MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 036 Proof of absence

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“The consumption of the resort is very high. The resort is designed to be surrounded by the sea on three sides. It is based on the super five-star. There is no standard room in the resort. In addition to the more expensive villas, the main building is also a sea view suite. It is now the peak season of the National Day. Staying at night for more than 4,500, hot springs have to pay another 300, once. Accommodation plus hot springs, not counting, is already a month's salary of Xiong Shishi. The average person will not take his own salary for one month. If I don't drink, I will stay in this high-class hotel for one night. Her family's conditions can't afford such waste," Zhang Shanfei said.

“I went to her company and asked, there is a rumor in her company that she has a somewhat unclear relationship with the manager of the sales department, Shi Chenzhong. The company is passing, but no one really said it. The sales department The profits have always been many, and the achievements of a single list have made other departments jealous. The manager of their sales department has a salary of 200,000 at the end of the year. In addition, there is a sales commission. A list is basically a commission of 100,000 yuan. When it is less, it is less. There are also forty or five thousand. In the logistics department, Xiong Shishi often has work contacts with the sales department. When they come and go, the two are together. Only Shi Chenzhong is 45 years old and has a family, so if Xiong Shishi Shi Chenzhong’s relationship is true, that is to be his lover.” Zhang Shanfei said.

"The relationship between the two of them, the company knows, if so, Xiong Shishi can go to the resort to stay and consume, it is not surprising." Zhang Shanfei said.

"Whether the bear poetry will come to the rendezvous with Shi Chenzhong? National Day holiday, Xiong Shishi has no reason to run to the resort. She first went to the resort to open the room, and then went to the morning to go with her." Feng Songwei guessed Turns.

"Cheng Wei, you go to check where Shi Chenzhong is, find him. Song Wei, you go to talk with Shi Chenzhong's wife to see if she knows anything. Shan Fei, you go to find Xiong Shishi's husband. Yang Shaoqun said.

Zou Chengwei promised to go down and took the car keys and jacket, and went with Feng Songwei and Zhang Shanfei.

At noon, Xiao Yiqing and Qi Youli and Cheng Xi Orange came over with their three men, calling Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran to eat.

Cheng Xi Orange called a large table full of seafood, while holding a crab, said: "Muran, how do you come to vacation and think about solving the case."

"Habitually..." Wei Muran is also very embarrassed to say.

"Mu Mu, you can discuss something, honeymoon, don't do this, give me a chance to two people, ah!" Qi Youxuan held her next to her, and her head rested on her shoulder.

Wei Muran: "..."

Oh, she is embarrassed to attack him. The guardian hasn’t been there yet. I’m thinking about honeymoon, is it optimistic?

After eating the meal at noon, Wei Muran took Qi Youxuan and went to the police station.

Not long after they went back, Zou Chengwei, Feng Songwei and Zhang Shanfei also returned.

Zou Chengwei brought the morning back to Shi Chenzhong and arranged it in the interrogation room. "I found him outside the resort. Today the resort is blocked. The people inside can't get out. The people outside can't get in. He always has Hey outside."

Zou Chengwei said sarcastically: "It is quite infatuated."

Yang Shaoqun took Zou Chengwei to the interrogation room, and Wei Fanran and Qi Youxuan and others looked through the glass next door.

Shi Chenzhong is not like Wei Muran’s imagination. Even if he is not handsome, he is at least a handsome middle-aged man.

Shi Chenzhong’s appearance is really not picking out. Although he is only 45 years old, he looks like a little old man. Long and thin and short, Wei Muran estimated that he is a man of one meter six or six, lean and lean, but very smart. Wearing a pair of gold wire glasses, the wrinkles on the face are obvious.

At the age of 45, I look like a man in his 50s.

Wei Muran thought, maybe it is related to his career, engaged in foreign trade, cooperation with companies in Europe and the United States, it is necessary to cooperate with the time difference of the other side, often have to climb up in the middle of the night to talk about business, receive mail, etc., so black and white upside down, If you don't have enough rest, you have to fight with people on the wine table. The natural condition is poor, and you look much older than the actual age.

