MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 035 still see him with appreciation

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Wei Muran frowned, because the indoor environment is water, and there is not much to see. (Marshmallow novel network)

The police arrived very quickly. Because of the murder case, they immediately dispatched the criminal investigation team of the city.

Fortunately, Wei Muran out of habit, with a policeman's card with him, so when the police came over the city, Wei Muran directly lit up the documents, and at the same time said the general situation.

"It turned out to be a colleague." Captain Yang Shaoqun smiled and his eyes fell on Qi Youxuan. "That is -"

"He is an expert specially hired by our criminal investigation team. Recently, two serial killings in the b city were all broken by him." Wei Muran explained that the people in the city of T will not be allowed to participate. .

Obviously they all know, and they are very enthusiastic immediately. "It turned out to be Mr. Qi! Long time!"

Qi Youxuan is quite a demeanor. It is very calm and deep, and I don’t have much to say.

Then, Xiang Haorui followed a policeman.

"He is the person in charge of the resort." said the policeman who came with Xiang Haorui.

Xiang Haorui took the business card.

"The body is in the pool," Wei said. "Before you came, no one was allowed to move."

Yang Shaoqun nodded. "Trouble you to let the water in the pool go."

Xiang Haorui called the waiter of the hot spring, and the colleague of the appraisal department installed some hot spring water to go back to the identification. Wei Muran had previously stopped the resort to inject new hot spring water, and the remaining hot spring water was released.

Slowly, the body at the bottom of the pool was revealed.

The body is also tied with stones, so even if the death time of the body is enough to float to the surface of the water, it will not float up.

The police untied the stone and moved the body up.

"Because the temperature of the hot spring has been constant at 41 degrees, the impact of the upper water temperature on the corpse is calculated. The death time of the deceased is between 2 and 3 o'clock today. The deceased died of suffocation before being tied to the stone. Into the hot springs," said the forensic doctor.

"Take the body back first, Mr. Xiang, trouble to check the customer information of your resort to determine the identity of the deceased." Yang Shaoqun said.

Xiang Haorui worked very well and immediately ordered it. (Marshmallow novel network provides Txt free download &#>

They went out to the salon where the witnesses were concentrated, and Yang Shaoqun asked his colleagues to record the confession.

Because Wei Moran was also one of the witnesses, he was also asked.

However, Wei Muran did not know much. After she made clear what she knew, because of Qi Youxuan’s relationship, Yang Shaoqun also wanted to help Qi Youxuan to help. Wei Fanran was contaminated by Qi Youxuan’s light, a foreign The police can also follow the case.

Wei Muran felt that Yang Shaoqun did a good job of this, although she did not come to the criminal investigation team for a long time.

However, when I was in the police school, the school often asked the teachers and sisters who had finished the business to go back to the school to talk about the cases they encountered after entering the police station.

There are one or two teachers and sisters who did not graduate from school. They had a good relationship with them. They were invited to come back to the lectures. After they finished, they would eat with them privately.

Things that are said in private are not as much scruples as they are on stage.

She also heard about the fact that many police forces in various places have been excluded from each other. In fact, many major cases have occurred every year. It is only because they do not report, so everyone knows less.

There are many times to go to the field to help with the case. The local police force is not too much to see outside. The surface is very polite, but when it comes to handling the case, it does not give them a chance to intervene. They only say that they It is to assist, the specific thing is to do it on your own side, often with a depressed stomach.

Obviously want to help, but people just don't let you touch your hands, and make it clear that you are an outsider, and you can't get involved at all. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Rarely, there is no such feeling in Yang Shaoqun here.

Although she did not belong to her jurisdiction, Yang Shaoqun did not expel her and did not let her know the case. However, Wei Muran also has a sense of proportion. This is a thing that happened in the city of T. After she was curious, she also wanted to know more about herself because she was an eyewitness, but she would not go in and investigate.

However, Wei Muran felt that Yang Shaoqun did not bluntly draw a line directly with her, but also because of Qi Youxuan’s relationship.

