MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 005 This person still has no shame!

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"How do you look at me like this?" Zhao Yiyang was not good for the whole person because of their sympathy and pity. [Marshmallow novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]

"Cough, a raise." Zhang Ming sympathetically patted Zhao Yiyang's shoulder. "In fact, they have already asked them. Just finished, you are here."

"That... then you don't tell me!" Zhao Yiyang said with anger and anger, "I said it dry!"

"Who makes you speak so fast." Zhang Mingyu said with a strong heart, "We don't want to interrupt you, and we will slow down in the future."

Zhao Yiyang snorted two times. "Is Zheng Xiaorui’s boyfriend looking for something?"

"Zheng Xiaorui didn't go looking for him. He went to Palau with his friends last week and just came back on Sunday." Xing Jiadong said.

"To check the situation of the suicide transfer student." Jiang Yuecheng said.

Qi Youxuan sat in a chair and played with his mobile phone, and suddenly found the office to be particularly quiet. He looked up strangely. "What do you guys look at me?"

"You have no other instructions? Don't you go to investigate the family situation?" Zhang Ming asked, saying that Qi Youxuan had nothing else to say, as if he was not used to it.

"You can't solve the small things in this investigation?" Qi Youxuan looked at them with contempt. "When I came, how did you handle the case? You can't because of me, you will have dependence and throw things to you." I am. Then when I am gone, what can you do? You have to work hard, comrades, I am not a child."

"Where, I shouldn’t have to ask you questions!" Zhang Ming said remorsefully. "Your character hasn’t changed since childhood, and has always been so annoying!"

"Whoever said, people praised me for being a good character, and I was very cute from an early age." Qi Youxuan was particularly dissatisfied and dismissed the wave. "You must check it out, and you will be shut down."

Jiang Yuecheng said: "Mu, you and me -"

"She left to serve me." Qi Youxuan quickly interrupted.

"Mr. Qi." Jiang Yuecheng frowned, he would refuse.

"I am free to help you solve the case. If you are in a bad mood and leave, I can curse you and you will not be able to break a case."

Lying in the trough!

This person still has no shame!

Xing Jiadong almost couldn't help but squat his sleeves and went up to work. Finally, there was no way, but he left Wei Weiran, and everyone else went to work.

Wei Muran is particularly embarrassed, and feels like having trouble with his colleagues.

Qi Youxuan suddenly heard a "beep" at the hand, and by the sound, Wei Fanran put a glass of water on it.

Qi Youxuan could not help but shake, and quickly looked up at her, "Mu Mu, what happened?"

"Not very, serve you." Wei Muran raised his eyebrows and smirked.

In fact, she did not realize that she had been spoiled by Qi You from an early age. When Qi Youxuan really let her move, even if it was delicious, she did not need to say that Qi Youxuan also sent her to her. Anyway, as long as there is Qi Youxuan, her hand is basically abolished.

Therefore, Wei Muran did not believe that Qi Youxuan dared to let her serve.

Sure enough, Qi Youxuan’s standing up, let her sit down. “Where can, of course, I am waiting for you. What do you want to eat, what do you want to drink? Or do you want to sleep?”

Wei Muran: "..."

Wei Muran was too lazy to care for him, and he simply went to sort out the case information.

Qi Youxuan was on the sidelines, and he didn’t know what he was playing with his mobile phone. There are only two of them in the office, very quiet.

Finally, Qi Youxuan turned his head. "If you have anything to say, I will be shy when I look at me."

Said, even a timely red face.

From a young age, Qi Youxuan said that the face is red and red. When I was a child, I was so blushing, how can she say so well?

However, she actually felt that he was so blushing, very cute.

Wei Muran felt that he must be a ghost.

"..." Wei Muran hesitated for a long time, finally still did not hold back, bowed his head, and asked some embarrassed, "What do you mean by what you said at noon, more people misunderstand. [Super good looking novel]"

"What did I say at noon?" Qi Youxuan turned his head and asked the palm of his hand.

