MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 040 Wei Muran’s work is too reliable.

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"I was thinking..." Wei Muran was so nervous that his lips were dry. [Marshmallow novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]

She licked her lips. "If you really follow the book, the murderer of the third case may have seen a psychiatrist. These three murderers are all affected by the psychiatrist and are controlled by the psychiatrist to commit the murder. I don't know if the psychiatrist saw the inspiration received by this book, or --"

"The author of this book is the root of the book." A familiar, clear male voice came from the door.

Wei Muran looked back and Qi Youxuan stood at the door of Jiang Yuecheng's office. Now it is still hot, but he still wears suits and suits, apparently coming directly from the side.

Before Qi Youxuan had been helping the police in the police station, wearing nature is also a leisure-oriented, Wei Muran really rarely sees his formal wear.

He stood at the door like this, and Wei Muran stayed for a while.

The office in Jiang Yuecheng’s office is just right, the sun is falling through the window and falling on the wall, the ground, the table, and the doorway.

Jin Can's sun slanted on Qi Youxuan's body, letting his long body fall in the sun, half hidden in the shadows, half-bright and half-dark.

In the part of the sun, the outline of the whole body seems to be covered with a layer of golden light, and the face has a halo effect, and the half of the dark side is deep and mysterious.

Seeing that Qi Youxuan had some smug smiles, Wei Muran only came back to God and found that he even saw him appear to be in a daze.

I coughed and stood up and got a little red. "How come you are, isn't it very busy?"

"Received your call, I handled the matter at hand, and came over." Qi Youxuan said.

Wei Muran’s discovery naturally won’t take Qi Youxuan. On the way back when he bought the book, he called him and said the situation roughly.

At the same time, he also asked his opinion, and he did not know that his guess was right, although he felt too untrustworthy. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]

Unexpectedly, Qi Youxuan said that her guess is very reliable. This gave Wei Muran confidence, so when he said to Jiang Yuecheng his own guess, the courage was even bigger.

"Do you already know about the book?" asked Jiang Yuecheng.

Qi Youxuan was very familiar with sitting down and nodded. "I also bought one by the way, and I have a general view on the way."

Jiang Yuecheng nodded: "I need to look at this book."

His reaction was to accept Wei Muran’s speculation, which allowed Wei to wash.

The two went out first. Jiang Yuecheng quickly looked at the first three cases and the final outcome in the office. He did not read the specific case handling process. He only looked at the description of the case in detail, including the deceased. Death law, autopsy report, and the confession of the last murderer.

After more than an hour, Jiang Yuecheng finally came out. "Everyone came over and concentrated, there is something to say."

Everyone gathered and formed a half circle, like a small meeting.

"Muran, this book you look more detailed, the previous analysis, trouble you to say it again." Jiang Yuecheng said.

Wei Muran nodded and said the words he had just said with Jiang Yuecheng.

"That said, this is basically a serial case, and it is entirely according to this book." Zhao Yiyang said with amazement, "I really want to see the author of this book, what is the brain, so cattle. Force."

"I am even more curious about the psychiatrist. If there is such a person and it is a murderer, I can move the case in a fictional novel to the reality, and let us not catch the horse. It is really powerful." Sigh, I feel that this is too mysterious.

"This... is really incredible." Xing Jiadong blinked and said subconsciously.

"You can take a look." Jiang Yuecheng gave the book to Xing Jiadong. "After reading this book, I really have to believe it. Even the coincidence of this excuse can't be found. Coincidence will not be exactly the same."

Xing Jiadong was very obedient and immediately opened the book to see The expression was really wonderful, for a while.

"Muran, the case that the city is doing, has no results yet?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

"Yeah." Wei Muran nodded. "I have just discovered a female corpse this morning. As for the specific situation of the second corpse, I have not asked."

"I am going to apply with the Secretary to see if I can combine the third case with the previous two. Let's go to the city to help with the case." Jiang Yuecheng said, getting up and preparing to go outside.

Wei Muran suddenly remembered one thing and hurriedly called him: "Jiang team, wait a minute."

Jiang Yuecheng turned back and Wei Fanran quickly said: "I remember, the first case of the murderer Dong Zhengfeng, did not commit suicide in a mental hospital?"

