MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 037 back to B city

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"How do you all look at me like this?" Zhang Shanfei is a very innocent spreader. "Do you not think that I am very reasonable? Isn't the news still going to be such a thing? For the house, brothers and sisters turn their backs, there are Even the parents did not recognize, forcing parents to give themselves a house, this is to kill the house, let alone, I am not surprised that this news is really out. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]

"Oh my God! Who will save his three views!" The team members in their team pressed their hands to the eye and couldn't bear to see Zhang Shanfei flying.

"What's wrong? If you have a *killer, you can't have a life for the house!" Zhang Shanfei fangs. "Mr. Qi, do you have any reason to say what I said?"

Qi Youxuan nodded faintly. "There are no strange reasons for killing people in the world. Some killing people are only for the small things of sesame mung beans, so it is hard to say."

Zhang Shan Fei did not say anything else, but it is the pride of the DPRK know with chin raised eyebrow, a look of "how you look," the proud look.

"Cheng-wei let's wait to come back to say it, if Liu Mingyue alibi established, these speculations are no good." Young Siu group said. <>

"I asked Shi Chenzhong's wife. She knows the relationship between Shi Chenzhong and Xiong Shishi, but Li has already been a full-time wife for seven years, let her go out to work, and work hard to make less money. She can't do it. Make more money. Professionalism, she does not have that ability. Usually, she gives her a lot of money every month in the morning, so she has been very good in material, so even if she knows that there is a woman outside in the morning, she does not pretend. I know, forbearance. As long as Shi Chenzhong still knows to go home, and she knows that the woman outside has a family, she is not really married to an old man in Shi Chenzhong. The woman is just to raise money to support her family, so she I just closed my eyes."

"Li Wuxin's idea is that if she divorced Shi Chenzhong, she has no financial ability, even if she wants to go to court with him, the cost is not what she can afford. Shijia is very valued to her son, will not It’s easy to let go, even if it’s a mistake in the morning. When the adult’s lawsuit will affect the son, no matter who the son is awarded in the future, if it’s really awarded to Shi Chenzhong, it’s hard for her to see her son again. So it’s better to live like this. Anyway, each age is getting bigger, why bother. [Muffy candy novels update fast, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised] Feng Song Wei said, shaking his head.

"I have to say that they are really a couple, and the ideas are so wonderful." Zhang Shanfei snarled.

"Although it is said, she is also suspected. What is the love of killing." Fang Zhi said with his chin.

Feng Songwei shook his head. "In the middle of the night, she sent her son to the hospital with Shi Chenzhong. I confirmed that during that time, she and Shi Chenzhong were in the hospital and did not have time to go to the resort to kill Xiong Shishi."

"The three people who have the most connection with Xiong Shishi have proof of absence, and there is a law check?" Zou Chengwei was violent.

"Xiong Shishi has a bad relationship in the company, but there is no big hatred, not to kill." Fang Zhitong said.

The case was checked for three days, and there was no progress. Wei Muran also went back to the b-market duty, and could not stay in the city.

Qi Youxuan is definitely going to go back with her, and Yang Shaoqun is pleading for everything. Qi Youxuan is determined to never stay.

However, it is a good thing to work together. At least Yang Shaoqun thinks so, so on the day that Qi Youxuan left them, Yang Shaoqun also personally went to the airport to deliver.

Xiao Yiqing was reluctant to leave so soon, and they were together with Wei Muran. As a result, the four girls were clumped together, and the scenes were a bit strange.

"This has only been playing for a few days! And there is no such thing as a lot of fun, and a case investigation has gone." Xiao Yiqing resentful.

Wei Muran also felt very embarrassed. He accidentally left the big army, and the others who were harmed did not have fun.

"When the Spring Festival, let's get together again!" Wei said.

Cheng Xi Orange has always been a playful thing, and immediately thinks of it. "When it is worse than the Spring Festival holiday, let's go out to play? Anyway, we are too familiar with the city of t and b, even if they are together, I don't know what to play, just go to other places for a holiday. Just go to the island, Palau or something, where the signal is not good, I don't believe that I can still hit the murder case."

