MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 018 Cycling Club

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Qi Youxuan smiled at her, and when she took the milk tea, she pinched her finger. <> The latest chapter reading Wei Muran gave him a look, go to work!

Qi Youxuan rushed her to blink, only to say: "Chen Yuke, the dormitory person, has something to look at us, just don't know if they are holding us together, or some of them are unaware. The murderer can know Feng Hao's mobile phone number, Then even kill him, then it is impossible to mistake Feng Hao's dormitory."

Qi Youxuan drank his mouth tea and squinted and said: "Mu Mu, your craft has always been so good."

Wei Muran: "..."

Concentrate on analyzing the line?

"I think that the murderer hung Feng Haoli's body outside the 403 dormitory, just to show someone in the 403 dormitory, or some people." Qi Youxuan held the tea cup, not too hot, holding the cup in his right hand. The handle, the left index finger and the middle finger, if unconsciously tapping the cup.

"To investigate the background of the four people in the 403 dormitory, see if there is any connection with Feng Haoli, except for playing basketball together and drinking. There is nothing, they did not say it." Qi Youxuan said, drink again. Milk tea.

Zhao Yiyang touched his chin and said: "I have been wondering why the door of the dormitory has been locked. I have observed that the windows at both ends of the dormitory corridor are equipped with security windows and there are no signs of destruction. The murderer is How do you send the body into the dormitory?"

"There is still a possibility that the murderer is a student in the dormitory." Qi Youxuan said.

Everyone was shocked in an instant.

"Gadong, you go check the details of the four students in the 403 dormitory, a raise, you go to ask the time of the death of the deceased last night, who is not in the dormitory." Jiang Yuecheng said.

The boys slept late, even if the dormitory was turned off and the power was turned off, it did not mean that they must have fallen asleep.

In the afternoon, Xing Jiadong and Zhao Yiyang were back.

"I went to check the relationship between the four of them. I found that they usually play basketball in addition to occasionally playing cards, and they have no other contacts. I also checked their participation in the club. The deceased Feng Haoli only participated in the school. The track and field department, and the three people of 403, in addition to Zhou Yibo participated in the mathematics research group, the other three people did not participate in any community. Three people with Feng Hao Li Tong dormitory, one participated in the martial arts club, one participated in the drama club, another participated in the drama club, another One did not participate in the association." Xing Jiadong said.

"From these points of view, it is really impossible to find the common point between the deceased and them. They leave the school on holiday and they have no contact with each other." Xing Jiadong frowned.

"What is it? What is the discovery?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

Zhao Yiyang shook his head with some disappointment. "I went to ask, and said that there is no difference."

He frowned. "I don't know if they are sheltering each other. The college boys are still very particular about this so-called derogatory."

In this way, all the clues are broken.

At this time, Zhang Ming came in and said: "I just found out that the appraisal department had a small piece of paint on the shoes of the deceased, which is not obvious."

"I remember that the dormitory building is refreshing." Jiang Yuecheng looked shocked. "One Yang, Jiadong, you and I will go to school again to see how the dead are painted."

The three went to school, so Qi Youxuan took Wei Muran to Feng Hao's home. Feng Hao Li was a well-off family. The living quarters were also medium to high-end, and the living conditions looked good.

Feng Haoli’s parents also received a phone call from the police and learned about Feng Hao’s death. Therefore, when Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran saw them, they found that Feng Hao’s father, Feng Jingzhe, was stunned and his eyes were red and squatting. Body, there is no one at all. And his mother, Sun Zhiyan, was still crying, and when Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran were invited to the door, they had already burst into tears.

"We are a son of Hao Li, how can he die so badly! He died, let us do? We are so old, he is a son!" Sun Zhiyan cried and said, accompanied by Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran walked into Feng Hao's room.

"How long does he usually come back?" Wei Muran asked, the daily necessities in the room are still on the table, not for a long time no one lives.

"Because he is close, he will come back every weekend. If he has an activity to go out to play, he will not come back." Sun Zhiyan cried.

Qi Youxuan noticed that the photo frame was placed on the bookshelf and the writing desk, and there was a photo of Feng Hao Li going out for a tourist photo. In the photo, he is carrying a big mountaineering bag, the mountaineering bag is bulging, and a thick strip of thing is attached to the top, which is a tent.

In addition to this large backpack, each photo is a bicycle. Just before they came in, they saw one in the hallway, just like the one on the photo.

“Feng Hao Li often rides a bicycle to travel?” Qi Youxuan asked.

"Yeah, he also participated in a club where his friends are riding, riding a bicycle and carrying a bag around to play around. We don't quite agree with him to play like this, all the way from home to those remote and desolate places. It’s too dangerous. I don’t know what happened on the road, but he didn’t listen. He liked these activities. During the summer vacation last summer, he rode a bicycle and a group of people directly from the city to Xiqiao. Go to Mount Everest and go to Medog. If Lhasa had long heard the place, Everest and Medog, there are not too many outsiders to go, not developed yet, nothing is convenient. You It’s dangerous to say that, so far away, there are high revolts, the plateaus in the middle are so desolate, not even individuals. On the road to the plateau, I heard that even the cell phone signal is not there, if something happens. There is no way to contact the outside." Sun Zhiyan cried.

"It was quite lucky all the way. Nothing happened. It arrived safely, but I didn't expect it. He was safely coming back from a dangerous trip, but he was taken... by someone..." Sun Zhiyan couldn't say anymore, I cried as I licked my face.

