MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 004 Are you a character defect you made?

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Here, the old man is arrogant to them, who!

Qi Youxuan "hehe" has two sounds, "I am really afraid of the incompleteness of your question. [Mallows candy novel network update fast, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]"

How to drop it?

Xing Jiadong frowned when he heard it. "This is what our captain personally asked. What do you mean? Do you think our captain is not capable?"

Qi Youxuan blinked and looked at Jiang Yuecheng, but pointed to Xing Jiadong. "Is this the person under your hand? Is it so disobedient? Does he have any opinion on you? Provoke us. I don't know what your temper is, let me put it anyway." I can't stand it. I get a hand every day and I don't feel at ease to solve the case. What is it! You say yes, Zhang Mingming?"

Jiang Yuecheng: "..."

"..." Zhang Ming gritted his teeth, "You give me a clear word!"

"What do you say! You are the provocative, the captain, I don't mean that, I--" Xing Jiadong is really anxious.

"I understand that you have to take the video, I also want to know, Mr. Qi can see from the inside what needs to be added." Jiang Yuecheng said faintly.

Xing Jiadong glanced at Qi Youxuan and he left.

Qi Youxuan did not idle, went to the whiteboard and picked up the pen and wrote it on it.

"Zheng Wentao disappeared on Tuesday, Zheng Xiaorui left school on Tuesday, and the counselor received her call on Thursday. Zheng Wentao had six knives in his chest, all of which were chaotic but destined to be fatal." Qi Youxuan said while writing on the whiteboard, holding a forensic report in one hand. "The first two knives are shallow, indicating that the murderer has fear, but he does not really want to kill him, but he has to kill him because of another more intense fear. After the first two temptations, the murderer feels anyway. I have already made two knives, and the other side is dying. I can’t live anymore. If she did it, it would be better to not do it.

"So at the time of the third knife, the thorns were much deeper. After a slash of the sword, the murderer did not know, and he stabbed three knives in succession. Judging from the wound, the knife was pierced into the chest vertically." Qi Youxuan did not notice the side. The person, completely into his own thoughts, reached out and stroked. "If it is a one-handed knife, then the knife will be somewhat skewed when going down. In the case of the right hand, Shang Fang will be more oblique to the right."

"So the murderer is holding the knife with both hands and applying force together, so when the knife is stabbed, the wound is straight." Qi Youxuan said to himself, both hands clasped together, "killing Zheng Wentao's murderer as a woman, 18 to Between the ages of 20, the height is between 160 and 165."

"How can you be sure that it is stabbed from the top down? If it is from the bottom up, even one-handed can be." Xing Jiadong said with disappointment, he has taken the video back and heard Qi Youxuan as soon as he entered the door. I forgot the video in my hand.

Qi Youxuan disdainfully grinned. "Don't forget, according to the forensic report, the deceased's hands and feet are all marked. His hands and feet are obviously tied, so that once someone attacks, he is not standing." Plus, he has a serious whip on his body, and he hasn’t eaten for a few days. Can you stand still in this way?”

Qi Youxuan glanced at him with a mockery. "Even if you can, when someone is holding a knife to marry you, you can't run? Your feet are tied and you can only squat, can you run a few steps? Besides, the deceased is a 72-year-old. The old man. In addition, the report also pointed out that there is no trace of struggling when the deceased dies, which means that he has already determined that he is going to die, and where will he stand up and run?"

"So how do you know the height of the murderer?" Xing Jiadong asked with conviction, but this time it was not deliberately looking for a child, but it was really curious.

"The height is different, and the strength of the hands is different." Qi Youxuan shook the report in his hand, "Based on the depth of the wound. I have studied this, your IQ does not know normal."

Qi Youxuan sent the report to the table and slammed it. "With regard to your IQ, it is no wonder that the crime rate is so low."

"You--" Xing Jiadong wants to refute, but can't find a reason, and Qi Youxuan's contemptuous eyes are so depressed that he is dead. [Muffy candy novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised] "What about that age?"

"I think Zheng Xiaorui is the one who killed Zheng Wentao, so it seems that I am relatively high-end in this age range." Qi Youxuan also raised his eyebrows at Zhang Ming. "Have you ever felt very high?"

