MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 038 Father-in-law, I have not eaten.

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Wei Muran stopped paying attention to her and turned to Yang Shaoqun and said: "Thank you for your care these days, and allow me to participate in this case. [A lot of good-looking novels]"

"No, you have helped us a lot." Yang Shaoqun is waving, but it is convenient for everyone. He really does not need to find uncomfortable for each.

Therefore, Yang Shaoqun has not understood the behavior of some police officers.

"If there is any problem in this case, you can contact us. We will pay attention to it in the city of b. If you can help, you must help." Qi Youxuan also said.

After listening to Qi Youxuan’s words, Yang Shaoqun was really happy, and his heart was following.

The people sent them to the security check before leaving.


Qi Youxuan sent Wei Muran home, and the car just stopped. Didn't kiss her yet, Wei Ziyu ran out and knocked on his window.

Qi Youxuan was particularly sorry to get off the bus, and he was kept squatting by Wei Ziyu. He listened to the guardian and said, "You are so bold that you dare to turn my daughter out for so many days!"

"Dad!" Wei Fanran quickly pulled the guardian and spoiled. "We went to the city, and we only stayed for one night. Even the hot springs have not had time to soak, and they have run into a murder case. I followed the city in the past few days. The criminal investigation team followed up the case and did not have a good vacation."

"The murder case? Is it involved with you?" Wei Zikai's attention has been decisively shifted. Everything takes daughter as the first priority. "What happened? Have you been bullied?"

"No, we just found the body, as an eyewitness, to the police to assist in the investigation." Wei Muran said, "I am myself, see the case and can't pull the leg, follow the t market and always understand the case."

"You two... cough!" Wei Ziwei found that it was still outside. Although there are no people around, it is still not suitable. He said, "Go home and say."

"Oh." Wei Fanran worried that Wei Ziyi had been screaming at Qi Youxuan and listening to Wei Zi, saying that he would be happy to cooperate.

Qi Youxuan intends to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and follow them to the home.

Unfortunately, Wei Zi is not so fooled, look at him, "Who made you enter!"

Wei Moran did not dare to say good things to Qi You at this time. Wei Zi is on the air. The more she helps Qi Youxuan to speak, the more Wei Ziwei is to target Qi Youxuan.

With a personality that is so awkward, Wei Muran said that the occasional heart is also very tired.

Wei Muran secretly gave Qi Youxuan a look, let him go back first.

Qi Youxuan will no longer insist, just smile Mimi said: "Then I will go first, Dad see you again. Mu Mu, you have a good rest, call you at night!"

Wei Zizhen really wants to scream: "Who is your father! What phone call!"

Lifting the foot to Qi Youxuan's fart. On the stock, Qi Youxuan, in order to let the father-in-law export gas, was really deliberately hitting his foot, and the scorpion was kicked by the guard, then he patted the trousers on the car and drove off. .

Wei Zikai said that he still had some uncomfortable feelings and snorted, and returned to his home with Wei.

"You go out with the kid, is there... Is it cheaper for him?" When he returned home, the guardian asked.

Wei Muran squatted for a while, still wondering if he was hugged by him, wouldn’t he be taken advantage of by him?

As a result, when Wei Zi’s expression was seen, Wei Muran suddenly understood.

Her face turned red and said: "Dad, what do you want! We... We live in a villa in the resort, one room per person, I live by myself, not like him."

Wei Muran said that the more he whispered, he was particularly embarrassed and bowed his head. "And he always respects me. He has never offered to ask... what to do."

Wei Zi's face was finally better, and he felt that Qi Youxuan still had a little bit of merit. But only a little.

In his opinion, all the men who beat his daughter's idea are not good things!


The same is the future son-in-law, Wei Mu Che's treatment will be much better, because Wei Mu Che heard the words of Xi Orange from an early age, in the view of Cheng Dongge, Wei Zikai this son is to build a family for him!

Cheng Xi Orange refers to the East, Wei Mu Che does not go west. Cheng Dongge really does not worry about her daughter being bullied.