Jiang Yuecheng nodded, and Wei Muran’s expression was solemn. “The murderer of the first case in the book also committed suicide in a mental hospital. The second case’s murderer died in prison. I remember, in the book, The second murderer was judged to have died in an accident with a prisoner in prison, but the police suspected that he was dead, but he could only suspect that there was no evidence. Only after the last psychiatrist was arrested It really proves that the accidental death is only caused by man-made, but it is actually killing him, in order to annihilate the evidence held by the second murderer."

"If this is the case, then Li Nian's achievements are dangerous." Zhao Yiyang said quickly.

Wei Mu nodded.

"A Yang, you and Jiadong immediately went to find Li Niancheng, first to ensure his safety, and asked him who he saw the psychiatrist. I went to apply with the director." Jiang Yuecheng hurriedly did not dare to delay, busy Out of the door.

If you apply early, you will have a legitimate reason to contact the city, and formally participate in the case.

Wei Muran and Yang Shaozhan were left in the office. Yang Shaozhan was not idle. He did not need Jiang Yuecheng to specifically tell him that he had started to check the registered psychologists in the city of B. It was too big in the country, but thought of the previous two cases. Dong Zhengfeng and Li Niancheng are both born and raised in the city. They have no experience of living in the field for a long time. They have not regularly gone to other places. They want to come to the psychologist to work in the city.

Moreover, those two people should not go to an unlicensed doctor.

Wei Muran has nothing to do, but he is very anxious. It is better to send her some work to distract her energy.

Qi You announced, and said: "I gave Yang Shaoqun a call, he wanted me to help, if I asked him, he would definitely tell me in detail."

This said, Wei Muran came to the spirit, a pair of eyes staring at him.

Qi Youxuan laughed and licked her hair. Wei Muran was only blushing red, and did not marry him. He took out his mobile phone, and called Yang Shaoqun’s number and dialed it.

It seemed to be quite busy there. The phone rang for a long time, and Yang Shaoqun was picked up. Qi Youxuan heard that he was very familiar and called: "Muran!"

"It's me, Qi Youxuan." Qi Youxuan said faintly.

Yang Shaoqun is very excited!

Wei Muran’s work was too reliable. She called her in the morning and got a reply from Qi Youxuan in the afternoon.

"Mr. Qi!" Yang Shaoqun exclaimed excitedly. It was like treating a benefactor who finally found a life-saving name. Qi Youxuan was a little sweaty.

"Muran said that you found another female body this morning. Can you tell me the specifics?" Qi Youxuan asked.

Even if Qi Youxuan couldn't see it, Yang Shaoqun still nodded sharply on the phone, and he couldn't wait to pour out what he knew.

"Can, of course, can." Yang Shaoqun said, in fact, now the team's people are outside the investigation, it is really busy to confuse. When Yang Shaoqun answered the phone, he was asking the mother of the deceased. Now he only asked Zhang Shanfei to ask there.

"The deceased name is Cao Keya. She is a nurse in the internal medicine department of Thui Cihui Hospital. She died of suffocation. This morning, the body was found in her bathtub. After forensic examination, her mouth was covered with tape. Traces, there are many pinholes on the body, all new injuries, similar to the thickness of the sweater needle and barbecue iron. According to the bleeding of the wound, the forensic doctor judged that she was tied before death, the deceased was conscious at the time. Then the nose and mouth were Sticking to the tape and sinking in the bathtub, it is not awkward, but because it is sealed by tape, it suffocates and dies."

"When found, the deceased did not wear clothes, and he sank in the bathtub. The water in the bathtub was full, and the water flow in the faucet was very fine. According to the forensic identification report, the death time of the deceased was at 12:30 in the middle of the night. Between 1 and a half, and the water in the bathtub is equal to one night. Because the water flow is thin, it does not fill the bathtub very quickly. It is the leak in the neighbor's house downstairs in the morning, but the bell is not responding, so it is directly hit. I gave the property and reported it to the police."

"In addition to the pinholes, the deceased was not invaded. The traces of the murderer were not found. The autopsy report just came out. We are now investigating the relationship between the various aspects of the deceased." Yang Shaoqun said, "Now there is no What is the clue, now the mother's house of the deceased."

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