"Comrade comrades, what is it that comes to me?" Shi Chenzhong asked nervously.

“How are you outside the resort today?” asked Zou Chengwei.

"No, where am I going, do you have to manage?" Shi Chenzhong was surprised.

Zou Chengwei’s fierce shot of the table, not pleasing to the road: “Let’s use the oil and gas attitude of your business to use this place. If you ask, you will answer honestly!”

Shi Chenzhong was shocked. It was a bit embarrassing. He had to say, "I am looking for someone. I have an appointment with the resort, but when I arrived, I found that the resort was blocked. I can only wait at the door. And."

“Who are you looking for?” asked Zou Chengwei.

Shi Chenzhong frowned. "This should be my personal business, police comrade, you brought me, what is it?"

“Say!” Zou Chengwei said bluntly, “You are here to help with the case, which is so much nonsense!”

"You are making an appointment with Xiong Shishi." Yang Shaoqun asked coldly.

Shi Chenzhong’s face finally changed. Seeing Yang Shaoqun’s affirmation, he couldn’t deny it. “Yes, I made an appointment with her and came to see her this afternoon. After I came, I found that the resort could not enter, I will give her Calling, the result has been no one."

"You should know the reason for the closure of the resort." Yang Shaoqun said.

Shi Chenzhong nodded his face very well.

When I heard the crowds talking about the dead inside, I felt embarrassed. Even if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, my heart was a bit cloudy.

"The deceased is Xiong Shishi. According to our investigation, you are a lover relationship." Yang Shaoqun said.

Shi Chenzhong’s face changed sharply, and his face was pale. “How could it... how could she... how did she die?”

"Due to suffocation, after being found dead in the bottom of the hot spring pool." Zou Chengwei said. "When did you meet with Xiong Shishi, when did you meet?"

Shi Chenzhong’s sorrow is still immersed in the blow of this incident. I can’t think of anything. Only honestly, everything is explained. “I also called her last night. Because of the 11th holiday, I I made an appointment with her and stayed with her for two nights. She came over last night because I had to take my wife and son back to my parents’ house at noon today. I told the poetry that I would come over after lunch. I told my wife that I have a customer. I have been entertained these two days. I had a meal at noon today. I sent my wife and son home and rushed over. I didn’t expect..."

Shi Chenzhong’s face was pale. “It’s still pretty good. She called her last night and she died. How can she die?”

"From last night to one o'clock this afternoon, where are you, what are you doing?" Zou Chengwei asked coldly.

There is nothing good about Shi Chenzhong. When he speaks, he is not honest. His words are all traitors. There are wives and sons, so old, but also with the outside.

"Because I was not at home for two days, I was afraid that my wife would be suspicious, so I went home after work yesterday. I went back to my parents’ house at noon and went to dinner with her and my son." Shi Chenzhong still has some tips. Just a subconscious answer.

The confession of such close people, sometimes can not be accepted, like the wife and children of Shi Chenzhong, and his parents, are close relatives, who knows whether they will lie because of shelter.

"Besides who else can they prove?" Zou Chengwei asked directly, the tone was not good, even if Shi Chenzhong was not in the state now.

"Comrade comrades, don't you doubt me?" Shi Chenzhong said with a sullen face and guarded. "How can I kill Xiong Shishi? Don't be kidding! I haven't had enough days! There are sons and sons. I earn a lot of money, and my good life is waiting for me to enjoy. And Xiong Shishi is also sensible. She follows me just to ask for money. As long as she gives her money, she will be honest and will not talk nonsense with my wife. Don't bother me, money, I don't have it, why should I find this trouble for myself?"

"This is just what you said. How is your relationship with Xiong Shishi? We will check it." Zou Chengwei sneered.

"You can't check my husband Liu Mingyue's husband!" Zou Chengwei said, "He is more suspicious than me!"

"Oh? How?" Yang Shaoqun asked.

"He already knew about my affairs with Xiong Shishi. Even Xiong Shishi took the initiative to seduce me and told him that he also knew." Shi Chenzhong laughed mockingly.