Feng Jingzhe also wiped his face, did not speak, only holding Sun Zhiyan comfort.

Qi Youxuan looked at them, did not ask questions immediately, but took the opportunity to look at the room. Qi Youxuan walked along the wall and looked at the furniture placed along the wall.

The writing desk is full of photos of Feng Hao Li riding, which are not easy to reach, such as Daocheng Aden, but also some popular tourist attractions, such as Shennongjia, such as Changbai Mountain, but from the photos, it is obvious He is not a regular attraction. Most of them are not open to the public. They are not brought by the tour group. Those who love adventures carry their own backpacks to challenge the limits.

It’s just the conspicuous position on the table and the bookshelf. I didn’t see a photo of Sun Zhiyan’s trip to Xiqiao.

"Is the photo of his going out to ride here?" Qi Youxuan asked thoughtfully.

Feng Jingzhe shook his head and said: "It's just some representative. He is very proud to have been to photos of those places."

Qi You nodded and said that he understood, "Why didn't you see the photos he took to Xiqiao? There are not many people going to Medog, and it is not good to go there. He should be proud to go there."

"I don't know why, after he came back, he was not very interested. In those places where he used to go, he had to discuss with us for several days, and people who met along the way would also send photos on WeChat." Feng Jingzhe said, "But when I came back, he didn't have any spirit. He didn't mention the trip. The photo of the circle of friends was just over in Lhasa. I didn't see him again."

Qi Youxuan looked awkward and asked: "Is there still a photo at the time?"

"This...this is more than a year ago..." Feng Jingzhe snarled, but Qi Youxuan had no other indications, and stood there watching him, waiting for his attitude.

Feng Jingzhe has no choice but to take out his mobile phone and prepare to find photos.

"You just need to give me his WeChat account." Qi Youxuan said.

Feng Jingzhe also did not have Feng Haolin's WeChat password, only gave him the micro signal.

"Do you know the name of the cycling club he attended?" Wei Muran asked Feng Haolin's microsignal.

"There is a business card." Sun Zhiyan, who has been crying, finally spoke, but she still can't cry. "I found it when I packed up his things today."

Sun Zhiyan went to get a paper bag loaded with clothes in the mall. It was all small and small pieces. "These were originally intended to be thrown away."

She said that she found a business card in a paper bag and gave it to Wei Muran.

"What is his interest in participating in these activities in general? Who is closer to whom?" Qi Youxuan asked.

"There is also his former high school classmates. There are several relationships that are particularly good, but he never told us about his high school classmates, so they are called, and we don't know the contact information." Feng Jingzhe said, "The son is big." Many things don't like to tell us."

"He really... really... tell us how good it is, at least let us know what is going on? When the police came to investigate, we can help too. Now, when people have an accident, we even have him. I don’t know who is unclear!” Sun Zhiyan cried Weimulan’s hand and cried. “Girl, my son is very honest. The holiday is not only like to participate in this kind of cycling, but also occasionally meets with high school students. Going to eat and sing, I don’t go out at other times. How much hatred is it that kills people? It’s so bad to die.”

Wei Muran had to appease Sun Zhiyan. Qi Youxuan said that Feng Jingzhe, who is still relatively calm, said: "Have he come home recently?"

Feng Jingzhe nodded. "I have been back last week."

"How is his performance? Is there a strange place?" Qi Youxuan asked.

"There is no strange place, my son is too big, and I don't usually talk to us at all times, so I haven't talked to us since I came back. Basically, I am playing a computer in the room alone." Feng Jingzhe said, his expression suddenly changed. Yes, last week I heard him call someone, the tone was very tense, saying that someone knows, saying that he has been receiving text messages recently, it must be because of that. He sounded scared at the time, I I was about to ask him to have dinner and hear it."

"I am afraid that he has gotten into something. He has never heard him speak in that tone. It is really fearful, incoherent, and the voice is shaking. I am worried, I ask him if something is wrong, but he only said No. I asked again, he made a big fire, and both of us had a quarrel. Later, he went back to school without even eating. I was so angry at me. I didn’t expect..."

Even Feng Jingzhe, who has been very calm, has cried. "I didn't expect it to be the last one. I knew this, I must not rush to him. I must tell him, ask the matter, maybe he won't won't... Our last side is actually quarreling apart, I will regret it all my life."

"..." Qi Youxuan took a small step back without a trace. He was really not good at comforting people.

When the elders of the family are happy, he can pretend to be a fool and be a living treasure, but for outsiders, he will never damage his image.

In the end, Wei Muran gave the couple comfort, at least let their mood stabilize.

Subsequently, Qi Youxuan asked to take Xu Haolin's computer to take away, some of the chat software inside, as well as the records of mail, etc., may also have clues.

Feng Haolin's computer at home is a desktop computer, so Qi Youxuan moved the monitor and the host all the way, and Wei Muran returned to the police station.

Not long after they came back, Jiang Yuecheng also returned from the school investigation.

"How is the result?" Zhang Ming is looking forward to seeing Jiang Yuecheng, it is best to make progress.

“We found a few barrels of paint on the roof of the dormitory. It was confirmed that the paint used to refresh the dormitory was temporarily stored on the roof.” Zhao Yiyang said, “We have brought the paint back to the appraisal department to go with Feng Hao. The paint on the sole of Li is contrasted."

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