"Troubleshooting is a serious matter, how can you rely on guessing!" Xing Jiadong finally caught Qi Youxuan's little nephew, especially happy.

"Who said that I guessed it, I have analyzed it. You don't have to work hard in this brain. It is a waste of time to explain to you. It is better to put it on the case. Please show it to me. Qi Youxuan turned a blank eye, especially impatient. Just as a grandfather, just opened the chair and just wanted to sit, and the action was a meal, and the guards waved and waved, "Mu Mu came to sit."

"..." Wei Muran is particularly stressed, especially Qi Youxuan just pulled a circle of hatred, and then she was so diligent to her, and her eyes cast on her, immediately numb her scalp.

Qi Youxuan still smirked and laughed, and his hand was still on the back of the chair. Wei Muran did not want to let Qi Youxuan throw people in front of these people, so he sat down with pressure.

Qi Youxuan smiled at Mimi, and felt that his family Mu Mu was really understanding.

"You don't want to look at it yourself? You want to see it, not us." Xing Jiadong said unwillingly.

"I am responsible for the brain. Your brain is not good, and now you are not moving, why do you want to come?" Qi Youxuan snorted, bluntly said.

Xing Jiadong's shameful blushing face, Zhang Zhangzui did not know what to refute. I don't know how, because of Qi Youxuan, he really doubts his IQ.

I can't refute and feel embarrassed, but fortunately someone rescued him at this time.

"You are still busy here, don't you eat?" The white foam appeared at the door. "It's more than twelve o'clock. Even if you want a case, you can't even eat it."

Jiang Yuecheng looked at the time. "I was negligent. I asked for a takeaway. I ate and discussed. I was less bickering, and there was a missing Xiao Xiaorui. Regardless of whether she had a relationship with the case, we should find out her as soon as possible." ”

"I will call, you are busy first." Fool said thoughtfully, took out his mobile phone and looked down at the take-out phone. He looked like Jiang Yuecheng.

I was calling the dish, and someone called at the door: "Mr. Qi, you have a takeaway."

Looking back, it was actually a waiter wearing a uniform of the dynasty, carrying a large incubator.

Walk in, open the incubator, and the waiter will take out the food boxes.

Qi Youxuan held his elbows on the table, palms squatting, and turned to look at Wei Muran. "Mu Mu, you have just called, you just like it, you eat it quickly."

Foam hang up the phone, his eyes swept over Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran, and smiled: "Mu Ran, is your boyfriend?"

Wei Muran looked at Qi Youxuan and said with a low head and reluctantly said: "No."

Qi Youxuan looked up and saw Jiang Yuecheng breathe a sigh of relief. His eyes were dim, and he turned his head and looked at his eyes. He saw her ears red, and her eyes slightly stunned, but did not say anything.

You Ning said that he was too close to Wei Muran. From an early age, he grew up and said that he grew up and sweared at her. Wei Muran only regarded these words as children's words. He needs an opportunity to make her serious. Otherwise, he is now hanging around and saying that Wei Muran will not believe.

He is lively from a small temper, and for a long time, he always feels that he is not serious.

Even if he is a family member, he usually talks to his grandparents. He is very serious. Grandma and grandma are joking.

When he was particularly troubled with Yu Ning complaining, You Ning glared at the waist, don't mention more, and pointed at him and said: "You are a character defect, do you make it? You look at Wen Wei, from a young age, seriously, though Not much, but an exporter must believe. You believe it or not, he now says that he sees a pig flying, others will believe it. This is personality charm, brother!"

Qi Youxuan: "..."

The character of being a lively friend who is like him is a character defect. Is it a personality charm?

"The elbows can't be so severely out of the way. Sister!" Qi Youxuan jumped his foot and pointed at Qi Youjin.

"In short, you have to fight for a single shot to succeed, can you understand it?" Qi You Ning waved his hand, a pair of attitudes to wave him.

"I have shown her for 23 years!" Qi Youxuan said unwillingly.

"Before it was all children's words, she is not unbelief? You have to re-image from now on." Qi You Ning rolled his eyes. "People who are usually very smart, how stupid when they run into this matter."

Qi Youxuan also looked at the eyebrows and the reddish side of the eye, thinking about how to hit the middle, Zhang Ming has brought the notebook, open the video.

