MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 043 You play psychological warfare, your heart is dirty!

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The Secretary sighed and sighed: "The more honest, you - oh!"

Jiang Jia is a world friend with him. Jiang Yuecheng is a big man since he was a child. For this nephew, he really can't directly talk like other people. [Marshmallow. There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

At this time, Jiang Yuecheng received a call from Zhao Yiyang.

Zhao Yiyang’s voice was heavy and the air pressure was extremely low. “The Jiang team, Li Niancheng died. He heard the prison guard said that he was arguing with others in prison. When he was fighting, he hit the wall and just hit the stone tip and died on the spot.”

Jiang Yuecheng: "..."

"Know it." Jiang Yuecheng sighed, hung up the phone and called, "Zhao Shu."

Director Zhao sighed. Jiang Yuecheng was in the police station. Even if they were only two of them, they would not call him like this. They just didn't want to be special at work.

But this time, it was all so called, so that Secretary Zhao couldn’t really refuse.

"The second case in the book, the murderer died in prison, the cause of death was a squabble with the prisoner, and then hands-on, leading to accidental death. Just now Zhao Yiyang came to the phone, Li Niancheng died, that is the case we just finished, the cause of death and the book The description is exactly the same.” Jiang Yuecheng took a deep breath and spurted heavily. “Zhao Shu, isn’t this enough to explain? I don’t know the city now, they’re only a separate case, no. I think there is still someone behind the murderer."

"Zhao Shu, even if you still don't believe it, you should be a helper, do you?" Jiang Yuecheng left the relationship at work and said, "If we finally think about it, then I am willing to apologize to the city. If we are really right, we can avoid more people dying."

Director Zhao sighed heavily and took him without hesitation. "You!"

In addition to the pleading of Jiang Yuecheng, and because of Zhao Yiyang’s call, Li Niancheng’s end also allowed Zhao to face this matter.

Director Zhao called the director of the city council in the face of Jiang Yuecheng and did not say "heart kill".

Jiang Yuecheng took the book to look for him, and gave him an example in person. He still has reservations, let alone the Secretary of the city of Yang, who is only talking on the phone. Many things are unclear. [Marshmallow. There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. I haven't seen "Heart Kill" and haven't touched two previous cases. How can I think this kind of guess is ridiculous?

Therefore, Director Zhao only said that the third case was related to the two cases they had solved before. Some of the details in the first two cases are very similar to the third case. I hope that the city of B can also participate in it. Of course, it is still the market. Leading, b city will not be more and more embarrassing.

The other party agreed, and Director Zhao hangs up. "Okay, you are ready to go. The work here is handed over to other groups."

"Thank you Zhao Shu." Jiang Yuecheng smiled.

"You kid, that is, when you ask for me." Director Zhao smiled.

Jiang Yuecheng returned to the office. Although Li Niancheng had broken the clues, at least the matter of going to the city was completed.

Going back to Wei Muran, after they said this, Wei Muran also breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, Zhao Yiyang came back with Xing Jiadong. Both of them had black faces and felt awkward.

The clue that was discovered today has passed, and the result is that who knows that Li Niancheng is dead.

If you die for a long time, you will forget it. If you just died yesterday, it will be a step later. If you passed yesterday, can you save Li Niancheng and know the name of the psychiatrist from his mouth?

Xing Jiadong's fire slammed the table hard, and the "squeaky" sounded the people who were not prepared, but no one said him.

Because of this, the air pressure in the office is quite low.

"We asked the situation in detail. We also found the prisoners who had disputed with Li Niancheng yesterday. They are the old people in the prison. They have a small gang, which is equal to the small gang in the prison. Their confession is not flawed at all. I also insisted that no one has led them. The prison guard also said that no one has contacted them recently. The last contact was also two months ago, when a sister from a small group came to see him."

"The man joined the gang a year ago. In order to survive in the prison, the Metropolis found some power in the prison. The man is younger, 20 years old, because he was stealing the contractor at the construction site. The wages paid to the workers, a total of 100,000, were arrested by the police. Although young, but also know a few social youth, some people reminded him before he went to prison, it is best to find a way to find a back, So he entered the gang." Zhao Yiyang was still restrained, and Xing Jiadong couldn't say anything in the air. Zhao Yiyang explained patiently.