Therefore, after Wei Muche was sent to Xi Orange, Cheng Dongge was very generous to invite Wei Mu Che into the house, and took him to discuss his experience of hurting his wife, and he was unwavering. Give Wei Mu Che brainwashing. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

He thinks that Wei Zi is stupid, the daughter will marry sooner or later, and it is useful to prevent Qi Youxuan from being like a thief.

It would be better to be like him. He has been brainwashing Wei Mu from an early age. When he meets, he washes it. It is really safe to wash it now. It is simply a child husband who prepares for her niece, and she is not afraid of his change of heart.

In terms of feelings, Wei Mu Che has been cultivated into a solid eye.

Poor Wei Zi’s whole mind was still on the protection of her daughter. She did not know that her son was abducted by Cheng Dongge.

Cheng Xi Orange returned to the room to change the home service, comfortable to come out, sitting next to Wei Mu Che, Wei Mu Che quickly said: "Orange Orange I will give you juice to drink!"

Because the two orange students do not like to drink tea, do not like to drink water without taste. While the juice outside, Wei Mu Che feels that there are too many additives and it is not good to drink too much, so as long as he is, he must give Cheng Xi Orange fresh juice.

Obviously, under the quality education of Chengdong Pavilion, Wei Muche is familiar with the kitchen of the family and can no longer be familiar with it. Ma slipped into the kitchen, took out the juice machine from the cupboard, took a variety of fruits, and added the orange juice to the orange juice.


Here, Wen Yan also sent Qi You Ning to the famous garden. From knowing that they are coming back today, Qi Chenglin began to sit in the living room, and looked like a calm one to slide and slide, but sitting next to him drinking tea. Qi Danchen can see clearly, he just slipped on the main interface, occasionally accidentally clicked into the browser, and then closed it, and then continued to slide.

Yu Danchen watched him silently for 2 hours.

Sliding and sliding, and from time to time look at the time on the ipad, twisted his brow and said: "Why are you still not coming back?"

"..." Dan Dan reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, silently reminding him not to frown.

His heart was calmed down by the soft fingertips, his brows were loose, his face was softened, and he raised his hand to grab the hand of Yan Danchen, and he kissed him on the lips.

Du Laofu's old wife, who came over for decades, can be seen by Qi Chenglin. In addition to a few more wrinkles on his face, there is no other change, and it looks good for decades.

He was so embarrassed that he was so close to him, his forehead resting on his shoulder, and the other hand gently poked his shoulder. Did not look up, only heard the head of Qi Chenglin's low-pitched and pleasant laughter.

"You have a follow-up, you don't have to worry, he is not looking at his sister who is suffering. Besides, the other party is smelling, I am quite at ease." Yan Danchen smiled.

Although Qi Chenglin saw Wen Yan as the enemy who wanted to rob his daughter, but in the morning, he still regarded Wen Wei as his prospective son-in-law.

She looked at Weng’s body all the way, and she looked at her. She grew up and could persist for so many years. She did not have any dissatisfaction with her. Her daughter can have such a person who protects her. In the future, they can rest assured.

Don't say how to do it in the future. If a man who can keep Qi You Ning for more than ten years has to change his mind, then other men can't believe it.

Besides, she believes that she is smelling, and -

Qi Dan morning smiled and took hold of Qi Chenglin's arm. "Although it is my daughter, I have to admit that she was really fat when she was a child. Just like that, Wen Yi likes her like a block treasure. At that time, I was Think, if you can't get down the fat, you will always be fat, and it's really lucky to have it. You think, ah, you can have a little fat boy, you can see it, so How rare is the son-in-law!"

Qi Chenglin: "..."

Although I don't want to admit it, how does he feel that his wife is very reasonable?

Then I waited for Wen to send Qi Youli back, the doorbell just remembered, Qi Chenglin left the ipad and rushed over, opened the door, and gave Qi Youli a sigh.

Wen Yan looked at Qi Chenglin, who was also expressionless, and cried earnestly: "Father and father, I brought you back to You."

Qi Chenglin: "..."

Hehe, can he let this kid roll quickly?

Qi You Ning is very clever to hold Qi Chenglin, "Dad, I miss you!"

Qi Chenglin's original cold expression immediately softened, laughing and aligning with You said: "Hungry? Don't be hungry? You. Mom cooks at noon today and gives you a good meal."