Qi Youxuan only needs two people, Wei Muran also knows Qi Youxuan's temper, so many people in the office, there is really no way to divide, but can not do so many people are watching, she is eating here .

Seeing her embarrassment, Jiang Yuecheng smiled slightly. "You eat first. Anyway, you have already ordered the takeaway, and you will be sent it later."

Qi Youxuan suddenly coughed hard, "Look at the video first."

Wei Muran looked at the video and ate it. When he saw Qi Youxuan’s lunch, he stood in front of him. He did not move, and he secretly poked him. "You look at it while eating."

Who knows that Qi Youxuan still does not move, but opened his mouth, "ah -"

Wei Muran: "..."

She bit her teeth and secretly licked him. It was clear that there was no effort. Qi Youxuan exaggerated the "snap" and then opened his mouth. "I concentrate on watching the video, ah-"

When Wei Muran looked at his deliberate appearance, he did not want to follow his intentions. When his eyes turned, he picked up a piece of broccoli from his lunch box and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qi Youxuan didn't like to eat vegetables since he was a child, especially carrots, green peppers and broccoli. So now I can't see these things in Qi Youxuan's lunch.

Wei Muran is different. He has not been picky eaters since he was a child, so it is especially simple to prepare meals for her.

Sure enough, the broccoli was stuffed into the mouth, and Qi Youxuan almost spit it out.

It can be that Wei Weiran is feeding, and he is not willing to vomit. He turns his head and complains about her, and licks his mouth and does not mention how pitiful it is. The result was a glimpse of the chopsticks in her hand. This was what she had used. She fed him directly with broccoli, and he suddenly became less disgusted.

This is, this is the exchange of saliva!

Just like when they were together, they got together a lollipop!

Wei Muran did not notice it, but also laughed at the thief. The fire in the belly of Qi Youxuan is rolling. If there are not so many people, he must hold her to feed the broccoli back.

The white foam saw Jiang Yuecheng’s dark face, but he did not know how to smile. “You have a very good relationship. I don’t know if you are a couple.”

Wei Muran blushes and peeks at Qi Youxuan. Qi Youxuan really wants to say that she wants to be her boyfriend. But this is what she said. He is afraid that he will pick up the words now, but Wei Muran will not but believe it. The opposite effect.

"Muran said no, don't take this matter again. Everyone will work together in the future, so as not to be embarrassed." Jiang Yuecheng spoke out, paying attention to Wei Muran's reaction, but missing the foam because This sentence is a stiff expression.

"Just for the time being is not only." Qi Youxuan cold channel.

Wei Muran was shocked. He rarely heard Qi Youxuan speak in this tone and couldn't help but look at him.

"I see you talking to the light, the video looked? Did you find the wrong place?" Xing Jiadong sneered.

Qi Youxuan took a few mouthfuls of rice with meat and pushed the lunch box away. "The old lady is lying."

“Where did she lie?” Xing Jiadong’s face changed, but he was still not convinced.

"The lying person never looks directly into your eyes, unless he knows this and deliberately avoids it, but this is not something that can be done. It is a trained talent. And Zhao Peishu obviously does not have this. The quality of the aspect. When the captain asked her if Zheng Wentao was blaming someone, she obviously paused. "Qi You Xuan said that he pressed the keyboard and went back to some pictures, and pressed the timeout.

"This time she is thinking, whether Zheng Wentao is blaming people, this is normal, but then -" Qi Youxuan let the screen continue to play in less than a second and immediately press the pause, and zoom in on the screen, "She answered no At the time, the pupil swam to the upper right corner. This is a clear manifestation of lying. Why did she lie? What did she think of, and she thought it would be related to Zheng Wentao’s death? But if she suspects that this reason is related to Zheng Wentao’s death, she does not say , for what?"

Qi Youxuan leaned back. "I need to ask Zhao Peishu again."

Jiang Yuecheng couldn’t hide his surprise this time. For the first time, he nodded his heart and asked other people, "Is Zheng Xiaorui’s boyfriend checked?"

"I have already found out." Zhao Yiyang just rushed in and said, "He is reading finance in C. He has a class this afternoon. The teacher is very strict. He will not miss class."