"Whether this newcomer’s time of imprisonment or the most recent visit was early before the incident, there is no connection from it.” Zhao Yiyang said.

Qi Youxuan’s finger tapped on the table, but he was very interested in “Hm”, and the tail of the rising sound seemed to be a little tune. It was surprisingly nice, and Wei Weiran was a little crisp.

She was numb and crisp, her face was a bit red, and she couldn’t help but looked down at Qi Youxuan, who was sitting lazily.

Qi Youxuan seems to have expected her reaction, just looking at the past proudly, gently picking up the eyebrows, the mouth of the micro-hook seems to be like her.

Wei Muran squinted at him with a red face. Qi You’s mouth was even more powerful. He also squinted at her and asked Zhao Yiyang: “You said that the prisoners answered the question without any flaws?”

Zhao Yiyang nodded, but did not expect Qi Youxuan to happily took two shots.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, Qi Youxuan said: "I am afraid that they have flaws. If there are no flaws, it means that there are people behind them. Some people expect that the police will check them and will interrogate them, so they have prepared their words in advance to let them back."

"When they answered your questions, did they not have a card?" Qi Youxuan asked like a smile.

Xing Jiadong was very nodding. "Yeah, think about it now, the answer is a smooth one!"

"So it is a good deal in advance." Qi Youxuan said, "Since Li Niancheng is dead, it is completely in accordance with the development of the book, we can not change his death, can only continue to use the existing conditions. Now The development of things has become more and more consistent in the points in the book, then we can temporarily set the person behind the scenes as a psychiatrist."

"Psychologists will naturally grasp the human psychology, and they can take the three murderers to control them exactly according to his own meaning, and explain the means. Such people do things without leaking, if the answers of those prisoners really have loopholes. I must suspect that the psychiatrist’s proactive loopholes let us see it. I’m really afraid of being played by him. There are loopholes, we will worry that this is what he deliberately showed us, but it will be contradictory. In case it is true? If it is true, we can't believe it. This kind of true and false, false and real things is the most difficult to judge."

"He has given such a perfect reason now. Instead, we don't need to guess, only implement his identity. Isn't that good? At least one problem has been removed." Qi Youxuan said with a smile.

Xing Jiadong’s fist knocked on the palm of his hand. “You’re playing psychological warfare, your heart is dirty!”

Qi Youxuan: "..."

"When you let me help, I still lick my heart, is this really good?" Qi You Xuan Yin said.

"..." Xing Jiadong smiled shamelessly, "We need you like this talent!"

Oh, this bear is open!


After consultation, Jiang Yuecheng decided to let Zhang Ming, Xing Jiadong and Yang Shaozhan stay and follow up with the psychiatrist and the prisoners in the prison. The rest of the people went to the city together.

Although Yang Shaoqun is not exclusive, but in any case, this is an independent case of the city of t, what is going on in the city of b?

On the other side of the city, there is a bit of emotion in the team.

Fortunately, Qi Youxuan made a phone call and said that he would also go to the city with the team, and this thing is quite tricky. After waiting, explain it to them in detail.

Jiang Yuecheng, Zhao Yiyang, Wei Fanran and Qi Youxuan set off early the next morning and arrived at the city at noon.

Yang Shaoqun personally drove to pick them up, met Jiang Yuecheng and others, and looked at Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran's face, still very polite.

"It’s just noon, let’s have a meal first. In the afternoon, we will tell the case in detail about the case.” In the car, Yang Shaoqun said.

"At noon, when you have dinner with your teammates, just to explain the main purpose of our visit here. Yang team, you can rest assured that we are not coming over to intervene in your case, but this case is related to the two cases we have previously handled. Although the three cases are three different murderers, we suspect that the three murderers are also behind the control. When everyone is ready, we will explain in detail. As for the case of the city, we will not be too much. Intervene, as long as we let us follow up the case situation. This time there is more risk, I hope you don't mind." Jiang Yuecheng sincerely said.

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