"Hungry! The plane meal is not good, so I didn't eat it." Qi You Ning heard that there was something to eat, he couldn't think of anything else.

"The father-in-law, I have not eaten." Wen Yan said calmly.

"This way, then go home and have dinner!" After Qi Chenglin finished, he closed the door.

Wen Wei: "..."

Yan Danchen: "..."

Qi Chenglin had already entered with Qi You, and Dan Dan Chen opened the door silently. "Auntie is coming in and eating together."

Wen Yan’s mouth seems to be hooked up, although the expression does not change much, but the eyes are like loyal puppies watching you. Seeing that Dan Dan is almost touching his head, come to one sentence, “Sit down , hey, shake hands."

Fortunately, Yu Danchen restrained this impulse and only greeted Wen to come in and eat together.


After returning to the city of B, Wei Muran also contacted Yang Shaoqun, but it seems that the case has not progressed.

On October 8th, the day when the holiday ended officially.

In the morning, Wei Muran received a call from Yang Shaoqun again.

"Muran, today, we received a report, and there was a female corpse, still dying of suffocation, was found dead in the bathtub at home, the bathtub is full of water. This time the difference is that the deceased has a lot of needles The hole, and the forensic identification, the needle is not thin, the thickness is similar to the iron sign used for the outside barbecue booth. Can you tell Mr. Qi to let him come to the city, this time is not simple."

What happened to Wei Muran’s brain was related to this case, but he couldn’t catch it for a while. On the phone, Yang Shaoqun was asking her for help, and Wei Weiran couldn’t think about it.

"I told him to watch." Wei Muran can only say.

Yang Shaoqun happily thanked Wei Muran, and Wei Moran hang up the phone and called Qi Youxuan.

Because there was no recent case, Qi Youxuan did not come over.

This incident Wei Muran did not ask him to go, but gave him the decision. She also knows that Qi Youxuan has his own work to be busy, and it is already the limit for her to go to the police station. This is not his job.

Qi Youxuan said that he was busy with the matter at hand, and if it had not been resolved, he would pass.

Hanging up the phone, Wei Muran frowned and thought about what he had just caught with Yang Shaoqun.

"Muran, what do you think about here so much?" Yang Shaozhan’s technical house finally left his eyes slightly off the computer screen for a while. As a result, he saw Wei’s thoughts and wonders there. Thinking about it, thinking for a long time, the brow wrinkles tighter, and never changed from start to finish.

So Yang Shaozhan finally couldn't help but leave the seat and went to Wei Muran and asked.

Xing Jiadong did not see Wei Muran's face. He just heard Yang Shaozhan ask this question. The big voice said: "What else can you think about? You must be thinking about your boyfriend!"

In cooperation with Qi Youxuan, two cases were broken. Xing Jiadong’s alignment with Youxuan was not as repulsive as it was at the beginning, and he faintly admired him.

However, Wei Mulan suddenly stood up and shocked Yang Shaozhan.

Wei Muran said sorry, and quickly went to Jiang Yuecheng's office.

"Oh, is this a bad idea to decide to see one side?" Xing Jiadong asked a little sluggish.

Yang Shaozhan was too lazy to take care of the second goods, waved his hand and went back to study his computer.

"Wang team, I have something to go out and I will be back soon." Wei Muran said.

Jiang Yuecheng squatted, "What is so urgent?"

There is nothing happening recently, so if something goes out, he will not stop, just watching the performance of the guard, and subconsciously asked.

"It's hard to say now, wait until I'm sure to tell you, now there is only such a guess." Wei Muran twisted his eyebrows and his expression was solemn.

When Jiang Yuecheng saw it, he thought it was related to the official business. Wei Muran did not go out to deal with private matters, and he nodded: "Yes, then go."

Wei Muran did not go home, the house was too far away from here, and once and for all, when she came back, they should also get off work.

There is a bookstore near the police station. It takes only a quarter of an hour to walk. Weimang is fast on the road and arrives in less than ten minutes.

She directly found the best-selling literature area, quickly browsed, and soon found the book she was looking for, called "Heart Kill", which was the book she used to read before going to bed every night.