Surrounded by a glass, Wei Muran was shocked, and looked at Qi Youxuan with surprise.

"Not surprisingly, according to the income of Xiong Shishi's husband and wife, renting a house and then buying a house and repaying the loan, the remaining money, two people are hard to bear the price level of the city. Xiong Shishi is a typical person who is not satisfied with the status quo and is very admired for luxury life. She just doesn't have that condition. If she has a little money, she should want to enter the upper class. Don't say that 3,500 people live alone, and they have to save a lot of time. Not to mention the lives of two people. The couple have no car. Remove transportation expenses, food expenses, utilities, and other broken costs. You can't save any money every month, and you may need your parents' help." Qi Youxuan said calmly.

"Xiong Shishi is 32 years old. She still doesn't dare to have children. When she is pregnant, she is a pregnant mother. In these cases, they can't be worried. Besides, long-term life is difficult, and all feelings have been smoothed out. This kind of poor days is enough. Liu Mingyue sacrificed his wife for material reasons. Xiong Shishi was not afraid of being known by Liu Mingyue for material self-sacrifice. The two will make such a decision. Although it cannot be said that it is human nature, it is not unexpected."

Wei Muran opened his mouth and said for a long time: "How can you be so clear about this kind of life?"

It is not that she said that although she chose the busy and dangerous profession of the police, she lived at home. She was raised by the guardian prince when she was a child. In addition to her work, she never suffered in life.

Speaking very embarrassed, although her work is grounded, she does not know much about life. At least Qi said what she said, she never worried about it. I don't know what it is like to be poor. I don't know how much money is needed for transportation expenses, food expenses, and utilities. Because Wei Ziwei and Wei Ran have solved it for her.

Even cooking, can only be regarded as a kind of life, never really worry about these fumes. Occasionally, in order to celebrate, I cook at home and I am very happy with Wei Ziwei and Wei Muche.

Growing up to such a big, she never really touched these fireworks.

She thought that Qi Youxuan was also the same. After all, Qi really didn't need him to think about it.

"When I study psychology, all kinds of personality must be learned, as well as the environment, elements, etc. that lead to certain personalities, and these details of life are even more essential." Qi Youxuan smiled.

Listening to him, Wei Muran felt very embarrassed and whispered: "I don't seem to understand anything."

Qi Youxuan smiled and gently pinched her nose. "You don't need to know. Before you married me, you were the princess of the Wei family. After you married me, you are the queen of the family. This kind of rice and oil, you have never been a lifetime." Need to worry."

Wei Muran blushes, thinking that there are others in the room, and still do not know, the police of the city, she secretly pinched Qi Youxuan, how the meat is not divided into places!

At this time, I heard Shi Chenzhong said: "Xiong Shishi does not want to live harder, and Liu Mingyue is also fed up, so she seduce me, Liu Mingyue is also acquiescence. I am with her, buy her a gift, take her in and out The high-end place, her clothes, cosmetics, shoes and bags, I bought it for her, and taking her out to eat every day is equivalent to helping Liu Mingyue raise her wife. And I gave her the pocket money, she also took it back to be their home. The cost of living has improved the lives of their families. I took the money to raise them and exchanged them for Xiong Shishi to be my lover, but I didn’t think about strengthening my family, and I wouldn’t bother my family. I need to. Even if I give more money, I will be happy if I can save trouble."

Shi Chenzhong grinned. "But don't look at Liu Mingyue knowing this thing, no matter what, even take the initiative to give us a place. Sometimes I want to find Xiong Shishi, even if she is at home, picking up my phone in front of Liu Mingyue, Liu Mingyue doesn't care. But a man can't stand himself being cuckold, especially if he is wearing it. He can bring his wife out for money, but it doesn't mean he can swallow this breath. I know, he hates it. Everyone is a man, and I can't be unclear about his psychology. He is incompetent, but he hates me and hates bear poetry."