"For a while, two people, Mr. Qi went to Zhao Peishu, and you are -"

Qi Youxuan went on to say: "Of course she is with me."

Jiang Yuecheng licked his lips, but he did not insist on this matter. "I will go with you to go to C. Zhang Ming, you and Jiadong investigate Zheng Wentao, who has complained before, or what has been done? It will make people hate it."

At this time, their takeaways finally arrived, Qi Youxuan stood up and pulled Wei Muran. "We will go to Zhao Peishu first."


When they arrived at the door of Zhao Peishu's house, when Wei Moran pressed the doorbell, he heard the voice of Zhao Peishu inside. "Who?"

After a while, the small window on the security door opened, separated by anti-theft railings and yarn. Wei Moran said: "Aunt Zhao, hello, we are the police, just about Mr. Zheng, there are still some things I want to show you. Ask about it."

Zhao Peishu’s eyes are red again. When she cries and opens the door, “Can’t you understand and understand me? When you appear, tell me about this, remind me that my old man is dead and still dead so bad. I am good today. It’s easy to calm down a bit, but you are coming again.”

"I am very sorry, we also hope that we can solve the case as soon as possible, so that Mr. Zheng can be as early as possible." Wei Muran said.

Qi Youxuan only said calmly: "If you can tell us what you know, we will not bother you over and over again, and mention your sadness."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Peishu squatted and looked at him with tears.

Qi Youxuan did not wait for Zhao Peishu to take the initiative. When she saw this, she couldn’t remember to entertain them. He took Wei Muran himself and sat on the sofa. It was very casual. He looked around for four weeks and saw the life of Zheng’s family. The conditions are good, and there are some family.

"We came to want to confirm, Zheng Wentao really did not complain with people?" Qi Youxuan asked.

Zhao Peishu was completely unprepared, her eyes flashed and she immediately said, "No."

"You're lying." Qi Youxuan bluntly said, "You do not look at me."

"I didn't lie. How can you like this person? You can't just find a reason because you can't break the case." Zhao Peishu cried even more fiercely.

"Your husband's bones are not cold, but you are obstructing us to handle the case. Is this appropriate?" Qi Youxuan said, "Zheng Wentao has indeed complained with people, and the truth is not on your side. That thing used to be very big. It is Zheng Wentao. The way is down."

Qi Youxuan saw that Zhao Peishu’s expression was loose, and she seemed to be shocked. She thought he knew it.

Qi Youxuan did not move his voice. "That matter is related to Zheng Xiaorui."

"Since you know it, you still ran to ask me what to do." Zhao Peishu shouted hysterically, and could see the expression of Qi Youxuan. She stunned and immediately closed her mouth.

"I didn't know it before." Qi Youxuan said faintly, "but now you can tell me."


Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran returned to the police station. When they entered the office, they heard the sound of Xing Jiadong’s yin and yang. "Hey, what is it?"

Qi You Xuan Li did not care about him, or Wei Mu was afraid of quarreling and took the initiative to say: "When Zheng Xiaorui was in high school two years ago, they had a transfer student. The contradiction between high school girls is nothing more than that. The contradiction between boys and girls is one of them. Zheng Xiaorui likes a boy, and the boy has a good impression on the girl who transferred to school. Zheng Xiaorui is also very famous in school because of Zheng’s relationship. Although Zheng Wentao retired, but the previous position is not Low, a lot of people have been promoted, so even if you retire, there are some connections. Those people who are thinking about his support, there is nothing to do, as long as they are not too willing to help."

"Zheng Xiaorui also has a lot of girls to follow her and become a small group. They took the transfer student to a remote place to warn the lesson and left, and the girl went out of her own accident and was accidentally The man was hugged. I don’t know how, this was spread in the school. The girl was uncomfortable and committed suicide in the school. The girl’s family suspected that this series of things was done by Zheng Xiaorui. Then there was no trouble, but there was no evidence. The person who held the girl could not find it, or because of Zheng Wentao’s relationship, he did not find it. So this matter is gone."

"I found it, I found it!" Zhao Yiyang walked in with excitement. "I found out what Zhao Peishu had concealed. Originally -"

Zhao Yiyang did not give people the opportunity to interject. He screamed and told the things that Wei Muran had just said.

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