"Nothing." Wei Moran's expression was cold, he would no longer care for him.

Qi Youxuan smiled and said, "I am serious."

Wei Muran squatted, and the pen in his hand slammed into the table.

"You...what are you talking about!" Her mouth was awkward, her face was a little red, and she felt that her ears were burning, but she was blinded by Qi Youxuan.

Look at her, as if I don't believe it.

Qi Youxuan frowned and said: "You have told me that you may not believe it. I think it is just a child's childhood language. But I am serious. I have been identified since childhood and have not changed."

"Have you ever thought about whether this kind of feeling is like it? Maybe you like me, but is this like love? You have been playing with me since childhood. I am the only one besides your family. The woman is not familiar with this misdirection, I am very worried."

Qi Youxuan wants to refute, he frowns thinking about how to make Wei Muran believe, in fact, he will not say, can not find any strong reasons, this feeling is unclear. Instead, he felt that it was not necessarily that he liked it.

"And." Wei Fanran shook his head. "I can't understand the feelings for you. I don't dare to promise you anything. I can easily decide, not good for you or me."

Qi Youxuan did not speak, only slowly got up and walked up to her, holding her hands on the back of her chair. Unconsciously, Wei Muran was trapped in his arms.

His chest was suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes, especially strong.

Unconsciously, her breathing was chaotic.

Seeing her reaction in her eyes, Qi Youxuan’s mouth was gently hooked, and she had some confidence. The clean and slender fingers suddenly lifted up and approached her.

Wei Muran was shocked and forgot to react. As his long fingers approached his cheeks, his breathing became more and more chaotic. Obviously his hand has not touched himself, but she feels that it is not hot.

Qi Youxuan just gently picked up the broken hair of her deafness and left it behind her ear. The fingertips inevitably swept into her ears, sliding gently from the tip of the ear, causing a current on the wire immediately.

Wei Muran only felt that the ears were very numb, and this Ma Yi had been licking her cheeks, neck and shoulders, and she could not resist the tremor.

This is also called not knowing how it feels to yourself?

He saw that she was guarded by the guardian, and she became a stupid girl in this respect.

Qi Youxuan’s mouth smirked. “Then I will give you time to make you think clearly. My feelings, you don’t need to worry, because I always think very clearly. See you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you, I want to take you.摁*. On such a way, I want to take you home for a lifetime, and I don’t feel like this to others. When I was young, I just thought that you are beautiful and cute, and you have a good personality, like a little doll, so I like you. Maybe at that time, the likes are not mature. But as you grow up, this kind of love has become an adult's favorite. I like you, and it won't change. I don't know who to go to learn criminal psychology, no For those who take a year off, I will spend the new person in front of you. I will not report to anyone who runs every day, I lost my wallet today, and I lost my mobile phone tomorrow. I know my feelings and never confused. So, you don't have to worry about coming out of a woman in the future, I found out that I don't like that to you, and it makes you sad. Because there won't be that kind of woman."

"I will give you time to think about it, but it won't give you too much time. I will use this case for a long time. The case is resolved. You have to give me a reply. If the answer is yes, I am very happy. If it is not, I will find a way to make your answer affirmative."

Wei Muran: "..."

She is stupid and doesn't know how to react.

Obviously, it is a confession of a deep affection. When he comes to him, it is so speechless.

No wonder the father of the family always said that Qi Youxuan’s father was very fluent in the past. Hey, his son also followed him. Hehe.

At that time, she still didn't understand, and it was finally seen.

What is meant to be her 摁*. It is like this, and what he said in the end is that no matter whether she promised or not, she finally agreed.

Wei Muran is now in a mess in his heart. For a moment, he can’t figure it out. He simply gave a kidnapper to Qi Youxuan’s stomach and used the moves learned from the police school to Qi Youxuan.

Qi Youxuan will not prevent her, but when he is shot, he can also block it, but he is not willing to block it. His wife will fight himself, and he will have to suffer, and he will be willing to accept it.

