercely, feeling what was pressing under the cheeks, and the hand was confused and touched, which was discovered to be a book. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]

Wei Muran blinked and thought about it after waking up. This is a mystery novel she saw before going to bed. She just bought it yesterday, so she couldn’t wait to see it before going to bed at night. The first case has not been read.

However, the first case was so bloody, and the old man and the girl were killed each other, and she had the same dream.

She sat up and rubbed her face with her hands before she got up and went to wash. She just graduated from the police school this year and went to the criminal investigation team for an internship. I still don't know if I can stay.

The average girl does not want to enter such a dangerous place, plus some cases are really bloody, so there are fewer men and women in the team, only she and a female forensic doctor, the others are men.

Listening to my mother said that when she was arresting her childhood, she caught a pistol. Thinking of this, Wei Mu couldn't help but laugh, and packed himself up, and went downstairs.

Wei Ziwei and Wei Ran are already having breakfast. Wei Muche got up early today. He has not graduated from college. Today's class is afternoon, so in the morning, he will go to Wufeng and follow the internship with Weizi.

Wei Ziwei looked at Wei Muran and saw her sit down, pick up the porridge and drink it, and the movement was very fast.

He couldn't help but look at his time and raised his eyebrows and said, "Time is enough, don't eat so fast."

"Oh, I am used to it." Wei Moran noticed that the morning time was enough, and slowed down. "The case will not avoid the time we eat, sometimes it is received at noon. Reported. If you don't eat it quickly, you have to go out of your hungry task."

"I will take it with me later." Wei Ziyu said, my heart is helpless.

From the little petty daughter, who knows that when she grew up, she sneaked into the police school. Now I look at the little princess who was originally at home. Now I have nothing to eat. I really can’t tell what it is.

But the guardian hurts her daughter's pain, even if she is not happy to do this, but her daughter likes it, he has no objection, just sneaking to personally find their director, say hello, usually take care of Wei Wei Of course.

"Do not worry, I am carrying it." Wei Muran still quickly ate the breakfast, and then hurriedly ran out, saying, "Parents, let me go!"


Wei Muran is low-key in the team, and only the director knows her identity. Although Wei Zi has beaten her greetings, Wei Muran is also threatened and not allowed to reveal her identity.

She was admitted to the real thing. If the identity is known, others must think that she is coming in through the back door.

Therefore, when Wei Zikai proposed to buy her a car, Wei Muran only needed a low-key golf, the price of 200,000 yuan, not too eye-catching.

Although Wei Zikai is particularly unhappy, he feels that his niece is going to open a special kind of special style, but he can’t stand the prostitute.

However, after buying the car, it was still sneaky to transport the car to the city, so that the smell of the car to the car is not completely unrecognizable. Even the shells have been changed, disguised as golf, and it is said that even the military Hummer can be crushed.

The original words of Wen’s people at the time were: “Would you like to keep a low profile and change it directly into the Lord’s Alto?”

When Wei Zi’s eyes were slammed, even if he was low-key, the car would be ruined again, and it would be ridiculous to let his niece drive such a pseudo-Alto.

As for the inside, it is a special low-key, luxurious, and the use of the limited space of golf, and strive to make the comfort of the comfort and enjoyment.

Considering that Wei Muran’s career will often work overtime, sleep well, and specially make the car like a small bedroom, the seat has a careful thought, press the switch, you can stretch out a part from the dark, let The seat is widened, and the original part of the neck can be retracted into the back of the chair. After being put down all the way, it is just stuck with the rear seat, which becomes a *, which is more spacious than the single* some.

There are plaids under the seats, which are equipped with everyday items that Wei Muran usually needs, including changing clothes.

And Wei Ziyi is also worried that she will go out to perform the task in a dangerous way. This car is like the fake Alto, who is smelling people.

However, in the current police force, no one really knows that Wei Muran’s car, which looks like a low-key, can’t be seen.

When Wei Muran stopped to come out, he happened to meet the white foam. The female forensic doctor on their team came to the police for four years earlier than her, and this year was 27.

For the convenience of work, Wei Muran wears ordinary t-shirt jeans and a pair of New Balance sports shoes. In contrast, white foam, silk printed shirt plus a half-length skirt, wearing high-heeled shoes, revealing a pair of straight long legs, usually put on the white coat in the bureau, immediately looks professional and lady.

There are not a few people who like foam in the bureau, especially the police profession. The work is first and busy, it is difficult to make a girlfriend, and there are many bachelors. The people around them also introduce them, but it doesn’t matter how long the woman does not talk. I am happy, I am too busy, I have no time to accompany myself, so many people like internal development.

But for so many years, I haven't seen the white foam handed over to my boyfriend. I am very polite to everyone, and I have occasionally heard that I have had dinner with anyone, but I can't have it after eating.

Wei Muran did not know why, in short, he did not like white foam. I don't like her obviously ignorant about people but don't make it clear, so they hang their behavior, but the male colleagues in the police team also eat her.

It is also because of the temperament of the white foam always, Wei Weiran feels quite good.

When she met her, Bai Mo looked at Wei and nodded and smiled. Wei Muran also politely called "White Forensic."

The white foam walked on the high-heeled shoes and walked with Wei Muran. Wei Muran felt that his height was a little shorter than the white foam, which was particularly awkward.

"Right, I heard that Mr. Qi came to report the case yesterday?" Bai Mo asked like a smile.

"..." Wei Muran did not know how to return.

"The recent rumors in the bureau are very bad. It is said that falling in love is about coming in the bureau, which affects the work." The white foam smiled, and the breeze blew the hair a little, and she gently twirled it. The long white fingers are piercing into the long black hair, which is really nice.

Wei Muran just put his hair in the back of his head into a ponytail. He felt that it was convenient and convenient. He had just graduated and the young man had not retired. This kind of dressing made her look much smaller than the actual age. I just graduated from high school and stepped into the university.

In addition, she usually does not wear make-up, because she is willing to sleep late, so she puts out the makeup time and sleeps. On the way, I use the time of traffic jam, put a layer of cc, and rub some lipstick to make it look good. Gone. Standing beside the delicate white foam, it is even more vivid.

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