"I can't deny it. I actually enjoy this feeling. I play his wife in front of my husband. Sometimes I go directly to the small rental house in their home. On the bed of both of them, I will bear with Xiong Shishi. Do. I also thought that when the house they bought was renovated and lived in, I would go to their new home to find Xiong Shishi. This kind of husband knows, but it feels really good to take you no way. There is a very special satisfaction." Shi Chenzhong proud smile.

Zoucheng Wei almost did not hold back to beat him, how this man so sick!

"His mentality is really distorted." Wei Fanran frowned, it was really sorrowful by Shi Chenzhong, "But that Liu Mingyue is also the best, he has no ability, do not want to work hard, but his wife launched to sell him money. However, this is also a slap in the face, these three people really can't say anything."

Qi Youxuan gently patted her head, and Wei Muran felt that his action was like taking a puppy.

It seems that at work, he will not tease her as usual, sticking to her, but like a big brother, always soothing her.

"This morning, Shi Chenzhong, when he was young, did not work well, and he did not have any achievements. In recent years, he has developed and developed rapidly, which has led to his psychological expansion and he is arrogant and can’t wait for everyone to know him. If you make a little money, you feel that you are particularly rich. You don't even care about the husband who owns your mistress. You still enjoy the hatred of others. From his words, he does not have much knowledge. It’s just that he feels high-end compared to his previous life.”

"He usually is in business, he is used to nodding his head and doing things low and low. In order to be able to talk about business, he is willing to let go, so outside the business, he wants to put people on his feet. In the face of people who are not as good as him, this kind of pride and self-satisfaction is even more intensified. While in business, he is humbled by others, while letting others scorn him in life." Qi Youxuan said faintly.

"How do you know that he was only getting better in recent years?" Zhang Shanfei, who has been silently acting as a light bulb that is not very bright, can't help but ask.

Qi Youxuan turned his head, and that look of surprise, it was obvious that there were others in the house.

Zhang Shanfei is not depressed, is his sense of existence so low? Feng Songwei is also very unpleasant. Fortunately, she is also very good-looking. She is famous in their bureau. Even if the police station wants to shoot a propaganda film, they are directly looking for her. The result is standing here. Ignored a thorough.

From beginning to end, Qi Youxuan looked at the interrogation of the next room in addition to seemingly boring, that is, defending her hair without touching her, touching her shoulders and waist, the small movements continued, and the guards were red-faced. But in front of other people, it is not good to say him.

I don't want to be ignored anymore. Feng Songwei also stepped forward and walked to Zhang Shanfei's side. "Yeah, how did you know this?"

Qi Youxuan’s face was “I’m old,” and Feng Songwei didn’t want to talk.

Seeing Zhang Shanfei’s face with a look of thirst, Qi Youxuan’s mouth whispered and said: “If he has been good, is he just like a little old man at the age of 45?”

Zhang Shanfei: "..."

"Just because of this?" Zhang Shanfei squinted, always feel that using this judgment is not too unscientific, is Qi Youxuan really an expert?

Wei Muran understands Qi Youxuan, knowing that he is too lazy to explain too much, just find the most obvious reason to send them.

"I want to know too." She said, pulling the sleeves of Qi Youxuan.

In the face of Wei Muran's doubts, Qi Youxuan has more patience, pointing to Shi Chenzhong on the other side of the glass, saying: "In the morning, Shi Chenzhong never answered the question in a positive way, but he did not ask questions about your colleagues. He lied. At the beginning, his feet and legs were splayed, sitting relaxed, until he heard that the deceased was Xiong Shishi, he was surprised and nervous, his legs were close together, and his toes were pressed **** the ground, heel Lifting it up slightly, but in the direction of your colleagues, not at the door. At that time, he leaned forward and was really anxious."

"When he talked about his relationship with Xiong Shishi, his eyes were looking at your colleagues, and he didn't drift. When he spoke, he didn't think much. It can be said that he was shocked, so he did not pass the words. Thinking, just subconsciously thinking about what you know, knowing what you know. He said that he gave Xiong Shishi money and brought Xiong Shishi to a high-level place. It was not something that people who have always had money would say. Don’t ask me why, I It is to know that a person who has always lived a affluent person will only think that the place where he or she usually enters and exits is normal, and does not feel how advanced and will not hang on the verbal. When Shi Chenzhong mentioned it, his face was very proud, that is The expression that will only be revealed by people who have just entered this stage."