Just because I was busy with the case, I often worked overtime and stayed up late, went back to sleep, didn't have the spirit, and then I was busy with Qi Youxuan.

Qi Youxuan is busier. In addition to dating her and busy with her work, she has to fight with Wei Zi, and avoids Wei Zi’s eyes and ears crawling into her bedroom.

Anyway, she can't do it the next time, he doesn't listen.

When she came to her room, she didn't do anything particularly excessive. But holding her like her, she also made her face red and her heartbeat was not very good.

Every time he waited for her to go, her mood could not be calmed down, and she couldn’t calmly read the book.

So I have only seen half of the third case in the book, and I have never looked down again. I still don’t know the ending.

Wei Muran quickly turned to the last case, looked at the ending, and made a general understanding, then took the book to check out and rushed back to the police station.

"The Jiang team, I have a guess, it may sound incredible, but I really feel too coincident, too much like it." Wei Moran took the "heart kill" back to the office, he directly found Jiang Yuecheng.

Jiang Yuecheng was reporting, and he first saved the document, then put down the work at hand and let Wei Muran sit down first. "What, slowly."

"This is the new book I just went to the bookstore. I bought one before myself and I was watching it at home." Wei Muran said, handing the book to Jiang Yuecheng.

The plastic seal of the new book has not been dismantled. Jiang Yuecheng only looked at her in confusion. Wei Fanran said: "This book is taken apart. This book is suspenseful in reasoning. One case after another has strung the whole story. Almost every case is The serial murder case. Jiang team, can you quickly read the first three cases? I think I can say this, I may not say it clearly, or you can look at it yourself."

"Related to our case?" Jiang Yuecheng asked sharply.

Wei Muran nodded. "In the previous two cases, I didn't have such a clear feeling. But from the case of T City, I suddenly thought of this book. I feel the two cases that broke in our team recently. And the case that T City is still detecting is too similar to the book. It can't be said exactly the same, but the death of the deceased is exactly the same."

"And, in the first case, the murderer Dong Zhengfeng kidnapped three dead, let them kill the other like the food chain, and then be killed by others. And I remember Dong Zhengfeng's confession, mentioned that he had seen the psychological The doctor then committed suicide in a mental hospital. This is the same as the first case in the book, the case-handling method, and the murderer's end. The murderer also saw the psychiatrist, but it was not cured."

"In the second case, Li Nian became a revenge for the daughter who committed suicide after being forced to fight, killing two people in a row and not attempting to kill the third person. The first deceased was strangled first and then hanged at the door of the dormitory. The student found that the second deceased, abdomen, but still not dead, was suspended in the living room, suffocation and excessive blood loss from the abdomen. It will be discovered because the faucet in the bathtub in the bathroom was unscrewed by the murderer and the water overflowed the bathtub. Infiltrated into the downstairs and received reports from neighbors. The death of the two deceased was exactly the same as in the book. According to Li Nongcheng’s confession, he also saw the psychiatrist.

"The third case, the city is still under investigation. During the National Day, I went on holiday with friends in the city of t, just as one of the first discoverers of the deceased. The first dead died of suffocation, then was sunk The corpse was at the bottom of the resort's hot spring pool. The second dead was discovered this morning. The same method of death was found to have died in a bathtub filled with water. But compared to the first dead, the body was still more A lot of pinholes, according to Yang Shaoqun, the captain of the T-City Criminal Investigation Team, the size of the pinhole is about as thick as the iron sign used for the outside barbecue. It is still impossible to judge whether the deceased was pinned after death or was killed before death. Torture, use a needle, but if it is exactly as described in the book -"

Wei Muran said something difficult: "That is before death."

"I quickly looked at the ending in the bookstore, because after all, the reality can not completely follow the book, so the murder motives of the first two cases are not the same as the book, just the murder method, and have seen the psychiatrist, Therefore, in the third case, I can't rely on the plot in the book to find the murderer." Wei Muran frowned slightly.

"But in the ending of the third case, the murderer in the book also mentioned that he also saw the psychiatrist." Wei Moran said, "Then I hurriedly looked at the ending, the series of cases in the end, They are all led by a psychiatrist. He uses his position and leads to the patient through psychological cues, prompting them to commit a murder case."

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