Just as Wei Muran’s strength is also big, she also has no experience. When I used to practice with people in school, including the exam, it must be done to the best of my ability. After entering the criminal investigation team, it was only a few months, and I didn’t really have any chance of needing her close combat.

Together with Qi Youxuan's words, Wei Muran's head is burned up, and it still depends on the strength. This kidnapper is actually falling. Qi Youxuan is really hurt, not loaded at all.

Bent over, licking my stomach, a white face, "Mu Mu, you... so heavy hand! It hurts me! You said that my hands are not tied, not like you have been trained, I ……Ouch……"

Qi Youxuan fell directly on the ground and rolled his stomach.

"You... I am sorry... I didn't mean it, I didn't control it." Wei Muran looked at his pale face, it was really painful, and immediately apologized, gently pressed his stomach. "I, I am giving you a sigh, it seems that I have not hit the bones."

"Hey!" Wei Muran's hand just put it up, Qi Youxuan trembled, his body bowed, and he lie down in Wei's arms. "Mu Mu, you are so guilty, hurt... it hurts." I am dead..."

"This... I... I won't do it with you in the future. I really didn't think of it this time. Also... who told you what to say." Wei Muran is also anxious, and he has played Qi You, she is also I can’t do anything, I can’t wait for him to call back.

"I am really sincere, what I want to say in my heart, do not lie to you." Qi Youxuan said poorly, but took the opportunity to arch her arms, a soft pillow, immediately comfortable drunk.

Wei Muran finally felt that it was wrong. Looking down, Qi Youxuan still had a little bit of pain, his face was rosy, his eyes were squinting, and his mouth was tilted up.

"Qi Youxuan!" Wei Muran screamed and pushed him away. He ran out without saying anything.

Qi Youxuan will immediately catch up, but he is really hurt, not loaded, a little bit suffocating, and then fell back, and finally did not chase.


Wei Muran sneaked around in the outside and kept sneaking until he saw Zhang Ming coming back, and he came back to the office.

Qi Youxuan looks like it is no longer hurting, sitting there is bored.

"The girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building is called Li Anqi. The family moved to the city after a year of her accident. Later, because of the change in the work of Li Anqi's father, Li Huailiang, the company was sent to the Singapore branch. They are all family members. Followed by. Li Anqi also has a brother who was studying in Canada at the time and has not returned to China for many years."

"If I don't find Zheng Xiaorui's words, she will have an accident." Qi Youxuan frowned.

"I immediately went to check who Xiao Xiaorui had contacted before he disappeared." Jiang Yuecheng said.

"The nuisance calls I received before she disappeared, although the numbers are different, may have become empty, but please check it out, in case you can find something." Qi Youxuan said, "Now but now There is a little clue that you can't let go."


The girl looked at the man in front of her in horror. The red-haired man shook and did not dare to go forward. The back suddenly slammed a whip. He said in a hazy voice: "If you don't go, you will cut your own thing." !"

The man was sore, but he could only continue to go in the direction of the girl. The girl was unable to sit on the wall, and she was not in the air. It was supposed to be white and delicate, with blue-colored whip marks and some red powder. A new wound with blood marks.

The girl’s lips shook so badly that she was exposed to inhuman horror and wanted to hide but nowhere to hide.

"You don't come over, I beg you, beg you not to come over, beg you..."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't, we will die, we will all die." The man muttered, and it covered the girl.

There was only a scream of a girl in the room.


Zheng Xiaorui’s whereabouts have been checked for three days, and there are still no clues.

They even released photos of Zheng Xiaorui and let the people who saw her contact the police. Only one person can contact them in three days, and the clues provided are not useful.

"Someone came to the phone and said that she saw her in Nanshan last Wednesday. This time I called the owner of a grocery store. There was a village at the foot of Nanshan. At that time, Zheng Xiaorui went there to buy things, because people who go there usually go. Not many, the grocery store will be patronized by the villagers, and other times will be free, so the proprietress has an impression on Zheng Xiaorui. Because the village is partial, the photo we posted was passed to the village yesterday.” Zhao Yiyang said.