"Because of long-term suppression for a long time, I would especially like to find a sense of existence in the bear poetry of the couple, accept Liu Mingyue's attitude of hateful and hate, oppress Liu Mingyue and Xiong Shishi. His suit is Armani, and there is a very prominent in the middle of the belt. The h logo. The shoes are lv. When he came in, the tip of the shoe touched the heel of Zou Chengwei. After sitting down, he immediately wiped the tip of the shoe with his hand. It is very cherished. For the price of the shoe, it is still very He is distressed and cherished."

"He may be love clean," said Zhang Shanfei.

"People who love clean will carry a handkerchief, paper towel, wet tissue, disposable hand sanitizer, etc.. But he did not bring it. Would a person who loves clean would prefer to keep his shoes clean? He is a shoe that is wiped by hand. Sharp, even if there is no dust on the toe, it is not really stepped on by Zou Chengwei, but he still feels dirty, very nervous to wipe off, indicating that he cares about what he thinks is expensive. What he bought for Xiong Shishi, He also remembers clearly."

"After sitting down, he deliberately put his newly bought Land Rover car key on the table as if he was casual, and he looked very handsome. The car key is new and there is no trace of wear and tear. It is his new change. In the near future, you can check if his previous car is an economical ordinary car, about 100,000, Japanese and Korean cars. Because I have earned more now, I took the money and changed it to Land Rover." Qi Youxuan said.

Zhang Shanfei did not say anything, and immediately picked up the phone to ask, not too long, while holding a phone, while watching Qin Youxuan shocked.

Hanging up the phone and licking his mouth, he asked for a long time: "You... how can you be sure to be a Japanese-Korean car?"

Just now he went to the company where Shi Chenzhong worked and asked what car was opened before Shi Chenzhong. Shi Chenzhong does not always have a manager position in this company. Before that, the ordinary staff of the sales department was responsible for the domestic market at first. The domestic market is more tired than foreign trade. Although there is no time difference, it is accompanied by customers to drink and eat. Even some entertainment venues are also very hardworking.

Later, I also tried to follow the master of foreign trade, and slowly got to the position of manager. Different from before, the previous talks became a business, the commissions were all in the master, and how much they earned depends on how much Master gave himself.

If Master is a little more generous, give more to his own nature. If Master has no humanity, he can only eat choking.

Before that, his master couldn’t say that he was totally unmanned, but there was really not much to give him. Shi Chenzhong could only comfort himself and said that he should pay tuition.

At that time, he had a room and a car. The house was a small property house bought a long time ago. It was a small house with two sets, not even the living room. After the car was dry, the loan bought a small Kia.

I can basically earn six or seven thousand dollars a month, and half of them have to come out to socialize. I also give gifts to Master and have a good relationship with Master.

Finally, I got to the position of the manager a few years ago. After earning the money, I quickly changed the big house. After the mortgage of the house was mortgaged, I changed the car again. By the way, I also raised a lover.

Hearing the problem of Zhang Shanfei, Qi Youxuan scorned: "Because the Japanese and Korean cars are cheap."

Zhang Shanfei: "..."

He felt that his IQ was suddenly owed.

"So you doubt me, it is better to check Liu Mingyue, he may never be able to bear the bear poems of Xiong Shishi openly, and finally angered her." Shi Chenzhong said, "After all, I went to their homes a lot. Many people in their community have seen it, and there are many rumors. A little familiar neighbor knows the relationship between Xiong Shishi and me. Liu Mingyue can’t lift his head in that community. I guess he thinks he will move afterwards. I won’t live there for the rest of my life. If I don’t want to go down, I will endure it for a while. I may endure it and finally can’t help it.”

Shi Chenzhong’s attitude is also a bit anxious. “In any case, he does things, don’t want me to come back!”