She heard one of the witnesses said, "We used to be in the hot springs. The water in the pool was not deep. It was sitting right in the shoulder. When I stretched my legs and moved in the pool, my feet touched the hard stones. I often come here to the bubble hot springs, knowing that there should be no such thing in the pool. I am still strange, when someone is still picking up someone else, I am sorry to say it."

"Who is it?" asked a policeman. "Who is it?"

"I..." A woman raised her hand and was still shaking. It was obviously scared. She just raised her hand and cried.

"What is your name?" asked the policeman named Zhang Shanfei.

"I... my name is Yang Yumin," the woman said slyly.

A policewoman next to him said, "You sit and talk."

When he finished, he helped Yang Yumin to sit down and took the initiative to align with You Xuan and Wei Muran and smiled and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Feng Songwei, and it is under the leadership of the Yang team."

Wei Muran politely greeted her, Qi Youxuan only nodded coldly, but did not prevent Feng Songwei from looking at him with appreciation.

"What was the situation at the time, please tell me carefully." Zhang Shanfei also sat opposite Yang Yumin, afraid of stimulating her, soft tone.

Yang Yumin slammed a bit and said: "At the time, we all had hot springs in the pool. Because the hot spring water here was reddish brown, the water was dark and opaque. I couldn't see the inside of the pool. When I stepped forward, I feel that I have met people. Because the pool is very big, I often come to soak, even if everyone straightens their legs, they won’t touch each other. But I didn’t think much about it at the time. I only thought that I met someone and I was sorry to say it. But no one responded to me. I saw the people who bathed together all face each other, as if I didn't know who I was talking to. I didn't think much about it at the time, but I accidentally touched it and bent my legs, but other People have also encountered it. I heard someone say sorry. Later, we felt that things were wrong. It was obvious that no one had touched anyone. How could we always meet someone else. At this time, someone happened to be down again, and we moved to the side. Someone went to the middle to go to the bubble, and the result was stepped on the body. We discovered that the bottom of the pool actually sank a female body."

Yang Yumin just finished, and some people retched up next to him. After asking, I knew that it was the person sitting on the woman's body.

Wei Muran, they heard screams in before, and saw someone crying and crawling up, sitting on the female body, and a few on the female body.

Because of this incident, the hot spring was temporarily blocked and not open to the public. And Wei Muran, their four girls, because they are also eyewitnesses, asked not to leave for the time being.

Anyway, they are also on vacation, and they intend to live in the resort, so there is no opinion.

Wei Muran and Qi Youxuan went to the police station together, and Wei Muran felt that he was completely incidental. When Yang Shaoqun left, he was especially enthusiastic to invite Qi Youxuan to see if he could help them with the case.

"I know that Mr. Qi is coming to vacation. It is really embarrassing to ask for such a request. However, I sincerely hope that Mr. Qi can help, and we will solve the case as soon as possible." Yang Shaoqun said so.

Qi Youxuan’s face is not happy. It’s not that he doesn’t have a sense of justice. It’s just that he can only let the case break early, but if the gang is self-sufficient, it’s not too bad. It’s slow for a while. Wei Muran’s holiday is only four days, so he has to go back to the city. He also wants to make full use of the four-day holiday, and he is very intimate with Wei Muran.

Apparently, Yang Shaoqun is very visionary. I only know how to get away from Wei Muran. She is also one of the witnesses.

Wei Muran licked the sleeves of Qi Youxuan. Qi Youxuan saw her special desire to go, and the expression of the request, no move, can only agree.

So Yang Shaoqun was very happy, Wei Muran was also very happy to take Qi Youxuan to the police station.

"The deceased is Xiong Shishi, female, 32 years old, married, no child. In an import and export company in T City, logistics, family conditions are ordinary, the mother has retired, the father is a civil servant, not short of eating short, but not rich, is Ordinary people. Her husband is a quality inspector of a company in the city of T, the income is not high, 4000 a month. Both are not local people in the city, renting a house in the city, and borrowed a 70-square-meter house, not yet Handing over the house, so I still live in the rented house. I rent a house with one set, renting two thousand pieces a month, and still paying 3,500 yuan a month. The salary of the two people is only 9000, each The monthly rent and loan has lost 5,500, and the remaining 3,500 people are also counted, and they dare not spend money at will, so now they have no plans to have children."

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