It has always been a good partner of Cheng Xi Orange. From kindergarten to high school, it is accompanied by Cheng Xi Orange in a class of Qi You Ning excited. "Two oranges are good, anyway, you have a seven-day holiday, I am with two oranges. Winter vacation, more holidays, let's go on the second day of the second day, and it will be enough to play back for a few days. If you are big, please take a few days off."

"Well, go back to our WeChat." Xiao Yiqing said happily.

Xiang Hao Rui did not know when he came over, and the palm of his hand gently pressed on the head of Xiao Yiqing.

Feng Wei Song from the police force in that small group, walked in front of Qiyou Xuan, his face crimson, whispered shyly: "The chai, I do not know be convenient to leave a contact, I would like to learn with you Learn."

Behind Feng Songwei, the police team was slightly disoriented.

The discerning eye knows that Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran are a pair. She is so active to call, is it difficult to insert a bar? Even if it is behind the hook. Men who have a girlfriend, it is already very kind, not to mention the face of Wei Muran.

This will make people feel that there is a problem with the character, not the hook. The little three children who lead the married man are cast aside. Whether the other party is married or not, her behavior is disdainful. Not to mention that Wei Muran did not really intervene to handle the case, but he also stayed in an office for a few days. He also put forward a lot of ideas on the case and opened up a lot of ideas for them.

Although only a few days, but everyone is familiar with each other, although Qi Youxuan's character is not very cute, but Wei Muran's character is really good, everyone loves to pay her this friend, there is any need to help are also willing Help, don't think she is an outsider, or other police force, there is a threat.

When she became a friend, she was even less accustomed to Feng Songwei’s practice. How did you find out before, Feng Songwei is such a person.

Feng Songwei, isn’t it a person?

How can I have a friend who grabbed a friend, and even let them do not be friends with Wei Muran?

Feng Songwei, this is simply the face of their team.

Usually, Feng Songwei is just a little bit squeamish. It’s very common for them to work hard. It’s very common for them. They are also a girl’s family. It’s really bad for them to do it. They are a man. It is reasonable to take care of her. When handling the case, Feng Songwei was also unambiguous, and he was very negligent in doing things.

I did not expect her to be such a person.

But after all, they are just colleagues with Feng Songwei, and they can't say anything. Only when I am afraid to treat Feng Songwei in the future will have reservations.

This girl has a problem with the character!

Qi Youxuan was cold-faced and didn't want to take care of her. He just wanted to say "no" directly.

Wei Muran rushed over and stood next to Qi Youxuan. He took out the pen and paper from the bag and wrote eight digits and handed it to Feng Songwei. "This is the landline in my office. If you encounter If you don't understand the case, just call this phone."

Feng Songwei: "..."

She smiled and took the phone number and listened to it. "If you want to find my boyfriend, I can help you."

Qi Youxuan, who was originally cold-faced, grinned, and his long arm took over Wei’s shoulder. She expressed her gratification and great appreciation for her behavior of loving her husband. The fingertips directly bounced on her shoulders. The piano.

"Sorry, we have a tradition in our family. We can't just give a casual phone number to a casual woman." Qi Youxuan said.

Since Feng Songwei is shameless, he doesn't have to give her face. I really don't mind Feng Songwei's face.

Sure enough, Feng Songwei’s expression was stiff and his face was blue and white, apparently consciously losing face.

Her mouth was open and she was stuttering. She wanted to save herself some face. "I just want to learn more. I will help you in handling the case later. You... don't misunderstand me."

However, Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran did not laugh, but no one answered her. She did not believe her words, nor did she intend to give her a step down. She did not care for her directly.

This kind of attitude is more realistic in her attempt to hook up.

Feng Songwei’s facelessness can only return to the police force. Unfortunately, Yang Shaoqun did not wait to see Feng Songwei’s style. It was moved to the side without a trace, and Feng Songwei was flashed out, letting herself Standing there, it was even more embarrassing.

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