When asked about Shi Chenzhong, he took him out of the interrogation room. When he went out, he just saw the police officer coming with Liu Mingyue who came to recognize the corpse.

Liu Mingyue looks ordinary, wears glasses, looks at Sven, but does not pick up. Shi Chenzhong always looked down on him. He knew that his wife would give someone else a lover but could endure it for money. It was simply a waste.

I don't know if it was stimulated by the death of Xiong Shishi, or I saw the obvious contempt of Shi Chenzhong. Liu Mingyue suddenly grabbed the collar of Shi Chenzhong and put him on the wall.

"You killed her! The police, arrest him! That is, he killed Xiong Shishi, it must be him!" Liu Mingyue said madly.

"What are you talking nonsense!" Shi Chenzhong was really afraid that the police believed him, and said in a panic, "I think you killed her! Because she is with me, you can’t help yourself being cuckold, angry. Under the killing of her! You have no ability, can not afford to raise a wife, I raise a wife for you, but even you have raised together, men are like you are no face to live. I see you are stimulated, myself If I didn’t have the ability, I would kill Xiong Shishi, but I planted it on my head."

"No!" Liu Mingyue's eyes are full of angry bloodshots. "No, you are nonsense!"

Liu Mingyue is a quality inspector. He usually stays in the laboratory. He is like a person who talks about business in the morning, and his mind and mouth are flexible.

Seeing that now Liu Mingyue is panicked, Shi Chenzhong is calm, and sneer, "How, I was told, angry and angry? You said that I killed Xiong Shishi, motivation? I have money, family, career success, future Just, there is nothing missing. I have to take it with Xiong Shishi. I give her money. She makes me happy, and she also has a family. She won’t run to my house. I don’t have to worry about our things being known to my family. We are mutually beneficial, she did not recruit me, did not provoke me, why should I kill her? It is you, there are many motives to kill her. Although she is with you, you agree, but it is difficult to keep you angry. After she, I will plant it again and give it to me, with a double arrow!"

"You are nonsense! Don't yell at me!" Liu Mingyue anxiously pressed the neck of Shi Chenzhong to the wall even more.

"Don't let go!" Zou Chengwei separated the two, and said to Shi Chenzhong, "You are awesome, you will reason, so you will reason why you don't want to be a detective! The investigation of the case has us, you have not washed yourself. If you are suspected, don't sue someone else."

"There are you!" Zou Chengwei has no good face to Liu Mingyue. It is really impossible to have such a good impression on such a best product. "You said that the person is killed in the morning, is there evidence? If you have evidence, you will come up with it." , we accept."

Liu Mingyue turned red and didn't talk. Zou Chengwei pushed him forward. "Go, there is something to ask you."

"Hey!" Shi Chenzhong and Liu Mingyue sneered and snorted and left.

Yang Shaoqun called Zhang Shanfei. "Let's check out the proof of absence in Shi Chenzhong."

When he was finished, he went to interrogate Liu Mingyue with Zou Chengwei.

"Where was you from 12 o'clock last night to noon today?" asked Zou Chengwei.

Liu Mingyue is more honest than Shi Chenzhong. Unlike Shi Chenzhong, he started to play a slippery head. It seems that it is difficult to talk about it. Seeing him bow his head and his expression is tangled.

"To tell the truth, otherwise it will hinder the crime of handling the case, and the punishment is not small." Zou Chengwei said.

Liu Mingyue bite his teeth and finally said: "Yesterday... Yesterday, Xiong Shishi told me that she didn't go home, I knew she was going to find Shi Chenzhong again. I didn't ask her where to go, but I used to it anyway. ”

"Do you know the things of Xiong Shishi and Shi Chenzhong?" Zou Chengwei asked an eyebrow.

"I know." Liu Mingyue grinds his teeth. "I can't give her the life she wants. She can do it in the morning. But she is too old to be in the morning, and I need to meet her in bed. Anyway, I just don't have the skills, she is willing to use it." Shi Chenzhong’s money to subsidize the family, I don’t stop. She is sorry for me, and I will not be guarding her. We are both to be a partner! Isn’t it a popular open marriage now? I tell myself, since She can't stand the pain, then I will be an open marriage, do not interfere with each other. Just be a friend who has received a marriage certificate. Then calculate to develop a one-night stand, those women are not much clean, today with me, tomorrow With others, maybe not single, so I can see it."