“Nanshan...” Qi You announced, “I remember that the forensic report said that there was a soil in the toe of the deceased Zheng Wentao that did not match the found in the western suburbs. The western suburb is not the first case, but also Fortunately, the body was buried in the soil, so it was washed away by the storm, and did not wash away all the things on the body."

Qi You’s rise to the head, “Let the appraisal department compare the toe of the deceased with the mud in the western suburbs, and compare it with Nanshan.”

Zhao Yiyang did not look at Jiang Yuecheng this time and quickly nodded. "I will let them get results as soon as possible."

For three days, I am afraid that Zheng Xiaorui has been fierce.

The results of the appraisal department were very rapid. When Zhao Yiyang came back with the report, he was excited. "The same, like Nanshan."

"Lead the team and go to Nanshan to search." Jiang Yuecheng immediately said.

Qi Youxuan also followed this time. Jiang Yuecheng took people to search, Wei Muran also had to keep up, but Mawei was caught.

Wei Muran turned back, Qi Youxuan did not let go, "Where?"

"Of course, the task is gone." Wei Muran shouted.

Fortunately, these days, in order to investigate the case, I did not think about the relationship between the two, Qi Youxuan did not mention it again, but alone with him will still be embarrassed.

Even if it is busy, I can't help but think back to what he said that day, so I haven't dared to look at it all these days.

"Those men are over the mountains, you follow the fun, and go to the grocery store with me." Qi Youxuan loosened her ponytail and grabbed her wrist.

Wei Muran struggled, but he went to the grocery store with him.


"There was no one to buy things that day. The girl was well dressed, fine and tender, and long and arrogant. It was from the city at a glance. Our village was so big, the people in the village we were each other. I know each other. And this Nanshan is not a tourist attraction, that is, when the festival arrives, someone will pick strawberries and eat no other people. When it is not the strawberry, we are quiet here. So I remember very much to the girl. Clear," said the proprietress of the grocery store.

"What did she buy here?" Qi You Xuan asked.

When I came in, I had already looked at the grocery store. The shop was very small. The walls on three sides were full of shelves. They were simple everyday items. The boss stood behind the counter, the cigarettes were placed in the glass counter, and the inferior bread also had some cottage brands. Chocolate, ham and instant noodles.

"I bought a knife that cuts fruit. I saw that she didn't take much, and she carried a small bag. One person ran here, and it was strange. It was not so good to see her face."

"In addition to her recently, is there any outsider here?" Qi Youxuan asked.

The proprietress thought about it and shook her head. "No, anyway, when I was doing business, I didn't have any more people to visit except the girl."

From the proprietress, there is nothing to ask, and Qi Youxuan will take Wei Muran to meet other people.

Only halfway through, Wei Moran received a phone call and his face changed. He turned to Xuan Xuan and said: "Found Zheng Xiaorui's body."

When they arrived, Zheng Xiaorui had been circled around his body. Zheng Xiaorui’s cockroach was in the pit, and there were some muddy soils just next to it.

Her face was broken a little and half, her hair was all dry blood, her hair was glued together, mixed with dirt,

Like Zheng Wentao, she is covered with new and old welts. Wei Muran only looked at it, and some of them couldn't bear to look at it again.

The colleague of the White Foam and the Identification Section rushed to the scene and only looked at Wei Muran and went to check the body.

The appraisal department took a sample and left. After carefully watching the foam, the person was transported away. He said to Jiang Yuecheng: "The deceased had invaded the crime before he died. There was a obvious laceration in the jaw. There is a male body, and the death time is about 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock last night, and he died at a height*."

"This murderer deliberately left us a clue. Whether it is the liquid left in Zheng Xiaorui's body or the trace of her neck, we can find out the murderer who killed her." Qi Youxuan said, "He is provoking, And want us to find him. Look for it immediately, there must be clues left by the murderer in the vicinity."

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