MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 004 There is no drop of blood in their president’s heart.

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Qi Chengzhi did not miss her movements, and she smiled a bit. She looked at Luo Yushu and wanted to immediately bow her head and admit her mistake.

He nodded. "I just passed by."

After I finished, I left the room and didn't look back. It seemed to be passing by, and had nothing to do with Song Yu.

"Song... Miss Song, you are with our president -" Luo Yushu asked cautiously, his legs still shaking.

"Nothing." Song Yu converges with a formula, laughing. "I just encountered drunkenness and hooligans outside, and I was thankful for it."

As for who is rogue, only Song Yu knows.

Luo Yushu does not believe that there is no drop of blood in their president's bones.

"The president took your shoulders--" Luo Yushu carefully smiled. "Ask the adventure, Miss Song doesn't mind."

"Nothing is unspeakable. Since it is a rogue, Cheng Shao pretends to be my boyfriend, it is the fastest way to let the other party stop." Song Yu explained.

Luo Yushu wants to say that such a high-class hotel can still be hooligans? But looking at Song Yu’s so sincere, I can’t ask.

However, this meal, Luo Yushu did not dare to re-inject Song Yu wine, and honestly talked with Song Yu about business, and accepted the architectural design of Song Yu.

"Xiao Chen, you send Luo manager home." After eating, Song Yu said.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Luo Yushu drank a bit high, said with a smile.

"Should, it should." Xiao Chen Yu supported Luo Yushu, "Sister Song, you are fine, right?"

"Nothing." Song Yu shook his head.

When Xiao Chen helped Luo Yushu go, Song Yu exhaled a breath and went out of the hotel.

On the side of the road in front of the hotel, a silver Regal stopped there, leaning against the door and standing with a man, saw Song Yu, and yelled: "Song and Song."

"Jian Yi!" Song Yu ran on the high heels, "How come you?"

"It's too late. If you don't have a good taxi, come over and pick you up. By the way, how about the situation?" Jane Yi smiled, watching Song Yu's nephew as soft as the moonlight on his head and the smile on his face.

"I don't know yet." Song Yu sighed. "But Luo Yushu promised to recommend it."

"Get on the bus first." Jane opened the door for her.

Later, on the Range Rover, Qi Chengzhi took back the hand that was about to open the door and sat in the car and looked at Song Yu’s car.

He chuckled and sighed in his heart. Unexpectedly, he was once again taken away from the eyelids.

In front of the Regal leaving, Qi Chengzhi also closely followed.

At the entrance of the hotel, Li Qianyi sneered. "Song Yu can have enough skills! In front of the hook, Cheng Xiao, and another man's car."

Guan Xiaolin looked at the disappearing tail and did not speak.


During the new text free period, there will be a magic pen item in the item bar. After the shelf, the item will disappear, so don’t send the pen when the props send the item, because the pen will not be counted into the statistics by the system.

Also, you want to collect it~~