It seems that it is said, Liu Mingyue also went out to face, not much care, looked up at Yang Shaoqun and Zou Chengwei, "Shi Chenzhong said that because of the embarrassment, Qi Xiong poetry is not loyal to me and killed her, but really not." Liu Mingyue Sneer, "Why should I put myself in for such a woman? Besides, she is derailed first. Even if she is divorced and went to court, I am a victim. I can get more married property than her. Why should I kill?" She? And, if she is there, I can spend the money in the morning, there is such a big head, why should I not go with myself? Killing Xiong Shishi and putting myself into it, there is no advantage at all."

"Shi Chenzhong went to your community several times. The people nearby knew him and knew the relationship between Xiong Shishi and him." Yang Shaoqun said, "It seems that people in your community are laughing at you behind the scenes."

Liu Mingyue’s face was white, but he still said: “Do you want to say that I can’t stand it, and angered and killed her?”

"Actually, I didn't go back to live, and the house we bought, the key is coming down. After a long time, I can move, who cares what they say. Police comrade, I have no ability, I don't earn much. I can't afford my wife, but I don't want to be stupid enough to lose my mind and do this kind of thing." Liu Mingyue said.

"He is a little nervous, this tension is within a reasonable range." Qi You declared Liu Mingyue across the glass and said, "He doesn't care about Xiong Shishi, perhaps because of Xiong Shishi's derailment, so he has no feelings for Xiong Shishi, so even if Xiong Shishi is Kill, he has no sad feelings, only shocked. The ring of his left hand has been removed for some time. Just in the corridor, when he was entangled with Shi Chenzhong, there was a lady’s perfume smell. But he There are no souvenirs given to him by lover, there is no trace of a fixed woman, he has no fixed girlfriend outside, I am afraid that most of the objects of 419. His clothes were passed yesterday, the coat has been wrinkled, the shirt inside The neckline was also a little stepped. He wore this suit when he went to work yesterday, and the tie was still in his trouser pocket. He didn’t go home after work, went directly to the nightclub, and when he got a call from the police today, he was still at the hotel or a female friend. Home."

"After a while, you see so much?" Feng Songwei said with amazement that the black brilliance has never been concealed, and there is no disguise to appreciate and worship.

Qi Youxuan only nodded coldly, ignored her, and continued to see the situation inside the interrogation room.

"So where are you during this time?" Zou Chengwei said, "If you can't make proof of absence, it would be useless to say what you said."

Liu Mingyue hesitated, and said: "I went to the hotel with someone last night, I met in the bar. You know, since Xiong Shishi is sorry for me, I have a green hat, why should I be honest? Yesterday When I got off work, I went with my friends. Later, I walked away with my friends. He watched me leave with a woman. The hotel also has a record. You can ask."

After Yang Shaoqun and Zou Chengwei came out, Yang Shaoqun asked Zou Chengwei to go to the hotel that Liu Mingyue said to verify.

Zhang Shanfei came back and said: "Shi Chenzhong’s wife said that he was with her at noon last night and went to the supermarket to buy things with her this morning. According to the time provided by the supermarket ticket, the supermarket The monitoring did have him. And Shi Chenzhong’s wife said that in the middle of the night, their son was poisoned by food. Shi Chenzhong drove his son to the hospital to play the bottle. Two points out of the house, four points back, it happened to be the death of the deceased. During that time, Shi Chenzhong had proof of absence."

When finished, Zhang Shanfei read Liu Mingyue’s statement and said: “Did they not buy a house? Do you say that Liu Mingyue will kill the bear poetry for the house? The two houses belong to the property after marriage, and they are the joint name of the two. Xiong Shishi publicly betrayed Liu Mingyue, Liu Mingyue did not want to divide this house with her, she directly killed her.


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